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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

R?dio escolar: pr?ticas e atitudes educomunicativas na constitui??o do sujeito

Silva, Edivanaldo Vicente da 18 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-02-15T11:10:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EdivanaldoVicenteDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3499815 bytes, checksum: 7596efed08a885d3ecfeb0551a5563c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-15T15:52:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EdivanaldoVicenteDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3499815 bytes, checksum: 7596efed08a885d3ecfeb0551a5563c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-15T15:52:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdivanaldoVicenteDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3499815 bytes, checksum: 7596efed08a885d3ecfeb0551a5563c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-18 / O aparecimento da Educomunica??o pode ser relacionado ? luta pela democratiza??o da educa??o e dos meios de comunica??o massivos no Brasil nas ?ltimas d?cadas do s?culo XX. Nesse sentido, faz-nos refletir sobre a comunica??o educativa enquanto di?logo, especialmente por diferenciar-se da transmiss?o de informa??o dos meios de comunica??o de massa ao privilegiar os interlocutores, e principalmente, pelo processo de intera??o caracterizado por Bakhtin/Volochinov (2004; 2011) no campo dial?gico e defendido por Freire (1985; 1988; 2004; 2005) no contexto educacional. Por esse direcionamento, esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo as pr?ticas educomunicativas durante a implanta??o da r?dio escolar numa ONG - ADIC-RN ? Associa??o para o Desenvolvimento de Iniciativas e Cidadania do Rio Grande do Norte - e como os atores sociais envolvidos tornam-se sujeito ativo da pr?pria comunica??o em suas pr?ticas cotidianas escolares e na sociedade. Na Metodologia, adotamos uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo etnogr?fica, atrav?s de question?rios, entrevistas e observa??o participante. Apoiamos nossa pesquisa nos construtos adotados pela inter-rela??o entre comunica??o e educa??o autores como: Kapl?n (1992; 1996;) Martin-Barbero (2006; 2014). Al?m dos processos de educomunica??o, Soares (1999; 2000; 2011), Schaun (2002a; 2002b), Citelli (2000; 2001; 2011), Cossani (2012), e outros fomentados pela amplia??o da comunica??o no ecossistema do espa?o educativo ao estimular habilidades a partir do r?dio, considerando a import?ncia desse meio para a forma??o da cidadania os resultados nos apontaram que os estudos da Educa??o e da Comunica??o produzida nos setores da educa??o informal, v?m contribuindo para a aprendizagem na constitui??o do sujeito reflexivo por meio das atitudes do Educomunicador. / The appearance of educommunication can be related to the struggle for the democratization of education and the mass media in Brazil in the last decades of the twentieth century. In this sense, makes us reflect on the educational communication as dialogue, especially differentiate the transmission of information from mass media to focus the parties, and especially the interaction process characterized by Bakhtin / Voloshinov (2004; 2011 ) in dialogic field and defended by Freire (1985; 1988; 2004; 2005) in the educational context. For this direction, this research has as study object the educomunicativas practices for the implementation of school radio in NGO - ADIC-RN - Association for the Development of Initiatives and Citizenship of Rio Grande do Norte - and how the actors involved become active subject of communication itself in their school daily practices and society. In the methodology, we adopted a qualitative research of the ethnographic type, through questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. We support our research in the constructs adopted by the interrelationship between communication and education authors such us: Kaplun (1992; 1996;) Martin-Barbero (2006; 2014); In addition to the educational communication processes, Soares (1999; 2000; 2011), Schaun (2002a; 2002b), Citelli (2000; 2001; 2011), Cossani (2012), and others promoted by the communication expansion in the ecosystem of the educational space to encourage skills from the radio, considering the importance of this medium for the formation of citizenship the results pointed us that the studies of Education and Communication produced in the sectors of informal education, have been contributing to the learning in the constitution of the reflective subject through the attitudes of the Educommunicator.

An?lise do balan?o de energia entre a interface atmosfera-gelo-?gua sobre o Mar de Weddell

Brito Neto, Francisco Agustinho de 31 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-02-15T12:38:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAgustinhoDeBritoNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 3893797 bytes, checksum: f8f362f7dacddff2f5bb1679cbfbb1f4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-19T21:00:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAgustinhoDeBritoNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 3893797 bytes, checksum: f8f362f7dacddff2f5bb1679cbfbb1f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-19T21:00:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAgustinhoDeBritoNeto_DISSERT.pdf: 3893797 bytes, checksum: f8f362f7dacddff2f5bb1679cbfbb1f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / As regi?es polares t?m um papel crucial no clima do planeta, pois constituem verdadeiros sumidouros de energia. O continente Ant?rtico apresenta caracter?sticas f?sicas e geogr?ficas que propiciam a gera??o de condi??es meteorol?gicas adversas, tendo outro importante atributo a grande variabilidade interanual do gelo marinho. Este estudo tem como um dos objetivos estudar e avaliar o comportamento das condi??es de gelo marinho em pontos fixos no Mar de Weddell, assim como os fluxos de energia em superf?cie e temperatura do ar, utilizando um modelo din?mico pontual. A ?rea de estudo corresponde ao Mar de Weddell situado na parte mais ao sul do oceano Atl?ntico, entre as latitudes 83? 10? Sul a 55? 00? Sul e longitudes 84? 00? Oeste a 10? 00? Leste. Esta ?rea cobre aproximadamente 3,4 milh?es de Km? correspondendo aproximadamente o tamanho do Giro de Weddell. Um outro objetivo ? caracterizar as condi??es clim?ticas em superf?cie na regi?o. Para isso utilizaram-se dados di?rios de Press?o Atmosf?rica em Superf?cie, Velocidade e Dire??o do Vento, al?m da Temperatura do ar a 2 metros, oriundos de 6 esta??es meteorol?gicas do Instituto Ant?rtico Argentino localizados ao longo da borda continental que compreende o Mar de Weddell. Desta forma, realizou-se um estudo das condi??es extremas na velocidade do vento, com dados de rean?lise do Era-Interim, para os ventos zonal e meridional, press?o ao n?vel m?dio do mar e altura geopotencial. Para as condi??es iniciais que alimentam o modelo pontual de gelo marinho, utilizaram-se dados dos fluxos de energia e radia??o di?rios provenientes das rean?lises do NCEP/NCAR. O per?odo de estudo compreende janeiro de 1979 a dezembro de 2015. Quanto ? caracteriza??o das condi??es meteorol?gicas sobre o Mar de Weddell observou-se que quando h? eventos extremos na regi?o, estes estavam associados a ciclones extratropicais transientes. Tendo tamb?m impacto no aumento da temperatura na maioria das esta??es, devido ? advec??o de temperatura oriundo de latitudes menores. As simula??es com o modelo pontual mostraram que a neve ? um grande controlador na taxa de crescimento e derretimento do gelo marinho sobre o Mar do Weddell. Enquanto, que o modelo subestima a Temperatura do Ar em todos os pontos simulados. / The polar regions play a crucial role in the climate of the planet, as they constitute true energy sinks. The Antarctic continent presents physical and geographical characteristics that provide the generation of adverse weather conditions, having another important attribute the great interannual variability of the sea ice. This study has as one of the objectives to study and evaluate the behavior of marine ice conditions at fixed points in the sea of Weddell, as well as the energy flows in surface and temperature of the air, using a dynamic model punctual. The area of study corresponds to the sea of Weddell situated in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, between the latitudes 83 ? 10 ' South at 55 ? 00 ' South and longitudes 84 ? 00 ' West at 10 ? 00 ' East. This area covers approximately 3.4 million km? corresponding to approximately the size of Weddell. Another objective is to characterize the surface climatic conditions in the region. For this use daily data of atmospheric pressure on surface, speed and direction of the wind, in addition to the air temperature at 2 meters, from 6 meteorological stations of the Argentine Antarctic Institute located along the Continental edge that comprises the sea of Weddell. In this way, a study of the extreme conditions at wind speed was carried out, with data of reanalysis of the Era-Interim, for the winds of the region and the south, pressure at the average sea level and geopotential height. For the initial conditions that feed the time model of marine ice, data were used of the daily energy flows and radiation from the reanalysis of NCEP/NCAR. The study period comprises January from 1979 to December 2015. As for the characterization of the weather conditions on the sea of Weddell it was observed that when there are extreme events in the region, these were associated with transient extratropical cyclones. It also has an impact on the increase in temperature in most stations due to the advection of temperature from smaller latitudes. The simulations with the punctual model showed that snow is a great controller in the rate of growth and melting of sea ice over the sea of the Weddell. Meanwhile, the model underestimates the air temperature at all simulated points.

"Aconchego do Lar": desvelando o acolhimento familiar no RN

Jacobina, La?s Fernandes 06 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-02T23:06:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-13T15:41:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-13T15:41:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisFernandesJacobina_DISSERT.pdf: 1440338 bytes, checksum: f34e2308cff126d84520c28c89d94378 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-06 / Como alternativa formal de defesa dos direitos do p?blico infantojuvenil, o Servi?o de Acolhimento Familiar (SAF) surge pela necessidade de prevenir-se o encaminhamento de crian?as e adolescentes a institui??es, logo, encontra-se inserido em um processo de reformula??o da pol?tica de prote??o e garantia dos direitos das crian?as e adolescentes. Nesse contexto, o munic?pio alvo desta pesquisa ? pioneiro na implanta??o do servi?o no Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Assim, discute-se a inser??o do SAF na rede socioassistencial do munic?pio, sob a perspectiva dos atores envolvidos em seu funcionamento: equipe t?cnica, coordenador, fam?lias (acolhedora e de origem), crian?a acolhida, Conselho Tutelar, Promotor de Justi?a e Juiz. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas, foi realizada uma an?lise acerca das concep??es destes atores sobre o SAF, do papel que exercem, buscando compreender como se deu o processo de implanta??o do SAF e se ele ? considerado uma alternativa de cuidados ? popula??o infantojuvenil. A partir da leitura do material coletado, depreenderam-se tr?s eixos de an?lise preponderantes: I - Concep??es sobre o SAF; II - Papel desempenhado no SAF e III ? O SAF no contexto local. O estudo mostra que o acolhimento familiar ? considerado uma interessante alternativa de atendimento ?s crian?as e adolescentes do munic?pio, embora ainda existam dificuldades quanto ao p?blico adolescente. Foi ressaltada a aten??o individualizada e a afetividade no conv?vio entre a crian?a/adolescente e a fam?lia acolhedora, em um ambiente familiar, o qual foi considerado mais salutar que o institucional. Todavia, a inser??o do SAF na rede socioassistencial, tem sido vivenciada com reservas por alguns atores, havendo ainda um caminho a ser percorrido para alcan?ar a solidifica??o desse servi?o na rede, pois ainda existem desafios a serem vencidos, como, dentre outros, maior dissemina??o de informa??es sobre o SAF na regi?o, e consequente crescimento do cadastro de fam?lias acolhedoras. / As a formal alternative to defend the rights of children and adolescents, the Foster Care Service (FCS) comes from the need to prevent the referral of children and adolescents to institutions, so it is inserted in a process of reformulation of the protection policy and the guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents. In this context, the target municipality of this research is a pioneer in the implementation of the service in Rio Grande do Norte (RN).Therefore, the insertion of the FCS in the socio assistance network of the municipality is discussed, from the perspective of the actors involved in its operation: technical team, coordinator, families (host and original), foster child, Child Care Council, Promoter of Justice and Judge. Based on semi-structured interviews, an analysis of the conceptions of these actors on the FCS was accomplished, of the role they play, trying to understand how it was the implementation process of the FCS and whether it is considered as an alternative care for the child and adolescent population. From the reading of the collected material, three preponderant axes of analysis were inferred: I - Conceptions about the FCS; II - Role played in the FCS and III - FCS in the local context. The study shows that family shelter is considered to be an interesting alternative for the care of children and adolescents of the municipality, although there are still difficulties regarding the adolescent public. It was emphasized the individualized attention and affectivity in the relationship between the child/adolescent and the foster family environment, which was considered more salutary than the institutional one. However, the insertion of the FCS in the social assistance network has been experienced with reservations by some actors, and there is still a long way to achieve the solidification of this service in the network, as there are still challenges to be overcome, such as, among others, greater dissemination of information on the FCS in the region, and consequent growth in the register of foster families.

O Recife que ningu?m v?: uma an?lise do morar no bairro do Pilar no Recife

Lima, Ant?nio Marques Silva 30 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-12T15:13:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioMarquesSilvaLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1340458 bytes, checksum: 33a34cbb0dd68aa4e658c6f462da3aa4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-15T13:15:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioMarquesSilvaLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1340458 bytes, checksum: 33a34cbb0dd68aa4e658c6f462da3aa4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T13:15:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioMarquesSilvaLima_DISSERT.pdf: 1340458 bytes, checksum: 33a34cbb0dd68aa4e658c6f462da3aa4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Diante de um contexto mercadol?gico e consequentemente de consumo das cidades, o trabalho que se apresenta tem como objetivo discutir como a mercantiliza??o dos espa?os vem adequando seus arredores n?o inclu?dos nos fins de uma l?gica mais econ?mica, parente de uma modernidade adequada aos par?metros mercantis. Trataremos aqui das estrat?gias tomadas pelos moradores do bairro do Pilar no Recife, diante do processo de gentrifica??o dos arredores do lugar, que, atendendo aos anseios consumistas, sofreu todo um processo de modifica??o de sua l?gica estrutural em prol de uma adequa??o ao turismo e ao consumidor. O trabalho busca compreender a situa??o de quem reside junto ao polo tur?stico mais importante da cidade, convivendo com a extrema car?ncia de pol?ticas p?blicas diversas, separados de todo o luxo pr?-consumidor, por tapumes. Buscaremos observar poss?veis t?ticas e estrat?gias adotadas pelos moradores do bairro do Pilar, vizinho ao Recife Antigo, para sobreviver em meio ao capitalismo e especula??o imobili?ria. Partiremos de uma an?lise microssociol?gica, para entender a partir do indiv?duo e das suas rela??es cotidianas, como se d? essa significa??o do morar em um espa?o permeado por desigualdades, buscando verificar se existem estrat?gias de ressignifica??o do espa?o habitado e se estas est?o de certo modo vinculadas ao processo de gentrifica??o do Recife Antigo.

Em busca dos tesouros de Cear?-Mirim: (re)escrevendo hist?rias, valorizando culturas

Silva, Maria Jos? da 30 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-13T13:03:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaJoseDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3633162 bytes, checksum: c3e899f8d7576e818f364021373f33e4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-19T16:44:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaJoseDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3633162 bytes, checksum: c3e899f8d7576e818f364021373f33e4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-19T16:44:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaJoseDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3633162 bytes, checksum: c3e899f8d7576e818f364021373f33e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-30 / Este projeto de interven??o vincula-se ao campo da Lingu?stica Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 1996, 2006, 2009) e apresenta vertente etnogr?fica (ANDR?, 1995; ERICKSON, 1989). Desenvolvido em uma comunidade de aprendizagem (AFONSO, 2001), formada por alunos do 9o ano do ensino fundamental II, uma professora de L?ngua Portuguesa e uma professora-pesquisadora, ambas da Escola Estadual Monsenhor Celso Cicco, em Cear?-Mirim, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, al?m de agentes externos ? escola, este projeto tem por objeto de estudo a escrita como pr?tica social, desenvolvida atrav?s do estudo da cultura patrimonializada local e estabelece como produto um roteiro de turismo em forma de videolivro, mapeando alguns bens do Patrim?nio Hist?rico e Cultural de Cear?-Mirim. Para a realiza??o deste trabalho, desenvolvemos um projeto de letramento (KLEIMAN, 1995, 2005), entendido como modelo did?tico (TINOCO, 2008), sustentado no pressuposto da ?escrita como pr?tica social?. Ancoramo-nos ainda no conceito de multiletramentos (ROJO, MOURA, 2012), letramentos sociais (STREET, 2014) e na concep??o dial?gica de linguagem (BAKHTIN, [1929] 2014). Partindo da cultura de refer?ncia dos alunos (CERTEAU, 2014), utilizamos linguagens por eles reconhecidas, trouxemos para a sala de aula a cultura patrimonializada de Cear?-Mirim e desenvolvemos pr?ticas situadas de linguagem que visaram a mapear, sob a perspectiva de jovens cear?-mirinenses, os bens que se configuraram como importantes para a constru??o do referido roteiro. Nesse processo, tivemos como objetivo geral desenvolver pr?ticas de escrita que visassem a re(descobrir) e, assim, a dar visibilidade a determinados bens da cultura patrimonializada de Cear?-Mirim. Para atingir esse objetivo geral, estabelecemos os seguintes objetivos espec?ficos: i) mapear, sob a perspectiva dos cear?-mirinenses do grupo, os bens que se configuram como importantes para forma??o de um videolivro; ii) identificar aspectos das pr?ticas de escrita desenvolvidas nesse projeto como ressignificadoras do ensino e aprendizagem da l?ngua materna; iii) compreender como o projeto de letramento pode ressignificar o processo de ensinar e aprender LP. A rede de atividades (OLIVEIRA; SANTOS; TINOCO, 2014) que foi desenvolvida durante todo o projeto encaminhou para a gera??o de dados, materializados em forma de textos, v?deos, fotografias que apontaram para a uma nova postura do aluno frente ?s demandas sociais e econ?micas da sociedade grafoc?ntrica. Durante todo o per?odo de gera??o dos dados, depreendemos que, ao conhecer sua cultura e a hist?ria de seu povo, o aluno se engaja mais em um sentimento de pertencimento ? sua comunidade e aos problemas sociais nos quais est? envolvido. Em face disso, percebemos que este projeto contribui para a ressignifica??o de pr?ticas de leitura e escrita que saem do espa?o escolar e se projetam para al?m dos muros da escola. A an?lise dos dados ? feita a partir do processo desenvolvido durante todo o tempo do projeto e tem como categorias de an?lise: i) a escrita como pr?tica social; ii) a rede de atividades que se desenvolveu durante todo o projeto; e, iii) os g?neros discursivos e sua rela??o com cada evento de letramento do projeto como um todo, do ponto de vista do g?nero discursivo (BAKHTIN [1953] 2011), a??o social (BAZERMAN, 2005). / This intervention project is linked to the Applied Linguistics field (MOITA LOPES, 1996, 2006, 2009) and comprises an ethnographic dimension (ANDR?, 1995; ERICKSON, 1989). The project was developed in a learning community (AFONSO, 2001) comprised of 9th grade students, a Portuguese language teacher, a teacher/ researcher from the Escola Estadual Monsenhor Celso Cicco state school in Ceara-Mirim (city located in the northern Brazil state of Rio Grande do Norte), as well as outside agents. The project?s objective was to study writing as a social practice that itself is developed through the study of inherited local culture. Its final product was the creation of a touristic route script mapping some of the local assets of Ceara-Mirim?s Historical and Cultural Heritage institutions, to be presented as a videobook. To achieve this final result a literacy project was developed (KLEIMAN, 1995, 2005) to serve as a didactic model (TINOCO, 2008) supported by the ?writing as a social practice? tenet. The researchers also based the project on the concepts of multiliteracy (ROJO, MOURA, 2012), social literacy (STREET, 2014) and dialogic language (BAKHTIN, [1929] 2014). Starting at the student?s cultural frame of reference (CERTEAU, 2014), the researchers used familiar language, brought the inherited local culture into the classroom and developed situated language practices that aimed at mapping, under the points of view of the youngsters themselves, what was relevant enough to be added to this particular touristic route. The general objective of the project was to put into practice those concepts that allowed for the discovery and rediscovery of writing and, through that, make certain aspects of the cultural inheritance of Ceara-Mirim more noticeable and visible. To achieve this broader objective the researchers established as key the following specific and more focused objectives: i) to map, according to the points of view of the local youngsters, which cultural assets are relevant enough to be placed in a videobook; ii) to identify aspects of the writing practices developed in the project as re-significations for the teaching and learning of the mother-tongue; iii) to understand how the literacy project can serve as re-signification to the process of teaching and learning the Portuguese Language. The activity network (OLIVEIRA; SANTOS; TINOCO, 2014) developed during the entire process lead the project toward the generation of data ? materialized in the form of texts, videos and photographs ? that, in turn, pointed toward a new posture of the students when facing the social and economic demands of a graphocentric society. During the entire period of data generation the researchers observed that, once aware of the culture and history of their people, the students become more engaged with a feeling of belonging to the community ? and also to the social problems that affect it. In face of those findings, the researchers noted how the project contributed to the re-signification of reading and writing practices outside the school context and community ? and into real life. Data analysis was conducted throughout the entirety of the project and comprises the following categories: i) writing as a social practice; ii) the activity network developed; and iii) the discursive genres and their link to each of the literacy events of the project as a whole, according to the point of view of the social action (BAZERMAN, 2005) discursive genre (BAKHTIN [1953] 2011).

Avalia??o top-down de consultas de caminhos livres-decontexto em grafos

Medeiros, Ciro Morais 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-02T12:19:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CiroMoraisMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 4866075 bytes, checksum: 12574ac5a6867ff73a1dc45a5ef78478 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-04T11:51:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CiroMoraisMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 4866075 bytes, checksum: 12574ac5a6867ff73a1dc45a5ef78478 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-04T11:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CiroMoraisMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 4866075 bytes, checksum: 12574ac5a6867ff73a1dc45a5ef78478 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / A internet possibilitou a cria??o de um imenso espa?o de dados global, que pode ser acessado na forma de p?ginas web. Entretanto, p?ginas web s?o ideais para apresentar conte?do para seres humanos, mas n?o para serem interpretadas por m?quinas. Al?m disso, se torna dif?cil relacionar as informa??es armazenadas nos bancos de dados por tr?s dessas p?ginas. Para contornar esses problemas foi desenvolvido o Linked Data, um conjunto de boas pr?ticas para relacionamento e publica??o de dados. O formato padr?o recomendado pelo Linked Data para armazenamento e publica??o de dados relacionados ? o Resource Description Framework (RDF). Este formato utiliza triplas na forma (sujeito, predicado, objeto) para estabelecer relacionamentos entre os dados. Um banco de dados de triplas pode ser facilmente visualizado como um grafo, de maneira que as consultas s?o feitas por meio da defini??o de caminhos no grafo. SPARQL, a linguagem padr?o para consultas em grafos RDF, possibilita a defini??o de caminhos utilizando express?es regulares. Entretanto, express?es regulares t?m expressividade reduzida, insuficiente para algumas consultas desej?veis. Para contornar este problema, alguns trabalhos propuseram a utiliza??o de gram?ticas livres-de-contexto para definir os caminhos. Desenvolvemos um algoritmo para avalia??o de consultas de caminhos livres-de-contexto em grafos inspirado em t?cnicas de parsing top-down. Dado um grafo e uma consulta definida com base em uma gram?tica livre-de-contexto, nosso algoritmo identifica pares de v?rtices ligados por caminhos que formam palavras pertencentes ? linguagem gerada pela gram?tica. Argumentamos que nosso algoritmo ? correto e demonstramos outras propriedades importantes. O algoritmo apresenta complexidade c?bica de tempo de execu??o no pior caso em termos do n?mero de v?rtices no grafo. Implementamos o algoritmo proposto e avaliamos seu desempenho com bancos de dados RDF e com grafos sint?ticos para confirmar sua efici?ncia. / The internet has enabled the creation of an immense global data space, that may be accessed in the form of web pages. However, web pages are ideal for presenting content to human beings, but not to be interpreted by machines. In addition, it becomes difficult to relate the information stored in the databases behind these pages. To overcome those problems, the Linked Data was developed as a set of good practices for relating and publishing data. The standard format recommended by Linked Data for storing and publishing related data is RDF. This format uses triples in the form (subject, predicate, object) to stabilish relationships between the data. A triplestore can be easily visualized as a graph, so queries are made by defining paths in the graph. SPARQL, the standard query language for RDF graphs, supports the definition of paths using regular expressions. However, regular expressions have reduced expressiveness, insufficient for some desirable queries. In order to overcome this problem, some studies have proposed the use of context-free grammars to define the paths. We present an algorithm for evaluating context-free path queries in graphs inspired by top-down parsing techniques. Given a graph and a query defined over a contextfree grammar, our algorithm identifies pairs of vertices linked by paths that form words of the language generated by the grammar. We argue that our algorithm is correct and demonstrate other important properties of it. It presents cubic worst-case runtime complexity in terms of the number of vertices in the graph. We implemented the proposed algorithm and evaluated its performance with RDF databases and synthetic graphs to confirm its efficiency.

A sequ?ncia argumentativa e a contra-argumenta??o no g?nero coment?rio: uma proposta de sequ?ncia did?tica no 9? ano do ensino fundamental

Silva, Sadart Vieira da 21 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-03T15:21:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SadartVieiraDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 6126058 bytes, checksum: 11d0e117793768fd6976001317dcf501 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-10T23:09:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SadartVieiraDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 6126058 bytes, checksum: 11d0e117793768fd6976001317dcf501 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T23:09:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SadartVieiraDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 6126058 bytes, checksum: 11d0e117793768fd6976001317dcf501 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-21 / A presente disserta??o ? dedicada ao estudo, an?lise e descri??o de uma sequ?ncia did?tica para o ensino de leitura e escrita de um g?nero textual, o coment?rio, caracterizado enquanto sequ?ncia argumentativa, numa turma de 9? ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola p?blica do munic?pio de Parnamirim/RN. Essa interven??o teve como objetivos analisar o ensino-aprendizagem do g?nero textual selecionado e, principalmente, promover pr?ticas de escrita da sequ?ncia argumentativa que contribu?ssem para que os textos produzidos pelos alunos se apresentem mais produtivos, reflexivos e argumentativos. Focamos a produ??o dos coment?rios na quest?o da contra-argumenta??o e do uso de conectores contra- argumentativos. Para realizar a interven??o, utilizamos pressupostos te?ricos advindos das seguintes abordagens: dos estudos de Dolz e Scheneuwly (s.d.), com respeito aos projetos de classe, sequ?ncia did?tica; dos modelos te?ricos de Lopes- Rossi (2011), com rela??o aos projetos pedag?gicos de leitura e produ??o de g?neros discursivos; das diretrizes dos PCN (1998), quanto ? escolha pelo g?nero e suas implica??es no ensino-aprendizagem dos estudos de Marcuschi (2003, 2007, 2008, 2010), Koch (1990, 2007, 2011, 2015), sobre os g?neros textuais e suas inter- rela??es ensino-aprendizagem e produ??o textual; das teorias sobre argumenta??o observadas em Perelman; Olbrechts-Tyteca, (2014), Ducrot, (2009), Plantin, (2008); das posi??es te?rico-metodol?gicas de J. M. Adam (2010, 2011) referentes ?s sequ?ncias textuais, especificamente a sequ?ncia argumentativa, a contra- argumenta??o e os conectores contra-argumentativos. Apresentamos como resultados a produ??o de 63 coment?rios em tr?s etapas de escrita, sendo uma etapa num grupo de discuss?o do Facebook? e duas reescritas de coment?rios na sala de aula no suporte papel. Analisamos o processo de evolu??o da escrita contra- argumentativa e a utiliza??o de conectores contra-argumentativos nas produ??es dos alunos. / This dissertation is dedicated to the study, analysis and description of a didactic sequence for teaching reading and writing of a genre text, the comment, characterized as argumentative sequence, a class of 9th grade of elementary school at a public school in the city of Parnamirim/RN ? Brazil. This intervention aimed to analyze the teaching and learning of the selected genre and especially promote the following argumentative writing practices that contribute to the texts produced by the students prove to be more productive, reflective and argumentative. We focus on the production of comments on the issue of counter-arguments and the use of connectors counterargumentative. To perform the procedure, we use theoretical assumptions arising from the following approaches: studies of Dolz and Scheneuwly (nd), with respect to class projects, didactic sequence; the theoretical models of Lopes-Rossi (2011) with respect to educational projects of reading and production of genres; guideline of PCN (1998) regarding the choice by gender and its implications in teaching and learning; Marcuschi of study (2003, 2007, 2008, 2010), Koch (1990, 2007, 2011, 2015), about the texts genres and their interrelationships teaching and learning and textual production; theories on argumentation observed in Perelman; Olbrechts-Tyteca (2014), Ducrot, (2009), Plantin, (2008); the theoretical and methodological positions of J.M. Adam (2010, 2011) regarding the textual sequences, specifically the argumentative sequence, the counter-arguments and counterargumentative connectors. Present as a result the production of 63 comments in three stages of writing, one step at a Facebook? discussion group and two rewrites of comments in class on paper. We analyze the evolution process of the counter- argumentative writing and the use of connectors counterargumentative in student texts.

O Minist?rio P?blico na rede de prote??o ao idoso na cidade de Natal-RN e os encaminhamentos das den?ncias de maus-tratos

Cachina, Alanna de Medeiros Pinheiro 13 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-25T21:53:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-15T18:36:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-15T18:36:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlannaDeMedeirosPinheiroCachina_DISSERT.pdf: 2344371 bytes, checksum: 72a280f83cfc22c50096e9e2e32059a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-13 / Os maus-tratos contra idosos apresentam grande representatividade em Natal-RN. Dado o seu papel fiscalizador, bem como sua articula??o na rede de prote??o, o Minist?rio P?blico do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) foi escolhido como campo desta pesquisa. A proposta da investiga??o voltou-se a analisar os processos referentes ?s den?ncias de maus-tratos, as quais chegaram ?s Promotorias de Justi?a especializadas na mat?ria do idoso, na cidade de Natal-RN. Delimitou-se sobre os perfis do idoso, do denunciante, do agressor, do contexto situacional e acionamentos de outros ?rg?os da rede nos encaminhamentos relativos ?s medidas protetivas. A perspectiva te?rica adotada foi a discuss?o interdisciplinar de pol?ticas p?blicas e, no m?todo, utilizou-se a an?lise documental retrospectiva. Como resultados, encontrou-se que as principais portas de entrada das den?ncias foram as Promotorias de Justi?a e a rede socioassistencial. As viol?ncias mais apontadas foram: neglig?ncia, seguida de viol?ncia psicol?gica, viol?ncia financeira, abandono, viol?ncia f?sica e autoneglig?ncia. Registra-se ainda que, dos casos selecionados, nenhum deles foi de viol?ncia sexual, o que pode indicar uma maior dificuldade em identificar e/ou denunciar esse tipo de maus-tratos. As mulheres figuraram mais como v?timas do que os homens, em todas as faixas et?rias. Os familiares foram identificados como principais violadores, sobremaneira os filhos homens. Registrou-se a express?o do fen?meno em todas as regi?es da cidade de Natal. Ademais, verificou-se haver comunica??o em rede, tanto nos registros das notifica??es, quanto nos encaminhamentos, contudo, n?o h? fluxo consolidado. Outrossim, observou-se que as den?ncias por parte dos servi?os de sa?de expressaram-se timidamente, o que demonstra a necessidade de investimento na comunica??o entre a ?rea da Sa?de e os ?rg?os fiscalizat?rios; e, sugeriu-se a proposi??o de um sistema integrado de notifica??es, como fomento a a??es de intersetorialidade, com foco na celeridade e precis?o nas atua??es em casos de maus-tratos contra idosos. / The mistreatment against older people presents a great representation in Natal-RN. Given its supervisory role, as well as its articulation within the protection net, the Minist?rio P?blico do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) was chosen as a field of this research. The investigation's proposal turned to analyze the processes relating to the mistreatment denunciations, which reached the prosecutor's offices specialized in elder people field, in Natal-RN city. It delimited on profiles of the elderly, the whistleblower, the aggressor, the situational context and in the tease of other net agencies in protective measures adopted. The theoretical perspective adopted was the interdisciplinary discussion of public policy and, in the method, it was adopted the retrospective documentary analysis. As a result, it was found that the main entrance doors of the denunciations were the prosecutor's office and the social assistance network. The most frequently mentioned violence were: neglect, followed by psychological violence, financial violence, abandonment, physical abuse and self-neglect. It's worth to register that of the selected cases, none of them were of sexual violence, which may indicate a greater difficulty in identifying and/or reporting this kind of abuse. Women figured more as victims than men in all age groups. Family members were identified as major violators, specially the male sons. It was registered the phenomenon's expression in all the regions of Natal city. Moreover, it was verified the existence of network communication, both in records of notifications, as the referrals, however, there is no consolidated flow. In addition, it was observed that the denunciations by the health services were expressed timidly, which demonstrates the need for investment in communication between the area of health and supervisory agencies; and it was suggested the proposition of an integrated system of notifications, to fostering intersectoriality actions, focusing on speed and accuracy in the proceedings in cases of mistreatment against elderly people.

Pol?ticas de forma??o docente para a educa??o profissional: an?lise em duas escolas do Vale do A?u

Damascena, Edilza Alves 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-26T00:08:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-19T22:13:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-19T22:13:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EdilzaAlvesDamascena_DISSERT.pdf: 1252795 bytes, checksum: 4b32c1ff9605ad5fa5788018ecb378ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar as pol?ticas de forma??o de docentespara a educa??o profissional e sua implementa??o em institui??es que ofertam essamodalidade educativa no Vale do A?u, a saber: o Campus Ipangua?u do IFRN e a UnidadeSENAC, localizada no munic?pio de Assu, ambas situadas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte.A investiga??o parte da preocupa??o de que profissionais de ?reas diversas da educa??oatuam no exerc?cio da doc?ncia na educa??o profissional desconsiderando que a doc?ncia ?um campo de conhecimento pr?prio e, como tal, exige forma??o espec?fica. Para tanto, estapesquisa ampara-se em estudos anteriores que tratam da tem?tica, tais como Machado (2008,2011, 2013), Kuenzer (2011) e Moura (2008, 2013, 2014), e que o fazem dentro de aspectosmais amplos, considerando o contexto pol?tico, econ?mico, social e cultural no qual aproblem?tica est? inserida. Nesse contexto, por abordar um objeto de estudo na perspectiva departir da realidade concreta em que prevalecem as contradi??es pr?prias do modo de produ??ocapitalista, com repercuss?es na classe trabalhadora e, consequentemente, nas pol?ticas deforma??o de seus formadores, este estudo opta pelo referencial metodol?gico do pensamentosociocr?tico, fundamentando-se em elementos te?ricos do marxismo, principalmente com baseem Frigotto (2010b). No decorrer do trabalho, al?m de ampla pesquisa bibliogr?fica, realizou-se uma an?lise das pol?ticas relacionadas ? forma??o de docentes, destacando de que forma alegisla??o brasileira trata da tem?tica ao longo da sua hist?ria, incluindo as Leis de Diretrizese Bases da Educa??o Nacional, Decretos, Resolu??es e documentos das institui??es/entidadespesquisadas. Houve tamb?m a aplica??o de question?rio com mais de 130 participantes,incluindo docentes, estudantes e gestores das referidas escolas, com o intuito de coletar dadosque exprimam como a problem?tica ?, de fato, compreendida na perspectiva dos pr?priossujeitos envolvidos no processo. Nesse sentido, verifica-se que as pol?ticas para a forma??oespec?fica dos docentes que atuam na educa??o profissional foram materializadas, ao longo dahist?ria educativa brasileira, como emergenciais, transit?rias, fragmentadas e desarticuladas,de modo que, nas escolas pesquisadas no Vale do A?u, ? poss?vel confirmar que a quasetotalidade dos docentes que atuam na ?rea t?cnica/tecnol?gica, ? qual os cursos est?ovinculados, n?o possui forma??o inicial para a doc?ncia. Al?m disso, constata-se que as a??esde forma??o continuada ainda n?o foram consolidadas. Portanto, compreende-se que, semuma forma??o que atente para os aspectos pol?tico-pedag?gicos, ficam restritas aspossibilidades de uma educa??o profissional voltada para os interesses da classe trabalhadora. / The present research points as general aim to analyze the policies in education of teachers to a professional training and their implement in institutions that offer this degree module in Vale do A?u, such as: IFRN Campus from Ipangua?u and Unidade SENAC, located in Assu, both situated in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The investigation starts the worry that professionals from diversity areas of education develop the teaching job in degree course without considering that the teaching exercise in professional training requires a special training once that such area is a knowledge field for itself. However, this research are supported on previous surveys that approach the subject matter, such as Machado (2008, 2011, 2013), Kuenzer (2011) and Moura (2008, 2013, 2014), and they doing offering a wide vision in many aspects, considering the political, economic, social and cultural context in which the subject matters is immersed. In this context, to approach an object of study in a perspective that comes from a specific reality in which prevailing the own capitalist production contradictions, with repercussions on class workers and, consequently on policies degrees and their teachers, this research choose for methodological reference of social critical thought, supporting of theoretical elements of Marxism, mainly on Frigotto (2010b). During the research within wide bibliographical research, it was remade an analysis of the policies related to teachers professional training, pointing out how the Brazilian legislation treat the subject matters on its history long, including the Education Law (Leis de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o Nacional), Decrees, Resolutions and documents of the institutions/entities researched. There was also a questionnaire that was given to over 130 participants, including teachers, students and managers on named schools, with the intuition of collecting data that show how the subject matters is the fact, understood on the perspective of the own people involved in the process. In the sense, it was noticed that the policies concerning to degree module for teachers, who work on educational courses, have been faced along the Brazilian education history, something as urgency, transitional, fragmented and dismantled once, on those schools researched on Vale do A?u, it is possible to confirm almost in totally of the teachers staff who work on the technical/technological areas whose the degree module are connected, they have not a specific degree on professional training. Within this, it was noticed that the continued courses are consolidated. Therefore, understands that, without a module that focuses on political pedagogical aspects, the possibilities of a specific degree turned to the class workers interests are restricted.

Uso de probi?ticos no cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei e aspectos sociais e ambientais da carcinicultura no litoral sul do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Costa, Aline Hor?cio da 27 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-10-26T21:50:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlineHoracioDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1775959 bytes, checksum: a0dc5dbdf2dd3269222319b8b154c66c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-26T16:08:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlineHoracioDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1775959 bytes, checksum: a0dc5dbdf2dd3269222319b8b154c66c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-26T16:08:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlineHoracioDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1775959 bytes, checksum: a0dc5dbdf2dd3269222319b8b154c66c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-27 / A principal caracter?stica para que uma produ??o seja considerada sustent?vel ? assumir que a natureza ? finita, evitando-se desta forma o crescimento sem limites. A busca da sustentabilidade na carcinicultura tem sido uma preocupa??o constante dos ?rg?os ambientais. A utiliza??o de probi?ticos tem sido atualmente apontada como uma eficiente forma de tratamento da mat?ria org?nica presente na coluna d??gua e no solo dos viveiros, possibilitando a minimiza??o da utiliza??o de ?gua nos cultivos, que ? um dos requisitos fundamentais para tornar a carcinicultura ambientalmente respons?vel. Os probi?ticos tamb?m atuam como produto natural na profilaxia das enfermidades, promovendo um melhor crescimento dos organismos aqu?ticos cultiv?veis. Dessa forma, a primeira parte desta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de dois probi?ticos comerciais, de diferentes composi??es, sobre o potencial zoot?cnico e resist?ncia a estresse de larvas e p?s-larvas da esp?cie Litopenaeus vannamei cultivadas em escala comercial. A segunda parte investigou as pr?ticas de manejo adotadas pelos micro produtores de camar?o do litoral Sul do Rio Grande do Norte, caracterizando-se tamb?m os aspectos sociais e ambientais da carcinicultura percebidos por esses produtores. Na primeira fase, os cultivos da esp?cie Litopenaeus vannamei tiveram in?cio na fase larval (n?uplio V), com dura??o de 18 dias, quando foram submetidos a dois tratamentos: P1 - probi?tico um; P2 - probi?tico dois. As unidades experimentais consistiram em seis tanques de 15.000 L, com tr?s repeti??es para cada tratamento. Os probi?ticos foram aplicados diariamente conforme recomenda??o dos fabricantes, sendo os par?metros salinidade, temperatura, pH e oxig?nio dissolvido monitorados. As p?s-larvas submetidas ao P2 apresentaram valores m?dios maiores (p < 0,05) para comprimento (em PL 1 e PL 5), pesos ?mido e seco (em PL 5) e percentual de metamorfose (90%) em rela??o ao outro tratamento; as demais vari?veis n?o diferiram. As sobreviv?ncias finais foram 56,4% e 64,9% para p?s-larvas submetidas ao P1 e ao P2, respectivamente. Observou-se que o probi?tico 2 foi mais efetivo na melhoria dos par?metros bi?ticos. Na segunda fase, foram realizadas 27 entrevistas atrav?s de formul?rios semi-estruturados, com produtores do litoral Sul do Rio Grande do Norte. Constatou-se que 85,2% dos produtores s?o homens, com baixa taxa de analfabetismo (3,7%), com renda de 2 a 5 sal?rios m?nimos (44,4%) e que 22,2% t?m a carcinicultura como principal fonte de renda. Verificou-se que menos de 50% receberam assist?ncia t?cnica no ?ltimo ano e poucas s?o as medidas de biosseguran?a adotadas pelos mesmos. Com rela??o ?s boas pr?ticas de manejo recomendadas pela Associa??o Brasileira de Produtores de Camar?o (ABCC), apenas 11,1% dos carcinicultores fazem uso de probi?ticos e essa vari?vel n?o possui rela??o com a renda mensal familiar ou ainda com as taxas de sobreviv?ncia obtidas nos cultivos. Pr?ticas de manejo como fertiliza??o da ?gua e calagem do solo, assim como questionamentos sobre a problem?tica ambiental tamb?m n?o apresentaram rela??o com a escolaridade, havendo um manejo homog?neo entre os entrevistados. As micro propriedades produtoras de camar?o, representativas da regi?o do litoral Sul do Rio Grande do Norte, apontam a necessidade de orienta??o e apoio do governo e da devida assist?ncia t?cnica para que possam implementar boas pr?ticas de manejo, de forma a se adequar ? carcinicultura respons?vel recomendada pela ABCC. / The main feature for a production to be considered sustainable is to assume that nature is finite, avoiding thus the unlimited growth. The search of the sustainability in shrimp farming has been a constant preoccupation of environmental agencies. The use of probiotics have been currently appointed as an efficient means of treating of the organic matter in the water column and ponds soil, allowing to minimize the use of water in farming, which is one of the fundamental requirements to make shrimp farming environmentally responsible. Probiotics also act as a natural product for prophylaxis of diseases, promoting better growth of the cultivable aquatic organisms. Thus, the first part of this research had purpose to evaluate the effects of two commercial probiotics, which different compositions, on the zootecnical potential and resistance to stress of larvae and post-larvae of the species Litopenaeus vannamei in commercial scale. The second part investigated management practices adopted by micro producers of shrimp in the southern coast Rio Grande do Norte, also characterize the social and environmental aspects of shrimp farming perceived by these producers. In the first phase, In the first phase, the cultivates of the species Litopenaeus vannamei began in the larval stage (nauplius V), with duration of 18 days, this time submitted for two treatments: P1 - probiotic one; P2 - two probiotic. The experimental units consisted of six tanks of 15,000 L, and each treatment had three repetitions. The probiotics were applied daily as recommended by the manufacturers, and the parameters salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen monitored. The post-larvae submitted to P2 had higher mean values (p <0.05) in length (in PL 1 and PL 5), wet and dry weights (PL 5) and metamorphosis percentage (90%) when compared to the other treatment; the other variables did not differ. The final survivals were 56.4% and 64.9% for postlarvae submitted to P1 and P2, respectively. It was observed that the probiotic 2 more effective in the improvement of the biotic parameters. In the second phase, 27 interviews were conducted through of semistructured questionnaires, with producers of the South coast of Rio Grande do Norte. It was found that 85.2% of the producers are men, with low illiteracy rate (3.7%), earning 2 to 5 minimum wages (44.4%) and 22.2% have shrimp farming as main source of income. It was found that less than 50% received technical assistance in the last year and few are the biosecurity measures adopted by them. With regard to good management practices recommended by the Brazilian Association of Shrimp Farmers (ABCC), only 11.1% of shrimp farmers make to use of probiotics and this variable has no relationship with the monthly family income or with survival rates obtained in cultivation. Management practices such as water fertilizing and soil liming, as well as questions about the environmental problems also not associated with schooling, with a homogeneous management among interviewed. The micro properties producers of shrimp, representative of the region of the South coast of Rio Grande do Norte, point the need of guidance and support of the government and appropriate technical assistance to enable them to implement good management practices, in order to suit the shrimp responsible recommended by the ABCC.

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