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An analysis of tacit knowledge sharing behaviour, within a social capital framework, in a business environment of a South African, University of TechnologySmith, Carol 21 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2014. / This thesis integrates social capital and ‘reasoned action’ theory to construct a theoretical model for investigating the factors which predict an individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge in a University of Technology. It utilizes Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998: 243) definition and conception of social capital. They define social capital as “the sum of the actual and potential resources embedded within, available through, and derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit”. This study examined tacit knowledge sharing behaviour (i.e., knowledge that is shared between individuals) within the context of social capital. The specific type of tacit knowledge that is being studied relates to work experience ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’. ‘Know-what’ refers to the basic mastery of a discipline that professionals achieve through education and training. ‘Know-how’ refers to procedural knowledge about a business process and the individual’s capability to perform an action with an understanding of why the action is appropriate in the particular context, (i.e., action skill or applied competence).
Specifically, this study examines the relationship between the structural, relational and cognitive dimensions of social capital and the individual’s attitude towards the sharing of tacit knowledge. It further examines the relationship between the individual’s attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing, their perceived norms and perceived behavioural control over the sharing of tacit knowledge (mediating variables) and their intention to share tacit knowledge.
It is a case study which consists of a mixed methods research design, incorporating nine research interviews and five hundred and fifty four self administered questionnaires.
The theoretical model is examined using structural equation modeling (SEM) and as a result of the findings, the initial model is revised into a set of theoretical models, which are tested using SEM and found to be consistent with the data (i.e., a good fit). The direct, indirect and total effects of the identified predictor (social capital) and mediating variables (‘reasoned action’) on the individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge, in each model, is examined and the results are presented.
Each dimension of social capital is found to be significant for predicting the criterion variable ‘attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing’. The individual’s attitude towards tacit knowledge sharing is found to be highly significant for predicting the individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge but the ‘reasoned action’ variables are found to be not as significant, particularly perceived behavioural control over the sharing of tacit knowledge.
The results of this study enrich our collective understanding regarding social capital and tacit knowledge sharing behaviour.
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"Det sociala är ju goare än maten många gånger" : En studie kring ytliga samtal och sociala gemenskaper för äldre. / "The social aspect is often times better than thefood" : A study of superficial conversations and social communities for the elderly.Alleborg, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att belysa och analysera förekomsten samt betydelsen av ytliga samtal för äldre. Syftet var också att undersöka vilken betydelse ytliga samtal kan ha i äldres vardag och om det kan bidra till att skapa sociala gemenskaper. Utifrån syftet har studien haft följande frågeställningar: Hur kan ytliga samtal beskrivas och vad förmedlas i dessa samtal? Vilken betydelse har platsen för att skapa ytliga samtal? Hur kan ytliga samtal och platsen tillsammans bidra till att skapa sociala gemenskaper för äldre? Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och den vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkten är kritisk realism. Det empiriska material är inhämtat på en kommunalt driven lunchrestaurang. Sju deltagande observationer har genomförts, med cirka fyra informella intervjuer vid varje observationstillfälle. Vidare har fyra formella intervjuer genomförts, dessa har varit kvalitativa intervjuer; en kombination mellan semistrukturerad och ostrukturerad intervju. I samband med observationerna har dessa dokumenteras genom fältanteckningar, dessutom har alla formella intervjuer transkriberats. Respondenterna är män i åldrarna 40-90 år som lever ensamma i eget boende. Studiens resultat visar att det finns utvecklade sociala relationer på restaurangen som kan kategoriseras som tunna nätverksband. Resultatet visar också hur dessa sociala relationer kommer till uttryck och betydelsen av dessa nätverksband i förhållande till platsen. Resultaten har analyserats i förhållande till studiens teoretiska ram och tidigare forskning. Studiens slutsatser är att det ytliga samtalet har en betydelse för äldre att skapa sociala gemenskaper. Det visar även på att platsen har en betydelse, både ställt som sig själv men även i samverkan med det ytliga samtalet, för att skapa dessa gemenskaper. Platsen bidrar till att tunna nätverksband utvecklas och det ytliga samtalet bidrar till denna utveckling och håller dessa sociala relationer levande. En ökad förståelse om det ytliga samtalets betydelse skulle i socialpedagogiskt arbete kunna bidra till att hitta nya vägar för att förebygga socialt utanförskap och i arbetet med att utveckla mötesplatser för äldre. / The purpose of the study was to illustrate and analyze the occurrence and meaning of superficial conversation for senior citizens. The purpose was also to investigate what meaning superficial conversations can have regarding everyday life for the elderly and if it can contribute in creating social communities. Based on the objective of the study the following questions were formed: How can superficial conversations be described and what can be conveyed in these conversations? Of what importance is the place in creating superficial conversation? How can superficial conversation in conjunction with the place contribute to establishing social communities for the elderly? The study has a qualitative approach and the scientifically theoretical standpoint is critical realism. The empirical material has been gathered from a municipally driven diner. Seven participating observations has been conducted, where around four informal interviews have been conducted for every observation session. Furthermore four formal interviews were conducted; these have been qualitative interviews; a combination of semistructured and unstructured interviewing. Field notes were taken in conjunction to the observations and all formal interviews have been transcribed. The respondents are men in the ages 40-90 years old, living alone in private properties. The results of the study demonstrates that there are developed social relations at the restaurant which can be categorized as thin ties. The results also display how these social relations are expressed and the meaning of these thin ties in relation to the place. The results have been analyzed in relation to the studies theoretical framework and previous research. The conclusion is that the superficial conversation has a deeper meaning as a means for the elderly to create social communities. It also shows that the place is important, both in itself but also in conjunction with superficial conversation to help create these communities. The place is a contributing factor in the development of thin ties and superficial conversation nourishes this development and keeps these social relations alive. An increased understanding regarding the importance of superficial conversation would facilitate the social pedagogical work for finding new ways of preventing social exclusion and in the development of social meeting places for elderly people.
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Da hospitalidade às psicoses: um discurso em interrogação / From the hospitality to psychosis: a speech in question / De l’hospitalité aux psychoses: un discours en interrogationSimoni, Ana Carolina Rios January 2012 (has links)
Ce travail dérive d’un parcours clinique et institutionel, à partir du quel s’est formulé la question sur les effets dans les liens sociaux du reencontre aves la specificité de la position psychique des sujets psychotiques. On raconte des passages d’un itinéraire de recherche, fait du pari à la réinscription des bordes de la clinique psychanalytique – lequel se montre par les experiences des ateliers thérapeutiques et de l’accompagnement thérapeutique, mais pas seulement –, pour dire des modes par lesquelles la question a pris la forme d’un discours en interrogation. On part de la formulation lacanienne sur la structure discursive des liens sociaux – en considerant, surtout, le discours universitaire et le discours capitaliste – et de la place extérière que la structure psychotique tient par rapport le discours. Puis on situe l’hospitalité, selon l’élabore Derrida, comme possibilité de accuellir les différences portées par les psychotiques. Dans ce chamin, les concepts de transfert, résistance et témoin, d’après Freud et Lacan, apparaissent comme manières de nommer l’espace-temp où l’hospitalité à l’hors-discours peut émerger – dont la specificité se present dans les impasses de l’inscription des contours subjetifs entre le Je/moi et l’autre-Autre, le prope et l’ailleurs. De cette façon, on suggère que offrir l’hospitalité à l’alterité de la position subjetive des psychoses implique accueillir la tension inhérente aux limits du propre et de l’ailleurs comme une demande de la strutucture. On problematise la façon par laquelle le discours universitaires de la science, dans um moment de l’histoire de la culture, a répondu à cette “demande” en edifiant les murs de l’hospice et de la catégorie “maladie mental”, qui n’ont pas inscrit la différence, mais, contrairement, ont produit une intensification de l’impasse du narcissisme. On se demande donc comment le discours universitaire de la science d'aujourd'hui, en complicité avec le discours du capitalisme, peut être affecté, si l’hors-discours retrouve l’hospitalité du chercheur. À l’horizont, la question: offrir l’hospitalité aux psychoses produirait des effets de méthode? Serait l’hospitalité aux psychoses une opportunité pour que nous nous replaçons sur le plan éthique et politique par rapport à la manière dont, aujourd'hui, nous faisons nos incursions dans le monde de la connaissance? / Este trabalho deriva de um percurso clínico e institucional, a partir do qual se formulou uma pergunta pelos efeitos para os laços sociais do encontro com a especificidade da posição psíquica dos sujeitos nas psicoses. Narram-se passagens de uma trajetória de pesquisa, feita da aposta na reinscrição das bordas da clínica psicanalítica – que pode ser observada nas experiências em oficinas terapêuticas e acompanhamentos terapêuticos, mas não somente –, para dizer dos modos pelos quais tal questão foi ganhando a forma de um discurso em interrogação. Parte-se da formulação lacaniana em torno da estrutura discursiva dos laços sociais – tomandose em consideração, especialmente, o discurso universitário e o discurso capitalista – e do lugar de exterioridade que a estrutura psicótica mantém em relação aos discursos. Em seguida, situa-se a hospitalidade, tal qual elaborada por Derrida, como possibilidade de acolhimento às diferenças que as psicoses portam. Nesse caminho, os conceitos de transferência, resistência e testemunho, desde Freud e Lacan, aparecem como formas de nomear o espaço-tempo em que pode emergir uma hospitalidade ao fora-do-discurso, cuja especificidade se apresenta na forma de impasses na inscrição dos contornos subjetivos entre o eu e o outro-Outro, o próprio e o alheio. Desde aí, sugere-se que dar hospitalidade à alteridade da posição subjetiva nas psicoses implica acolher a tensão inerente aos limites do próprio e do alheio, como um pedido estrutural. Problematiza-se o modo como o discurso universitário da ciência, em determinado momento da história da cultura, respondeu a este “pedido” edificando os muros do hospício e da categoria “doença mental”, que não fizeram inscrever a diferença, mas, ao contrário, operaram o recrudescimento do beco do narcisismo. Pergunta-se então como o discurso universitário da ciência de nossos dias, em cumplicidade com o discurso do capitalismo, pode ser afetado, caso o fora-do-discurso das psicoses encontre uma posição de hospitalidade desdobrada do lado do pesquisador. No horizonte, o interrogante: dar hospitalidade às psicoses produziria efeitos de método? Seria a hospitalidade às psicoses uma oportunidade para nos reposicionarmos ética e politicamente sobre o modo como, atualmente, concebemos nossas incursões pelo mundo do conhecimento? / This work derives from a clinical and institutional trajectory, from which raised the question about the effects of social ties on encountering with specification the psychic position of psychotic subjects. Then, segments of the path of research are reported, made with the bet of rewriting the edges of the psychoanalytic clinics - that can be observed in experiments with therapeutic workshops and follow-up therapy, but not only – to say the ways in which this issue has been gaining the form of a discourse in question. It starts with the Lacanian formulation around the discursive structure of social ties - especially taking into account the university and capitalistic discourses. In addition, the place of exteriority that maintains the structure in relation to psychotic speeches, for then situate the hospitality, as is elaborated by Derrida, as the possibility of welcoming the differences that the psychoses carries. In this way, the concepts of transference, resistance, and testimony, from Freud and Lacan, appear as ways of naming the space-time on that can emerge hospitality on out-ofspeech, whose specificity appears in the form of impasse on inscription of subjective contours between self and other-Other, self and strange. Since then, it is suggested that giving hospitality to otherness of the subjective position in the psychoses, implies on welcoming, as a structural request, the tension inherent of the limits between the self and the other-Other. Considering the way how the university discourse of science, in sometime of the history of culture, responded to this "request" building the walls of the asylum and the category of "mental illness", which did not include the difference, but rather, operated the fall for the narcissism’s alley. Then wonders how the university discourse in science, nowadays, in complicity with the discourse of capitalism, can be affected in case of the out-of-speech of psychosis find on the researcher a position of hospitality. The question that is on the horizon is: giving hospitality to psychosis would produce method effect's? The hospitality to psychosis would be an opportunity for a repositioning ethical and politically about how, nowadays, we've conceived our forays into the world of knowledge?
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Previous issue date: 2011-09-19 / Quando uma criança vai para a escola, não vai apenas para aprender, mas também para relacionar-se. Dentro do ambiente escolar, a relação entre professor e aluno ultrapassa o nível acadêmico e permite que ocorra uma proximidade afetiva, sendo esta o fio condutor do conhecimento. Dessa forma, este trabalho buscou verificar se é reconhecida a importância, por parte de professores e alunos de um curso de formação de professores, de se trabalhar a dimensão emocional para que se tornem mais aptos a construir vínculos com seus alunos. Buscou também investigar se existe relação entre estes vínculos afetivos e o processo de aprendizagem dos
alunos. Para o alcance dos objetivos propostos no presente estudo foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo exploratória de natureza qualitativa a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas
realizadas com dez sujeitos, sendo cinco professores (pedagogos) e cinco alunos concluintes (6º semestre) do curso de Pedagogia de uma instituição particular localizada na zona sul da cidade de São Paulo. Para o tratamento dos
dados coletados nas entrevistas foi utilizada a metodologia de análise de conteúdo proposta por Maria Laura P. B. Franco. Os referenciais teóricos foram ancorados em Maria Cândida Moraes (perspectiva histórica dos paradigmas da educação),
Terezinha Azerêdo Rios (conceitos de qualidade e competência numa visão dinâmica da competência docente), Lev Vygotsky (desenvolvimento humano a partir das interações sociais), Henri Wallon (relevância da dimensão afetiva no desenvolvimento do indivíduo), Marta Kohl de Oliveira e Teresa Cristina Rego (estudo sobre teoria sociohistórica de Vygotsky), Izabel Galvão e Heloisa Dantas (estudo sobre a psicogênese da pessoa completa de Wallon), Sigmund Freud e Maria Cristina Kupfer (concepções psicanalíticas sobre a relação transferencial), Sérgio Antonio da Silva Leite e Valéria Amorim Arantes (coletânea de textos para discussão sobre a afetividade no cotidiano escolar). A conclusão da pesquisa
apontou para o reconhecimento da importância da construção de vínculos entre alunos e professores e do desenvolvimento das habilidades emocionais da competência docente como decisivos para o êxito da aprendizagem. Apesar desse
reconhecimento, os sujeitos pesquisados não identificaram em sua formação em Pedagogia, disciplinas que tivessem especificamente contemplado a dimensão emocional da prática docente.
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Vínculos afetivos na Educação a Distância: possibilidades e impossibilidadesSanto, Ieda Medeiros Cordeiro Espírito 06 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-06 / This research examined how the links are being established affective relationships in the teaching-learning mode of distance education. The work was developed within the socio-cultural-historical view that the emotions as constitutive of thought, participants in the process of signification and meaning production. During the research seek to understand the trajectory of distance learning in Brazil and see how
this type of education is today. We seek to further clarify the implications of emotion on the process of teaching and learning, investigating demonstrations of affection in
the form of distance education. For this, we rely on some authors, especially in the theory of Henri Wallon on human development. To achieve the objectives of this
work made a resumption of the historical process of distance learning in Brazil, reflecting on the training of educators and how this modality has been developed in
our country. In a second step, we deepen the discussion of emotion and the creation of links in the EAD. After these steps, we left for the field research that was to
investigate 10 (ten) persons involved in the sport: 2 (two) themed teachers, two (2) tutors and 6 (six) students studying in the form of three institutions different, one
public and two private. We used as instruments of research questionnaires and semistructured interviews to examine some issues. Analyses show that the bond between
teacher and student are essential for learning, defining itself as an indispensable condition for cognitive development within the school environment and society, and these are set in both the presence and type in the distance, and fundamental to a meaningful learning to occur. / Esta pesquisa analisou como estão sendo estabelecidos os vínculos afetivos nas relações de ensino-aprendizagem na modalidade de educação a distância. O trabalho foi desenvolvido dentro da perspectiva sócio-histórico-cultural que considera as emoções como constitutivas do pensamento, participantes do processo de significação e produção de sentidos. Durante a realização da pesquisa procuramos compreender a trajetória da EAD no Brasil, bem como verificar como está essa modalidade educativa hoje. Buscamos, ainda, explicitar as implicações da
afetividade sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, investigando manifestações de afetividade na modalidade de educação a distância. Para isso, nos baseamos em
alguns autores, em especial, na teoria de Henri Wallon sobre o desenvolvimento humano. Para alcançar os objetivos deste trabalho fizemos uma retomada do processo histórico da EAD no Brasil, refletindo sobre a formação dos educadores e
como essa modalidade tem sido desenvolvida no nosso país. Em um segundo momento, aprofundamos a discussão sobre afetividade e a criação de vínculos na EAD. Após essas etapas, partimos para a pesquisa de campo que consistiu em
investigar 10 (dez) sujeitos envolvidos na modalidade: 2 (dois) professores temáticos, 2 (dois) professores-tutores e 6 (seis) alunos que estudam na modalidade de três instituições diferentes, sendo uma pública e duas privadas. Utilizamos como instrumentos de pesquisa questionários e roteiros semi-estruturados de entrevistas para aprofundar algumas questões. As análises demonstram que os vínculos
afetivos entre professor-aluno são primordiais para a aprendizagem, definindo-se como condição imprescindível para o desenvolvimento cognitivo dentro do espaço
escolar e na sociedade, e estes são estabelecidos tanto na modalidade presencial quanto na modalidade a distância, sendo fundamentais para que ocorra uma aprendizagem significativa.
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Origin and role of social networks : a Comparative study of Born Global Firms of France and Pakistan / Origine et rôle des réseaux sociaux : une étude comparée des entreprises « nées globales » de la France et de PakistanAkhter, Manzoom 05 July 2013 (has links)
L'augmentation du nombre des entreprises qui s'internationalisent très tôt après leur création au travers d’un processus accéléré a attiré l'attention des chercheurs au cours des deux dernières décennies. Plusieurs explications souvent partielles ont été avancées par les chercheurs sur les raisons de l'internationalisation précoce des entreprises « nées globales ». Différents auteurs suggèrent que l'approche réseau serait plus appropriée pour décrire ce phénomène précoce de ces petites entreprises. L'objectif de notre recherche est d'étudier l'origine, la structure et le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans l'internationalisation précoce des entreprises nées globales.Nous étudierons la structure des réseaux, considérée comme un prérequis pour aborder les autres dimensions du réseau, bien que de nombreux chercheurs soient passés directement à l'étude du jeu de rôle des réseaux sans prêter attention à l’origine de ces liens. En outre, une grande partie de la littérature a relié les entreprises nées globales au secteur de la haute technologie, alors qu’il existe de nombreux exemples de sociétés mondiales issues de secteurs traditionnels. De la même façon, l’influence des divers contextes nationaux sur le processus d'internationalisation des entreprises est peu connue. Par conséquent, nous nous intéresserons également aux liens du réseau dans le cadre de plusieurs secteurs industriels d’une part, et aux différents niveaux de développement institutionnel du pays en comparant des firmes nées globales françaises et pakistanaises d’autre part.Nos résultats révèlent que es petites entreprises nées globales utilisent leurs réseaux pour surmonter les obstacles liés à l'internationalisation rapide, ce que les précédents résultats empiriques avaient pris en compte. Ils soutiennent également que l'origine des réseaux se trouve dans deux paramètres relatifs aux relations affaires et sociales ou hors activités affaires. Des liens, à la fois faibles et forts, ont un impact positif sur l'internationalisation précoce, mais leur composition diffère dans les entreprises de faible technicité et dans celles de haute technologie. Nous soutenons également que la composition des liens est animée par le secteur industriel dans lequel l’entreprise opère plus que par le niveau de développement institutionnel du pays. / Network approach is more appropriate measure to describe the early internationalization of born global firms. The focus of our research is to investigate the origin, structure and role of social networks in the early internationalization of born global firms. We intend to investigate the structure of networks which is considered pre-requisite to study the other dimensions of network ties. Many researchers directly jump to study the role networks play without paying any attention from where these ties originate. Furthermore, much of the literature has connected the born global firms with high technology sector however, there are many examples of born global firms in traditional sectors. Similarly, very little is known about how various national context influence the internationalization process of firms. Therefore, we also intend to investigate network ties in the context of different industrial sectors and different level of country’s institutional development by comparing born global firms from France and Pakistan.Our results reveal that these small born global firms use their networks to overcome the constraints to rapid internationalization which has been supported by previous empirical findings. The results also reveal that origin of ties is in both business-social or non-business social settings. Both weak and strong ties are found to have positive impact on the early internationalization; however composition of ties is different in low-tech and high-tech firms. We also argue that instead of country‘s level of institutional development, composition of ties is moderated by the industrial sector in which firm is operating.
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Freeze-thaw performance of prestressed concrete railroad tiesAlbahttiti, Mohammed T. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Civil Engineering / Kyle Riding / Air voids are purposefully entrained in concrete to provide freeze-thaw durability of prestressed concrete railroad ties. Durability assurance requires consistent provision of an air void system comprised of small, well-distributed bubbles in sufficient quantity for durability and a quality control method for testing tie freeze-thaw durability. Manufacturing processes at three concrete manufacturing plants were investigated in order to determine the effects of process variability on resulting concrete air void system variability. Variation in the concrete air void system and other rheological properties occurred as results of the manufacturing process and vibration. Freezing and thawing durability testing of prestressed concrete ties is currently performed by applying ASTM C666 on 3 x 4 x 11 to 16 in. specimens cut from the shoulders of concrete ties. However, excising these specimens from prestressed concrete could lead to stress changes in the sample and cracking, potentially causing false interpretations of results. Therefore, testing was undertaken to understand the effects of prestressing and sample extraction on freeze-thaw durability measured by ASTM C666. In order to assess the effects of sampling and testing procedures on freeze-thaw quality control testing results of prestressed concrete railroad ties, full ties, half ties, and 3 x 4 x 11 in. excised samples were tested. Freeze-thaw testing included determination of the optimal method to measure freeze-thaw deterioration in large sections, the effects of saw-cutting, and the presence of reinforcement. Results indicated that the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity accurately represented deterioration in large sections. The presence of reinforcement in excised samples led to faster deterioration compared to cast ASTM C666 samples, while saw-cutting without reinforcement did not significantly affect freeze-thaw durability.
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A import?ncia das redes de relacionamento para se formar uma parceria : um estudo de caso na ALESATCunha, Eliza Catarina Bezerra 02 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-02 / This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombust?veis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Trivi?os (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise / Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso na empresa Alesat cujo objetivo geral ? analisar como as redes de relacionamento das antigas empresas Ale e Sat influenciaram na forma??o da parceria. O estudo baseou-se na literatura de Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor e Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child e Faulkner (1998), dentre outros, para entender como as rela??es sociais entre as empresas foram importantes para a forma??o de uma alian?a estrat?gica. O m?todo de estudo adotado analisou a primeira parceria realizada entre a Ale e a Sat e a ?ltima que culminou com a fus?o das empresas resultando na Alesat. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, em 2008, com o grupo dirigente da empresa. Tamb?m foram coletados dados secund?rios em sites espec?ficos do setor como: ANP, Sindicom e Fecombust?veis al?m de jornais de grande circula??o no mercado. Os dados prim?rios foram analisados atrav?s da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do de Trivi?os (1987). No que se refere aos dados secund?rios, o exame foi feito atrav?s da t?cnica de an?lise documental de Richardson (1985). Assim, atrav?s dos dados coletados, p?de-se concluir que os la?os sociais entre as empresas tiverem sim, import?ncia na forma??o da parceria, e que dentre as raz?es que levaram as firmas a se unirem a principal foi o fato de que a uni?o possibilitaria ?s empresas atuarem em ?reas nas quais n?o tinham muita participa??o no mercado, tornando-as um grande player a n?vel nacional
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Evangélicos em ação nas favelas cariocas: um estudo sócio-antropológico sobre redes de proteção, tráfico de drogas e religião no Complexo de Acari / Evangelicals in action in Rio's slums: a socio-anthropological study on protection networks drugs and religion in Complex AcariChristina Vital da Cunha 24 August 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo desta tese é discutir como os moradores de favelas no Rio de Janeiro fazem para experimentar segurança em meio ao cotidiano marcado por inseguranças, violência e vulnerabilidade social. Minha hipótese central é que os moradores destas localidades visualizam nas lealdades primordiais (GEERTZ, 2008 [1973]), nas relações de vizinhança e em redes formadas em torno do pertencimento a instituições religiosas, sobretudo as pentecostais e neopentecostais a base da segurança necessária para organizarem suas vidas, suas rotinas. Busquei responder às questões que me animavam a partir de um investimento etnográfico em duas favelas cariocas, a saber, Santa Marta, localizada no bairro de Botafogo, Zona Sul, e, principalmente, Acari, localizada entre bairros da Zona Norte da cidade. Ao longo da etnografia realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com moradores evangélicos, traficantes, homens, mulheres, jovens e idosos, lideranças políticas e culturais. A partir destas entrevistas, assim como das conversas informais com moradores nestas favelas, pude observar a grande dificuldade que os moradores das referidas localidades têm, face à violência, para experimentar constantemente segurança e confiança, mesmo no caso dos moradores que desfrutam de densas redes de solidariedade e proteção baseadas no parentesco e/ou na partilha de identidade religiosa pentecostal. A paranóia, o medo da fofoca e do inimigo à espreita tomam conta do cotidiano de moradores (e também de traficantes). Neste contexto, identifiquei nas suas tentativas de consolidação de vínculos sociais e afetivos, mas também em seus diversos cálculos em termos de evitação da violência suas principais estratégias para viver o dia-a-dia com certa tranqüilidade. O curso da etnografia possibilitou, ainda, refletir sobre a importância da articulação analítica de dois eixos temáticos para o estudo da favela como fenômeno urbano/social hoje: religião e violência. Esta avaliação é fruto da observação das aproximações entre traficantes que passaram, nessas localidades, a experimentar novas formas de expressão de fé. Se, nas décadas de 1980-1990, os traficantes de Acari expunham em seus corpos, em suas casas e nos muros da favela imagens e orações que remetiam ao universo religioso afro-brasileiro, na atualidade, acionam uma gramática pentecostal e pintam nos muros da favela salmos e outras passagens bíblicas. Se antes pediam proteção às mães-de-santo, agora pedem proteção às lideranças evangélicas e à comunidade de irmãos, assim como comemoram seus aniversários em cultos de ação de graça. A interface entre traficantes e evangélicos nas favelas estudadas, com destaque para Acari, vem produzindo, sustento, reequilíbrios de poder no interior do campo político e religioso local e, até, supralocal. / The objective of this thesis is to discuss how inhabitants of slums in Rio de Janeiro experiment security amid their quotidian which is permeated by insecurities, violence and social vulnerability. My central hypothesis is that the inhabitants of these localities envision in primordial loyalties (GEERZT, 2008 [1973]), in neighborhood relationships and in networks formed from the sense of belonging to religious institutions, specially the Pentecostals and Neopentecostals, the basis of the necessary security that enables the organization of their lives, their quotidian activities. I aimed to answer the questions that stimulated me from an ethnographic investment in two carioca slums: Santa Marta, located in Botafogo, South Zone and mainly Acari, located between neighborhoods in the North Zone of the city. Throughout the ethnography I carried out semi-structured interviews with evangelical inhabitants, drug traffickers, men, women, youngsters, elders and political and cultural leaderships. Parting from these interviews, as well as the informal conversations whit the other inhabitants of these slums, I could observe that they have great difficulty in experiencing constant security and trust, even in the cases of those who enjoy dense solidarity and protection networks based on kinship and/or sharing Pentecostal religious identities. The paranoia, the fear of gossip and of the enemy on de lookout takeover the lives of these people (and also of the traffickers) on the field. The course of the ethnography enabled a reflection about the importance of analytical articulation of two thematic axis for the study of the slum as an urban/social phenomenon today: religion and violence. That evaluation is fruit of the observation towards the approximation between traffickers who, in these localities, experienced new forms of expression of faith. If in the 1980-1990 decades the traffickers of Acari would expose on their bodies, in their houses and on the slum walls images and prayers the remitted to the afro-brazilian religious universe, currently, they put forward a Pentecostal grammar and paint psalms and other biblical parts on the walls of the slum. If they used to ask protection to the mother-of-saint, now they ask protection to evangelical leaders and the brotherhood community, as well as celebrate their birthdays in thanksgiving cults. The interface between traffickers and evangelicals in the studied communities, with emphasis to Acari, have been producing a livelihood and re-balancing of power in the local and even supra local political and religious field.
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Da hospitalidade às psicoses: um discurso em interrogação / From the hospitality to psychosis: a speech in question / De l’hospitalité aux psychoses: un discours en interrogationSimoni, Ana Carolina Rios January 2012 (has links)
Ce travail dérive d’un parcours clinique et institutionel, à partir du quel s’est formulé la question sur les effets dans les liens sociaux du reencontre aves la specificité de la position psychique des sujets psychotiques. On raconte des passages d’un itinéraire de recherche, fait du pari à la réinscription des bordes de la clinique psychanalytique – lequel se montre par les experiences des ateliers thérapeutiques et de l’accompagnement thérapeutique, mais pas seulement –, pour dire des modes par lesquelles la question a pris la forme d’un discours en interrogation. On part de la formulation lacanienne sur la structure discursive des liens sociaux – en considerant, surtout, le discours universitaire et le discours capitaliste – et de la place extérière que la structure psychotique tient par rapport le discours. Puis on situe l’hospitalité, selon l’élabore Derrida, comme possibilité de accuellir les différences portées par les psychotiques. Dans ce chamin, les concepts de transfert, résistance et témoin, d’après Freud et Lacan, apparaissent comme manières de nommer l’espace-temp où l’hospitalité à l’hors-discours peut émerger – dont la specificité se present dans les impasses de l’inscription des contours subjetifs entre le Je/moi et l’autre-Autre, le prope et l’ailleurs. De cette façon, on suggère que offrir l’hospitalité à l’alterité de la position subjetive des psychoses implique accueillir la tension inhérente aux limits du propre et de l’ailleurs comme une demande de la strutucture. On problematise la façon par laquelle le discours universitaires de la science, dans um moment de l’histoire de la culture, a répondu à cette “demande” en edifiant les murs de l’hospice et de la catégorie “maladie mental”, qui n’ont pas inscrit la différence, mais, contrairement, ont produit une intensification de l’impasse du narcissisme. On se demande donc comment le discours universitaire de la science d'aujourd'hui, en complicité avec le discours du capitalisme, peut être affecté, si l’hors-discours retrouve l’hospitalité du chercheur. À l’horizont, la question: offrir l’hospitalité aux psychoses produirait des effets de méthode? Serait l’hospitalité aux psychoses une opportunité pour que nous nous replaçons sur le plan éthique et politique par rapport à la manière dont, aujourd'hui, nous faisons nos incursions dans le monde de la connaissance? / Este trabalho deriva de um percurso clínico e institucional, a partir do qual se formulou uma pergunta pelos efeitos para os laços sociais do encontro com a especificidade da posição psíquica dos sujeitos nas psicoses. Narram-se passagens de uma trajetória de pesquisa, feita da aposta na reinscrição das bordas da clínica psicanalítica – que pode ser observada nas experiências em oficinas terapêuticas e acompanhamentos terapêuticos, mas não somente –, para dizer dos modos pelos quais tal questão foi ganhando a forma de um discurso em interrogação. Parte-se da formulação lacaniana em torno da estrutura discursiva dos laços sociais – tomandose em consideração, especialmente, o discurso universitário e o discurso capitalista – e do lugar de exterioridade que a estrutura psicótica mantém em relação aos discursos. Em seguida, situa-se a hospitalidade, tal qual elaborada por Derrida, como possibilidade de acolhimento às diferenças que as psicoses portam. Nesse caminho, os conceitos de transferência, resistência e testemunho, desde Freud e Lacan, aparecem como formas de nomear o espaço-tempo em que pode emergir uma hospitalidade ao fora-do-discurso, cuja especificidade se apresenta na forma de impasses na inscrição dos contornos subjetivos entre o eu e o outro-Outro, o próprio e o alheio. Desde aí, sugere-se que dar hospitalidade à alteridade da posição subjetiva nas psicoses implica acolher a tensão inerente aos limites do próprio e do alheio, como um pedido estrutural. Problematiza-se o modo como o discurso universitário da ciência, em determinado momento da história da cultura, respondeu a este “pedido” edificando os muros do hospício e da categoria “doença mental”, que não fizeram inscrever a diferença, mas, ao contrário, operaram o recrudescimento do beco do narcisismo. Pergunta-se então como o discurso universitário da ciência de nossos dias, em cumplicidade com o discurso do capitalismo, pode ser afetado, caso o fora-do-discurso das psicoses encontre uma posição de hospitalidade desdobrada do lado do pesquisador. No horizonte, o interrogante: dar hospitalidade às psicoses produziria efeitos de método? Seria a hospitalidade às psicoses uma oportunidade para nos reposicionarmos ética e politicamente sobre o modo como, atualmente, concebemos nossas incursões pelo mundo do conhecimento? / This work derives from a clinical and institutional trajectory, from which raised the question about the effects of social ties on encountering with specification the psychic position of psychotic subjects. Then, segments of the path of research are reported, made with the bet of rewriting the edges of the psychoanalytic clinics - that can be observed in experiments with therapeutic workshops and follow-up therapy, but not only – to say the ways in which this issue has been gaining the form of a discourse in question. It starts with the Lacanian formulation around the discursive structure of social ties - especially taking into account the university and capitalistic discourses. In addition, the place of exteriority that maintains the structure in relation to psychotic speeches, for then situate the hospitality, as is elaborated by Derrida, as the possibility of welcoming the differences that the psychoses carries. In this way, the concepts of transference, resistance, and testimony, from Freud and Lacan, appear as ways of naming the space-time on that can emerge hospitality on out-ofspeech, whose specificity appears in the form of impasse on inscription of subjective contours between self and other-Other, self and strange. Since then, it is suggested that giving hospitality to otherness of the subjective position in the psychoses, implies on welcoming, as a structural request, the tension inherent of the limits between the self and the other-Other. Considering the way how the university discourse of science, in sometime of the history of culture, responded to this "request" building the walls of the asylum and the category of "mental illness", which did not include the difference, but rather, operated the fall for the narcissism’s alley. Then wonders how the university discourse in science, nowadays, in complicity with the discourse of capitalism, can be affected in case of the out-of-speech of psychosis find on the researcher a position of hospitality. The question that is on the horizon is: giving hospitality to psychosis would produce method effect's? The hospitality to psychosis would be an opportunity for a repositioning ethical and politically about how, nowadays, we've conceived our forays into the world of knowledge?
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