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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mindfulness som helsefremmende tiltak i helsesektoren : Helsepersonells erfaringer med mindfulness-baserte intervensjoner – Et kvalitativt studie

Eriksen, Eva Skulbru January 2014 (has links)
Det er gjennomført et kvalitativt studie med 9 semistrukturerte intervjuer av helsepersonell ved et sykehus, i forbindelse med et helsefremmende tiltak på arbeidsplassen. En fenomenologisk vinklet analyse inspirert av Giorgi (2009), er foretatt av de transskriberte intervjuene. Det ble tatt utgangspunkt i informantenes opplevelser og erfaringer omkring hva deltakelsen i tiltaket har kommet til å bety for deres personlige bevissthet i forhold til egenomsorg og opplevelse av sammenheng (OAS). Ny kunnskap og forståelse av tema utledes induktivt gjennom en ”bottom - up - tilnærming” som har gått fra intervjutekst til teori. Funn fra intervjuene viser at samtlige informanter beskriver opplevelsen av å ha gjennomgått en personlig bevisstgjøringsprosess gjennom deltakelsen som handler om økt oppmerksomt nærvær, og økt OAS. Alle informantene oppgir å ha hatt personlig utbytte av deltakelsen i mindfulness- prosjektet. Både i form av opplevelsen av å bli mer oppmerksomt nærværende, at tiltaket har hatt stressreduserende effekt, at de er blitt bedre på å ivareta seg selv, og at de opplever økt grad av håndterbarhet, begripelighet og meningsfullhet i dagliglivet sammenlignet med før tiltaksstart. Konklusjon: Funnene viser positive indikasjoner for at mindfulness- intervensjoner kan bidra til forbedring av psykologiske ferdigheter som egenomsorg, oppmerksomt nærvær og OAS hos helsepersonell på denne spesielle arbeidsplassen. Nøkkelord: Mindfulness, oppmerksomt nærvær, opplevelse av sammenheng, håndterbarhet, begripelighet, meningsfullhet, stressreduksjon, egenomsorg. / A quantitatively study consisting of nine semi-structured interviews (of health professionals) have been performed as part of a local health care project for employees at a work place in the health care sector. A phenomenological analysis inspired by Giori (2009), have been performed of the transcribed interviews performed in the project. The gained awareness of self-care and sense of coherence (SOC) is based on the informants experience from participating in the project. New knowledge and understanding of topics is derived inductively trough “bottom up approach” from interview text to theory. Findings from the interviews shows that all informants describe the experience of having gone through a personal process of awareness through participating and dealing with increased mindfulness, and increased SOC. All participants reported having experienced a personal benefit from being involved in the mindfulness project, in terms of extended awareness of “here and now”, stress-reduction effects, extended awareness of the importance of self- care, and an increased level of manageability, comprehensibility and meaningfulness (SOC) in daily life, compared to before the project. Conclusion: The findings show positive indications that mindfulness interventions may help to improve psychological skills as self-care, mindfulness and SOC of healthcare professionals at this specific workplace. Key Words: Mindfulness, Awareness, Sense of coherence, Comprehensibility, Manageability, Meaningfulness, Stress reduction, Self-care.

Velge selv, men ikke helt alene? : - Et økologisk systemperspektiv på 10. klassingers utdanningsvalg i overgangen til videregående opplæring / An Independent Choice, But Not All Alone? : - An ecological system perspective at 10 graders choice of education in the transition to senior high.

Simensen, Ellen Gustavsen January 2011 (has links)
There has been a focus on the dropout problem in Senior High Schools in Norway since the beginning of the 1990’s. Dropout has become a problem both in regard to social costs and the serious consequences this can cause to the individual. The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper insight into the single pupil’s impressions and experiences regarding choice of education. The study examines whether existing measures taken by the county of Buskerud are regarded useful for the pupil’s process of choice. Further, this paper will focus on what pupils in the first year of Senior High school think about the measure “practice days” linked to the subject “Educational Choice” in Junior High. This study is based upon both a quantity and a quality approach through a questionnaire (399 answers) and 4 research interviews. The interviews are analyzed through the principles of Grounded Theory. The study shows that the process of choice is complex and composed of many factors. A choice is affected by culture, social conditions and the environment the individuals belong to or see themselves as a part of. Basically the pupils are satisfied with the “practice days” as a measure; however, more research is required to draw conclusions whether the measure reduces dropout. Key words: dropout, practice days, educational and vocational guidance, educational choice, transition, measure

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