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Educação de crianças e jovens nas academias militares do Conde de Resende (Rio de Janeiro: 1792 - 1801) / Education of poor children and young people in the Resendes Count Academies (Rio de Janeiro: 1792-1801)Maria Luiza Cardoso 03 July 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da educação de crianças e jovens pobres na Real Academia de Fortificação, Artilharia e Desenho da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, criada em 1792, pelo 2º. Conde de Resende, e na Academia de Aritmética, Geometria Pratica, Fortificação, Desenho e Língua Francesa para Oficiais de Infantaria, criada em 1795, também pelo referido Conde. Dentre outras fontes de pesquisa utilizadas, o trabalho se baseia principalmente num mappa dos nomes, idades e observaçoens dos alumnos relativo à última academia, datado de 31 de Dezembro de 1798, descoberto no Arquivo Histórico Militar, quando da realização de um estágio de doutoramento em Portugal, financiado pela CAPES. A pesquisa teve como objetivos identificar por que e como (metodologia) se desenvolveram as ações educativas nessas instituições; caracterizar os alunos que freqüentavam esses ambientes educacionais, bem como seus professores; identificar os conteúdos escolares que eram abordados nessas situações de aprendizagem; verificar o material didático empregado na instrução; identificar maneiras de avaliar o desempenho escolar dos alunos e professores; analisar a legislação educacional existente; verificar diferenças no tratamento dispensado às crianças e aos jovens de origem nobre e aos filhos de militares, com relação aos militares das mesmas faixas etárias, oriundos das outras classes sociais; e identificar possíveis contribuições que as Academias possam ter oferecido à educação e à sociedade brasileira. / This thesis is about the education of poor children and young people in the Academy of Fortification, Artillery, and Draw of the Rio de Janeiros city, that began to work in 1792, and was created by the Second Resendes Count, and the Academy of Arithmetic, Geometry, Fortification, Draw and French Language for Infantry Officers, created in 1795, also by the Count. Among many documents and books, this work was done based in a map that contains names, ages, and observations of the students related to the last academy, dated from December 31st, 1798, that was discovered in the Military History Archive, when the realization of a doctors training in Portugal, paid by CAPES. The investigation tries to present the reasons of the creation, and how was developed the education actions in these institutions; characterized the students that frequented theses educational places, and also their teachers; identify the schools contents that were teaching; verify the teaching materials that were used in the instructions; identify the evaluations methods for students and teachers; analyze the educational documents and laws of these academies; verify differences between the treatment dispensed to the poor and to the rich students; and identify possible contributions to the education and the american society.
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Endereçamento por título: uma forma de encaminhamento multicast para a próxima geração de redes de computadores. / Addressing by title: enabling multicast to the next generation of computers networks.Flávio de Oliveira Silva 03 October 2013 (has links)
A Internet foi projetada em contexto distante da realidade atual. Novas aplicações, novas tecnologias e dispositivos definem um novo conjunto de requisitos, que, entre outros, consiste de suporte a mobilidade, segurança, QoS e multicast. Pesquisadores de todo o mundo estão engajados no projeto da Internet do Futuro. Enquanto muitos procuram evoluir a Internet atual, outros partem do princípio de que arquitetura atual deve ser ignorada afim de se conceber uma nova arquitetura. Partindo de uma visão disruptiva, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir, projetar e avaliar experimentalmente uma forma de encaminhamento onde o multicast seja um requisito central para as aplicações. Essa forma de encaminhamento é baseada em novas relações entre entidades que se comunicam e na utilização de uma identificação/endereçamento única, não ambígua e independente da topologia: seu Título. A arquitetura Entity Title Architecture (ETArch), construída sobre uma infraestrutura baseada em redes definidas por software, estabelece novas relações entre as entidades de sistemas distribuídos. A definição do Workspace, implementado neste trabalho, permite estabelecer um canal por onde múltiplas entidades se comunicam naturalmente de uma forma multicast, permitindo ainda a mobilidade dessas entidades ao longo da rede. Identificado por seu Título, o Workspace é o destino das primitivas durante a comunicação. À medida que novas entidades se ligam ou desligam, há reconfiguração do Workspace. A abordagem definida, implementada e verificada neste trabalho representa uma forma mais eficiente de comunicação se comparada aos endereços no âmbito da camada de rede (IP Multicast) ou de aplicação (Application Layer Multicast). A arquitetura ETArch leva em conta não somente os aspectos de multicast e mobilidade das entidades, como também foi construída com a visão de incorporar em um momento futuro requisitos de QoS e segurança, sendo, portanto, um ponto de convergência para o diálogo com outros grupos de pesquisa, afim de colaborar na construção da próxima geração das redes de computadores. / Internet was designed in a totally different context, far from what we have today. New applications, new technologies and devices define a new set of requirements, which among others, is to support mobility, security, QoS and multicast. Researchers around the world are engaged in the design of the Future Internet. While many seek to evolve the current Internet, others assume that current architecture should be ignored in order to design a new architecture. From a disruptive vision, this work aims to define, design and experimentally validate a form of referral where multicast be a central requirement for applications. This form of routing is based on new relationships between entities that communicate and use of an identification/addressing based on a topology independent name that unambiguously identifies an entity: its Title. The Entity Title Architecture (ETArch), built on an infrastructure based on software defined networking, establishes new relationships between entities in distributed systems. The definition of the Workspace, implemented in this work, allows establishing a channel through which multiple entities communicate naturally by using a multicast approach, while still allowing mobility of these entities over network. Identified by its title, the Workspace is the destination of the primitives during communication. As new entities attach or detach the Workspace is reconfigured. The approach defined, implemented and varied in this work is a more efficient way of communication compared to the addressing within the network layer (IP Multicast) or application (Application Layer Multicast). ETArch takes into account not only the aspects of multicast and mobility of the entities , but also was built with the vision to incorporate into a future time QoS and security , so it is a focal point for dialogue with other research groups to collaborate in building the next generation of computer networks.
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L'administration provinciale à l'Ancien Empire / Provincial administration in the Old KingdomMartinet, Émilie 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’augmentation des publications concernant les sites provinciaux datés de l’Ancien Empire, qu’il s’agisse d'ouvrages consacrés à des découvertes récentes ou d’éditions plus approfondies de nécropoles connues depuis longtemps, a accru la documentation relative aux élites provinciales et au système administratif provincial de cette époque. Il était donc nécessaire de proposer une nouvelle reconstitution des structures administratives provinciales et de la hiérarchisation des élites provinciales de l’Ancien Empire. Si l'outil prosopographique reste crucial pour ces thématiques, nos objectifs n'ont pu être atteints qu'en effectuant une analyse croisée de la totalité des sources relatives au sujet, qu'il s'agisse de sources inscrites, iconographiques ou archéologiques, royales ou privées, ainsi qu'en adoptant une approche globale qui dépasse largement le cadre d'une étude prosopographique. Dans le chapitre 1, nous avons analysé chacune des catégories de fonctionnaires ayant eu une autorité supra-provinciale, afin de déterminer leurs différentes compétences et leur sphère d'influence. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence les temps forts de la présence de l’administration royale en province, ainsi que les modalités de son intervention selon les dynasties. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'évolution du statut des responsables des provinces au cours de l'Ancien Empire (les administrateurs temporaires de nome, les proto-nomarques et les nomarques). Dans le chapitre 3, pour analyser les rouages de l’administration provinciale, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur les titres des fonctionnaires intermédiaires et subalternes qui se rencontrent les plus fréquemment en province et dont certaines sources, comme les décrets et les empreintes de sceaux, ainsi que la documentation hiératique, attestent leur emploi dans un contexte administratif et contribuent à préciser les modalités d'exercice de ces charges. Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons proposé une typologie des différentes structures administratives provinciales. Nous avons élaboré une liste de 22 critères qui nous ont permis de regrouper les provinces en plusieurs catégories en fonction de caractéristiques dominantes et communes à celles-ci. Trois principales catégories ont été mises en évidence : 1) les provinces qui présentaient d’importantes interactions avec le pouvoir central, 2) les provinces dans lesquelles le temple local occupait une place prépondérante, alors que les institutions centrales y étaient moins présentes, et 3) les provinces caractérisées par une organisation plus mixte, et dont les élites locales présentaient un degré d’intégration moins important à la structure administrative du royaume. Enfin, nous avons démontré, pour la VIe dynastie, l'existence d'une circulation du pouvoir entre certaines provinces sélectionnées par la monarchie et qui ont eu un rôle important dans l'administration de la Haute-Égypte, comme le suggère la présence de certains bureaux déconcentrés. Les élites de ces centres régionaux d'importance ont une influence sur plusieurs provinces et ont permis à la monarchie de pouvoir maintenir la stabilité de l'État et le contrôle d'une partie des ressources locales. / This study aims at improving our understanding of the provincial administrative structures in the Old Kingdom. The analysis of the titles provides some information about the careers of the provincial officials and the hierarchical relationships in the provinces. The cross analysis of all the data allows to reconstitute the organisation of the provincial administration and its changes during the Old Kingdom. Moreover, despite attempts to standardise the administrative system by the royal power under the Sixth dynasty, the provincial administrative structures were diverse, according to the status of the province in the administration, as well as local factors
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Doses de N e K aplicados via fertirrigação na cultura da roseira (Rosa sp.) em ambiente protegido. / Levels of n and k applied by fertigation on rose (rosa sp.) crop in a protected environment.Casarini, Edivaldo 09 November 2004 (has links)
A fertirrigação em rosas é uma técnica bastante utilizada pelos produtores de flores. O nitrogênio e o potássio são os nutrientes mais exigidos nas distintas fases da cultura, onde a aplicação de quantidades corretas aumenta a produtividade e a qualidade das flores. Com o objetivo foi avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade das hastes florais na cultura da roseira, cultivar "Versilha", em ambiente protegido conduziu-se um experimento na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da ESALQ/USP, localizado no município de Piracicaba, SP, entre os meses de novembro/2002 a setembro/2003. Os tratamentos foram dispostos numa combinação de 4 doses de N (10; 20; 30 e 40 g.pl-1.ano-1), 4 doses de K (10; 20; 30 e 40 g.pl-1.ano-1). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados com 3 repetições, sendo os fatores arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o gotejamento, adotando manejo de irrigação com tensiômetros e tanque evaporimétrico reduzido. Foram avaliados os parâmetros qualitativos das hastes e botões de rosas, a produtividade, a condutividade elétrica e os níveis de NO3- e K+ na solução do solo através de medidor de íons (HORIBA) e as concentrações de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas. A lâmina total aplicada entre os meses de fevereiro e setembro foi de 839,43 mm com média de 3,46 mm.dia-1 e o potencial matricial médio da água no solo foi de -10 kPa na camada de 0 - 20 cm. A produtividade de rosas nas duas colheitas reduziu linearmente com as doses de K aplicadas. Para a qualidade das hastes não houve diferença significativa para a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados nas duas colheitas. A condutividade elétrica e as concentrações de NO3- e K+ na solução do solo aumentaram linearmente de acordo com as doses de N e K aplicados. Para as concentrações de N e P nas folhas observou-se a influência das doses de N, para Ca2+ e Mg2+ observou-se a influencia das doses de K, mostrando o antagonismo entre eles. Nas concentrações de micronutrientes, o boro foi influenciado pelo N e K e as concentrações de Fe2+ e Mn2+ foram influenciadas pelo N. / The rose plant fertigation is a technique quite useful by flowers growers. The nitrogen and the potassium are the most required nutrients in the distinct crop phases, where the application of correct amounts increases the yield and flower quality. A study was carried out under protected environment conditions, at the experimental area of the Department of Rural Engineering of "Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, from November/2002 to September/2003. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the yield and quality of rose flowers, "Versilha" cultivar. The treatments were disposed in combination of 4 N levels (10; 20; 30 and 40 g.pl-1.year-1) and 4 K levels (10; 20; 30 and 40 g.pl-1.year-1). The statistical test was performed in randomized blocks, with 3 replications, arranged in a 4 x 4 factorial design. Drip system irrigation was used with tensiometers and a reduced evaporation pan in order to manage water depth. The parameters evaluated were: stem and bud quality, yield, electric conductivity, NO3- and K+ soil solution levels by ion meter (HORIBA) and concentrations of macro and micronutrients in the leaves. Total irrigation water depth applied between February and September was 839,43 mm with an average of 3,46 mm.d-1 and the average soil matric potencial was -10 kPa in a 0 - 20 cm in depth. The two flushes rose yield was linearly reduced with the applied K levels. Stems quality showed no difference for majors evaluated parameters. The electric conductivity, NO3- and K+ soil solution levels linearly increased according to the levels of N and K. The N and P concentrations in the leaves were influenced by N levels. Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the leaves were influenced by K levels, showing antagonism between them. In micronutrients concentrations, boron showed an interaction, influenced by N and K levels and Fe2+ and Mn2+ influenced by N levels.
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Elementary School TVAAS Composites: A Comparison Between Title I Elementary Schools and Non-Title I Elementary Schools in TennesseePadelski, Anthony W 01 December 2016 (has links)
The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities that support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing. Low-income schools or Title I schools are the primary target of Title I funds. A school is eligible for Title I status when 40% of the school’s students are from low income families; these students are identified by their eligibility to receive free and reduced priced meals.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference in elementary schools’ TVAAS Composite scores between Title I and Non-Title I schools. Specifically, this researcher examined the relationship of Title I funding with student academic growth at the elementary level. The schools were located in rural Tennessee. Data were gathered from the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Tennessee State Report Cards and the TNDOE to determine if there was a statistically significant difference between the 2 types of schools. Research indicated mixed reviews on the impact Title I funds have on lower socioeconomic schools.
The researcher performed 5 paired t test and 8 Pearson correlation coefficients. There was a significant difference in the schools’ composite scores between Title I and Non-Title I elementary schools in Tennessee. Non-Title I elementary schools in Tennessee had higher composite scores than those of the Title I elementary schools. Results from the Pearson correlations indicated no significant relationships for mean years of teaching experience with school composite scores.
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Prosecution as the "Soul Crushing Job:" Complexities of Campus Sexual Assault CasesSlovinsky, Tammi L 01 January 2018 (has links)
On April 4, 2011, the U.S. Department of Education issued a Dear Colleague Letter on campus sexual assault reaffirming the intent of Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits discrimination sex-based under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. In response to growing concern over due process rights for defendants, in September 2017 the guidance was rescinded. Public policy continues to evolve, leading to potentially lasting institutional changes on many college campuses. These developments include the formalization of campus investigations and adjudications, the development of campus coordinating committees and expanded support mechanisms for victims. In Virginia, laws passed in 2015 require transcript notations and notification to law enforcement prosecutors’ offices of certain sexual assault offenses reported to colleges and universities. To date, no research exists on how prosecutors, as the presumed gateway to justice, make sense of and navigate these emerging developments when making decisions about cases. The present study helps to fill that void by using inductive qualitative methods through a symbolic interactionism theoretical framework. The findings are based on in-depth interviews with prosecutors across Virginia to examine how they create meaning based on case elements in campus sexual assault cases including legal considerations and victim and offender characteristics, as well as their perceptions of the influence of internal and external relationships on their decision-making. A modified grounded theory approach informed data coding and analysis, which yielded the development of a theory that explains the ways various factors and interactions with campus officials, and survivors that influence prosecutors’ action including decisions to charge, to take a case to trial and to collaborate. Results of the study inform the development of public policy to ultimately improve practice, collaboration and information sharing processes in both campus and criminal justice-prosecution systems.
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The Effect of Researched-Based Practices on Reading Achievement of Title Î? StudentsPhipps, Oliver Lorenza 01 January 2015 (has links)
Title Î? schools are supported to improve student reading achievement and to bridge the achievement gap between low-income students and other students. The researched-based practices of professional learning communities, coteaching classrooms, and the RtI 3-tiered model were added to a Title Î? school to improve students' reading achievement; however, the effects of these research-based practices on students' reading achievement were unclear. The purpose of this quantitative causal comparative study was to examine the impact of these research-based practices on reading scores of students. Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT 2.0) reading achievement scores were compared between students (n = 98) in a Title Î? school receiving researched-based practices for 3 consecutive years against Title Î? students (n = 127) not receiving researched-based practices for 3 consecutive years. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and Webb's depth of knowledge formed the theoretical framework of the study. The independent variable was the type of reading instructional practices. The dependent variables were the FCAT 2.0 reading scores of Title Î? 5th, 4th, and 3rd grade students. The covariates were the FCAT 2.0 scores or the Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading test scores taken at the end of previous year for each grade level. Analysis of covariance indicated that students receiving the enhanced instructional practices had significantly higher reading scores than did the comparison group following the intervention. The implications for positive social change include providing data to the study school administration that support the use of these researched-based practices in Title Î? schools to improve students' reading achievement and close the reading achievement gap.
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Teachers' Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction in Elementary ReadingStewart, Olwen Suzette 01 January 2016 (has links)
Many teachers in a low socioeconomic school district in Florida struggle with differentiating instruction for the large at-risk population; however, one school has been identified as a high functioning school. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate how classroom teachers at the high functioning school are differentiating instruction and how their reading coaches are supporting the teachers in designing instructional interventions. Guided by the concepts of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development and Tomlinson's differentiated instruction, this study examined the connection between these 2 concepts and explored approaches to the creation of an instructional model to support at-risk students. The research questions focused on the perceptions of teachers and reading coaches about instructional interventions and differentiated instruction. The participants were classroom teachers and reading coaches with 2 or more years of teaching experience in grades 3-5. A case study design was used to capture the insights of 7 participants through interviews and school district public artifacts. Emergent themes were identified from the data through open coding and findings were developed and validated. The findings indicated that at-risk students benefit from (a) dedicated, caring teachers; (b) strong stakeholder support; (c) on-going professional development; (d) opportunities for teacher collaboration; and (e) effective differentiated instructional strategies. Implications for social change include increased instructional effectiveness for teachers that improve academic performance of at-risk students.
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Teachers' Perceptions of the Reading Achievement Gap Between High-Achieving Students and Below-Basic StudentsIaconelli, Helen Anne 01 January 2015 (has links)
Atlantic Avenue Elementary School (AAES) experienced reading achievement gaps between high-performing students and below-basic students within the school reading curriculum and balanced literacy framework. Vygotsky's theories of scaffolding and zone of proximal development served as the framework guiding this project, which used a qualitative case study design to explore reading teachers' perceptions of the ways in which they were addressing this reading achievement gap. Individual interviews, classroom observations, and lesson plans were the sources of the qualitative data collected from 6 reading teachers. The data were coded manually using emerging and constant-comparative strategies to identify common themes. The themes that emerged from the findings were the need for (a) balanced literacy instruction, (b) reading instruction to be taught at individual ability levels, (c) enrichment of students' background knowledge, (d) meaningful reading assessments to drive instruction, and
(e) sustainable and informative professional development (PD). A teacher-informed PD plan was developed in the form of a professional learning community. The potential positive social impact of success of this PD at AAES could benefit similar schools in the district, state, and nation.
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Preparation and Support of Female Head Athletic Trainers in Collegiate SportTurner, Bekki 01 January 2015 (has links)
Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972 has significantly improved women's access to previously male-dominated areas of education in the United States, but few of these studies have focused on the experiences of women currently in the higher education field. This study explored female head athletic trainers' perceptions of the role of U.S. higher education institutions in preparing and supporting their achievement of leadership positions in U.S. collegiate sports: it also explored their views on potential changes in current higher education curricula and certification processes. This phenomenological study used Ridgeway's status construction theory as its theoretical lens for examining the role of higher education in participants' career progressions. Data were collected from a purposeful sample of 9 female head athletic trainers from various intercollegiate schools in the United States. The trustworthiness of findings was increased through use of the constant comparison data analysis method and sharing transcripts and excerpts of findings with participants. The study findings showed that the participants perceived higher education program preparation and support as limited in both helping women achieve collegiate leadership positions and overcome barriers to professional advancement. Suggestions for improving athletic training educational programs included adding mentorship and role models, experiential learning and interactions with sport personnel, networking opportunities, leadership training, and courses in gender roles and biases. This study promotes positive social change by identifying underlying gender biases inhibiting women's promotions into sport leadership roles and by providing policy and curricular suggestions for addressing these, thereby promoting greater social equality.
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