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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avtalad oenighet : Att komma tillrätta med kolliderande standardavtal / Agreed-on Dissent : Untangling Conflicting Standard Terms

Molinder, Erik January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Taltolkning av hörande teckenspråksanvändare : En fokusgruppstudie med tolkar och hörande teckenspråkiga som tecknar i tolkade sammanhang / Voiceover of hearing signers : experiences from interpreters

Tesfazion, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studien behandlar och beskriver dels hur tolkar upplever att taltolka hörande personer som använder teckenspråk, dels hur hörande personer som använder teckenspråk upplever att bli taltolkade. Två fokusgrupper fick berätta om sina erfarenheter av denna företeelse; teckenspråkstolkar i en grupp och hörande teckenspråkiga i en annan grupp. Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys identifierades fem teman med de viktigaste aspekterna i frågan. Dessa teman var: 1. Hörandes val av språk i tolkade sammanhang 2. Strategier för att hantera att bli taltolkad 3. Tolkens språkliga utmaningar 4. Ett gott samarbete är avgörande 5. CEFR – självbedömning är svårt. Genom dessa teman framkom att taltolkning av hörande är ett komplext fenomen som kräver särskild hantering. Ett väl utarbetat samarbete är en stor fördel och underlättar tolkens arbete. Det krävs också god kännedom om anledningen till att hörande ibland väljer att teckna i tolkade sammanhang. Det gör att tolken kan slappna av och koncentrera sig på tolkuppdraget. God insikt hos hörande gällande sin teckenspråkskompetens är också eftersträvansvärt. Vanan av att bli taltolkad underlättar situationen eftersom hörande då utarbetar strategier för att tåla att parallellt med den egna produktionen höra taltolkningen. / This study examines interpreters’ experiences of interpreting hearing signers into spoken language and describes the phenomenon of being the hearing person who signs in these interpreted contexts. Two focus groups were given the chance to share their stories about the situation - one group of sign language interpreters and one group of hearing signers. Through content analysis five themes were identified concerning the most important aspects. 1. Hearing persons’ choice of language in an interpreted situation 2. Strategies to manage being interpreted into spoken language 3. The interpreters’ linguistic challenges 4. Good cooperation is vital 5. CEFR- self-evaluation is hard. These themes revealed that giving voice to hearing signers is a complex phenomenon requiring special management. Well developed cooperation is an advantage and facilitates the interpreters work. Good knowledge about the reasons why hearing signers choose to sign makes it easier for the interpreters to relax and concentrate on the task. Hearing people need to have good understanding of their language proficiency as well as being accustomed to and develop strategies for managing to hear the interpreters voice over.

Business Intelligence: Understanding disparity in information interpretation / Business Intelligence: Förstå skillnader i tolkning av information

Saedi, Dimen, Danielsson, Per January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand how business intelligence and the information it provides is interpreted by two different groups of people - the business users and the technical team in a BI system. To fulfill the purpose of the research an analytical process with an interpretive approach has been used. Through the Gioia methodology the study was conducted as a single case study at a staffing agency located in Sweden with approximately 800 employees. Eight interviews were conducted at the company with four members from the technical team and four members from the business users. The findings of this study shows that two aggregated dimensions have emerged - Use of BI and Nature of BI. The empirical investigation show a clear difference between the technical team and the business users perception of BI, which is highlighted by the emerged aggregated dimensions and the coherent second order themes. To conclude, this demonstrates that there are not only technical challenges with BI, but also intangible challenges. This means that there are disparities in understanding BI, as well as there are disparities in interpreting the information it provides. / Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur Business Intelligence och den tillhörande informationen tolkas av två olika grupper av människor - the business users och the technical team i ett BI system. För att uppfylla syftet med forskningen har en analysprocess med en tolkningsmetod utförts. Genom Gioia-metoden har studien genomförts som en enskild fallstudie hos en bemanningsbyrå i Sverige med cirka 800 anställda. Åtta intervjuer genomfördes på företaget med fyra medlemmar från the technical team och fyra medlemmar från the business users. Resultatet av denna studie visar att två aggregerade dimensioner har uppstått - Use of BI och Nature of BI. Den empiriska undersökningen visar en tydlig skillnad mellan the technical team och the business users uppfattning om BI, vilket framhävs av de uppkomna aggregerade dimensionerna och de sammanhängande andra ordningens teman. Avslutningsvis visar detta att det inte bara finns tekniska utmaningar med BI utan även immateriella utmaningar. Det betyder att det finns skillnader i att förstå BI, och att det finns skillnader i tolkningen av den information som BI tillhandahåller.

Äntligen borta? : En kvalitativ studie i hur kvinnor och män förhåller sig till medierapporteringen kring Martin Timell.

Olsson, Thyra January 2018 (has links)
Hösten 2017 uppstod kampanjen #metoo och kvällstidningen Expressen rapporterade om programledaren Martin Timell som anklagades för att ha sexuellt trakasserat en kvinnlig assistent under en sommarfest. Med Expressens rapportering som utgångspunkt fokuserar studien på hur män och kvinnor tolkar och identifierar sig med rapporteringen kring händelsen. Det empiriska materialet består av tre fokusgrupper med sammanlagt åtta kvinnor och åtta män som fick ta del av två artiklar som föranalyserats retoriskt genom metaforer. Fokusgruppernas svar transkriberades och citat valdes ut för att sedan tolkas utifrån teorier om receptionsanalys, genus och kändisskap. Resultatet visade att männen höll sig mer distanserade till rapporteringen och identifierade sig inte med ämnet i samma utsträckning som kvinnorna. Både männen och kvinnorna såg feminism som en kvinnokamp och sexuella trakasserier som något som rör kvinnor i större utsträckning än män. Resultatet visar att de manliga och kvinnliga deltagarna hade ett accepterande förhållningssätt till rapporteringen. Männen och kvinnorna identifierade sig också olika ämnet i rapporteringen eftersom de har olika erfarenheter av sexuella trakasserier. / In the fall of 2017, the campaign #metoo erupted and the evening newspaper Expressen reported on the accusations made at the television host, Martin Timell, of having sexually harassed a female assistant at a summer party. The study focuses on how men and women interpret and identify with the reporting of the accusations. The empirical material consisted of three focus groups with a total of eight women and eight men who received two articles which was analyzed rhetorical in advance using metaphors. The focus groups' replies were transcribed and quotes were selected and then interpreted based on a reception analysis theory, genus theory and celebrity theory. The result showed that the men kept themselves distant and did not identify themselves with the topic. The women on the other hand could relate more easily to the reporting. Both men and women saw feminism as something that women have to fight for and sexual harassment as something that concerns women to a greater extent than men. The result shows that the male and female participants had an accepting interpretation regarding the articles. They identified themselves differently with the topic of the articles because male and females have different experiences when it comes to sexual harassment.

Tystnad - talande tystnad : Luckor och möjlighetsutrymmen i Alice Munros novell "Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage" / Silence - speaking silence : Gaps and spaces of possibilities in Alice Munro's short story "Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage"

Adrian, Anderson January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen i svensk rätt : En fallstudie kring barnkonventionens inkorporerande i Sverige

Luca, Elena Andreea January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1990 and thereafter Sweden also ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Swedish Parliament voted in 2018 on the Government's proposal regarding the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden since 1 January 2020. The purpose of the study has been to examine and analyze the transposition of the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish law. Furthermore, all changes, challenges and problems encountered during the process regarding the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child are analyzed. To achieve the purpose of the essay, I have used a rights theory by the legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin who writes about legal rights.   The study clearly shows that the transposition of the Convention on the Rights of the Child acquires the status of Swedish law and this will help children to comply with children's rights in society, despite certain problems that remain. Children's rights are described on the basis of the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the three optional additional protocols, where additional protocol (TP3) has not been ratified in Swedish law. (TP3) gave children the opportunity to challenge decisions when children’s rights have been violated under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child means also that children have no right to complain, because the courts have no direct obligation to use the articles and additional protocols of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Re-Construction for the New : Gilles Deleuze’s Text-Critical Method in Différence et répétition

Brulin, Emet January 2020 (has links)
This thesis argues, contrary to Gilles Deleuze’s critique of method and disavowal of textuality, that there is a re-constructive textual method at work in Deleuze’s 1968 treatise Différence et répétition. It is a method not for interpretation, representation, or deconstruction but for prolonging and reactivating historical and contemporary texts into the present and for the future. It is demonstrated how Deleuze’s method synthesises temporally and thematically heterogeneous texts and make them resonate with each other. The analysis is conducted, first, through a notion of telling stories as a complementary device to Deleuze’s definition of philosophy as the creation of concepts. Second, by showing how Deleuze – instead of offering solutions – connects, develops, and repeats problems from which the new is drawn. Third, by discussing his positive and re-constructive concept of critique and by arguing that his use of free indirect discourse should be understood as a metaphysical and political tool. Finally, by claiming that Deleuze’s concept of multiplicity can be viewed as a synthetic and methodological device that brings a heterogeneous given together. In concluding, it is proposed that Deleuze draws on tools and technics developed in literature and mathematics, specifically differential calculus and geometry, to develop methods for philosophy. Studying Deleuze’s method in Différence et répétition not only offers a prism for throwing new light on Deleuze’s philosophy through his understudied methodology, but also contributes to the development of innovative philosophically inspired methods for re-constructing the present. In addition, this study shows that while Deleuze pushed continental philosophy beyond its hermeneutic, structuralist, and existentialist heritage, he also contributed to the development of novel methodologies. (For a copy of the full text, do not hesitate to contact me: emet.brulin[at]gmail.com)

We’re in this together – joint and several : How interpreters in spoken languages cooperate in teams in Swedish courts of law / Tillsammans och i samförstånd : Hur tolkar i talade språk samarbetar vid tolkning i svenska domstolar

Hellstrand, Lotta January 2022 (has links)
In sign-language interpreting and conference interpreting it is common for interpreters to work in pairs and well-established norms exist for how that cooperation is carried out. Working in pairs is becoming more common in Swedish courts for spoken language interpreting. Yet how court interpreters collaborate in these situations is not well described. This study, based on 29 hours of audio-files, examines how interpreters working in English and Swedish cooperate during consecutive interpreting when defendants are questioned in Swedish courts. Using Goffman’s terms, the interpreters can be said to be either ratified or bystander at any given point. Five types of cooperation were identified. Two show prompted support - the ratified interpreter either explicitly asks for support or her communicative behaviour makes the bystander conclude that support is needed, two show how the bystander interpreter self-selects to provide support. The fifth covers situations when a bystander interpreter is using non-renditions to explicitly coordinate the interaction. The study can confirm that interpreters are more noticeable in the courtroom than the traditional view of a good interpreter allows. It also shows how a team of two interpreters together can solve communicative problems related to the interpreter’s parallel tasks of translating and coordinating. / Inom teckenspråkstolkning och konferenstolkning är det vanligt att två eller fler tolkar arbetar tillsammans. Det finns väletablerade normer för hur samarbetet ska genomföras. Svenska domstolar anlitar ibland två tolkar till uppdrag i talade språk, men det saknas forskning om hur domstolstolkar samarbetar. Föreliggande studie, baserad på 29 timmar inspelat material undersöker på vilket sätt tolkar med engelska som arbetsspråk samarbetar vid konsekutivtolkning av förhör med tilltalade i svenska domstolar. Med Goffmans terminologi kan tolkarna sägas vara antingen ratified eller bystander vid varje given tidpunkt. Studien identifierar fem typer av samarbeten. Två av dem innefattar efterfrågat stöd där tolken som är ratified antingen ber om stöd eller agerar kommunikativt på ett sätt som får tolken som är bystander att dra slutsatsen att stöd behövs. Två andra kategorier beskriver situationer där tolken som är bystander tar initiativ att erbjuda en rättelse eller ett tillägg. Den femte kategorin täcker situationer där en tolk som är bystander använder sig av icke-återgivningar för att explicit samordna interaktionen. Studien bekräftar att tolkar tar mer plats i en rättssal än vad den gängse uppfattningen är, men också att samarbetande tolkar för det mesta smidigt löser kommunikativa problem relaterade till tolkens två parallella praktiker, att översätta och samordna.

Mediationsaspekte in den schwedischen Rechtsvorschriften für das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Mediation aspects in Sweden's upper secondary school legislation for the subject German as a foreign language

Paulsen, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
Abstract  This thesis deals with the linguistic concept of mediation. Although mediation is very common and oc- curs naturally in communication between people, there is no uniform international definition of this linguistic phenomenon. One of the aims of this thesis is to gain clarity about the term and three different definitions of mediation are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessing (CEFR) was published by the Council of Europe in 2001 and in the framework, mediation is presented as one of four linguistic activi- ties, alongside production, reception and interaction. In 2018, the CEFR was complemented by a com- panion volume, in which new descriptors for aspects of mediation are presented. The CEFR and the companion volume are documents that have a major influence on the design of curricula and syllabuses for foreign language education in many European countries, to some extent also in Sweden. Neverthe- less, mediation is deliberately omitted from Sweden's school legislation. The reason given for this is that it should be possible to hold lessons solely in the target language (Skolverket 2011b: 11). Transla- tion and interpreting, both aspects of mediation, should therefore not be taught in class. As shown in this thesis many aspects of mediation can however take place within a single language. The result of the text analysis of the Swedish school legislation for the subject German as a foreign language is that some mediation aspects are implemented in the Swedish school legislation, even if they are named differently.

Jakten efter likvärdighet i Stockholms grundskolor : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser kring målsättningar, tillämpningar och påverkande faktorer. / The search for equality in Stockholm’s primary schools : A qualitative study of physical education teachers' experiences of goals, applications and influencing factors.

Leek, Kevin, Kalliokoski, Kirsti January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet tolkar målsättningar i ämnet idrott och hälsa utifrån styrdokumenten, samt hur dessa tillämpas i undervisning i förhållande till påverkansfaktorer för att sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning. Frågeställningarna är: (1)Vilka målsättningar har lärare i ämnet? (2)Hur arbetar lärare för att uppfylla dessa mål och sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning? (3)Vilka faktorer påverkar lärares mål med undervisning?   Metod:  Eftersom studien syftar till att undersöka lärarnas tolkningar och upplevelser valdes en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv innehållsanalys utifrån två teoretiska utgångspunkter. Dessa två teoretiska utgångspunkterna var ramfaktorteori och läroplansteori.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att idrottslärarna hade gemensamma målsättningar med ämnet idrott och hälsa. Dessa målsättningar var: rörelseglädje, intresse för framtida fysisk aktivitet, kunskaper om hälsa och etiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att två idrottslärare hade ytterligare enskilda målsättningar. För att tillämpa dessa mål i undervisningen använde de sig av variation av olika aktiviteter samt olika pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt såsom anpassning, repetition och progression. De inre och yttre faktorer som påverkade lärarna var framförallt erfarenhet, idrottsbakgrund, lokal, tid och elevsammansättning.   Slutsats:  Utifrån resultatet av studien kan vi dra en slutsats att lärarnas tolkning av ämnets målsättningar grundades utifrån de formulerade målen i styrdokumenten. Detta tyder på att de olika riktlinjerna på formuleringsarenan bidrar till en mer likvärdig tolkning. Däremot tillämpades målsättningarna på olika sätt beroende på de yttre och inre faktorerna. Baserad på denna iakttagelse kan en slutsats dras att likvärdig undervisning kräver att läraren gör anpassningar utifrån de förutsättningar hen har i sitt specifika sammanhang. / Aim:The aim of this study is to investigate how physical education teachers in the Stockholm area interpret objectives in the subject of sports and health based on the governing documents, and how these are applied in teaching in relation to influencing factors in order to strive for an equivalent teaching. The questions are: (1) What are the goals of teachers in the subject? (2) How do teachers work to meet these goals and strive for equal teaching? (3) What factors influence teachers' goals in teaching? Method:Since the study aims to examine teachers' interpretations and experiences, a qualitative method was chosen. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with six sports teachers in the Stockholm area. The data collection was analyzed using a deductive content analysis based on two theoretical basis. These two theoretical basis were framework factor theory and curriculum theory. Results:The results show that the physical education teachers had common goals with the subject sports and health. These goals were: joy of movement, interest in future physical activity, knowledge of health and ethical perspective. The results showed that two sports teachers had additional individual goals. To apply these goals in the teaching, they used variety of different activities as well as different pedagogical approaches such as adaptation, repetition and progression. The internal and external factors that influenced the teachers were primarily experience, sports background, location, time and student base. Conclusion:Based on the results of the study, we were able to conclude that the teachers' interpretation of the subject's objectives was based on the formulated objectives in the curriculum. This indicates how the different guidelines in the formulation arena contribute to a more equal interpretation. However, the objectives were applied in different ways depending on the external and internal factors. Based on this observation, it can be concluded that equivalent teaching requires the teacher to make adjustments based on the conditions in their specific context.

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