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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative study of the spatial semiotics of theatre and contemporary Church of England liturgy

Daniel, Alastair Kevin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

"How do you know god didn't start the universe and blow it up?" : using classroom talk and controversy to support scientific literacy

Freeman, Jennifer Lynn 14 October 2014 (has links)
This study investigated the participant structure and content of discourse in five high-school science classrooms and their connection to scientifically literate practices for talking, reasoning, and evaluating claims. Through a detailed exploration of the way teachers introduced classes to the topic of evolution, I was able to examine how teachers used language to build a social framework for participation, examined the opportunities and challenges stemming from their various approaches, and explored how the structure and content of classroom talk contributed to framing science. This study used techniques from interactional sociolinguistics and conversational analysis to examine videos of interaction in five secondary biology classrooms on the day teachers introduced their students to lessons focused on the topic of evolution. Implications of this study focus on how teacher's discourse moves could open or close a discussion to student knowledge contributions, and emphasize how open discussions offer both challenges and opportunities to teachers wishing to facilitate scientifically literate discourse practices in their classroom. / text

Informationssökning bland nyblivna mödrar : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie

Nyberg Eiroff, Gunilla, Frank, Kiro January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Graviditet och tidigt moderskap är perioder då kvinnor aktivt söker ny kunskap. Tillgången till hälsorelaterad information är enorm men kvaliteten på innehållet varierar mellan olika källor. För att kunna göra informerade val i hälsofrågor behöver mödrar evidensbaserad information, och det är en barnmorskas ansvar att kunna guida dem till högkvalitativa källor. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga nyblivna mödrars informationssökning samt att undersöka om det finns samband mellan informationssökning och olika sociodemografiska bakgrundsvariabler. Metod: Undersökningen baserades på delar av en pilotstudie inför ett större europeiskt projekt och data från 137 enkäter till nyblivna mödrar analyserades. Resultat: De mest använda informationskällorna bland mödrarna var barnavårdscentral och vårdsidor på Internet, således källor som tillhandahåller evidensbaserad information. Nästan lika populärt var dock att vända sig till familj och vänner och till Internetforum, där kvaliteten på informationen kan variera och ibland skapa missförstånd och oro. Slutsats: Barnmorskor bör därför hålla sig uppdaterade på det informationsflöde som finns, känna till vilka informationskällor deras patienter använder och vilken typ av information de hämtar. De bör också kunna guida sina patienter till högkvalitativ information. / Background: Pregnancy and early motherhood are periods when women are actively seeking new knowledge. The public access to health information is enormous but the quality of the content varies between different sources. To make informed health choices, mothers need evidence-based information, and midwives have a responsibility to guide them to highqualitative sources. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore new mothers’ information seeking and to investigate the relationship between information seeking and various sociodemographic background variables. Method: The study was based on parts of a pilot study prior to a wider European project, and data from 137 questionnaires to new mothers were analysed. Results: The most frequently used sources of information among the mothers were childcare centres and health sites on the Internet, thus sources that provide evidence-based information. Almost as popular was, however, to turn to family / friends and to Internet forums, where the quality of information can vary and sometimes create confusion and anxiety. Conclusion: Midwives should therefore stay updated on the predominant flow of information, know which sources of information their patients are using and what type of information they obtain. They should also be able to guide their patients to high-quality information.

The feminist postmodern fantastic : sexed, gendered, and sexual identities

Denby, Michelle January 2001 (has links)
The thesis investigates a diverse range of feminist postmodern philosophy, distinguished by its varying rearticulation of the relationship between modernism and postmodernism and feminism’s own position vis-à-vis that debate. Drawing on postmodernism’s primary tenet that substantive, binary identity categories comprise discursive, performative constructs, feminist postmodernism theorises a range of strategies for their subversive re-performance. This is realised in the mobilisation of parodic, “failed” repetitions and identities embodied, for instance, by transsexual, transgender, and transvestite personae. Hence the reformulation of postmodern versions of agency, resistance, and choice. In the second instance, the thesis examines the combination of feminist postmodern philosophy with the narrative techniques of postmodernism and its sister genre, the fantastic mode. As a heterogeneous, open-ended, self-reflexive form, the “postmodern fantastic” challenges conventional realism and its correlative sovereign subject. The postmodern fantastic is redeployed by feminist practitioners, whose inscription of both textual and topographical re-performance, such as is manifest in the cyborg and the grotesque, represent the literary counterparts of feminist postmodern agency. The above provide critical contexts for a reading of four late-twentieth-century women writers, focusing in particular on their intervention in the modernism/postmodemism debate and their deployment of the feminist postmodern fantastic as a means of destabilising sexed, gendered, and sexual identity. The selected authors Hélène Cixous, Monique Wittig, Jeanette Winterson, and Angela Carter represent distinct and diverse, culturally specific, literary and feminist traditions, reformulating the relationship between modernism and postmodernism in different ways and with varying degrees of success. They coalesce, however, in their contribution to the feminist postmodern fantastic. It is the general purpose of the thesis to demonstrate how this particular mode embodies one of feminist postmodernism’s most powerful means of literary and ideological critique

Design of Water Splitting Devices via Molecular Engineering

Li, Fusheng January 2016 (has links)
Converting solar energyto fuels such as hydrogen by the reaction of water splitting is a promising solution for the future sustainable energy systems. The theme of this thesis is to design water splitting devices via molecular engineering; it concerns the studies of both electrochemical-driven and photo-electrochemical driven molecular functional devices for water splitting. The first chapter presents a general introduction about Solar Fuel Conversion. It concerns molecular water splitting catalysts, light harvesting materials and fabrication methods of water splitting devices. The second chapter describes an electrode by immobilizing a molecular water oxidation catalyston carbon nanotubes through the hydrophobic interaction. This fabrication method is corresponding to the question: “How to employ catalysts in functional devices without affecting their performances?” In the third chapter, molecular water oxidation catalysts were successfully immobilized on glassy carbon electrode surface via electrochemical polymerization method. The O-O bond formation pathways of catalysts on electrode surfaces were studied. This kinetic studyis corresponding to the question: “How to get kinetic information of RDS whena catalyst is immobilized on the electrode surface?” Chapter four explores molecular water oxidation catalysts immobilized on dye-sensitized TiO2 electrodeand Fe2O3 semiconductor electrode via different fabrication methods. The reasons of photocurrent decay are discussed and two potential solutions are provided. These studies are corresponding to the question: “How to improvethe stability of photo-electrodes?” Finally, in the last chapter, two novel Pt-free Z-schemed molecular photo-electrochemical cells with both photoactive cathode and photoactive anode for visible light driven water splitting driven were demonstrated. These studies are corresponding to the question: “How to utilizethe concept of Z-schemein photosynthesis to fabricate Pt-free molecular based PEC cells? / <p>QC 20160129</p>

Critical behaviour of directed percolation process in the presence of compressible velocity field

Škultéty, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Renormalization group analysis is a useful tool for studying critical behaviour of stochastic systems. In this thesis, field-theoretic renormalization group will be applied to the scalar model representing directed percolation, known as Gribov model, in presence of the random velocity field. Turbulent mixing will be modelled by the compressible form of stochastic Navier-Stokes equation where the compressibility is described by an additional field related to the density. The task will be to find corresponding scaling properties.

Confinement Sensitivity in Quantum Dot Spin Relaxation

Wesslén, Carl January 2017 (has links)
Quantum dots, also known as artificial atoms, are created by tightly confining electrons, and thereby quantizing their energies. They are important components in the emerging fields of nanotechnology where their potential uses vary from dyes to quantum computing qubits. Interesting properties to investigate are e.g. the existence of atom-like shell structures and lifetimes of prepared states. Stability and controllability are important properties in finding applications to quantum dots. The ability to prepare a state and change it in a controlled manner without it loosing coherence is very useful, and in some semiconductor quantum dots, lifetimes of up to several milliseconds have been realized. Here we focus on dots in semiconductor materials and investigate how the confined electrons are effected by their experienced potential. The shape of the dot will effect its properties, and is important when considering a suitable model. Structures elongated in one dimension, often called nanowires, or shaped as rings have more one-dimensional characteristics than completely round or square dots. The two-dimensional dots investigated here are usually modeled as harmonic oscillators, however we will also consider circular well models. The effective potential confining the electrons is investigated both in regard to how elliptical it is, as well as how results differ when using a harmonic oscillator or a circular well potential. By mixing spin states through spin-orbit interaction transitioning between singlet and triplet states becomes possible with spin independent processes such as phonon relaxation. We solve the spin-mixing two-electron problem numerically for some confinement, and calculate the phonon transition rate between the lowest energy singlet and triplet states using Fermi's golden rule. The strength of the spin-orbit interaction is varied both by changing the coupling constants, and by applying an external, tilted, magnetic field. The relation between magnetic field parameters and dot parameters are used to maximize state lifetimes, and to model experimental results. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

La pluriculturalidad en las clases de español como lengua extranjera: competencia sociocultural / Multiculturalism in the classes of Spanish as a foreign language: sociocultural competence

Andersson, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
For people in Sweden one of the favourites places to go on vacation is Spain. It is warm, inexpensive and they like Spanish culture, this helps explain why the Spanish language is so popular in schools in Sweden. To learn a foreign language means more than learning how to speak and writing, it also means learning about the culture of that language because the culture is intrinsically related to the language. Additionally, is very significant as teacher to give your students the knowledge of sociocultural of Spanish speaking countries, the knowledge of the world and in this way create multicultural students. For this reason, we decided to do a quantitative research about what sociocultural topics are thought in the classroom in Lulea (Sweden) and how teachers are developing multiculturalism in their students. As result of our work we can mention that teachers include sociocultural topics in their classes but there are certain sociocultural subjects that are not taught, we could also confirm that the textbook has many gaps in sociocultural subjects.

Potentiella problem, motsättningar och möjligheter inom biologiämnet för elever från religiösa hemmiljöer.

Löf Ryk, Charlotta January 2016 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag hur förhållandet är mellan den svenska läroplanen i biologi och en religiös grundsyn hos elever. Jag tittar på om det har skett några förändringar under de senaste ca 20 åren och vilka situationer och problem som kan förekomma i undervisningssituationer. Jag undersöker också om lärarna anser sig ha tillräcklig kunskap och stöttning för att kunna hantera situationerna. Generellt sätt var svarsfrekvensen större bland lärare som arbetade på skolor med en hög andel invandrade elever. Flera lärare vittnade om situationer där elevernas religiösa livsåskådning inverkat på undervisningen inom naturvetenskap, men många hade vänt detta till något positivt och såg det som möjligheter till diskussion snarare än som problematiskt. Stöttning bland kollegor ansågs mycket viktigt för att kunna hantera de situationer som kunde uppstå, och det fanns även vissa önskemål om fortbildning, framförallt inom den del av den naturvetenskapliga undervisningen som är kopplad till etik och värdegrundsfrågor. De lärare som deltog i den här studien var dessutom mycket noga med att understryka skillnaden mellan religion och vetenskap.

Användningen och tolkningen av läroplanen Lgr11 i biologiundervisningen : En undersökning om hur pedagoger omsätter läroplanen i praktiken med fokus på biologiundervisningen för skolåren 4-6 / Educators use and interpretation of the curriclium in biology teaching : An examination of how teachers translate the curiclium in practice whit focus on biology aducation for school years 4-6

Bergqvist, Lisette January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare tolkar läroplanen Lgr11 och hur de omsätter den i biologiundervisningen. I studien intrevjuades tio pedagoger med olika lång erfarenhet av undervisning. intervjuerna konstruerades med utgångspunkt i läroplanens olika delar de vill säga syfte, centrallt innehåll, och kunskapskrav kopplat till ämnet biologi. Frågor ställdes kring hur pedagoger använder läroplanen i sitt arbete och om hur de tolkar de olika formuleringarna. Resultatet visar på att pedagoger använder läroplanen i sitt arbete, dock i olika utsträcknig. Pedagogerna förlitar sig antingen på tradition eller på olika läromedel i sin planering av undervisning, och på det sättet gavs läroplanen en underordnad roll. många pedagoger uttryckte problem med att förstå och tolka läroplanens föreskrivningar. Det framkom också att pedagoger känner sig osäkra på om de tolkat läroplanen så som skolverket avser. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how teatchers interpret th curuclium Lgr11and how they translate it into biolodgy teaching. In the study ten teachers where interviewed whit diffrent long term experience in teaching. The intervjuewes where based on diffrent parts of the curiclium which are central content, and knowledge requirments linked to the subject of biology. Qestions where asked about how teachers used the curiclium in theri work and how they interpreted the different formulations. The result showed that educators use the curiclium in their work, but to a different extent. Educators rely either on tradition or on different teaching materials in their planning of teaching, thus giving the curiclium a subordinate role. Many educators expressed difficulties in understanding and interpreting curiclium regulations. it was also found that educators feel unsure wheter they interpreted the curiclium as the national agency for educators aim to.

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