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A comparative study of consumption behaviour between Mainland travelers and Japanese travelers in Hong KongKwong, Wai-yam, Vivian., 鄺蔚音. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / China Area Studies / Master / Master of Arts
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Gidų pasirengimo vertinimas Kauno mieste / Guides training system evaluation in KaunasDaukšytė, Ieva 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šio baigiamo darbo objektas – gidų pasirengimas.
Baigiamo darbo tikslas – apžvelgti gidų rengimo ypatumus Kauno mieste bei įvertinti turistų nuomones, apie gidų teikiamas paslaugas, gidų profesinius įgūdžius, gebėjimus. Tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) Apžvelgti gido paslaugų kaip turizmo produkto dalies ypatumus; 2) Aptarti gidų profesinio rengimo pagrindus; 3) Ištirti Kauno miesto turistų nuomonę apie gidų paslaugas, gidų profesionalumą.
Tikslui ir uždaviniams pasiekti naudojami šie tyrimo metodai: analizės, apklausos, matematinis – statistinis.
Tyrimo metu nustatyta, jog geriausiai respondentų buvo įvertinti tokie gido paslaugų Kauno mieste rodikliai kaip prieinamumas, paslaugų kokybė bei informacijos sklaida; prasčiausiai - gido paslaugų įvairovė. Vertinant gidų specialiąsias žinias, pastebėta, kad geriausiai buvo įvertintos gidų retorikos, ekskursijų rengimo ir vedimo žinios, tuo tarpu prasčiausiai - psichologijos bendrosios gido žinios. Labiausiai respondentus tenkina gidų savojo temperamento ir nuotaikų valdymas, gidų pastabumas; netenkina - konfliktų prevencija ir valdymas. Anot apklaustųjų turistų, gidai Kauno mieste pasižymi, tvarkingumu, sąžiningumu, sąmoningumu, tačiau jiems trūksta kūrybingumo ir objektyvumo. Kauno miesto gidų paslaugos, lyginant su kitų Lietuvos miestų gidų paslaugomis respondentų vertinamos gerai. Visgi, Kauno miesto gidams, lyginant su kitų miestų gidais, trūksta profesionalumo, patirties, geresnio pritaikymo turistams, nuoširdumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The finishing work - For guides and training system.
Finishing work - an overview of the training system guides Kaunas city and evaluate the tourist views of the courier services, courier professional skills and abilities. In order to achieve the following tasks: 1) Discuss as a tourist guide for the specific characteristics of the product; 2) Analyze the professional preparation of the guides; 3) Perform the tourist city of Kaunas reviews / evaluations of the analysis.
Objectives and targets, the following methods: analysis, surveys, mathematical - statistical.
The study found that most respondents assessed the following guide for the city of Kaunas indicators of access, quality of service and information-sharing; worst - guide a variety of services. The evaluation guides expertise observed that most guide books were evaluated rhetoric tour preparation and conduct of knowledge, while the lowest - the psychology of the common knowledge of the guide. Most respondents satisfied with the courier's own temperament and mood management, guide attentiveness; not satisfied - conflict prevention and management. According to the respondents tourist guides in Kaunas has, regularity, honesty, awareness, but they lack creativity and objectivity. Kaunas city guides, as compared with other Lithuanian cities courier services respondents evaluated well. However, Kaunas city guides, comparison with other city guides, lack of professionalism, experience, and better application of tourists... [to full text]
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Review of the ecological implications of artificial waterhole closures in the Kruger National Park and the effect thereof on tourism22 June 2011 (has links)
M.Sc. / Boreholes in the Kruger National Park (KNP) was at first developed to increase the number of animals that were at low densities because of poaching, diseases, fencing and low permanent water availability. This development of artificial waterholes without managerial measures or knowledge of possible consequence led to negative impacts on the environment. These included that the higher concentration of herbivores around artificial waterholes led to a change in vegetation; secondary vegetation growth did not support the feeding habits of water dependent species; the infiltration rate of water in the soil surrounding waterholes changed and animal distribution patterns also changed, in turn changing the predatory base. Due to the above the KNP developed a new water policy. The policy states that all artificial waterholes that are open should be part of natural ecosystem principles. This led to the closure of many artificial waterholes that did not conform to the requirements of the new water policy. This study aimed to determine the ecological implications of artificial waterholes and whether tourism will be affected by the closure of these artificial waterholes. The following two hypothesis were thus tested in this project: i) Artificial waterholes have ecological implications on the environment. ii) The closure of artificial waterholes will have a negative response from tourists and thus affect tourism to the KNP. The results from this project indicated that both these hypothesises can be accepted as the available literature clearly showed that artificial waterholes do have a negative impact on the environment and that the majority of the tourist questioned asked for the waterholes to be opened again. The latter reaction was mainly due to the tourist‟s concern that the animals will suffer and die without water. Furthermore the visitors are concerned they won‟t see animals anymore. This result can partly be due to the low awareness of the visitors on the subject. No effort was made to communicate these decisions, and the reasons it‟s based on, to the public. Although a certain number of artificial waterholes were closed according to the new KNP policy, it is still important to keep a number open due to fact that KNP is not a natural system. It is suggested however that the closure of the artificial waterholes take place differently, following a principle of rotational opening and closing of patches of waterholes to allow recovery of vegetation and facilitate migration between waterholes.
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The Motivations of Chinese Tourists Visiting AbiskoZhang, Song, Yue, Tao, Xu, Yichong January 2019 (has links)
China has been one of the most important markets for Abisko tourism. The significant growth of Chinese tourists raised academia interests in understanding what motivates them to this remote town. As little information has been documented about Chinese tourists' travel motivations to Abisko, this study attempts to identify the factors that influence Chinese tourists' choice of travel destination. Based on the push-pull theoretical framework in tourism, the authors conducted qualitative research and created a model. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 Chinese tourists living both in Sweden and China. The problems were identified related to both psychological factors as "push factors" and destination factors as "pull factors". The analysis delineated 5 push factors (physical factors, emotional factors, cultural factors, interpersonal factors, and prestige factors) items and 7 (transportation, accommodation, food & beverage, recreation activities, natural environment, public safety, and technology) pull factors. The finding revealed what push and pull motives were the determinant factors of Chinese tourists in deciding to select Abisko as their destination choice. Discussion and suggestions were also made for the tourism industry of Abisko.
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Kinesiska turisters inflytande på detaljhandeln : En studie kring marknadsföringsstrategier för en av världens köpstarkaste turister / Chinese tourists influence on retail : A study about marketing strategies for one of the world's strongest buying power touristHasan Ibrahim, Erlina, Majooda, Sinan January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate what marketing measures stores carry out to attract and simplify the purchase for the Chinese customer. Completion: A qualitative study has been conducted focusing on how Chinese tourism has affected the Swedish retail trade. The study is based on a total of twelve different respondents who are localized in the Stockholm area. A total of 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted and 2 email correspondence. Nine of these consist of retail stores, the rest of which consists of a marketing company that focuses on the Chinese market, a Chinese newspaper independent of China and a communications company for the Swedish tourism industry. Results: The findings of the study show that there are indications and a rising interest in introducing Chinese social media and payment methods in the future. This is mainly due to the fact of the observed increase of Chinese customers as well as this group accounting for 45% of Sweden’s total tax-free trade. Among the respondents, only three shops have adopted the payment methods today and one has been present on WeChat. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka marknadsföringsåtgärder butiker genomför för att attrahera och förenkla kinesernas köp Genomförande: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med fokus på hur den kinesiska turismen har påverkat den svenska detaljhandeln. Studien baseras på totalt tolv olika respondenter som befinner sig i Stockholmsområdet. Nio av dessa består av butiker inom retail branschen, resterande består av ett marknadsföringsföretag som fokuserar på denna marknad, en kinesisk tidning oberoende av Kina samt ett kommunikationsföretag för svensk turistnäring. Det utfördes en systematisk tematisering av det insamlande materialet. Slutsats: Denna studie fann att bland de intervjuade butikerna var det endast 3 butiker idag som har antagit de kinesiskabetalningsmetoderna och att en använder sig av Kinas sociala medieapp, WeChat. Resterande respondenter meddelade att det finns funderingar på att införa dessa i framtiden då det observerat en stor ökning av kinesiska kunder under de senaste åren samt att denna grupp enligt Global Blue står för 45% av Sveriges totala tax free handel.
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Planering av grönytor och bostäder i turiststarka kommuner / Planning of green areas and housings in tourist popular countiesHadenius, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Idag planerar och exploaterar vi allt mer i städer och samhällen. Vi har behov av bostäder eftersom Sveriges befolkning ökar och kommunens planering sker därför därefter. Men vi har också ett behov av grönytor, ur flera hälsoperspektiv behövs natur och grönska för vårt välmående. Både grönytor och bostäder är ett allmänt intresse som behöver tillgodoses vid planering och utveckling av områden, men hur planerar man för dessa viktiga intressen och behov? Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera turistkommuners planering av bostäder och grönytor och jämföra två turiststarka kommuners planering av dessa. Kommunerna som jämfördes var kustkommunen Tanum och fjällkommunen Malung-Sälen. För att svara på uppsatsens frågeställningar genomfördes granskning av översiktsplaner, detaljplaner samt offentliga tryck som är relevanta i ämnet. Utöver det genomfördes semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med planchef eller motsvarande i respektive kommun för att samla så mycket kunskap som möjligt. I arbetet spelar också miljökvalitetsmålen en betydande roll då målet god bebyggd miljö har motsvarande fundament som de som undersöks i uppsatsen. I slutsatsen kan man se att de turiststarka kommuner som granskats inte har samma problem i planeringen. De har båda olika förutsättningar vilket kan bidra till det skiftande resultatet. Då båda kommuner redan har stora grönområden utanför planeringsytorna anses inte frågan om att grönytor försvinner i tätorterna som ett problem. Att bostäder blir fritidshus istället för permanenta är ett problem som är närmast obefintligt i Malung-Sälen till skillnad från Tanum. Miljökvalitetsmålet bearbetas inte heller medvetet i planerna på den lokala nivå som behövs för att bromsa upp dagens förlust av biologisk mångfald, dock finns metoder i planeringen som är till miljöns fördel men som inte benämns som just miljökvalitetsmål. Om kommunernas olikheter beror på de olika förutsättningarna och kommunernas uppbyggnad eller om turistkommuner generellt har olika planeringsmetoder kan inte med säkerhet avgöras utifrån endast två kommuner. Men fastställas kan att förevarandes planeringsmetoder skiljer sig åt. / Today we are planning and developing a lot in cities and villages. Due to Sweden's increasing population our needs for housings is increasing and the counties planning befall thereafter. But we do have a need of green areas as well, both seen to health in several perspectives but also for our well-wellbeing. Both green areas and housings are common interest that needs to accommodate in every planning, but how do you plan for those? The purpose for this thesis is to analyse and compare two counties with a lot of tourists in their planning of green areas and housings. The comparing counties are west coastal Tanum and the mountain filled Malung-Sälen. To answer the questions in the thesis the counties overview plans, detailed plans and public prints that was relevant to the subject was studied. Also interviews in a semi structured qualitative method was held with the plan managers in both counties. These was held to gather knowledge and understanding. In the thesis the environmental quality goals is also up-to-date specially the goal good built environment since it has similar grounds as the thesis has focused on. The conclusion is that the counties that has been reviewed have different issues in planning. They both have different prerequisites which could contribute to the varied results. Since both counties already have bigger green areas outside the planning side, they do not believe that the question regarding green spaces disappearing in the conurbation is a problem. The fact that housings is utilized as secondary residences instead of permanent is nearby nonexistent in Malung-Sälen while it is a challenge in Tanum. The environmental quality goal is not intentional processed on local level which is necessary in order to slow the loss of biodiversity that we have today, however they have both methods that works in environmental advantage but is not mentioned as environmental quality goal in specific. If the differences in the counties planning are due to their different prerequisites and their structure or if the counties in general have different planning methods cannot with absolute certainty be determined from without only two counties. But it can be determined that these do differ.
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Tourists are now visiting some of the most remote and amazing places on Earth, travelling to �frontiers� on journeys that are psychological and emotional as well as geographical or physical. These extraordinary journeys to the Poles, the peaks of the highest mountains in the world, harsh deserts and even outer space test both physical and mental endurance and can be characterised as �unique� even in the current era. Travelling largely without the aid of a commercial tour operator or guide, the frontier traveller usually invests a great deal of time and resources in their travel experience, often with the assistance of sponsorship, and generally takes part in an extensive and arduous preparation period in their quest for the extraordinary. While the search for new and unique tourism destinations and experiences appears to be relentless in this post-modern era, the frontier traveller appears to be searching for the �authentic� beyond the �tourist bubble,� both in relation to self and setting. These frontier �trailblazers� are already being followed by guided adventure tourists and some of the former are supplementing their incomes and funding their own travel by leading tours or guiding others to the frontier. Studying the extraordinary experiences of the frontier traveller could therefore provide us with a glimpse of the future of travel, although likely to occur in a more structured and less risky guise. Uncovering the motivations for this form of travel will also assist with future marketing of these experiences, including elements of the marketing mix such as product development and promotion.
This thesis examines the motivations behind frontier travel and considers the implications of the findings for tourism marketing. Unstructured, long interviews with 37 individuals were used to uncover the motivations behind these experiences, supplemented by content analysis of narratives produced by frontier travellers, encompassing 50 autobiographies, two online diaries and online interviews with two individuals. The interview participants were largely selected through purposive sampling, in that they were screened as fitting the criteria of a past or potential frontier traveller before being interviewed. They were predominantly born and living in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, and 29 of the 37 individuals were male. Ages of participants ranged from 24 to 60 years of age. Interviews continued until saturation of categories of motivation had been reached. Texts were mainly located through searches of bookshops and libraries, including the author�s personal library. A qualitative methodological approach was chosen in order to provide rich data and allow the researcher to enter the world of the frontier traveller. An interpretive paradigm based on a constructivist paradigm underpinned this study, with an ontological stance based on multiple realities and an epistemological position where participants and myself as the researcher created understandings. The methodology outlined above was consistent with this position and was designed to identify different constructions of the data and seek consensus, where possible. The literature on motivations provides a complex plethora of theories and models, many of which contradict each other, so a principal objective of this study was to work from first principles, grounding a theory of motivations pertaining to frontier travel experiences in the data, rather than seeking to test out a pre-existing model or theory.
Overall, the research findings show that motivations for frontier travel can be analysed under the broad heading of �adventure,� which is composed of a variety of sub-motives such as achievement and competence, challenge, thrill-seeking and sensation, ego, dreams or fantasies, self-actualisation, cognizance (exploration/discovery), freedom/escape motives (autonomy), isolation and solitude, spirituality, camaraderie and communitas, authenticity, prestige (external rewards), pro-social motives and a love of nature and wilderness. Risk or danger is an element of these experiences and feeds into many of the motivations identified in this study. A theory of motivations behind frontier travel experiences has been developed, covering intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, as well as achievement-motivated behaviour. Pre-travel influences and inspirations such as literature, cinema, visual stimuli, childhood games, heroes and mentors, family influences and educative influences are also considered with respect to their effect on motivational behaviour. An exploratory typology was then developed for frontier travellers, based on common motivations, which might be used to segment the market. Four basic types have been identified and labelled or categorised as �Seekers of Truth,� �Enlightened Explorers,� �Concerned Elitists,� and �Freedom Seekers.� Key motivations behind specific frontier travel experiences have also been identified.
Each frontier traveller will exhibit some, but not all, of the motivations highlighted in this study. Segmenting the market on the basis of motivations may therefore be a difficult, if not impossible task. However, marketers could use the information unearthed during this study in the marketing mix to develop new products aimed at satisfying some of the key motivations and use the findings as themes to be highlighted in promotional literature such as brochures and websites. This thesis also argues that the study of travel motivations in the future would be better served by considering motivations behind market niches such as frontier travel, rather than attempting to develop a comprehensive theory of motivations covering the whole travel industry.
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Factors affecting tourism, tourism potential and strategies for development as an Industry in PakistanFakhar, Anwarul Haque January 2010 (has links)
<p>Pakistan is a home of approximately 160 million people and most of the population is earning lessthan US$ 1 per day. Pakistan just like any other beautiful European country is a big market fortourism because it offers not only beauty of nature but also variety and diversity in cultures.Infacttourism is the most profitable and entrepreneurial business, especially for people living in the mountain areas as it creates new job opportunities and reduces the unemployment level for them. But unfortunately, tourists’ visit to Pakistan is decreasing tremendously with ups and downs each year.</p><p> </p><p>Therefore, the purpose of my thesis is to search for the positive and negative factors affecting the tourism industry in Pakistan, to compare the performance of our tourism industry to some potential neighbouring countries to see where Pakistan stands and lacks in terms of competitiveness, to find the role of government towards the improvment of this industry and to suggest some possible strategies for the improvement of this industry.</p><p> </p><p>The primary data was collected by conducting interviews and survey questionnaires inside and outside the country from domestic and international tourists in 2007 and 2008. My son and close relatives in Belgium, Sweden and UK helped me in getting the questionnaire filled by foreigners to study their views about Pakistan as tourist place. The secondary data was collected through my personal visit to PTDC and Ministry of Tourism.</p><p> </p><p>The estimated results revile that the poor accessibility, under development, fragility, marginality and the continuous social / political problems of the country are the factors that have redcued the tourist visit ratio to Pakistan. Secondly, the Governmnet of Pakistan has also failed to implement policies and strategies that could have proved a stimulator for the tourism industry.</p><p> </p><p>The conclusion drawn from the collected data is that the tourism industry of Pakistan has a lot of ups and downs in alternate years i.e. from 1995 till 2008 showing the worst year of tourism in 2008.The reasons for this fall lie in the political and social problems of the country and lack of active participation of tourism authorities. Domestic and international tourists love the nature, culture and food of Pakistan and 80% of them want to travel around pakistan but unfortunately the insurgency and lack of facilities have resulted in the falling rate of their travel.</p><p> </p><p>My suggestions for the progress of this industry are that the Governments should show seriousness towards the tourism industry and take necessary steps like improving the tourism infrastructure, controll the insergency in the country as soon as possible, build strong relationships with outside world, portray the positive image of Pakistan via media etc so that the rank and standard of Pakistans tourism industry can improve globally.</p><p> </p><p>Research limitations that I faced during data collection includes the limited information sharing by the PTDC and Ministry of Tourism as their data is not up dated properly. Secondly there is a lot of difficulty in finding local and international potential tourists due to the political and social disturbance in the country and also the shy and introvert behaviour of the people especially women. Therefore, I also made use of the idea of conducting survey outside the country.</p><p> </p><p>The important aspect or value of this research is that it has brought in to consideration almost all the important factors that are effecting the tourism industry according to the view of potential tourists and at the end provide some suggestions that can improve the current deterioating condition of this industry.</p>
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The Reason to Return : Destination loyalty and the push factorsCerpez, Dario, Johannesson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The reason to return is a phenomenon which tells us that many people want to travel back to a destination they visited before. Even if there are changes in the society with the New tourist who seeks for the authentic, this essay is proving that there still is a dominance of repeat tourism and search for belonging and safety. That implication shows evidence that there still are remaining from old tourism about security with the destination and so on. Further, investigation tells us about the returning tourists, their driving forces and push-factors that create a will for tourists to return. Is it a question of how loyal tourists are to the destination, attitudes and/or tradition when planning the trip? We have made a survey that covers why tourists travel and what impacts are created during their decisions. Also included are the questions about the will of return and the reasons why. Having children proved to be a crucial part of the decision making process, where parents chose destinations out of the children-oriented places. Returning to a destination, on the other hand, is a product of safety-seeking together with a positive experience and beautiful surroundings, all weaved up to raison d'être - just to be.</p></p>
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Äldres motiv för resandeHjalmarsson, Simon, Wallin, Josef January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvidga kunskapen om generella resmotiv hos äldre turister på besök i Stockholm. Detta för att bidra med kunskap som kan förbättra produkterna för och marknadsföringen mot denna målgrupp.</p><p>Äldre turister är en intressant grupp att undersöka då de ofta behandlas utifrån stereotypa uppfattningar och antaganden om likhet. Gruppen är dock på inget sätt homogen. För att förstå gruppen bättre är det nödvändigt att använda sig av undersegment. Undersökningen intresserar sig för om det är fruktbart att göra undersegmenteringar med hjälp av variablerna resvana och livssituation. Variablerna baseras på Pearces teori och modell travel career patterns approach. Från denna modell hämtar undersökningen också de behovsfaktorer som i olika utsträckning är avgörande för varför människor reser. Empirin samlades in genom enkäter och bearbetades i SPSS. Genom att jämföra de förväntade resultaten som teorin pekar på med resultatet från enkäterna vi samlade in kan vi konstatera att modellen inte har varit fruktbar för att indela gruppen äldre turister i undersegment. Vi menar därför att teorin inte går att tillämpa när vi befinner oss inom en och samma livsfasgrupp.</p><p>Undersökningen resulterade även i en rangordning av de behovsfaktorer/resmotiv som de äldre turisterna i studien ansåg viktigast. De högst rankade behovsfaktorerna var omväxling, relation/säkerhet, nostalgi, natur, samt självutveckling kopplad till destinationen.</p>
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