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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spontaneous movements of hands in gradients of weak VHF electromagnetic fields

Huttunen, P. (Paavo) 21 February 2012 (has links)
Abstract The aims of the present study were to clarify the antenna function and radio frequency radiation (RFR) sensitivity of human subjects using theoretical calculations and field tests. The weak very high frequency (VHF) electromagnetic fields and spontaneous hand movements were recorded. Groups of university students, other volunteers and as a very interesting group, experienced well finders, were used as test subjects. The VHF field was studied using a spectrum analyser and tuneable narrow-band or broad-band meter with a dipole antenna. The hand movements were registered by potentiometric systems and electromyography (EMG). The test subjects (altogether n = 140) in different tests were walking, sitting in a cart being pulled slowly forward, or sitting in a moving car. The responses were observed and hand movements were recorded and analysed by personal computers. By visual inspection and using the Pearson's correlation, the results of different individuals have been compared with the measured intensity of far fields of a radio mast. Reaction spots and graphs defined by different individuals in the same experiment areas have been compared to each other. Hand movement correlated with the reactions of the forearm and shoulder muscles, e.g., pronator teres and trapezius, by EMG measurements. The reactions of some persons correlated with each other. Experiments in a slow moving wagon and in a moving car showed a correlation between the test subjects’ hand movements and the intensity of below 1 mV/m radio and TV signals measured in the vicinity of the test subject. In open field tests different persons usually reacted in widely different ways. The most evident results were recorded near the buildings, where the radio waves reflected from the wall and patterns of standing waves were clear. Many VHF frequency modulated (FM) broadcasting signals were summed at these places at the same time. It is concluded that the spontaneous hand movement reactions occurred as a response of the human body to the gradients of the VHF field intensity. The reaction generally occurred in interference patterns of multipath propagation or standing waves originating from the radiation of FM radio and TV broadcasting transmitters and radiation reflected from the walls of buildings or from other objects. This non-thermal reaction was clearly observable as spontaneous arm movements by 39 percent of the 85 tested students. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ihmisen herkkyyttä radiotaajuiselle säteilylle. Ihmisen toimimista radioaaltojen antennina tarkasteltiin teoreettisesti ja kenttäkokein. Heikkojen VHF-alueen radioaaltojen voimakkuutta ja tahattomia käsien liikkeitä rekisteröitiin valituilla koepoluilla. Koehenkilöinä on ollut yliopiston opiskelijoita ja muita vapaaehtoisten ryhmiä. Kiinnostavin ryhmä oli kokeneet kaivonkatsojat, joiden käsienliikereaktioihin radioaaltojen vaikutuksista löytyy viitteitä kirjallisuudesta. Radioaaltojen voimakkuuden vaihteluja mitattiin spektrianalysaattorilla ja laajakaistaisella VHF-alueen integroivalla mittarilla. Käsien liikkeitä rekisteröitiin potentiometriin perustuvilla liikeantureilla. Lihasten sähköimpulsseja rekisteröitiin elektromyografia- eli EMG-laitteella. Eri koesarjoissa koehenkilöt (yhteensä 140) kävelivät, istuivat hitaasti vedettävässä vaunussa tai istuivat liikkuvassa autossa. Reaktioita tarkkailtiin ja käsien liikkeet ja mitatut kentänvoimakkuudet rekisteröitiin ja analysoitiin tietokoneella. Eri koehenkilöiden tuloksia, reagointipaikkoja ja rekisteröityjä käyriä 5–35 km:n etäisyydellä mastoista tarkasteltiin silmämääräisesti. Pearsonin korrelaatiolaskentaa apuna käyttäen tuloksia verrattiin radiomastojen säteilyn voimakkuuteen. Eri ihmisten reagointikohtia ja käyriä samoilta koealueilta vertailtiin keskenään. Koeasetelmassa käsienliikkeiden todettiin korreloivan joidenkin kyynärvarren ja hartialihasten (mm. pronator teres ja trapezius) EMG-signaaleihin. Joidenkin koehenkilöiden tulokset korreloivat keskenään. Hitaasti vedettävässä vaunussa ja liikkuvassa autossa tehdyissä kokeissa tuli esille korrelaatio vartalon edessä olevien käsien loittonemis-lähestymis-liikkeiden ja koehenkilön välittömässä läheisyydessä mitattujen 1 mV/m -tasoisten radio- ja TV-signaalien voimakkuusvaihtelujen välillä. Avoimella kentällä henkilöt reagoivat hyvin eri tavoin. Parhaiten yhteys tuli esille rakennusten lähellä sijaitsevilla koealueilla, joissa radioaallot heijastuivat rakennuksen seinästä muodostaen selkeitä seisovan aallon kuvioita. Useat taajuusmoduloidut VHF-alueen radiosignaalit summautuivat näissä paikoissa samanaikaisesti. Johtopäätöksenä on, että tahattomat käsienliikkeet tapahtuvat kehon vasteena VHF-kentän voimakkuuden muutoksille. Reaktio tapahtui yleensä interferenssi-kuvioissa tai seisovissa aalloissa, jotka muodostuvat FM-radio- ja TV-lähetysten monitie-etenemisestä radioaaltojen heijastuessa rakennusten seinistä tai muista kohteista. Tämä ei-lämpövaikutustason reaktio oli selvästi havaittavissa olkapään tasalle koukistetun käden tahattomana ojennus-koukistus-liikkeenä 39 prosentilla testatuista 85 opiskelijasta.

Unstable territories : an architectural investigation into public open space, identity and xenophobia in Mayfair, Johannesburg

Strydom, Laura 26 March 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Architectural Technology) / Contested territories have strongly contributed to the displacement of people worldwide, resulting in the loss of the right to belong. Considering the boundaries of belonging in Mayfair, a marginalised social landscape in Johannesburg, this architectural response to a social and urban investigation will ascertain whether and how architecture can respond to the global issue of xenophobia. Johannesburg as uitvalgrond has, since its founding, offered migrants opportunities for meaningful participation and self-actualisation. This reiterates the idea that the city’s in-between spaces often allow for a new realisation or actualisation of identity. The author argues that space-and-place-making and identity are intrinsically linked - the one enforcing, defining or denying the Other. The dissertation conceptualizes how architecture can acknowledge Mayfair residents’ unique and evolving post-national identity as a marginalised community in an young democracy. The study suggests how architecture can give form to contemporary African public space that contributes to a sense of belonging for both the Self and the Other in Mayfair. The methods used in this study are: observation through site visits, drawing, on-site interviews and film; mapping boundaries and edges defining various ethnic territories, open space network (utilised and unutilised), mobility, nodes and landmarks, actual land use as opposed to zoned land use and experiential observations; correspondence and discussions, making use of official databases to research historic maps and photographs; examining precedents, and applying all of the above into an appropriate architectural model. Each chapter concludes with a reflection extracting the most important notions from that chapter to be taken into the next section. This dissertation interrogates the importance and the role of architecture and public open space in Johannesburg by exploring new ways of thinking, doing and making in Johannesburg’s present, changing urban condition.

Metodika návrhu optimálního způsobu zálohování velkých objemů dat / A guide to designing optimal method of backup for big volumes of data

Bartoňová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with backup for big volumes of data. Data backup is a overlooked area of information technology and the data can be lost by trivial user error or breakdown on any components. In this thesis is discussed theory of backup - archive bit and his behavior based on various type of backup (full, incremental, differential or combination thereof), duration and frequency of backups or the point of ultimate recovery. In addition there are mentioned rotation schemes Round-Robin, GFS and Tower of Hanoi, where are described their principles and graphic diagram of rotation. In chapter Strategy of backup describes the backup strategy via choosing the right choice, taking into technical and economic parameters. Impact analysis, which is explained also in this chapter, describes the important moments in data recovery. For select the optimal strategy is necessary to consider not only the whole capacity of the backup data, but also the size of the backup window for data storage or storage location. In chapter Media storage you can acquainted with all backup media and their technical parameters that are available on the market and can be used for data backup. In section Guide methodology of large volumes of data backup is designed a backup plan with the necessary inputs for the actual implementation of the backup. The design methodology puts emphasis on regular backups and check their location. On practical demonstration is shown that the rotation scheme Tower of Hanoi are among the smallest need for backup media. A part of this thesis is also design of methodology for backup small amounts of data.

Parallel Multilevel Preconditioners for Problems of Thin Smooth Shells

Thess, M. 30 October 1998 (has links)
In the last years multilevel preconditioners like BPX became more and more popular for solving second-order elliptic finite element discretizations by iterative methods. P. Oswald has adapted these methods for discretizations of the fourth order biharmonic problem by rectangular conforming Bogner-Fox-Schmidt elements and nonconforming Adini elements and has derived optimal estimates for the condition numbers of the preconditioned linear systems. In this paper we generalize the results from Oswald to the construction of BPX and Multilevel Diagonal Scaling (MDS-BPX) preconditioners for the elasticity problem of thin smooth shells of arbitrary forms where we use Koiter's equations of equilibrium for an homogeneous and isotropic thin shell, clamped on a part of its boundary and loaded by a resultant on its middle surface. We use the two discretizations mentioned above and the preconditioned conjugate gradient method as iterative method. The parallelization concept is based on a non-overlapping domain decomposition data structure. We describe the implementations of the multilevel preconditioners. Finally, we show numerical results for some classes of shells like plates, cylinders, and hyperboloids.

Urbana nomader : Likheter och ojämlikheter på en rörlig bostadsmarknad

Ekblad, Marie January 2018 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet i arkitektur analyseras en ny typ av bostäder i Stockholmsområdet: konceptboendet. Bostadstypen är skapad för en ”urban nomad”. Det är ett ord som används i marknadsföring och kan tolkas som en person som antingen reser mycket i sin yrkesverksamhet eller någon som behöver en tillfällig bostad på grund av studier eller i väntan på en lämpligare bostad. Stockholm har i dag, 2018, en stor bostadsbrist vilket skapar ett tryck på politiker att ta fram lösningar. Synen på bostaden har skiftat från att ha varit en rättighet till en lyxprodukt. Fastighetsutvecklare som Oscar Properties och Axxonen utvecklar och marknadsför premiumbostäder där hotellet är förebild och olik typer service ingår i bostadskonceptet. Det finns förändrade attityder när det gäller höga bostadshus och skyskrapor i Stockholm som ofta har lägenheter som kallas konceptboenden eller premiumbostäder. Det är viktigt att lägga märke till detta skifte i inställning eftersom det förklarar varför bostäder ser ut som de gör och vadsom driver deras design och funktion. Norra tornen vid Torsplan är exempel på premiumbostäder i höghus med inspiration från New Yorks exklusiva skyskrapor. Ett annat exempel är Tellus Towers vid telefonplan som är fylld med enrummare för unga vuxna. Där finns dramatiska utsikter och serviceanläggningar som pool och spa som säljargument. Idén om flyttkedjor motiverar byggandet av lyxlägenheter och skyskrapor i attraktiva lägen eftersom rörligheten ska göra att alla till slut kommer att få en bostad. För en förmögen målgrupp innebär rörlighet ett internationellt, hotellrumsinspirerat boende: en så kallad ”premiumbostad”. Bostadsrättsföreningen Continental Apartments erbjuder till exempel full hotellrumsservice och är dessutom beläget i de övre våningarna av Hotel Scandic Continental. För bostadslösa låginkomsttagare innebär en rörlig lösning ett boende som de kan tolerera men som i längden är otillräckligt. En tillfällig lösning som skapats på initiativ av den ideella föreningen Snabba hus är flyttbara bostäder på tidsbegränsade bygglov, avsedda för unga bostadssökande. Mellan Continental Apartments och Snabba hus finns, lite oväntat, flera likheter i hur bostäderna är planerade. Men skillnaderna är stora i användning, pris och vilka möjligheter målgrupperna har att välja sin boendesituation. Genom att jämföra renderade bilder, fotografier, ritningar och reklamtexter skildras konceptboendenas olika strategier och målgrupper. I jämförelserna av olika typer av boenden framträder en bild av en marknadsanpassad bostadsproduktion där bostaden behandlas som en livsstilsprodukt och en konsumtionsvara. Kommersialiseringen av bostäder innebär problem för de som drabbats av bostadsbristen. Lösningarna som erbjuds bostadslösa, ofta unga låginkomsttagare, är få och villkorade. Idén om att bostadsmarknaden måste få en ökad rörlighet för att fungera drabbar i stor utsträckning de som har svårast att få tillgång till en bostad genom att inskränka deras rättigheter och boendestandard. Genom att marknadsföra bostadslösningar till unga som livsstilsprodukter överskuggas det verkliga problemen med en utbredd bostadsbrist och en försenad familjebildning. Undersökningens slutsats är att marknadsföringen av konceptboenden ger en ytlig bild av bostäder och deras egentliga värde. Premiumbostädernas kvaliteter, eller brist därpå, döljs genom att erbjuda hushållsnära tjänster och inredningsdetaljer. Den ytliga inställningen till bostäder som enbart statussymboler och konsumtionsvaror gör det svårare att hävda bostaden som rättighet och som en viktig funktion för att forma samhällen. En möjlig motpol till premiumbostäderna är Stockholmshusen, ett försök från allmännyttiga bolag att skapa hyreslägenheter med hög standard men mer överkomlig hyra. Att bygga ut det allmännyttiga beståndet kan även ha en balanserande effekt på marknaden och på sikt trotsa den kommersiella bostadstrenden. / In the marketing of certain types of newly-built urban homes there is an intended target group: the “urban nomad”. A luxury hotel style dominates these pictures of future dwellings and a new aesthetic has evolved in rendered images. These types of images have become so common in architectural magazines and housing ads that they often go unnoticed. Behind the pictures is an underlying idea of ​​a flexible housing market that can create positive outcomes for the whole community. This project examines how the idea of ​​mobility in the Stockholm housing market affects the design and marketing of architecture and the possible downsides to the commercialization of urban homes.

Modeling the Torsional Behaviour of Segmented Concrete Towers based on Warping Theory

Klein, Fabian Johannes 14 February 2024 (has links)
The development of renewable energies and the desired independence from fossil energy sources are essential for security of supply. Wind energy turbines already account for the largest share of electricity generation in Germany. As part of modular precast concepts for wind turbine towers, vertical joints now divide the segments into even smaller components. This significantly reduces transport costs and installation time. The load-bearing behaviour of these segmented concrete towers is very complex due to the horizontal and vertical joints and the resulting restrained cross-sectional deformations. In the case of thin-walled half-shell segments now used in modern wind turbine towers, cross-sectional distortion and warping can significantly reduce the load-bearing capacity. Even under pure torsional loading, there is a decrease in the horizontal joint load capacity compared to conventional thin-walled circular rings. However, there are currently no design approaches for this new construction, as the structural behaviour is neither fully understood nor reliably modeled. This cumulative dissertation deals with the modeling of the torsional behaviour of segmented concrete towers for wind turbines based on the warping theory of thin-walled bars. Transferring the complex mechanical relationships into an understandable and comprehensible bar model allows differentiated evaluation approaches. In the case of segmented concrete towers, this leads to the long-term realization of even more innovative, higher and safer tower concepts. With this calculation approach, the practical engineer always remains in control of his or her own actions. Accordingly, the results can be used as a basis for evaluation without much need for interpretation, e.g. to assess the effect of restrained sectional warping on the distribution of normal stresses. The successive derivation of an engineering approach is presented using mechanical modeling concepts and non-linear numerical investigations as well as further (experimental) investigations. This provides the basis for future validation with carefully conducted tests on actual concrete segments. The core of the dissertation consists of four peer-reviewed papers that have already been published in scientifically proven journals (Structural Concrete and Engineering Structures). The framework story begins by explaining the scientific classification and relevance of the topic. The current state of the art is the basis for deriving research gaps and objectives, as well as a framework of hypotheses to be evaluated. Subsequently, the four papers are placed in the overall context of modeling the torsional behaviour of segmented concrete towers. Paper [A] deals with experimental investigations, analysis and evaluation of the joint behaviour of modular towers in large-scale tests. The gain of knowledge about the uneven distribution of forces in the horizontal joints also has a significant influence on the design models of the half-shell structure. Papers [B] and [C] present an engineering approach to determine the torsional behaviour of segmented concrete towers based on the warping theory of thin-walled bars. This calculation approach includes two methods for evaluating the internal forces of a half-shell pair and the associated stress calculation. A practical analysis method using an analogy to higher order beam theory is introduced to overcome the difficulties of numerical calculation by the finite element method. In this way, the load-bearing behaviour can be described as accurately as possible and the decisive influencing parameters can be isolated. Paper [D] presents the further development and the numerical and analytical validation of the engineering model for the entire tower structure. The influence of the adjacent segments on the torsional behaviour of the assembled half-shell tower is implemented in the model approach. This is based on analytical modeling using spring systems and extensive numerical investigations. Additional studies relate to the surface condition of ground concrete segments, the preliminary investigations on aluminium segments, the initial preliminary considerations on a coherent test design and the effects of multiple vertically divided segments. Finally, the findings are summarized and the overall result of the research is described by evaluating the hypotheses. In addition, the most important perspectives for future research and transfer achievements are pointed out. The presentation of the overall results of this dissertation impressively shows that the successive extension of the model approach leads to a more precise and differentiated isolation of the influencing variables. This improves the realistic representation of the torsional behaviour of assembled half-shells based on the warping theory of thin-walled bars, taking the application limits into account. However, the simplicity and applicability of the engineering model are not compromised by the continuous development. The analytically proven and numerically validated dependence on the slenderness ratio of the segments results in a better understanding of the load transfer in the modular precast structure. A much simplified internal force calculation can be used as the basis for the reinforced concrete design by applying the analogy to the tension rod under bending stress. The division of the load components provides a better understanding of the force flow of the modular structure. Accordingly, the combination of the tension rod analogy, the load redistribution principle and the modified deformation approach, taking the adjacent segments into account, allow the user to isolate and evaluate the influencing parameters of the torsional behaviour with little effort. Finally, in addition to model approaches and detailed numerical simulations, accompanying experimental investigations are required, and this dissertation provides the basis for a coherent and well-conceived experimental program. / Der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und die angestrebte Unabhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern sind für die Versorgungssicherheit unerlässlich. Den größten Anteil an der Stromerzeugung haben in Deutschland schon heute die Windenergieanlagen. Im Rahmen modularer Fertigteilkonzepte für Türme von Windenergieanlagen teilen mittlerweile Vertikalfugen die Segmente in immer kleinere Komponenten. Auf diese Weise können die Transportkosten und der Montageaufwand erheblich reduziert werden. Das Tragverhalten dieser segmentierten Betontürme ist aufgrund der horizontalen und vertikalen Fugen sowie der daraus resultierenden behinderten Querschnittsverformungen sehr komplex. Bei dünnwandigen Halbschalensegmenten, die inzwischen im modernen Turmbau für Windenergieanlagen eingesetzt werden, können Querschnittsverzerrungen und -verwölbungen die Tragfähigkeit erheblich beeinträchtigen. Bereits bei einer reinen Torsionsbelastung ist im Vergleich zu konventionellen dünnwandigen Kreisringen eine Abnahme der horizontalen Fugentragfähigkeit zu erkennen. Es existieren zurzeit jedoch noch keine Bemessungsansätze für die neuartige Konstruktion, da weder das Strukturverhalten vollständig verstanden ist, noch verlässlich modelliert werden kann. Diese kumulative Dissertation befasst sich daher mit der Modellierung des Torsionstragverhaltens von segmentierten Betontürmen für Windenergieanlagen auf Basis der Wölbtheorie dünnwandiger Stäbe. Ziel ist die realitätsnahe Abbildung des Torsionstragverhaltens der hybriden Turmkonstruktion durch die sukzessive Entwicklung eines Ingenieurmodells. Die Übertragung der komplexen mechanischen Zusammenhänge in ein verständliches Stabmodell ermöglicht differenzierte Bewertungsansätze. Dies führt im Anwendungsfall der segmentierten Betontürme langfristig zur Realisierung noch innovativerer, höherer und sicherer Turmkonzepte. Mit diesem Berechnungsansatz behalten die in der Praxis tätigen Ingenieur:innen stets die Kontrolle über das eigene Handeln. Die Ergebnisse können ohne besonderen Interpretationsbedarf als Bewertungsgrundlage verwendet werden, um z. B. die Auswirkungen des Phänomens der behinderten Querschnittsverwölbung auf die Verteilung der Normalspannungen zu beurteilen. Ausgehend von mechanischen Modellvorstellungen und nichtlinearen numerischen Untersuchungen sowie weiteren (experimentellen) Untersuchungen wird daher die sukzessive Herleitung eines ingenieurmäßigen Ansatzes vorgestellt. Dieser dient als Grundlage für die zukünftige Validierung im Zuge sorgfältig durchzuführender Versuche an Betonsegmenten. Den Kern der Dissertation bilden vier begutachtete Fachartikel, die bereits in wissenschaftlich anerkannten Fachzeitschriften (Structural Concrete und Engineering Structures) veröffentlicht wurden. Die Rahmenhandlung erläutert zu Beginn die wissenschaftliche Einordnung und Relevanz der Thematik. Der aktuelle Stand der Technik ist die Grundlage für die Ableitung von Forschungslücken und Zielsetzungen sowie eines zu evaluierenden Hypothesengerüsts. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt die Einordnung der vier Fachbeiträge in den Gesamtkontext der Modellierung des Torsionsverhaltens segmentierter Betontürme. Der Artikel [A] befasst sich mit experimentellen Untersuchungen und der Analyse und Bewertung des Fugentragverhaltens modularer Türme in Großversuchen. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über die ungleichmäßige Kraftverteilung in den Horizontalfugen haben auch einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Bemessungsmodelle der Halbschalenkonstruktion. In den Artikeln [B] und [C] wird ein ingenieurmäßiger Ansatz zur Ermittlung des Torsionsverhaltens von segmentierten Betontürmen vorgestellt, der auf der Wölbtheorie dünnwandiger Stäbe basiert. Dieser Berechnungsansatz beinhaltet zwei Methoden zur Ermittlung der inneren Schnittgrößen eines Halbschalenpaares und der zugehörigen Spannungsberechnung. Es wird eine praktikable Analysemethode in Analogie zur Balkentheorie höherer Ordnung eingeführt, um die Schwierigkeiten bei der numerischen Berechnung mit der Finiten Elemente Methode zu bewältigen. Damit kann das Tragverhalten möglichst genau beschrieben und die maßgeblichen Einflussparameter isoliert werden. In Artikel [D] wird die Weiterentwicklung sowie die numerische und analytische Validierung des Ingenieurmodells für die gesamte Turmstruktur vorgestellt. Der Einfluss der Nachbarsegmente auf das Torsionsverhalten des zusammengesetzten Halbschalenturms wird in den Modellansatz implementiert. Dies erfolgt auf der Grundlage analytischer Modellvorstellungen unter der Verwendung von Federsystemen und umfangreicher numerischer Untersuchungen. Ergänzende Betrachtungen umfassen die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit der geschliffenen Betonsegmente, die Voruntersuchungen an Aluminiumsegmenten, die ersten Vorüberlegungen zu einem kohärenten Versuchskonzept und die Auswirkungen von mehrfach vertikal geteilten Segmenten. Abschließend werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst und das übergreifende Gesamtergebnis der Forschung wird über die Bewertung der Hypothesen beschrieben. Darüber hinaus werden die wichtigsten Perspektiven für zukünftige Forschungs- und Transferleistungen aufgezeigt. Die Darstellung des Gesamtergebnisses dieser Dissertation zeigt eindrucksvoll, dass die sukzessive Erweiterung des Modellansatzes zu einer genaueren und differenzierteren Isolierung der Einflussgrößen führt. Dies verbessert unter Berücksichtigung der Anwendungsgrenzen die realitätsnahe Abbildung des Torsionsverhaltens zusammengesetzter Halbschalen auf Basis der Wölbtheorie dünnwandiger Stäbe. Die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung geht nicht zulasten der Einfachheit und Anwendbarkeit des Ingenieurmodells. Dementsprechend führt die analytisch nachgewiesene und numerisch validierte Abhängigkeit vom Schlankheitsgrad der Segmente zu einem besseren Verständnis der Lastabtragung in der modularen Fertigteilstruktur. Die Anwendung der Analogie zum biegebeanspruchten Zugstab ermöglicht eine wesentlich vereinfachte Schnittgrößenermittlung als Grundlage für die Stahlbetonbemessung. Ein besseres Verständnis des Kraftflusses in der modularen Konstruktion wird durch die Aufteilung der Lastkomponenten erreicht. Die Zusammenführung der Ansätze aus Zugstabanalogie, Lastumverteilungsprinzip und modifiziertem Verformungsansatz unter Berücksichtigung der Nachbarsegmente ermöglichen es den Anwender:innen, die Einflussparameter des Torsionsverhaltens ohne großen Aufwand zu isolieren und zu bewerten. Schließlich sind neben den Modellansätzen und detaillierten numerischen Betrachtungen auch begleitende experimentelle Untersuchungen erforderlich, wobei diese Dissertation die Grundlage für ein schlüssiges und durchdachtes Versuchsprogramm darstellt.

Optimization of ion exchange process on the removal of heavy metals from cooling tower water and regeneration of ion exchange resins.

Mbedzi, Robert Mbavhalelo 06 1900 (has links)
M.Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / In the present study, the removal of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from cooling tower water using Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 was studied by the application of one factor at a time method (OFAT) and response surface modelling (RSM). The effect of operational parameters such as contact time (min), pH, dosage (mL), concentration (mg/L) and temperature (K) were investigated using central composite design. The regeneration of the Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet were also studied. The purpose of the study was to apply OFAT and RSM to investigate and optimize the ion exchange operating parameters. Furthermore, the second-order empirical model that was developed, using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), presented a sufficient correlation to the ion exchange experimental data. The optimal ion exchange operating conditions for Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 were found to be: contact time was 120 min, dosage of 150mL, initial pH level of 2, concentration of 400mg/L and temperature of 343K. Regeneration of Amberlite IR120 and Amberjet 1200 using 0.5 M NaCl stripping solution initially showed an increase in % Ca2+ and Mg2+ removal, then a decrease in subsequent cycles. The correlation coefficients (R2) of Langmuir, Freudlich and Tempkin isotherms were found to range from 0.92 to 1 and this suggest that experimental data best described the models. However correlation coefficients (R2) for Dubinin–Radushkevich (D-R) model were found to range between 0.5 to 0.8 and this means that experimental data does not fit the model. Thermodynamic functions such as entropy (Δ𝑆𝑜), enthalpy (Δ𝐻𝑜) and change of free energy (Δ𝐺𝑜) were obtained from the gradient and intercepts of straight line graphs. The positive values of ΔG° were found meaning that the adsorption is not spontaneous and positive values of ΔH° were found meaning the endothermic type of adsorption which indicate the chances of physical adsorption.The correlation coefficient (R2) values of pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle models were found to range from 0.89 to 1 on both metals as shown in table 4.4. This observation clearly indicates that pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion models best describe the experimental data in the removal Ca2+ and Mg2+ from cooling tower water.

The Uncanny and the Postcolonial in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth

Brown Fuller, Molly 01 January 2013 (has links)
Concluding on this note, the thesis argues that reading The Lord of the Rings in this way renders postcolonial concepts accessible to a whole generation of readers already familiar with the series, and points to the possibility of examining other contemporary texts, or even further analysis of Tolkien's to reveal more postcolonial sensitivities engendered in the texts.; This thesis examines J.R.R. Tolkien's texts The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King from a postcolonial literary perspective. By examining how these texts, written at the decline of the British Empire, engage with the theoretical polemics of imperialism, this thesis takes a new look at these popular and widely regarded books from a stance of serious academic interest. The first chapter examines how certain characters, who are Othered temporally in the realm of Middle-earth, manage to find a place of narrative centrality from the defamiliarized view of Merry, Pippin, Samwise, and Frodo, uncannily reoccurring throughout the narrative in increasingly disturbing manifestations. From there, the thesis moves on to uncanny places, examining in detail Mirkwood, Moria, Dunharrow, and the Shire at the end of The Return of the King. Each of these locations in Middle-earth helps Tolkien to explore the relationship between colonizer, colonized, and fetishism; the colonizer(s) disavow their own fears of these places by fetishizing the pathways they colonize for their safe passage. Since their paths are unsustainable colonially, these fetishes cannot fulfill their function, as the places are marked with unavoidable reminders of wildness and uncontrollability which cannot successfully be repressed for long. Ending this chapter with a discussion of the hobbit's return to the Shire, the argument moves into the next chapter that discusses the small-scale colonization that takes place in the heart of Frodo himself, making the Shire he used to know firmly unavailable to him. The Ring, in this case, is the colonizer, doubling, fracturing, and displacing Frodo's selfhood so that he becomes unfamiliar to himself. The uncanniness that this produces and Frodo's inability to heal from his experience with the Ring, this thesis argues, echoes the postcolonial themes of irreconcilability and the fantasy of origin.


ICARO RODRIGUES MARQUES 29 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] As torres estaiadas estão entre as estruturas mais altas construídas pelo homem. Estas estruturas usualmente são muito esbeltas e a interação cabos/mastro leva a comportamentos altamente não lineares. Devido a sua complexidade, modelos simplificados são desenvolvidos para as simulações dessas estruturas. Um modelo discreto de dois graus de liberdade investigado por diversos autores apresenta fenômenos característicos de estruturas não lineares, como a superabundância de modos normais não lineares similares e modos normais não similares (NNMs), bifurcações de NNMs, ressonância interna e interação modal. O presente trabalho visa investigar o comportamento de um modelo estrutural contínuo de uma torre estaiada com um a três níveis de estais. O método dos elementos finitos (MEF) com uma formulação não linear é usado para realizar análises paramétricas da influência na resposta estática e dinâmica, linear e não linear, das características geométricas e físicas dos cabos, do peso próprio dos cabos e do mastro e de imperfeições iniciais nas frequências naturais e carga crítica da torre. As simetrias geradas pela distribuição uniforme dos cabos têm grande influência na resposta, dando origem a cargas críticas e frequências naturais coincidentes. Isso gera interação modal na flambagem e ressonância interna 1:1, aumentando o efeito da não linearidade geométrica na resposta. Uma análise qualitativa é desenvolvida, comparando as respostas da análise de vibração não linear do modelo contínuo com as do modelo de dois graus de liberdade. Essa análise comparativa indica a existência de múltiplos NNMs e multimodos. A influência desses modos e simetrias inerentes à torre é investigada através de uma análise paramétrica da torre sob excitação harmônica lateral. Os resultados mostram que a torre exibe uma resposta altamente não linear, mesmo sob baixos níveis de carga, o que deve ser considerado com cuidado na fase de projeto e indica a necessidade de investigações adicionais da resposta dinâmica não-linear dessas estruturas, considerando as diferentes distribuições dos cabos utilizadas na prática. / [en] The guyed towers are among the tallest man-made structures. These structures are usually very slender and their guy/mast interaction leads to highly nonlinear behaviors. Due this, simplified models are developed for simulating these structures. The discrete model of tow-degree of freedom investigated by several authors exhibits characteristic phenomena of nonlinear structures such as a superabundance of similar nonlinear normal modes and non-similar normal modes (NMNs), bifurcations of NMNs, internal resonance, and modal interaction. The present work aims to investigate the behavior of a continuous structural model of a tower with one to three guyed levels. The nonlinear finite element method (FEM) is used to parametric analyzes of the influence on static and dynamic responses, linear and nonlinear, of the geometric and materials characteristics of the guys, of the mast and guys self-weight and initial imperfections of the tower s natural frequencies and critical loads. The symmetries generated by the uniform distribution of guys have a great influence on the response, given rise to coincident critical loads and natural frequencies. This generates modal interaction in the buckling and 1:1 internal resonance, increasing the effect of the geometric nonlinearity on the response. A qualitative analysis is developed, comparing as the response of the nonlinear vibration of the continuous model as those of the two degrees of freedom model. This comparative analysis indicates the existence of the multiple NNMs and multimodes. The influence of theses modes and tower inherent symmetries are investigated through a parametric analysis of the tower under lateral harmonic excitation. tower modes. The results show that the tower exhibits a highly nonlinear response, even at low load levels, which must be considered with care in the design stage and indicates the necessary of further investigations of the nonlinear dynamic response of these structures considering the different guys distribution used in practice.

Alminares mudéjares de la marca superior. Nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica. El caso de la torre de San Pablo en Zaragoza

Molina Sánchez, Susana 13 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los ocho siglos de dominio de la cultura islámica en la Península Ibérica motivaron la proliferación de un extenso patrimonio cultural, arquitectónico y artístico. En este contexto, nació el arte mudéjar como una fusión de estilos dada la convivencia entre distintas culturas. Siendo las torres alminares-mudéjares aragonesas el fiel reflejo de este tipo de arquitectura, éstas constituyen el objeto de estudio del presente trabajo. En este sentido, el marco geográfico de la tesis abarca el territorio de la antigua Marca Superior de Al-Andalus, que incluye los valles de los ríos Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca y afluentes, como centros neurálgicos de la esencia del mudéjar (con sus torres como máximo exponente). La inquietud por investigar acerca de la evolución histórico-constructiva de dichas torres nace de su peculiar arquitectura, producto de la síntesis entre Oriente y Occidente. Asimismo, la escasa presencia de documentación de la época unida a los estudios que se han venido realizando hasta el momento, genera todavía una serie de carencias en el conocimiento de dichas torres, especialmente en lo referente a su origen. Por tanto, resulta conveniente abordar dichas necesidades aportando un nuevo enfoque al estudio de su evolución histórico-constructiva. Para ello, se establece una metodología de levantamiento digital (específica para elementos con tipología de torre), mediante la aplicación de las técnicas de fotogrametría y escáner láser, como herramientas de apoyo a la lectura de sus fábricas. El gran potencial a nivel gráfico que ofrecen los resultados obtenidos (modelos tridimensionales hiperrealistas texturizados, con alta precisión geométrica y muy buena definición), permite profundizar en el conocimiento de estas torres. Dichos resultados de la investigación, resultan eficaces y cuentan con el rigor científico adecuado para la posterior formulación de una hipótesis sobre el alminar original, del que procede la torre objeto de estudio, y que se podría extrapolar al resto de torres. / [CA] Els huit segles de domini de la cultura islàmica en la Península Ibèrica van motivar la proliferació d'un extens patrimoni cultural, arquitectònic i artístic. En aquest context, va nàixer l'art mudèjar com una fusió d'estils donada la convivència entre diferents cultures. Sent les torres minarets-mudèjars aragoneses el fidel reflex d'aquesta mena d'arquitectura, aquestes constitueixen l'objecte d'estudi del present treball. En aquest sentit, el marc geogràfic de la tesi comprén el territori de l'antiga Marca Superior d'Al-Andalus, que inclou les valls dels rius Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca i afluents, com a centres neuràlgics de l'essència del mudèjar (amb les seues torres com a màxim exponent). La inquietud per investigar sobre l'evolució històric-constructiva d'aquestes torres naix de la seua peculiar arquitectura, producte de la síntesi entre Orient i Occident. Així mateix, l'escassa presència de documentació de l'època unida als estudis que s'han realitzat fins al moment, genera encara una sèrie de mancances en el coneixement d'aquestes torres, especialment referent al seu origen. Per tant, resulta convenient abordar aquestes necessitats aportant un nou enfocament a l'estudi de la seua evolució històric-constructiva. Per a això, s'estableix una metodologia d'alçament digital (específica per a elements amb tipologia de torre), mitjançant l'aplicació de les tècniques de fotogrametria i escàner làser, com a eines de suport a la lectura de les seues fàbriques. El gran potencial a nivell gràfic que ofereixen els resultats obtinguts (models tridimensionals hiperrealistes texturizados, amb alta precisió geomètrica i molt bona definició), permet aprofundir en el coneixement d'aquestes torres. Aquests resultats de la investigació, resulten eficaces i compten amb el rigor científic adequat per a la posterior formulació d'una hipòtesi sobre el minaret original, del qual procedeix la torre objecte d'estudi, i que es podria extrapolar a la resta de torres. / [EN] The eight centuries of Islamic culture in Iberian Peninsula led to the proliferation of an extensive cultural, architectural and artistic heritage. In this context, Mudejar art was born as a fusion of styles due to the coexistence of different cultures. Aragonese minaret-Mudejar towers are a faithful reflection of this type of architecture, and are the object of study of this work. In this sense, thesis' geographical framework covers the territory of ancient Marca Superior of Al-Andalus, which includes the river valleys of Ebro, Jalón, Jiloca and tributaries, as nerve centres of the essence of Mudejar architecture (with its towers as its maximum exponent). The interest in researching the historical-constructive evolution of these towers stems from their peculiar architecture, a product of the synthesis between East and West. Likewise, the scarce documentation of that period, together with different studies that have been carried out up to now, still generate a series of deficiencies in the knowledge of these towers, especially with regard to their origin. It is therefore advisable to address these needs by providing a new approach to the study of their historical-constructive evolution. For this purpose, a digital survey methodology is established (specifically for tower typology elements), using photogrammetry (SfM) and laser scanner techniques as tools to support the reading of their walls. A great graphic potential offered by the results obtained (reality-based 3D models, with high geometric precision and optimal definition), allows us to deepen our knowledge of these towers. These research results are effective and have an appropriate scientific rigour for the subsequent formulation of a hypothesis about the original minaret, from which the tower under study originates, and which could be extrapolated to the rest of the towers. / Molina Sánchez, S. (2022). Alminares mudéjares de la marca superior. Nueva aproximación a su evolución histórica. El caso de la torre de San Pablo en Zaragoza [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188135

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