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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ein Beitrag zum Toxnetz-Explorer: Der Magen-Darm-Trakt

Keller, Simone Miriam 02 February 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit „Der Magen-Darm-Trakt: Ein Beitrag zum Toxnetz-Explorer“, wurde von Frau Dr. Simone Miriam Keller im Rahmen des Postgradualstudiums Toxikologie und Umweltschutz der Universität Leipzig angefertigt. In der eingereichten Arbeit werden allgemeine Strukturen des Magen-Darm-Trakts sowie die einzelnen Organe anatomisch beschrieben. Es werden die Funktionen und Aufgaben der Organe des Magen-Darm-Trakts bei der Absorption, Metabolisierung und Ausscheidung erläutert sowie die Metabolisierung von Fremdstoffen wie Arzneimittel und toxische Bestandteile von Nahrungsmitteln, am Beispiel des Mykotoxins Patulin, beschrieben. Die Arbeit dient als Grundlage zur Erstellung eines Toxnetz-Explorer Kapitels zum Thema Magen-Darm-Trakt.

Expertní systém pro detekci místa vzniku komorových extrasystol / Expert System for Detection of Ventricular Extrasystoles

Svánovská, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Ventricular premature beats are ectopic changes in the ECG signal. Detection of ventricular extrasystoles on 12leads ECG was created in MATLAB. At first my work involves whether the ventricular premature beats comes from the right or the left ventricle. Another algorithm evaluates the incidence outflow tract of the chamber. If the previous algorithm shows signs of indecision, another algorithm is used for detection of ventricular extrasystoles at another location in the left ventricle. The last step is to narrow the area of detection which makes it easier to find the place of origin.

Ultrazvučna dijagnostika upalnih oboljenja creva u komparaciji sa magnetnom rezonancom u dečjem i adolescentnom dobu / Ultrasound diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging in children and adolescence

Jecković Mihajlo 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Hronične inflamatorne bolesti se ispoljavaju kao Kronova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. Njihova značajnost ogleda se u hronicitetu kao i u stepenu u kom ograničavaju rast i razvoj dece i omladine. Brojne su posledice ovih oboljenja: dugotrajno izostajanje sa nastave, ograničavanje životnih aktivnosti i pojava komplikacija koje neretko zahvataju i druge organske sisteme. Etiologija je i dalje nerazja&scaron;njenja navodeći kao značajan hronični inflamatorni proces u genetski uslovljenih pojedinaca a provociranih nekim infektivnim agensom. Početkom 21. veka genetska istraživanja su otkrila osnovu nasleđivanja hroničnih inflamatornih oboljenja povezanih sa NOD2 genom. Kako je u pitanju organskim sistem koji je ograničeno pristupačan kliničkom pregledu, osnovu dijagnostike čine radiolo&scaron;ke metode. Kako je potrebno sprečiti kontinuirano izlaganje &scaron;tetnom dejstvu rendgenskog zračenja istraživanja se usmeravaju ka UZ i magnetnoj rezonanca. Na&scaron;e istraživanje se baziralo na mogućnostima ovih dveju metoda u svakodnevnom radu za dijagnostiku i dalje praćenje hroničnih inflamatornih bolesti creva. CILJEVI: Utvrditi senzitivnost i specifičnost ultrazvučne dijagnostike i magnetne resonance kod upalnih oboljenja creva u dečjem i adolescentnom uzrastu. Definisati i uporediti prednosti i ograničenja ultrazvučne dijagnostike sa dijagnostikom magnetne rezonace kod upalnih obolenja creva u dečjem i adolescentnom uzrastu. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 62. dece i adolescenata u toku prvog ataka bolesti ili ponovljenim fazama bolesti ili tokom redovnog praćenja u remisiji. Obuhvaćeni uzrast je od 4. do 18. godina. Potom su razvrstani u grupe na osnovu vrste pregleda i prisustva zadebljanja crevnog zida na A i B (pregled UZ), gde je A grupa imala zabeleženo zadebljanje crevnog zida preko 3 mm, a kod dece u grupi B debljina crevnog zida je bila između 2,5-3 mm. Sa druge strane na osnovu pregleda magnetnom rezonancom podeljeni su u A1 i B1 grupe, takođe po kriterijumu zadebljanja crevnog zida većeg od 3 mm (A1), odnosno između 2,5-3 mm (B1). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Institutu za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titutu dece i omladine Vojvodine i Institutu za radiologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Prvi pregled načinjen je UZ a potom je načinjen pregled magnetnom rezonanacom. Podaci su obrađivani retrospektivno i prospektivno. Kriterijumi za uključivanje u studiju pored uzrasta bili su radiolo&scaron;ki: zadebljanje crevnog zida &gt;3mm, postojanje naru&scaron;ene arhitektonike crevnog zida, zadebljanje pojedinih crevnih segmenata-dužina segmenta, znaci fibroze, odsustvo peristaltike, izražena hiperemija na kolor Doppleru, transmuralni znaci upale, uvećani mezenterijalni limfni nodusi kao i kontrolni pregledi kod dece sa ranije ustanovljenom dijagnozom. Načinjena je endoskopija sa biopsijom radi postavljanja definitivne dijagnoze, potom se pristupilo statističkoj obradi dobijenih podataka. Izračunate su prosečne i standardne devijacije i frekvencije kao i pripadajući procenti. Određivane su maksimalne i minimalne vrednosti, medijane i interkvartalni raspon. Dobijeni podaci prikazani su u grafikonima i tabelama. Za parametrijske varijable upotrebljavan je Man &ndash; Vitni U test. Za kategoričke vrednosti upotrebljeni su &chi;2 i Fi&scaron;erov test. Nadalje su određivane senzitivnost, specifičnost kao i pozitivne i negativne prediktivne vrednosti. Veze između dva parametra uspostavljene su pomoću Pirsonove korelacione analize i linearnim regresionim modelom. Upotrebljen je program za obradu podataka SPSS 21 Statistics,a kao statistički značajne vrednosti uzete su vrednosti p&lt;0,05. REZULTATI: Nakon statističke obrade nije zabeležena signifikantnost u pogledu zastupljenosti hroničnih inflamatornih bolesti među polovima. Statistička značajnost pronađena je u pogledu uzrasta dece u akutnoj fazi kao i remisiji bolesti. Statistička značajnost je dobijena za posmatranu debljinu crevnog zida, hiperemiju creva, prisustvo fibroze u digestivnom traktu. Primećeno je da UZ bolje razgraničava decu sa akutnim oboljenjem po pitanju zahvaćenosti segmenata. Ostala posmatrana obeležja nisu nakon statističke obrade imala statistički značaju razliku kada se procenjuju ultrazvučno ili magnetnom rezonancom. ZAKLJUČAK: Inicijalne hipoteze ovog istraživanja su nakon obrade podataka i potvrđene. Određivanjem senzitivnosti i specifičnosti UZ i MR dobijene su sledeće vrednosti: senzitivnost UZ je 88,4% naspram 92,3% koliko ima pregled magnetnom rezonancom. U pogledu specifičnosti UZ ima 88% a magnetna rezonanca 91,6%. Verifikovano je da magnetna rezonanca bolje razvrstava decu u akutnoj fazi bolesti kao i decu u remisiji. Rezultati pozitivnih i negativnih verovatnoća odnosa ne predviđaju neuspeh nijednim od ova dva pregleda.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Chronic inflammatory diseases are manifested through two clinical entities: Crohn&#39;s disease and ulcerative colitis. Their significance lies in the chronicity and the degree to which they restrict the growth and development of children and youth. There are many consenquences that come with the very nature of the disease, in addition to long-term absence from school, limiting life activities and the occurrence of complications that often affect other organ systems. The etiology of the disease has long been in favor of the theory that a chronic inflammatory process in genetically conditioned individual is provoking an inflammation due to a certain infectious agent. However, a step closer was made regarding the etiology of the disease - when the genetic basis of inheritance studies have revealed chronic inflammatory bowel diseases were associated with NOD2 gene. It is particularly important to prevent continuous exposure to the harmful effects of X-rays. Therefore, numerous studies have been made towards the validation of complementarity, accuracy and diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging as noninvasive techniques. Our research was based on the capabilities of these two methods in their daily work for diagnosis and follow-up of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to determine the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents. Furthermore, the aim was to define and compare the advantages and limitations between ultrasound diagnosis and magnetic resonance in inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 62 children and adolescents during the first attack of disease or recurrent stages of the disease, or during regular monitoring in remission. Patients included children of both sexes, aged 4-18. Then they were sorted into groups based on the type of the examination and the presence of a thickening of the intestinal wall into groups A and B - in these groups children were examined by ultrasound, A group had observed thickening of the intestinal wall &gt; 3 mm whereas children in group B had had thickening of the intestinal wall between 2,5-3 mm. Based on the review of MRI children were divided into groups A1 and B1, also according to the criterion of bowel wall thickening greater than 3mm (A1) and between 2,5-3mm (B1). The research was conducted at the Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth and the Institute of Radiology, Clinical Center of Vojvodina. The first review was made by ultrasound, followed by the review of magnetic resonance. Data were analyzed retrospectively and prospectively. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: thickening of the intestinal wall greater than 3 mm, the existence of disturbed intestinal wall architectural structure, no clear distinction of layers, abnormal thickening of certain intestinal segments, signs of fibrosis, the absence of peristalsis, expressed hyperemia on color Doppler, transmural inflammation, increased mesenterial lymph nodes as well as check-ups for children with previously established diagnosis. Endosccopy with biopsy has made for the definitive diagnosis and then we approached statistical analysis of the data obtained. The data are presented in graphs and tables. For parametric variables we used Man - Whitney U test. For categorical values &chi;2 and Fisher&#39;s test were used. Further the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were determined. Relationship between these two parameters were established using Pearson correlation analysis and linear regression model. For data processing we used the program SPSS Statistics 21, statistically significant values were taken p values &lt;0.05. RESULTS: After statistical analysis there was no for the number of chronic inflammatory diseases between the sexes. Statistical significance was found in terms of age of the children during the acute phase as well as remission. Statistical significance was obtained for the observed thickness of the intestinal wall, intestinal hyperemia, the presence of fibrosis in the digestive tract. It was noted that US better demarcates children with acute disease in terms of involvement of segments. Other features are not observed as significant after the statistical analysis. CONCLUSION: The initial hypothesis of this study, after data processing were confirmed. By determining the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound MRI results we came to the following results: sensitivity of ultrasound was 88,4% versus 92,3%, for magnetic resonance. In terms of specifics UZ has a 88% and 91,6% of magnetic resonance imaging. The classification of children in the acute phase of the disease as well as children in remission was better when MRI was used. The results of positive and negative predictions do not predict the probability of failure in neither of these methods.</p>

Chlazení stlačeného vzduchu pro spalovací motor kategorie CDS SEMI-PRO / Intercooler for the CDS SEMI-PRO combustion engine

Novozámský, Richard January 2019 (has links)
This diplom thesis describes design of new pressured air cooling system for trubocharged Diesel engine used in CDS Semi-Pro competitions. First part is focused on analysis external conditions influencing the desing. Second part pays attention to simulations of performance. Third part describes design of two systems and possible testitng method. In last part, the real parametrs are put into the computing model followed by verification of the results and evaulation of the designed systems.

Využití metody konečných prvků pro modelování šíření hlasu vokálním traktem a okolo hlavy člověka / Finite element modelling of voice propagation through the vocal tract and around the human head

Tomeček, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with creating of finite element model for the analysis of acustic waves radiation through human vocal tract and through the head surrounding space. The thesis contains a short overview of the anatomy of relevant parts and a short overview of formerly published models relevant to the topic. Then the process of creating the 3D model of human head, including the vocal tract, based on CT scans, and the mesh itself follows. This is succeeded by the computational solution taking in the acount the acoustic absorption of the vocal tract walls and radiation into the open space. The results gained are compared to relevant literature on this topic. The changes in frequency spectra in specific nodes of the mesh are reviewed and compared to relevant literature on the topic. The results could be used as basis of eventual frequention corrections of microphones used for voice diagnosis or registration in general, eg of speach or singing.

Výpočtové modelování šíření lidského hlasu vokálním traktem a v prostoru okolo hlavy / Computational modelling of human voice propagation through the vocal tract and in space around the head

Švarc, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The following master thesis deals with creating a computational model for acoustic wave distribution by the human vocal tract and then the space around a human head. Detailed mapping of the sound field around the human head is important for more accurate measurement of the human voice. Part of this work is the creation of three-dimensional finite element model of the human head and the vocal tract during phonation of the vowel /:a/ based on the data from the computational tomography. Further the literature search of the function of the vocal tract, biomechanics of the making of the human voice, an overview of the computational models so far published in the literature and in literature reported measurements of the distribution of the human voice by the vocal tract and then in the space around the head . The following is the actual numerical solution of the acoustic waves distribution from the vocal cords through the vocal tract and then the space around the human head when thinking of acoustic absorption on the walls of the vocal tract and on the skin of the head for different types of waking of the model. The results are compared with previously published measurements of the distribution of the human voice and mainly the distortion of the frequency spectra at each specific node in the space around the head and in its vicinity of where the sensor microphones are typically placed are analyzed. Results of the computational modeling will eventually be used for frequency correction for various positions of the microphones scanning the voice distribution in its diagnosis, speech or singing.

Studies on the Reaction of Dietary Methylglyoxal and Creatine during Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion and in Human Volunteers

Treibmann, Stephanie, Groß, Julia, Pätzold, Susann, Henle, Thomas 18 April 2024 (has links)
The reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compound methylglyoxal (MGO) is consumed with food and its concentrations decrease during digestion. In the present paper, the reaction of MGO with creatine, arginine, and lysine during simulated digestion, and its reaction with creatine during the digestion in human volunteers, was studied. Therefore, simulated digestion experiments with a gastric and an intestinal phase were performed. Additionally, an intervention study with 12 subjects consuming MGO-containing Manuka honey and creatine simultaneously or separately was conducted. Derivatization with o-phenylenediamine and HPLC–UV was used to measure MGO, while creatine and glycated amino compounds were analyzed via HPLC–MS/MS. We show that MGO quickly reacts with creatine and arginine, but not lysine, during simulated digestion. Creatine reacts with 56% of MGO to form the hydroimidazolone MG-HCr, and arginine reacted with 4% of MGO to form the hydroimidazolone MG-H1. In the intervention study, urinary MG-HCr excretion is higher in subjects who consumed MGO and creatine simultaneously compared to subjects who ingested the substances separately. This demonstrates that the 1,2-dicarbonyl compound MGO reacts with amino compounds during human digestion, and glycated adducts are formed. These contribute to dietary glycation products consumed, and should be considered in studies investigating their physiological consequences.

Detekce nemocí pomocí analýzy hlasu / Voice Analysis for Detection of Diseases

Chytil, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Tato disertační práce je zaměřena na analýzu řečového signálu za učelem detekce nemocí ovlivňujících strukturu hlasových orgánů, obzvláště těch, které mění strukturální character hlasivek. Poskytnut je přehled současných technik. Dále jsou popsány zdroje použitých nahrávek pro zdravé a nemocné mlučí. Hlavním učelem této disertační práce je popsat vypočetní postup k odhadu parametrů modelu hlasového zdroje, které umožní následnou detekci a klasifikaci nemocí hlasivek. Poskytujeme detailní popis analýzy řečových signálů, které mohou být odvozeny z parametrických modelů hlasivek.

Nonlinear dynamics of the voice

Neubauer, Jürgen 17 October 2005 (has links)
Die Physik der Lauterzeugung (Phonation) wurde mit Hilfe der Theorie der Nichtlinearen Dynamik untersucht. Digitale Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnamen von Schwingungen in menschlichen und nichtmenschlichen Kehlkoepfen, digitale Bildanalyse, Signalanalyse und Modenanalyse wurden zur quantitativen Beschreibung nichtlinearer Phaenomene eingesetzt. Es wurden nichtlineare Phaenomene bei stimmkranker (pathologischer) menschlicher Lauterzeugung untersucht, wie auch in stimmgesunden Singstimmen und in Kehlkoepfen von nichtmenschlichen Saeugetieren mit Stimmlippen-Membranen. Durch Bifurkationsanalyse eines einfachen mathematischen Modells fuer Stimmlippen mit Membranen konnten beobachtete Lautmuster nichtmenschlicher Saeugetiere qualitativ "nichtlinear gefittet" werden. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit waren: 1. die Klassifikation von Lautmustern in zeitgenoessischer Vokalmusik, um Erzeugungsmechanismen fuer komplexe Stimmklaenge zu erklaeren, die im kuenstlerischen Kontext vorkommen. Im besonderen war die Rolle der Quelle-Trakt-Kopplung von Interesse; 2. Instabilitaeten in Stimmpatienten, die durch Asymmetrien in einzelnen Stimmlippen wie auch zwischen den Stimmlippen verursacht wurden; 3. dynamische Effekte von duennen, leichten und schwingenden Stimmlippen-Membranen, vertikalen Fortsaetzen der Stimmlippen bei Saeugetieren. Stimmlippen-Membrane finden sich in Kehlkoepfen von Fledermaeusen und Primaten, wo sie einerseits zur Ultraschallerzeugung verwendet werden und andererseits fuer eine grosse Lautvielfalt sorgen. Ein Stimmlippen-Membran-Modell wurde entwickelt, um dieses diverse Lautrepertoire zu reproduzieren. Dieses Modell zeigte zwei Stimmregister. Ueber die Geometry der Stimmlippen-Membrane konnte der subglottale Einsatzdruck minimiert werden und der Druckbereich fuer Phonationen vergroessert werden. Numerische Simulationen demonstrierten, dass das phaenomenologische Stimm-Membran-Modell das Lautrepertoire von Fledermaeusen und Primaten qualitativ reproduzieren konnte. / In this thesis, the physics of phonation was discussed using the theory of nonlinear dynamics. Digital high speed recordings of human and nonhuman laryneal oscillations, image processing, signal analysis, and modal analysis have been used to quantitatively describe nonlinear phenomena in pathological human phonation, healthy voices in singing, and nonhuman mammalian larynges with vocal membranes. Bifurcation analysis of a simple mathematical model for vocal folds with vocal membranes allowed a qualitative ''nonlinear fit'' of observed vocalization patterns in nonhuman mammals. The main focus of the present work was on: 1. the classification of vocalizations of contemporary vocal music to provide insight to production mechanisms of complex sonorities in artistic contexts, especially to nonlinear source-tract coupling; 2. pathological voice instabilities induced by asymmetries within single vocal folds and between vocal folds; 3. the dynamic effects of thin, lightweight, and vibrating vocal membranes as upward extensions of vocal folds in nonhuman mammals. In nonhuman mammals, vocal membranes are one widespread morphological variation of vocal folds. In bats they are responsible to produce ultrasonic echolocation calls. In nonhuman primates they facilitate the production of highly diverse vocalizations. A vocal membrane model was developed to understand the production of these complex calls. Two voice registers were found in the vocal membrane model. The vocal membrane geometry could minimize phonation onset pressure and enlarge the phonatory pressure range of the model. Numerical simulations of the model revealed instabilities that qualitatively resembled observed vocalization patterns in bats and primates.

Bytový dům, Újezd u Brna / Block of flats, Újezd u Brna

Sedláček, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with a new building – block of flats on land no. 1799/1, 1800/1 cadastral Újezd u Brna, region Brno - venkov. This building contains 15 individual flats. The object is geometrically divided on central part with gabled roof and 2 side parts with hip roof. Slopes of roofs 10°. Building is designed as three-storey object without a cellarage, whence all three storeys are residential . The building is accessible from local road and it is possible to park a car next to the object in new-build parking place. Residential rooms are positively rotated to south and ventilated naturally. All the residential rooms are exposed to direct day light. Sidewalk and hard surface are treated as concrete and scrubbed pavement. Construction peripheral bearing masonry, interior bearing masonry and cross buntons effected from ceramic breeze-block POROTHERM. Ceilings plates are made of reinforced concrete. Staircase are made of reinforced concrete as well.

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