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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recruitment of the complete hTREX complex is required for Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus intronless mRNA nuclear export and virus replication

Boyne, J. R., Colgan, K. J., Whitehouse, A. January 2008 (has links)
A cellular pre-mRNA undergoes various post-transcriptional processing events, including capping, splicing and polyadenylation prior to nuclear export. Splicing is particularly important for mRNA nuclear export as two distinct multi-protein complexes, known as human TREX (hTREX) and the exon-junction complex (EJC), are recruited to the mRNA in a splicing-dependent manner. In contrast, a number of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) lytic mRNAs lack introns and are exported by the virus-encoded ORF57 protein. Herein we show that ORF57 binds to intronless viral mRNAs and functions to recruit the complete hTREX complex, but not the EJC, in order assemble an export component viral ribonucleoprotein particle (vRNP). The formation of this vRNP is mediated by a direct interaction between ORF57 and the hTREX export adapter protein, Aly. Aly in turn interacts directly with the DEAD-box protein UAP56, which functions as a bridge to recruit the remaining hTREX proteins to the complex. Moreover, we show that a point mutation in ORF57 which disrupts the ORF57-Aly interaction leads to a failure in the ORF57-mediated recruitment of the entire hTREX complex to the intronless viral mRNA and inhibits the mRNAs subsequent nuclear export and virus replication. Furthermore, we have utilised a trans-dominant Aly mutant to prevent the assembly of the complete ORF57-hTREX complex; this results in a vRNP consisting of viral mRNA bound to ORF57, Aly and the nuclear export factor, TAP. Strikingly, although both the export adapter Aly and the export factor TAP were present on the viral mRNP, a dramatic decrease in intronless viral mRNA export and virus replication was observed in the absence of the remaining hTREX components (UAP56 and hTHO-complex). Together, these data provide the first direct evidence that the complete hTREX complex is essential for the export of KSHV intronless mRNAs and infectious virus production.

Control of nephrogenesis by Wnt4 signaling:mechanisms of gene regulation and targeting of specific lineage cells by tissue engineering tools

Murugan, S. (Subramanian) 04 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract Wnt4, a member of the Wnt family of secreted factors, is essential for kidney organogenesis since the kidney fails to develop in its absence. Besides the kidney, Wnt4 signaling is involved in the control of development of several other organs such as the gonads, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. In the context of the embryonic kidney, Wnt4 signaling induces mesenchymal to epithelial transition of the progenitor cells in the metanephric mesenchyme, an early step in nephrogenesis. Wnt4 signaling may also be relevant in the development of a childhood kidney tumor, the Wilms’ tumor, that involves the function of Wilms’ tumor suppressor protein 1 (WT1). Wilms’ tumor is thought to arise from the early metanephric mesenchymal cells of the embryonic kidney, but the detailed mechanisms are not known. The main aim of this project was to study the mechanisms that regulate expression of the Wnt4 gene by using immortalized embryonic kidney mesenchyme-derived mK4 cells as a model. The Wnt4 gene expression was also analyzed in vivo in the frog embryonic pronephros. Through the use of reporter assays and a two-hybrid screen, Sox11, a member of the SoxC family of transcription factors, was identified as a synergistic protein that interacts with WT1. Immunoprecipitation studies provided further evidence that Sox11 and WT1 may physically interact with each other in the developing embryonic kidney. Indeed, Sox11 and WT1 may regulate the Wnt4 gene expression in vivo since the morpholino-based knock-down of either WT1 or Sox11 led to notable downregulation of the Wnt4 gene expression in the frog embryonic pronephros. The other general aim of this thesis was to develop novel tissue targeting and therapy tools to the cell lineages regulated by the Wnt4 signals, including the podocytes. For this purpose, we utilized mice carrying a floxed expression cassette for the avidin-LDL receptor fusion protein, Lodavin, in the constitutively active Rosa-26 locus. Three Cre driver mice, including the Wnt4-Cre knock-in line, were used to activate Lodavin expression in the respective cells of the embryonic kidney. Moreover, we generated a podocyte injury model by expressing the human receptor for diphtheria toxin specifically in the podocytes. This was achieved by crossing mice containing a floxed expression cassette for this receptor in the Rosa-26 locus with those expressing the Cre recombinase under the nephrin promoter. Administration of diphtheria toxin led initially to podocyte damage only, followed by a progression to glomerular sclerosis. As a summary, Sox11 and WT1 serve as synergistic transcription factors that may regulate expression of the Wnt4 gene in vivo. The transgenic mouse models generated and used provide the basis to generate acute and chronic kidney disease models and the potential to purify the respective cells for developing cell-based therapy avenues for the kidney. Moreover, the Lodavin-based approaches may enable targeted delivery of biotinylated small compounds, proteins, viruses or even cells and novel means for in vivo imaging and functional studies. / Tiivistelmä Wnt-4 kuuluu signaloivien proteiinien Wnt-perheeseen ja sen toiminta on välttämätöntä munuaisen kehityksessä. Ilman Wnt-4 proteiinia munuainen ei kehity. Munuaisen lisäksi Wnt4-signalointi on mukana useiden muiden elinten, kuten sukurauhasten, lisämunuaisen ja aivolisäkkeen säätelyssä. Alkion munuaisessa Wnt4-signalointi saa aikaan mesenkymaalisen kantasolukon epitelisoitumisen, edustaen näin ollen nefronin kehityksen varhaisia vaiheita. Wnt4-signaloinnilla on myös merkittävä asema lapsuusiän munuaiskasvaimen, niin kutsutun Wilmsin kasvaimen kehittymisessä. Tämän tyyppisessä kasvaimessa keskeisenä on Wilmsin tuumoriproteiinin WT1:n toiminta, mutta myös Wnt4:n toiminnalla voi olla merkitystä. Wilmsin kasvaimen arvellaan saavan alkunsa varhaisista sikiöaikaisista jälkimunuaisen soluista, mutta yksityiskohtaisia mekanismeja ei vielä tunneta. Tämän projektin tarkoituksena oli tutkia Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä sääteleviä mekanismeja käyttäen mallina mK4-soluja eli alkion munuaisesta saatuja, immortalisoituja soluja. Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä analysoitiin myös in vivo sammakon alkion alkumunuaisessa. Tuplahybridi-analysoinnin avulla tunnistettiin transkriptiotekijäperhe SoxC:n jäsen Sox11 samantoimiseksi proteiiniksi transkriptiotekijä WT1:n kanssa Wnt4-geenin ilmentymisen säätelyssä. Immunopresipitaatiotutkimukset tukivat ajatusta, että Sox11 ja WT1 voisivat olla fyysisessä vuorovaikutuksessa säädellessään nefroninmuodostuksen alullepanossa ratkaisevan Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä. Sox11 ja WT1 voivat mahdollisesti säädellä Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä myös in vivo, sillä morfoliineihin perustuvissa kokeissa sekä WT1:n että Sox11:n hiljennys laski Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistasoa sammakon alkumunuaisessa. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen toinen yleinen tavoite oli kehittää uusia kudoskohdennus- ja terapiakeinoja Wnt4-signaloinnin säätelemille solulinjoille, kuten podosyyteille. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kloonattiin siirtogeeninen hiiri, jossa floksattu avidiini-LDL -reseptorifuusioproteiini, Lodavin, kohdennettiin jatkuvasti aktiiviseen Rosa-26 -lokukseen. Kolmea eri Cre-hiirilinjaa käytettiin aktivoimaan Lodavinin ilmentyminen kussakin tietyssä alkion munuaisen solupopulaatiossa. Yksi näistä Cre-linjoista oli Wnt4-Cre. Jotta kyettäisiin vahingoittamaan samoja soluja, jotka ilmentävät Lodavinia, hyödynnettiin difteriamyrkyn ihmisen reseptoria (iDTR). IDTR:n ilmentäminen tietyissä hiiren soluissa tekee ne alttiiksi tappavalle difteriamyrkylle. IDTR-perusteisen munuaisvauriomallin kehittämiseksi käytettiin floksattua iDTR-hiirimallia, ja geenin ilmentyminen aktivoitiin Wnt4-indusoiduissa munuaissolulinjoissa, erityisesti podosyyteissä Nephrin Cre -välitteisesti. NephrinCre;R26RiDTR hiiriä altistettiin difteriamyrkylle ja niiden munuaiskerästen muutoksia seurattiin. Tutkimukset antavat viitteitä siitä, että R26R-floksatut iDTR-hiiret toimivat hyvänä mallina kehitettäessä sekä akuutteja että kroonisia munuaistautimalleja. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Sox-11 ja WT-1 ovat samantoimisia transkriptiotekijöitä, jotka voivat säädellä Wnt4-geenin ilmentymistä in vivo. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyt ja käytetyt siirtogeeniset hiirimallit tarjoavat perustan kehittää sekä akuutteja että kroonisia munuaistautimalleja. Samalla ne mahdollistavat kulloistenkin solujen eristämisen uusien soluperusteisten hoitomenetelmien kehittelemiseksi. Lisäksi Lodavin-perusteiset lähestymistavat voivat mahdollistaa biotinyloitujen pienten yhdisteiden, proteiinien, virusten tai jopa solujen kuljetuksen kohdennetusti sekä avata uusia mahdollisuuksia in vivo -kuvantamiselle ja toiminnallisille tutkimuksille.

Transcriptional regulation of mouse ribonucleotide reductase

Elfving, Anna January 2011 (has links)
All living organisms are made of cells and they store their hereditary information in the form of double stranded DNA. In all organisms DNA replication and repair is essential for cell division and cell survival. These processes require deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), the building blocks of DNA. Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is catalyzing the rate limiting step in the de novo synthesis of dNTPs. Active RNR is a heterodimeric protein complex. In S phase cells, the mouse RNR consists of the R1 and the R2 proteins. The R1/R2 RNR-complex supplies the cell with dNTPs required for DNA replication. Outside S-phase or in non-proliferating cells RNR is composed of R1 and p53R2 proteins. The R1/p53R2 RNR-complex supplies cells with dNTPs required for mitochondrial DNA replication and for DNA repair. An undisturbed dNTP regulation is important since unbalanced dNTP pools results in DNA mutations and cell death. Since unbalanced pools are harmful to the cell, RNR activity is regulated at many levels. The aim of this thesis is to study how the mouse RNR genes are regulated at a transcriptional level. We have focused on the promoter regions of all three mouse RNR genes. Primer extension experiments show that the transcription start of the TATA-less p53R2 promoter colocalizes with an earlier unidentified initiator element (Inr-element). This element is similar to the known Inr-element in the mouse R1 promoter. Furthermore, functional studies of the R1 promoter revealed a putative E2F binding element. This result suggests that the S phase specific transcription of the R1 gene is regulated by a similar mechanism as the R2 promoter which contains an E2F binding site. Finally we have established a method to partially purify the transcription factor(s) binding the upstream activating region in the mouse R2 promoter by phosphocellulose chromatography and affinity purification using oligonucleotides immobilized on magnetic beads. This method will allow us to further study the transcription factors responsible for activating expression of the R2 protein. This method has a potential to be utilized as a general method when purifying unknown transcription factors.

Rôle de l'auxine et de sa signalisation dans la dynamique et la robustesse des patrons développementaux dans le méristème apical caulinaire / The role of auxin and its signaling pathways in the dynamics and robustness of developmental patterns at the shoot apical meristem

Oliva Freitas Santos, Marina 17 January 2014 (has links)
Les végétaux, contrairement aux animaux, génèrent la plupart de leurs organes et tissus au cours de leur développement post-embryonnaire et ce, grâce à des tissus contenant de petits amas de cellules souches appelés méristèmes. Le méristème apical caulinaire (MAC), situé à l’extrémité de la tige, génère toute la partie aérienne de la plante. A sa périphérie, les organes latéraux (fleurs ou feuilles) sont générés selon un patron spatio-temporel précis appelé phyllotaxie. De nombreuses données accumulées ces 20 dernières années ont démontré qu’une hormone végétale, l’auxine, joue un rôle prépondérant dans le contrôle du devenir des cellules dans le MAC. Un ensemble de données expérimentales couplées à des modèles mathématiques suggère que l’auxine s’accumule successivement dans les sites d’organogenèse grâce à l’auto-organisation de ses transporteurs membranaires et instruit les cellules à se différencier en organes.Fautes d’outils appropriés, il était impossible jusqu’alors de visualiser l’auxine in vivo et d’étudier sa dynamique temporelle. Nous avons généré un nouveau senseur de la signalisation de l’auxine, appelé DII-Venus, qui permet de visualiser de manière indirecte mais spécifique les niveaux relatifs d’auxine in planta avec une excellente résolution spatio-temporelle. Cet outil a permis de mettre en évidence pour la première fois des oscillations circadiennes d’auxine au niveau du MAC. Une analyse complète de la structure de la voie de réponse transcriptionelle à l’auxine, couplée à des approches de modélisation, a permis de mettre en évidence des propriétés « tampon » de la voie transcriptionnelle qui la rendent relativement insensible aux fluctuations d’auxine, et contribuent à la robustesse du programme organogénétique. En revanche, la voie non-transriptionnelle de réponse à l’auxine, sensible à ces oscillations, génère des rythmicités de croissance au niveau du MAC qui contribuent à déterminer la temporalité de l’émergence de nouveaux organes. Ces résultats démontrent ainsi pour la première fois que la rythmicité de l’émergence de nouveaux organes au niveau du MAC n’est pas uniquement une conséquence des capacités d’auto-organisation du tissu mais est aussi contrôlée, au moins partiellement, par une horloge biologique. / Plants, contrarily to animals, are able to generate new organs and tissues throughout their lives thanks to the activity of specialized tissues containing stem cells called meristems. The shoot apical meristem (SAM), located at the shoot tip, generates all the aerial parts of the plant that arise after germination. At its periphery, organ production occurs following precise spatio-temporal patterns also known as phyllotaxis. During the past twenty years, the phytohormone auxin has been demonstrated to play a major role in this process. Indeed, both experimental and theoretical studies strongly suggest that auxin accumulates successively in sites of organogenesis thanks to its efflux carriers, and instructs cells to differentiate into organs.However, so far, very little is known about the actual temporal dynamics of auxin in tissues, because of the lack of appropriate tool to visualize auxin in vivo. We developed a new auxin signaling sensor, called DII-VENUS, that allows for monitoring auxin levels in planta with a good spatio-temporal resolution. Using this new tool, we were able to demonstrate that for the first time that the SAM is subjected to circadian oscillations of auxin levels. Our data suggest that these oscillations are not perceived by the auxin transcriptional pathway, which is predicted, according to our mathematical models, to exhibit buffering properties. However, they are perceived by the non-transcriptional putative receptor ABP1 and translated into rhythmic growth patterns at the SAM. These growth oscillations seem to regulate organ initiation in the meristem thus demonstrating for the first time the rhythmic emergence of organs at the SAM does not only result from the self-organizing properties of the tissue but is also controlled, at least partially, by a biological clock.

Studium mechanismu posttranskripčního a transkripčního umlčování transgenů v buněčné linii tabáku BY-2 / Study of the mechanism of posttranscriptional and transcriptional transgene silencing in tobacco BY-2 cell line

Čermák, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
The RNA interference is a mechanism, which allows cells to regulate their genes functions, to establish and maintain heterochromatin and to defend them against invasive nucleic acids. In plants, RNA interference is initiated by double-stranded RNA, which is processed by Dicer into small RNAs, usually 20-24nt long. These small RNAs form a complex with Argonaut protein that participates in different processes based on sequence complementarity. This complex can guide mRNA cleavage, translation blocking and chromatin modifications, resulting either into posttranscriptional silencing (by preventing translation of already existing mRNA, PTGS) or transcriptional silencing (by preventing transcription of mRNA, TGS). The first step of this thesis was to establish different ways of triggering PTGS and to evaluate their functionality and efficiency. The next step was a preparation of a system which would allow to study the transition from posttrancriptional to transcriptional silencing. These so called "indicator lines" should allow to observe the timing and dynamics of this process by utilizing fluorescent proteins. This system is also going to enable to evaluate, how different factors are involved in this process - one of the factors is RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) which plays an essential role in...

Sekvenční varianty genu HNF1B u autozomálně recesivní polycystické choroby ledvin / Sequence variety of HNF1B gene in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Kavec, Miriam January 2017 (has links)
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare severe inherited disease manifested by cystic renal disease, congenital hepatic fibrosis and dilatatation of bile ducts. The spectrum of clinical manifestations is very wide and variable, depends on the age at which the disease was manifested. In severe forms of the disease, it is possible to detect the first symptoms prenatally around the 20th week of pregnancy due to increased echogenic kidneys and the presence of oligohydramnios. The causal gene of this disease is thePKHD1 gene with protein product fibrocystin that is most likely contributing on maintaining the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ cations. The exact phatophysiology mechanism of ARPKD remains unknown. Phenotypic manifestations of this disease may overlap with mutations associated with other genes. One of the genes mimicking the ARPKD phenotype is the HNF1B gene. Mutations associated with HNF1B gene are the most common monogenic cause of developmental kidney abnormalities. HNF1B is a tissue-specific transcription factor that regulates the expression of PKHD1. In experimental part I worked on genetic analysis of the HNF1B gene in 28 patients who have not been confirmed ARPKD diagnosis by detection of 2 PKHD1 mutations. For the purposes of mutational screening, I used...

Implication de la protéine Staufen 2 dans les voies de réponse aux dommages à l’ADN

Condé, Lionel 10 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses voies de signalisation cellulaire complexes permettent de répondre à la présence de dommages à l’ADN. Cette réponse cellulaire est indispensable afin d’éviter l’accumulation de mutations pouvant éventuellement conduire à la transformation tumorale. Ces différentes voies de réponse aux dommages à l’ADN sont hautement coordonnées et sont regroupées au sein d’un mécanisme global appelé DNA damage response (DDR). Les facteurs du DDR sont régulés à plusieurs niveaux de la cascade de l’expression des gènes. De façon notable, plusieurs protéines de liaison à l’ARN (RBP) participent à la régulation de l’expression des gènes du DDR via la régulation post- transcriptionnelle de leur ARN messager. La RBP STAU2 est connue pour lier plusieurs ARNm codant pour des protéines impliquées dans le contrôle du cycle cellulaire ainsi que dans les voies du DDR. La protéine STAU2 est elle-même régulée au niveau transcriptionnel par le facteur de transcription E2F1. De récentes observations laissent penser que la kinase centrale du DDR, CHK1, pourrait être impliquée dans la régulation de la stabilité de STAU2. Par ailleurs, les conséquences cellulaires de la diminution du niveau d’expression de STAU2 sont à ce jour très peu connues. Ce mémoire a d’abord été entrepris dans le but de mieux comprendre l’implication de la voie de la kinase CHK1 dans la régulation de la protéine de liaison à l’ARN STAU2. CHK1 est une protéine centrale des voies du DDR ainsi que du contrôle de la progression du cycle cellulaire en l’absence de dommages à l’ADN. Nos résultats montrent que la diminution de CHK1 induit une dégradation rapide de STAU2 par les caspases d’une façon indépendante de l’apoptose. Nous avons également renforcé ce lien entre STAU2 et les mécanismes de réparation des dommages à l’ADN en identifiant plusieurs protéines des voies de réparation dans l’environnement immédiat de STAU2. D’autre part nos travaux visent à mettre en évidence les conséquences de la déplétion de STAU2 dans plusieurs types cellulaires. STAU2 étant une RBP, sa dérégulation impacte inévitablement le devenir de plusieurs ARNm. Afin de caractériser ces différentes conséquences, nous avons dans un premier temps réalisé la déplétion totale de STAU2 dans des cellules hTert-RPE par la technique de CRISPR/Cas9. Nos résultats montrent que ces cellules accumulent anormalement des dommages à l’ADN et prolifèrent plus rapidement que des cellules normales. En outre plusieurs gènes impliqués dans la réparation des dommages à l’ADN se retrouvent diminués dans ces cellules. Dans un second temps, afin de définir si cet effet est dépendant du type cellulaire, nous avons induit la diminution de l’expression de STAU2 dans des cellules IMR90. Nous avons montré que dans ce cas, la diminution de STAU2 induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire et une entrée des cellules en sénescence. Ainsi, les données présentées dans ce mémoire contribuent à mieux comprendre l’implication de STAU2 dans les processus cellulaires majeurs que sont la régulation du DDR et le contrôle du cycle cellulaire. / Many complex cellular pathways are induced in response to DNA damages. This cellular response is indispensable to prevent the accumulation of mutations and to avoid malignant transformation. These different pathways are highly coordinated and are organized in a global mechanism called DNA damage response (DDR). Proteins involved in the DDR are regulated at different levels of the gene expression process. Notably, several RNA binding proteins are involved in the regulation of DDR gene expression through the post-transcriptional control of their mRNA. The RBP STAU2 is known to bind various mRNAs coding for proteins involved in the DDR or cell cycle control. STAU2 is regulated at the transcriptional levels by the major transcription factor E2F1. Recent observations suggest that CHK1 could be implicated in the control of the steady-state level of STAU2. Otherwise, the cellular consequences of STAU2 downregulation remain elusive. The purpose of this research was first to elucidate the implication of CHK1 pathway in STAU2 regulation. CHK1 is a major protein involved in the DDR regulation as well as in the control of cell cycle progression in the absence of DNA damage. Our data show that the downregulation of CHK1 rapidly leads to a caspase-dependent degradation of STAU2 independently of apoptosis. The link between STAU2 and mechanisms of DNA repair was reinforced by our BioID2 experiment that identified several proteins of the DDR in close proximity with STAU2. On the other hand, the aim of this study was to determine the consequences of STAU2 downregulation in different cell lines. Given that STAU2 is an RBP, its dysregulation will inevitably change the fate of several mRNA. In order to increase our understanding of theses consequences, we generated an hTert-RPE1 STAU2-KO cell line using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique. Our data show that these cells accumulate DNA damage and have an increased proliferation rate. Moreover, several genes involved in the DNA repair pathway are downregulated. We also downregulated STAU2 in IMR90 to determine if the previous observations are cell-type specifics. In the latter case, STAU2 diminution triggers cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence. Altogether, these results contribute to improve our knowledge of STAU2 function, especially in DNA damage response pathway and in cell cycle regulation.

Caractérisation systématique des motifs de régulation en cis à l’échelle transcriptomique et liens avec la localisation des ARN

Benoit Bouvrette, Louis Philip 04 1900 (has links)
La localisation subcellulaire de l’ARN permet un déploiement prompt et spatialement restreint autant des activités protéiques que des ARN noncodant. Le trafic d’ARN est dirigé par des éléments de séquences (sous-séquences primaires, structures secondaires), aussi appelés motifs de régulation, présents en cis à même la molécule d’ARN. Ces motifs sont reconnus par des protéines de liaisons aux ARN qui médient l’acheminement des transcrits vers des sites précis dans la cellule. Des études récentes, chez l’embryon de Drosophile, indiquent que la majorité des ARN ont une localisation subcellulaire asymétrique, suggérant l’existence d’un « code de localisation » complexe. Cependant, ceci peut représenter un exemple exceptionnel et la question demeurait, jusqu’ici, si une prévalence comparable de localisation d’ARN est observable chez des cellules standards développées en culture. De plus, des informations facilement disponibles à propos des caractéristiques de distribution topologique d’instances de motifs à travers des transcriptomes complets étaient jusqu’à présent manquantes. Afin d’avoir un aperçu de l’étendue et des propriétés impliquées dans la localisation des ARN, nous avons soumis des cellules de Drosophile (D17) et de l’humain (HepG2) à un fractionnement biochimique afin d’isoler les fractions nucléaire, cytosolique, membranaire et insoluble. Nous avons ensuite séquencé en profondeur l’ARN extrait et analysé par spectrométrie de masse les protéines extraites de ces fractions. Nous avons nommé cette méthode CeFra-Seq. Par des analyses bio-informatiques, j’ai ensuite cartographié l’enrichissement de divers biotypes d’ARN (p. ex. ARN messager, ARN long non codant, ARN circulaire) et protéines au sein des fractions subcellulaires. Ceci a révélé que la distribution d’un large éventail d’espèces d’ARN codants et non codants est asymétrique. Une analyse des gènes orthologues entre mouche et humain a aussi démontré de fortes similitudes, suggérant que le processus de localisation est évolutivement conservé. De plus, j’ai observé des attributs (p. ex. la taille des transcrits) distincts parmi les populations d’ARN messagers spécifiques à une fraction. Finalement, j’ai observé des corrélations et anti-corrélations spécifiques entre certains groupes d’ARN messagers et leurs protéines. Pour permettre l’étude de la topologie de motifs et de leurs conservations, j’ai créé oRNAment, une base de données d’instances présumée de sites de liaison de protéines chez des ARN codants et non codants. À partir de données de motifs de liaison protéique par RNAcompete et par RNA Bind-n-Seq, j’ai développé un algorithme permettant l’identification rapide d’instances potentielles de ces motifs dans un transcriptome complet. J’ai pu ainsi cataloguer les instances de 453 motifs provenant de 223 protéines liant l’ARN pour 525 718 transcrits chez cinq espèces. Les résultats obtenus ont été validés en les comparant à des données publiques de eCLIP. J’ai, par la suite, utilisé oRNAment pour analyser en détail les aspects topologiques des instances présumées de ces motifs et leurs conservations évolutives relatives. Ceci a permis de démontrer que la plupart des motifs sont distribués de façon similaire entre espèces. De plus, j’ai discerné des points communs entre les sous-groupes de protéines liant des biotypes distincts ou des régions d’ARN spécifiques. La présence de tels patrons, similaires ou non, entre espèces est susceptible de refléter l’importance de leurs fonctions. D’ailleurs, l’analyse plus détaillée du positionnement d’un motif entre régions transcriptomiques comparables chez les vertébrés suggère une conservation synténique de ceux-ci, à divers degrés, pour tous les biotypes d’ARN. La topologie régionale de certaines instances de motifs répétées apparaît aussi comme évolutivement conservée et peut être importante afin de permettre une liaison adéquate de la protéine. Finalement, les résultats compilés avec oRNAment ont permis de postuler sur un nouveau rôle potentiel pour l’ARN long non codant HELLPAR comme éponge de protéines liant l’ARN. La caractérisation systématique d’ARN localisés et de motifs de régulation en cis présentée dans cette thèse démontre comment l’intégration d’information à l’échelle transcriptomique permet d’évaluer la prévalence de l’asymétrie, les caractéristiques distinctes et la conservation évolutive de collections d’ARN. / The subcellular localization of RNA allows a rapid and spatially restricted deployment of protein and noncoding RNA activities. The trafficking of RNA is directed by sequence elements (primary subsequences, secondary structures), also called regulatory motifs, present in cis within the RNA molecule. These motifs are recognized by RNA-binding proteins that mediate the transport of transcripts to specific sites in the cell. Recent studies in the Drosophila embryo indicate that the majority of RNAs display an asymmetric subcellular localization, suggesting the existence of a complex "localization code". However, this may represent an exceptional example and the question remained, until now, whether a comparable prevalence of RNA localization is observable in standard cells grown in culture. In addition, readily available information about the topological distribution of pattern instances across full transcriptomes has been hitherto lacking. In order to have a broad overview of the extent and properties involved in RNA localization, we subjected Drosophila (D17) and human (HepG2) cells to biochemical fractionation to isolate the nuclear, cytosolic, membrane and insoluble fractions. We then performed deep sequencing on the extracted RNA and analyzed through mass spectrometry the proteins extracted from these fractions. We named this method CeFra-Seq. Through bioinformatics analyses, I then profiled the enrichment of various RNA biotypes (e.g. messenger RNA, long noncoding RNA, circular RNA) and proteins within the subcellular fractions. This revealed the high prevalence of asymmetric distribution of both coding and noncoding RNA species. An analysis of orthologous genes between fly and human has also shown strong similarities, suggesting that the localization process is evolutionarily conserved. In addition, I have observed distinct attributes (e.g. transcript size) among fraction-specific messenger RNA populations. Finally, I observed specific correlations and anti-correlations between defined groups of messenger RNAs and the proteins they encode. To study motifs topology and their conservation, I created oRNAment, a database of putative RNA-binding protein binding sites instances in coding and noncoding RNAs. Using data from protein binding motifs assessed by RNAcompete and by RNA Bind-n-Seq experiments, I have developed an algorithm allowing their rapid identification in a complete transcriptome. I was able to catalog the instances of 453 motifs from 223 RNA-binding proteins for 525,718 transcripts in five species. The results obtained were validated by comparing them with public data from eCLIP. I then used oRNAment to further analyze the topological aspects of these motifs’ instances and their relative evolutionary conservation. This showed that most motifs are distributed in a similar fashion between species. In addition, I have detected commonalities between the subgroups of proteins linking preferentially distinct biotypes or specific RNA regions. The presence or absence of such pattern between species is likely a reflection of the importance of their functions. Moreover, a more precise analysis of the position of a motif among comparable transcriptomic regions in vertebrates suggests a syntenic conservation, to varying degrees, in all RNA biotypes. The regional topology of certain motifs as repeated instances also appears to be evolutionarily conserved and may be important in order to allow adequate binding of the protein. Finally, the results compiled with oRNAment allowed to postulate on a potential new role for the long noncoding RNA HELLPAR as an RNA-binding protein sponge. The systematic characterization of RNA localization and cis regulatory motifs presented in this thesis demonstrates how the integration of information at a transcriptomic scale enables the assessment of the prevalence of asymmetry, the distinct characteristics and the evolutionary conservation of RNA clusters.

Differential functions of Interleukin-10 derived from different cell types in the regulation of immune responses

Surianarayanan, Sangeetha 16 December 2011 (has links)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an important regulator of immune responses secreted by different cell types. Previous results from our group suggested that the biological effects of this cytokine critically depend on its cellular source. Recent studies reported IL-10 dependent immunosuppressive functions of a specialized subset of regulatory B cells and mast cells. These results relied on adoptive cell transfers, a technique which can potentially introduce artifacts. Therefore, we aimed to readdress these questions in independent models using IL-10 transcriptional reporter mice and various conditional IL-10 mutant mice. Findings in IL-10 reporter system suggested prominent IL-10 transcription in regulatory B cells upon LPS administration. Exposure of mice to contact allergen revealed robust reporter expression in CD8 T cells, moderate to mild reporter expression in CD4 T cells and dendritic cells (DC) respectively, and lack of reporter expression in B cells, mast cells and NK cells in allergen challenged ears. We generated cell-type specific IL-10 mutants by Cre/LoxP-mediated conditional gene inactivation. Efficiency and specificity of Cre-mediated recombination was demonstrated by Southern blot and PCR methods. Various immunogenic challenges in conditional IL-10 mutants did not reveal a role for B cell-derived IL-10 in restraining innate TLR or T cell-dependent inflammatory responses. Likewise, mice with selective inactivation of the il10 gene in mast cells exhibited normal CHS responses and unaltered immune response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. On the other hand, DC-specific IL-10 mutants developed excessive inflammatory responses to contact allergens, while innate responses to TLR ligands were not altered. This indicates a non-redundant role for DC-derived IL-10 in contact allergy. Thus, the conditional IL-10 ‘‘knockout’’ mice combined with the novel transcriptional IL-10 reporter system can serve as ideal tools to understand the cell-type specific contributions to IL-10-mediated immune regulation.

Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) is an essential regulator of the cellular response to ionizing radiation and a therapeutic target to enhance radiation therapy for prostate cancer treatment

Jacob Louis Owens (9133214) 05 August 2020 (has links)
Prostate cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and failure to manage localized disease contributes to the majority of deaths. Radiation therapy (RT) is a common treatment for localized prostate cancer and uses ionizing radiation (IR) to damage DNA. Although RT is potentially curative, tumors often recur and progress to terminal disease. The cellular response to RT is multidimensional. For example, cells respond to a single dose of IR by activating the DNA damage response (DDR) to repair the DNA. Targeting proteins involved in the DDR is an effective clinical strategy to sensitize cancer cells to RT. However, multiple radiation treatments, as in fractionated ionizing radiation (FIR), can promote neuroendocrine differentiation (NED). FIR-induced NED is an emerging resistance mechanism to RT and tumors that undergo NED are highly aggressive and remain incurable.<br><br> Currently, the only clinical approach that improves RT for prostate cancer treatment is androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). ADT blocks androgen receptor (AR) signaling which inhibits the repair of DNA damage. In 2017, my lab reported that targeting Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) blocks AR protein expression. Therefore, targeting PRMT5 may also sensitize prostate cancer cells to RT via a novel mechanism of action.<br><br> This dissertation focuses on the role of PRMT5 in the cellular response to IR and the goal of my work is to validate PRMT5 as a therapeutic target to enhance RT for prostate cancer treatment. I demonstrate that PRMT5 has several roles in the cellular response to IR. Upon a single dose of IR, PRMT5 cooperates with pICln to function as a master epigenetic activator of DDR genes and efficiently repair IR-induced DNA damage. There is an assumption in the field that the methyltransferase activity and epigenetic function of PRMT5 is dependent on the cofactor MEP50. I demonstrate that PRMT5 can function independently of MEP50 and identify pICln as a novel epigenetic cofactor of PRMT5. During FIR, PRMT5, along with both cofactors MEP50 and pICln, are essential for initiation of NED, maintenance of NED, and cell survival. Targeting PRMT5 also sensitizes prostate cancer xenograft tumors in mice to RT, significantly reduces and delays tumor recurrence, and prolongs overall survival. Incredibly, while 100% of control mice died due to tumor burden, targeting PRMT5 effectively cured ~85% of mice from their xenograft tumor. Overall, this work provides strong evidence for PRMT5 as a therapeutic target and suggests that targeting PRMT5 during RT should be assessed clinically.<br>

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