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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aproximações a uma metapsicologia freudiana da escuta: ressonâncias a partir do campo do acompanhamento terapêutico / A metapsychological approach of a Freudian listening: reverberations from therapeutical accompaniment field

Iso Alberto Ghertman 22 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho se dedica a refletir sobre a trama dos conceitos que operam no processo da escuta analítica. Para tanto, baseia-se no referencial freudiano e nos desdobramentos de suas ideias a partir de analistas contemporâneos. O disparador dessas reflexões foi a experiência clínica do autor naquilo que se convencionou chamar de clínica estendida, especificamente a clínica do acompanhamento terapêutico (AT). Por meio da singularidade dessa clínica, formulou-se a ideia de uma escuta nômade, a qual está subordinada não apenas ao campo transferencial em que se situa, mas também a um discurso que se descola da doutrina freudiana, delimitando um posicionamento ético e político na relação com o sofrimento. / The present paper aims at reflecting about the group of concepts that operate in the process of analytical listening. In order to do so, it was based on the Freudian reference and on the unfoldings of his ideas after reading the contributions of contemporary analysts. The trigger of these reflections was the clinical experience of the author in what can be called \"extended clinic\", specifically the clinic of therapeutical accompaniment. By means of the singularity of that clinic, the \"nomadic listening\" idea was formulated, and it is subordinate not only to the transference field where it lies, but also to a discourse that is taken from the Freudian doctrine, delimiting an ethical and political position in relation with suffering.

Eficácia da esterilização a vapor de instrumental laparoscópico montado versus desmontado: um estudo experimental / Effectiveness of the steam sterilization of assembled versus disassembled laparoscopic instruments: an experimental study

Tamara Carolina de Camargo 30 March 2007 (has links)
A vídeo-laparoscopia é uma inovação tecnológica que trouxe indiscutíveis vantagens e também novos desafios, incluindo nestes, as diretrizes para o reprocessamento adequado dos instrumentais e seus acessórios. A autoclavação dos instrumentais laparoscópicos desmontados é mais segura, uma vez que a condução térmica é facilitada. No entanto, são artigos complexos, compostos por múltiplas peças e a sua remontagem no momento da cirurgia traz transtornos às equipes cirúrgicas, correndo o risco do não funcionamento ou de danos às peças pela montagem inadequada. Existe um arraigado conceito, entre os profissionais da saúde, que para o sucesso da esterilização ser alcançado, é necessário o contato direto do vapor com todas as superfícies dos materiais submetidos à autoclavação sem considerar também o raciocínio do calor latente. A destruição microbiana por meio da esterilização pelo vapor está essencialmente relacionada ao calor latente, gerado pela condensação deste em contato com a superfície fria do material, promovendo a termocoagulação das proteínas microbianas. É uma prática comum nos hospitais brasileiros a realização da autoclavação de instrumentos previamente montados, apesar de não haver comprovação científica consistente dessa prática. Isto posto, esta investigação teve o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do processo de esterilização a vapor dos instrumentais laparoscópicos previamente montados, comparando os seus resultados com os desmontados, considerada neste estudo a melhor prática. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa experimental, laboratorial, com abordagem quantitativa. Foram selecionados dois modelos de maior complexidade dentre os instrumentos laparoscópicos para realização do estudo, sendo eles: trocarte com válvula tipo janela rosqueada de 5mm, composto por cinco peças desmontáveis e pinça para dissecção de 5mm, composta por quatro peças desmontáveis. Cada peça dos instrumentais foi considerada como uma unidade amostral na análise microbiológica. Este estudo teve então como Grupo Montado: instrumentais laparoscópicos montados; Grupo Desmontado: instrumentais laparoscópicos desmontados; Grupo Contagem Microbiana: instrumentais laparoscópicos submetidos aos procedimentos de contaminação desafio, encaminhados diretamente para o teste de contagem microbiana. O inóculo para a contaminação desafio constitui-se de suspensão do Geobacillus stearothermophilus, na forma esporulada, acrescido de sangue de carneiro desfibrinado esterilizado. Todos os instrumentais foram contaminados desmontados com o inóculo desafio. Os grupos Montado e Desmontado foram submetidos aos processos de limpeza manual, complementada pela limpeza automatizada em lavadora ultra-sônica com retrofluxo, enxágüe em água corrente e sob pressão. Por fim, foi realizado o enxágüe com água destilada esterilizada e secagem com ar comprimido medicinal. Na seqüência, foi realizado sorteio para composição dos Grupos Montado e Desmontado. Os instrumentais foram embalados individualmente em papel grau cirúrgico e submetidos à esterilização a vapor em autoclave com pré-vácuo. Após a esterilização, os instrumentais foram avaliados quanto à eficácia da esterilização, por meio dos resultados dos testes de cultura microbiológica, utilizando o método de inoculação direta. No Grupo Montado foram recuperados os microrganismos teste em três peças de uma mesma pinça (3/48) e em três peças de um mesmo trocarte (3/60), enquanto que no Grupo Desmontado o microrganismo teste não foi recuperado nas unidades amostrais estudadas. Nas condições desse experimento, os resultados obtidos refutaram a hipótese inicial da pesquisa quanto à segurança da autoclavação das pinças e dos trocartes utilizados em cirurgia laparoscópica previamente montados / The video laparoscopy is a technological innovation that brought unquestionable advantages and, also, new challenges, like: the policies for the adequate reprocessing of the instruments and its permanent accessories. The steam sterilization of disassembled laparoscopic instruments is much safer, once that the thermal conduction is facilitated. However, laparoscopic instruments are quite complex articles; they are composed by many parts and the reassemblage in site at the moment of the surgery brings many inconveniences to the surgical team, like the possibility of the instrument’s malfunctioning or non functioning at all, or even damages to the instruments due to inadequate assembling. There is a strong belief among the Healthcare Professionals about the necessity of the direct contact of the steam with all the surface of the materials submitted to the steam sterilization, which is correct, however it doesn´t consider the latent heat assumption as well. The destruction of the microbiological material throughout the steam sterilization is essentially related to the latent heat, created by the vapor condensation when in contact with the instrument´s cold surface, promoting the thermal-coagulation of microbiological proteins. Many hospitals use the steam sterilization of previously mounted instruments, although there´s not any consistent scientific evidence about the efficiency of this practice. Once stated this point, this investigation´s aim was: evaluate the effectiveness of the steam sterilization process of the previously mounted, permanent laparoscopic instruments. It was an experimental laboratorial research, using a quantitative approach. Two models of permanent laparoscopic instruments of major complexity were chosen for the experiments: a trocar with a 5mm screw window valve, composed by five dismountable parts and a 5mm dissection clamp, composed by four dismountable parts. Each part of the instruments was considered as a sample unit on the microbiological analysis. This study it had the Assembled Group was: mounted laparoscopic instruments; the Disassembled Group was: disassembled laparoscopic instruments; the Microbiological Counting Group was: laparoscopic instruments submitted to the - challenge contamination - procedures, being directed straight to the test of microbiological counting. The inoculants material used for the challenge contamination consisted on the suspension of the Geobacillus stearothermophilus, in its spore form, plus defibrinated and sterilized sheep blood. All the instruments were contaminated, disassembled with the challenge inoculants material. The Assembled and Disassembled groups were submitted to the manual cleaning processes, enhanced by the automatic cleaning in an ultrasonic washer with retro-flux, rinsed in running and under pressure water. At last, a rinsing with distilled water was performed; the drying process was made with medicinal compressed air. Then, a sorting was performed to decide about the composition of the Assembled and Disassembled groups. The instruments were individually packed in surgical paper and submitted to the steam sterilization in a pre-vacuum sterilizer machine. After the sterilization, the instruments were evaluated according to sterilization effectiveness throughout the microbiological culture test´s results, using the straight inoculation method. In the Assembled Group the microorganism´s tests were recovered in three parts of one same clamp (3/48) and in three parts of the same trocar (3/60), in the Disassembled Group the test microorganism wasn´t recovered in any of the sample unities. The results, under the conditions of the experiment, refuted the hypothesis of safety in the usage of the steam sterilization in previously mounted used clamps and trocar in laparoscopy

公部門虛擬代言的成效分析-以高捷少女為例 / The Analyses of Avatar Endorsement in the Public Sector – The Example of KRTC Girls

萬騏瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近年政府推廣政策的過程中不斷借重創新思維,嘗試抓住民眾的注意力,政府必須將人民視為顧客,盡力提供服務使民眾滿意,換言之,企業型政府治理模式必然包含「治理」甚至是「政策推廣」相關概念,在公部門推廣政策的同時,我們時常看到政府向企業學習行銷手法推廣公共政策。本研究嘗試向企業行銷學習,藉由文獻回顧以及檢視公共政策行銷實例,從「移情作用、自我指涉、自我認同」三個面向,探討虛擬代言(avatar endorsement)如何應用在公共服務推廣,及促使民眾了解政府政策並使用公共服務的意願為何。 本研究以高雄都會大眾捷運系統目前執行的虛擬代言為討論主題,研究方法採用準實驗設計,由於過去研究指出高雄捷運旅運目的多半為觀光旅遊,因此受試者招募以年輕族群為調查對象,以了解當前虛擬代言能否提高年輕族群的喜好程度、使用捷運系統意願、購買相關商品意願、以及對捷運品牌的吸引程度,招募受試者後,採用配對分派方法進行實驗,以利進行實驗組與控制組態度變化比較。研究發現不同學歷的受試者對於虛擬代言的想法有顯著差異,而虛擬代言能有效提升外縣市的受試者對於該公共服務的吸引程度,只是對於既有的客群掌握則有待加強。 / In recent years, governments start to emphasize the importance of policy promotion and policy marketing. Under the belief of treating people as customers, the ultimate goal is to draw people’s attention and to increase their satisfaction on public services. Normally, the entrepreneurial-oriented governments would spend more time and efforts on “good governance” and “policy promotion”. As a result, when the governments want to promote certain policies, they often try to learn from the private sector on their marketing strategies. This study aims at applying the policy marketing strategies to promote public policies, particularly the effects of avatar endorsement strategy. Using the case of Kaohsiung metro system, this study focuses on three different aspects, the transference, self-reference, and self-identity, to explore how avatar endorsement worked with regard to public policy promotion, as well as to understand how it performed on increasing people’s willingness to receive more public services. This research adopts a quasi-experimental design to understand how the current avatar endorsement strategy affect younger generations on four different attitudes and behaviors, such as brand attitude, purchase intention, brand association, and attraction to the Kaohsiung metro. Results show that people with different educational levels have significantly different attitudes toward avatar endorsement strategy. In addition, the avatar endorsement strategy may effectively enhance the attractiveness of public transportation service toward the younger generation. Policy and managerial implications for the governments are discussed in the thesis.

Culture-specific items : Translation procedures for a text about Australian and New Zealand children's literature

Persson, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the problems met when translating culture-specific items in a text about Australian and New Zealand colonial and post-colonial children’s literature into Swedish. The analysis quantifies and describes the different translation procedures used, and contrasts different strategies when there was more than one possible choice. It also outlines the reasons for the choices made when creating a text adapted for a Swedish audience. The translation methods applied are dynamic equivalence and domestication. As for the categorization of the material, the theories of Newmark (1988) have primarily been followed. The study shows that the frequency of each translation procedure depends on the type of culture-specific item, and the chosen translation method. It is argued that transference is the most commonly used procedure, and recognized translations are not as frequent as could have been expected with the choice of domestication. This is the case for proper nouns and references to literary works, where transference and dynamic equivalence has been given priority over domestication whenever the factual content was considered to be the most important aspect to follow. As for culture-specific items of the category social culture, neutralisation is the most commonly used procedure. In such cases the domestication method was more influential than dynamic equivalence as the consideration of ethics as well as avoidance of cultural taboos in the target culture were considered to be more important than content.

Psychopathologie des processus d'appropriation à l'âge de latence : intérêt thérapeutique des groupes à médiation dans la clinique des apprentissages / Psychopathology of appropriation processes and work of latency : the therapeutic relevance of therapeutic mediation in treatment of learning disabilities

Guinard, Frédérik 04 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche trouve son origine dans une pratique clinique quotidienne auprès d'enfants en âge de latence accompagnés pour leurs difficultés d'apprentissage. L'âge de latence est pour l'enfant une étape importante de réaménagement cognitif et de désintrication pulsionnelle. Si les troubles des apprentissages et l'échec scolaire peuvent trouver leur origine dans des temps plus anciens du développement psycho-cognitif du sujet, la période de latence est cruciale pour le déploiement de la curiosité intellectuelle et la réalisation de "conquêtes" importantes de la symbolisation. Ne pas savoir lire, écrire, compter, ne constitue bien souvent que la partie émergée de difficultés plus profondes qui touchent chez certains sujets tous les modes de figurabilités et différents niveaux de symbolisation. Cette thèse explore les différentes significations des conduites anti-apprentissages que développent ces enfants dans leurs expériences d'appropriation, d'exploration et de manipulation de l'environnement. Enfin, ce travail présente un outil de repérage clinique et d'évaluation qualitative des groupes à médiation thérapeutique qui sont proposés pour accompagner cette clinique des apprentissages. L'intérêt thérapeutique de ces dispositifs sera questionné et illustré au travers de trois expériences de groupe : un atelier à médiation sensorielle, un atelier peinture et un groupe à médiation théâtrale. / This research finds its origin in a daily clinical practice with children in latence period in treatment for their learning disabilities. The latence period is an important stage of cognitive reorganization and drive defusion. If the learning disabilities and the academic failure can find their origin in older times of the psychic and cognitive development of the subject, the time of latence period is crucial for the growth of the intellectual curiosity and achieve important symbolic “conquests”. Deep, unresolved psychic issues can perturb all modes of abstraction and symbolic understanding as well as causing difficulties in the acquisition of reading and writing. This dissertation explore the various meanings of the anti-learnings conducts which develop these children in their experiences of appropriation, exploration and manipulation of the environment. Finally, this work presents a tool of clinical analysis and qualitative evaluation of the groups of therapeutic mediation which are proposed to treat these context of learning disorder. The therapeutic interest of these settings will be questioned and illustrated through three experiences of group : a workshop with sensory mediation, a painting group experience and a therapeutic group with the medium of theater.

Les formes d’appropriation dans la musique savante chilienne, XXe-XXIe siècles : transfert culturel, acculturation, métissage / Forms of appropriation in the Chilean concert music, 20th-21st centuries : cultural transference, acculturation, hybridization

Gómez Gálvez, Mauricio 27 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se focalise sur l’étude de quatre compositeurs chiliens contemporains de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle/début du XXIe (Cirilo Vila, Sergio Ortega, Patricio Wang et Andrés González), dont l’échelonnement générationnel permet d’embrasser un demi siècle de musique, et ayant pour dénominateur commun le fait d’avoir mené des carrières dans l’espace « euro-latinoaméricain ». La première partie de la thèse présente un panorama succinct de la musique savante chilienne dès l’indépendance du pays au XIXe siècle, en mettant l’accent sur le processus d’institutionnalisation de la vie musicale au pays, ainsi que sur les discours explicitement ou implicitement énoncés sur l’identité nationale/culturelle en musique. La deuxième partie analyse en détail, à travers une approche biographique, les parcours transnationaux et les œuvres des quatre compositeurs choisis, afin de comprendre, entre autres aspects, comment opèrent les processus de changement culturel à l’échelle d’une vie artistique. Enfin, la troisième partie présente une série d’études centrées sur l’analyse du rôle de passeurs culturels joué par les compositeurs chiliens (à la fois en tant que pédagogues et en tant que traducteurs de langages musicaux exogènes) ; l’impact de la circulation internationale et la globalisation ; les liens entre musique et politique, ainsi qu’entre art savant et populaire ; le rôle de la France et de l’Europe dans les processus d’acculturation ; les résultats du métissage culturel (à travers des cas concrets) ; ces études se complétant par une typologie des formes d’appropriation sonore opérés dans la musique de ces compositeurs. / This thesis focuses on the study of four contemporary Chilean composers from the second half of the 20th century and beginning of 21st century who developed their careers in the ‘euro-latin-american’ space (Cirilo Vila, Sergio Ortega, Patricio Wang, and Andrés González), and whose generational intersections allow to cover half a century of music. The first part of the thesis presents a brief panorama of Chilean concert music, from the independence of the country at the beginning of the 19th century until our days. The survey emphasizes the process of institutionalization of the musical life, as well as the implicit or explicit discurses, which are presented regarding the national cultural identity in relation to music. The second part analyzes in detail, through a biographical approach, the transnational trajectories of the four composers under study. The aim is to understand, among other aspects, how the processes of cultural change work at the level of a given artistic life. The third part, attempts to elucidate 1. the specificity of Chilean musicians through a multifactorial approach, presenting a series of studies towards analyzing the role of cultural transmitter performed by Chilean composers (within their double function as pedagogues and translators of exogenous languages); 2. the impact of the international circulation and the globalization on their works; 3. the links between music and politics as well as the links between high and popular art; 4. the role of France and Europe in the processes of acculturation; 5. the results of cultural hybridization (through concrete cases), and finally, 6. a typology of the ways of sonic appropriation.

La chimère transférentielle : proposition épistémologique, neuroscientifique et clinico-théorique du transfert psychanalytique comme système complexe / The transferential chimera : epistemological, neuroscientific and clinico-theoretical proposal of the transference as a complex system

Martin-Vallas, François 21 April 2015 (has links)
Ce travail, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la psychologie analytique développée par Jung, propose d’introduire le concept de chimère transférentielle comme dimension du transfert qui ne peut être assignée ni à l’un ni à l’autre des deux protagonistes d’un travail analytique, bien que les concernant tous deux. Cette dénomination repose autant sur le travail de Michel de M’Uzan que sur le champ sémantique complexe associé au mot chimère. La méthodologie de ce travail est celle, théorico-clinique, développée par Widlocher sous le nom de cas singulier. Elle conduit à la recherche d’une preuve d’existence, et non à une preuve d’universalité. Une première partie propose une discussion épistémologique qui prenne en compte les changements profonds des paradigmes scientifiques résultant du développements de la physique depuis le début du XXe avec l’avènement de la relativité restreinte, rapidement suivie de la relativité générale et de la mécanique quantique puis de la théorie des systèmes complexes, aussi appelée théorie du chaos. Il est soutenu dans ce travail qu’une révision des positions épistémologiques fondées sur le travail de Popper, et une meilleure prise en compte d’approches telles que proposées par Adorno ou Morin, est nécessaire. Cette discussion conclut à l’importance de notions telle que celles d’émergence ou d’énaction, en ce qu’elles rendent compte du fait que ce qui apparaît à un moment donné de l’expérience ne préexiste pas nécessairement à sa manifestation. Enfin cette discussion épistémologique tente d’éclairer la profonde divergence entre les approches de Freud et de Jung, divergence qui apparaît ici comme résultant principalement d’une différence de point de vue épistémologique. Là aussi, le recours à la physique, précisément à la notion de section de Poincaré, permet d’éclairer cette divergence autrement que par une simple opposition. Cela permet de comprendre pourquoi, dans le champ de la psychologie clinique autant que dans celui de la psychanalyse, des théories divergentes, parfois opposées, peuvent et doivent coexister afin de pouvoir construire une représentation aussi exhaustive que possible de la réalité. Dans une seconde partie l’hypothèse de la chimère transférentielle est abordée au regard des neurosciences. Il est ainsi proposé une représentation neuroscientifique de la relation analytique. Cette représentation n’a aucunement pour objet de se prétendre vraie, mais, plus modestement, possible. Elle vise à proposer une nouvelle manière d’articuler neurosciences et théories psychanalytiques, postulant que l’expérience de la clinique psychanalytique est un niveau de complexité très supérieur à ce qui est aujourd’hui accessible aux neurosciences, ce qui permet de rendre compte de l’existence de dynamiques propres au processus analytique du fait de leur émergence entre les niveaux de complexité accessibles à la recherche neuroscientifique et celui de l’expérience psychanalytique. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, ce travail aborde différents aspects de la chimère transférentielle telle qu’elle est se manifeste dans la clinique psychanalytique. Un premier cas clinique est exposé en détail afin d’apporter une preuve d’existence de cette dimension. D’autres cas cliniques suivent, centrés sur une dimension ou un moment particulier de la cure, afin d’apporter la preuve de cette existence dans d’autres contextes, et avec des patients dont le fonctionnement et la structure psychique diffèrent autant du premier cas exposé qu’entre eux. Enfin, chacun de ces cas a été l’occasion de focaliser la discussion théorico-clinique sur un aspect particulier, saillant dans le cas considéré. / This thesis, intended as a contribution to analytical psychology as developed by CG Jung, proposes the notion of a transferential chimera as a dimension of the transference which may not be assigned to either one of the protagonists in the analytic dyad, while still attached to them both. This denomination draws as much on the work of Michel de M’Uzan as it does on the complex semantics associated with the term chimera. The methodology used here is the clinical and theoretically underscored approach to the single case. It is predicated on the search for a proof of existence, and not a proof of universality. The first part is devoted to an epistemological discussion which takes account of the fundamental changes in theoretical understanding brought about in the field of physics since the beginning of the XXth century. This encompasses restrained relativity, quickly followed by general relativity and, laiter, by the theory of complex systems and chaos theory. It is contended that Carl Popper’s position on epistemology is in need of revision and that account needs to be taken now of the developments put forward by Theodore Adorno and Edgar Morin. The present discussion concludes that ideas such as emergence and enactment are central to the proposition in that they explain how events that occur in experience at a given time do not necessarily exist prior to their manifestation. Finally, this epistemological discussion seeks to throw light on the profound divergence between the approaches of Freud and Jung that appear to stem from a difference in their particular epistemologies. Here again, reference to physics, specifically to Poincare’s map, allows this divergence to be understood as other than a simple opposition. It assists in the understanding why in clinical psychology as in the field of psycho analysis, divergent and sometimes opposing theories, can and need to co-exist in order to construct as exhaustive a representation of reality as may be possible. In part two the chimera hypothesis is examined in the light of neurosciences. An attempt is made to represent the analytic relationship in terms of neurosciences. In no sense is such a representation to be taken as real, merely as possible. The aim is to postulate a new method of articulating neuroscience and psychoanalytic theory, whereby the experience of psychoanalytic practice is at a far greater level of complexity than it is currently possible to express neuroscientifically. This enables an account to be given of the existence of dynamics inherent in the psychoanalytic process from their observed emergence between the levels of complexity that are amenable to neuroscientific research and being experienced during psychoanalysis. Finally, in part three, different aspects of the transferential chimera will be examined as it manifests in psychoanalytic practice. With the aid of a detailed clinical example an attempt is made to establish the existence of this phenomenon. Other clinical cases will centre on an aspect or a specific moment during treatment, in order to support the proof of its existence in other contexts, that is, with patients whose functioning and psychic structure contrasts as markedly from the first case as they do amongst themselves. Finally, each case gives the opportunity to focus the theoretical and clinical discussion on a salient feature of each case.Thus the working potential of this hypothesis shall have been informed by the archetypal nature of the transference according to Jungian theory, by the potential connection between it and Freudian theory, starting with primary seduction as envisaged by Laplanche, followed by the containing function of the chimera, still in the context of Jungian theory.

Formes et figures du psychodrame : l'exemple de l'adolescence / Forms and figures of psychodrama : the example of adolescence

Morel, Alexandre 12 March 2015 (has links)
Prenant le parti de la valeur mutative du psychodrame psychanalytique, cette recherche vise une description métapsychologique de ce qui en fonde l'efficacité, comme de ses spécificités dans la mise en oeuvre des desseins psychothérapiques de la psychanalyse. L'exemple du renforcement pulsionnel propre à l'adolescence questionne les capacités de symbolisation et de montage pulsionnel permis tant par l'appareil psychique que par les dispositifs (de prothèse ou de détour) que sont les dispositifs psychothérapiques. Trois études longitudinales constituées par des récits de cures psychodramatiques d'adolescents donnent un appui à la construction d'une « figurabilité» spécifiquement psychodramatique grâce à trois opérateurs, nommés le « narratif », le « scénique » et le « dramatique ». Le but de cette recherche est la fabrique métapsychologique de ces opérateurs à l'intersection de la pratique en séance et de la littérature psychanalytique. La notion freudienne de « figurabilité » sert de cadre à la construction de ces opérateurs et à ce qu'ils articulent des capacités de symbolisation du psychisme et de celles d'un dispositif de psychothérapie. La continuité d'un éprouvé de subjectivation permis par l'opérateur du « narratif » se complète des spécificités fictionnelles de la narrativité psychodramatique. De salutaires contournements des mécanismes de censure et une plus ample fréquentation de la réalité psychique soutiennent ainsi la mise en forme des quantités pulsionnelles. La circulation de la notion de « scène » dans la métapsychologie décrit la dimension processuelle que soutient l'opérateur du « scénique ». Si la mise en scène est au service du saisissement conscient, elle opère aussi par le recours à l'hallucinatoire. Ce que la scène du psychodrame permet d'une distinction des objets et contraint d'un commerce avec eux est un facteur subjectivant d'« objectalisation » qui fait contrepoids au repli narcissique. L'objet fabriqué par le psychodrame naît des capacités d'accordage de la scène psychodramatique, celles-ci étant décrites à travers leur usage singulier de la transitionnalité. Enfin, l'opérateur du « dramatique » déploie la fécondité des modes de présence de l'acte dans la représentation psychodramatique. L'excitation véhiculée par le jeu en groupe appelle un travail constant de mise en forme qui utilise divers médiums expressifs. L'objet est à la fois celui qui provoque les quantités d'excitation et celui qui en soutiendra la liaison. L'activité figurative s'articule à une activité pare-excitante qui peut relancer l'activité régulatrice du refoulement. Entre impression et expression, l'activité esthétique du jeu de l'acteur consiste en la modulation des valeurs attribuées aux représentations. Le « dramatique » peut alors se définir comme un art des variations en quête de sens. Les objets de sens issus de ces variations d'affectation sont ensuite détaillés comme visée topographique et subjectivante des entrelacs entre réalité matérielle et réalité psychique. Par sa mise en jeu et en scène, une place de représentation est plus aisément donnée ou re-donnée au transfert afin d'en défaire la potentialité agissante. Pour finir, le dernier récit clinique permet de montrer l'utilité et le caractère structurant de ces opérateurs dans la mise en scène adolescente du second acte de la dramaturgie oedipienne. / Granting that psychoanalytic psychodrama can effect change, this project seeks to produce both a metapsychological description of the basis for its effectiveness and an account of the specific ways in which it pursues the therapeutic aims of psychoanalysis. The example of adolescent drive reinforcement raises questions about the capacities for symbolization and for the organization of drives that are made possible as often by the psychic apparatus as by the mechanisms (whether of prostheses or of detours) of psychotherapy. Three longitudinal studies, narratives of psychodramatic treatments of adolescents, anchor the construction of a specifically psychodramatic "figurability" with three modalities, the "narrative", the "scenic", and the "dramatic". This research project aims to produce a metapsychological account of these modalities at the intersection between clinical practice and the psychoanalytic literature. The Freudian notion of "figurability" serves as the framework for constructing these modalities and for representing their capacity to symbolize the psyche and to articulate a psychotherapeutic instrument. The continuity of an experience of subjectivization permitted by the "narrative" modality is completed by the fictional specificities of psychodramatic narrativity. Salutary evasions of the mechanisms of censorship and increased commerce with psychic reality thus support the shaping of drive quantities. The circulation of the notion of "scene" in metapsychology describes the dimension of process that is supported by the "scenic" modality. If the staging is at the service of a conscious awareness, it also operates through recourse to the hallucinatory. What the scene of psychodrama permits regarding a distinction of objects and constraints regarding interactions with them, is a subjectivizing factor of "objectalization" that provides a counterweight to narcissistic retreat. The object created by the psychodrama grows out of the capacities for harmonization of the psychodramatic scene, the capacities being described through their singular use of transitionality. Finally, the "dramatic" modality unfolds the fecundity of the modes of presence of the act in psychodramatic representation. The excitement conveyed by group play-acting calls for a constant work of shaping which uses various expressive media. The object is at once the one that provokes quantities of excitement and the one that will support their linking. The figurative activity is articulated with a protective shield that can relaunch the regulating activity of repression. Between impression and expression, the aesthetic activity of the actors performance consists in the modulation of the values attributed to the representations. The "dramatic" can then be defined as an art of variations in search of meaning. The meaningful objects that emerge from these variations of affectation are then scrutinized as the topographic and subjectivizing aim of the interlacings between material reality and psychic reality. By being set into play and put on stage, a place of representation is more easily given or restored to the transference so as to undo its "agieren" effective potentiality. In conclusion, the last clinical narrative makes it possible to show the utility and the structuring character of these modalities in the adolescent staging of the second act of the Oedipal drama.

Studium vlastností gelových polymerních elektrolytů pro lithno-iontové akumulátory / Properties study of gel polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries

Zítka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The present work deals with the research and development of gel polymer electrolytes and their applications. Thesis talks about the mechanisms that take place in gel electro-lytes. It also discusses the electroanalytical methods used in assessing the gel electro-lytes. The main focus of the work is the preparation of gel polymer electrolytes and compared their properties using methods of impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltam-metry and methods of measurement of transference numbers. KEYWORDS

De quoi la psychose est-elle le nom ? Une psychanalyse à l'envers ? : Témoignages cliniques et présentations de malades de Jacques Lacan / What is named in the name of psychosis ? Pychoanalysis in reverse ? : Clinical evidence and presentation of patients by Jacques Lacan

Blondet, Daniel 28 September 2018 (has links)
Après avoir dressé dans une première partie un bref panorama des approches psychiatriques et psychanalytiques de la psychose, nous présenterons dans une seconde partie la théorie structurale de la psychose suivant Jacques Lacan. Cette théorie s'appuie sur le concept central du Nom-du-Père et de sa forclusion. Nous envisagerons les conséquences de l'échec de la métaphore paternelle et les prolongements théoriques du second classicisme de Lacan avec l'introduction du "père réel" et l'extension du concept de forclusion par d'autres auteurs. La question de la clinique et de sa transmission fera l'objet de la troisième partie. Nous nous appuierons sur la critique des vignettes cliniques de Guy Le Gaufey afin d'introduire ce que pourrait être une clinique en acte, une clinique qui implique le praticien dans le témoignage du cas. Nous dégagerons la spécificité du transfert dans l'abord clinique des psychoses qui implique "un transfert au psychotique" et nécessairement, à l'encontre de la classique vignette clinique, le témoignage du clinicien dans l'écriture du cas. Pour illustrer notre propos sur une clinique in vivo, nous aurons recours aux présentations de malades de Jacques Lacan à l'Hôpital Sainte-Anne en 1975-1976 ainsi qu'à deux autres vignettes cliniques où les praticiens font montre de leur implication dans la cure de patients psychotiques. / The first section gives a brief overview of psychiatric and psychoanalytical approaches to psychosis. In the second section, we set out the structural theory of psychosis according to Jacques Lacan. This theory revolves around the core concept of Name-of-the-Father (Nom-du-Père) and its foreclosure. We consider the consequences of the failure of the father metaphor and the theoretical continuation of Lacan’s second classicism with the introduction of the “real father” and the development of the concept of foreclosure by other authors. The question of clinical practice and it evidence is dealt with in the third section. We draw on Guy Le Gaufey’s criticism of clinical vignettes to introduce what could be considered as active clinical practice, that is a practice involving the practitioner in case evidence writing. We point to the specific nature of transference in the clinical context, which implies “transference to the psychotic” and the inclusion of clinician’s evidence in case writing, contrary to conventional clinical vignettes. To illustrate our point in favour of in vivo clinical practice, we refer to the presentation of patients by Jacques Lacan at the Hospital Saint-Anne in 1975-1976, and to two clinical vignettes where the therapists show their engagement in the cure of psychotic patients.

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