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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La demande de soins des personnes transsexuelles en France : prise en charge médicale et respect de la dignité / The demand for care of transsexual patients in France : medical care and respect for the dignity

Girard, Lucile 03 July 2013 (has links)
Le parcours de soins des personnes transsexuelles relève d’une prise en charge multidisciplinaire comportant des aspects médicaux, sociaux et juridiques. Ces trois pôles agissent en interaction et en complémentarité.En France, le protocole établi par la Sécurité sociale en 1989 impose un suivi psychiatrique des personnes d’au moins deux ans avant qu’elles puissent prétendre à une prise en charge de l’opération de réassignation sexuelle ; ceci dans le but, entre autres, d’évaluer la qualité de leur demande. Ces consultations sont souvent décriées par les personnes transsexuelles qui les trouvent stigmatisantes parce qu’elles associent ouvertement leur trouble à la maladie psychiatrique. Les personnes transsexuelles considèrent que le suivi psychiatrique imposé est une atteinte à leur dignité dans le sens où leur parole se trouve remise en question par des questionnaires et des évaluations, établis par un personnel médical qui ne peut ressentir ce qu’elles vivent. Actuellement, beaucoup de personnes transsexuelles ne suivent pas ce protocole médical recommandé par la Haute autorité de santé (HAS), qu’elles estiment trop rigide et éloigné de leurs besoins ; elles organisent elles-mêmes leur parcours ayant parfois recours à des actes chirurgicaux pratiqués à l’étranger. Pour finir, ce parcours de soins serait incomplet s’il n’était validé par une modification de l’état civil ; ainsi le parcours médical de transformation de la personne se trouve lié à un parcours juridique garant de l’intimité et des droits de la personne.Les origines psychologiques, psychiatriques, biologiques ou génétiques du transsexualisme sont encore discutées, sans qu’actuellement aucune réponse ne puisse être donnée de façon reproductible et fiable ; seules des interrogations sont posées. Dans ce contexte d’incertitudes, les paroles que nous avons recueillies font apparaître une réalité du terrain où la personne est, par la force des choses, au centre de l’acte de soins et heurte la conception scientifique de la médecine par ses choix et ses attitudes. Ces différents parcours de vie nous ont montré combien le respect de la personne dans sa différence, non quantifiable et inclassable, était important. Le respect de l’expertise acquise de la part du patient, le respect de sa vérité, de sa décision et de ses choix, sont des revendications qui sont apparues régulièrement. Par ailleurs, au-delà de l’aide médicale demandée, le besoin d’aide psychologique, de soutien moral et financier dessine le profil de personnes vulnérables qu’il convient de soigner et dont il convient de prendre soin. Toutefois il ne faut pas oublier la violence des actes demandés, les interrogations qu’ils suscitent chez les patients et les praticiens concernés. La décision d’entreprendre tous les traitements médicaux et chirurgicaux nécessaires au bien-être de la personne, si elle est présentée comme une décision personnelle, entraîne dans sa dynamique de nombreux acteurs. Certains choisissent d’adhérer à cette transformation, d’autres se trouvent parfois contraints de l’accepter / The care of transsexual patients calls for a multidisciplinary approach, involving medical, social and legal areas of expertise. These three areas both interact with and complement each other.The French national healthcare system drafted its standards of care in 1989, which require at least two years of psychiatric evaluation before the patient can request that their sex reassignment surgery be paid for by the health system. The purpose of this follow up is to evaluate, among other things, the merits of their request. These consultations are often criticized as stigmatizing by transsexuals, given the overt link these evaluations imply between their condition and mental illness. Transsexuals think that the mandatory psychiatric follow up is an attack on their dignity because their word is put into question by tests and evaluations performed by medical personnel who have no empathy for what they are going through. Currently, many transsexuals do not follow these standards of care, even if recommended by the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé – the official French health standards organization), as they are considered both too rigid and too disconnected from their real needs. Therefore, transsexuals organize heir own healthcare process and sometimes have their surgery performed abroad. Last but not least, the healthcare process would be incomplete without it ending with the change in their legal identity. The medical transformation is linked in this way to a legal process, which is necessary to guarantee the individual’s privacy and personal rights.Psychological, psychiatric, biological and genetic origins of transsexualism are still subject to debate, and there are no reliable or reproducible answers, only question marks. In this uncertain context, the testimony we have gathered underline the reality of life where the person is inevitably both at the center of a series of medical treatments and a challenge to the scientific conception of medicine, both in their choices and their attitudes.These different life stories, demonstrate how important respect for the difference, unquantifiable and unclassifiable, of these people is. Respect for the expertise that the patient has acquired, respect for his or her sincerity, choices and his decisions are requests that have arisen regularly. Moreover, beyond the medical treatments that are requested, the need for psychological, moral and financial support is part of the profile of that can be drawn of a vulnerable population that needs to receive care and be cared for. We must not forget the “violence” of the procedures that are requested, as well as the questions raised by patients and practitioners. The decision to undergo medical and surgical procedures is necessary to the well being of the person. Even if this decision is presented as a personal choice, many other people are inevitably involved. Some choose to freely embrace this transformation, while others sometimes feel forced to accept it.

Transsexualism - att falla inom ramen för en förståelsebar människa

Larsson, Camilla, Linderberth, Lina January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur utredare vid könstillhörighetsutredningsenheter i Sverige resonerar kring bedömningskriterier för diagnos och behandling av transsexualism. Tidigare forskning på området antyder att transpersoner utesluts från behandling på grund av ett heteronormativt förhållningssätt i lagen och hur den tolkas. Denna forskning baserar sig inte på empiriska studier där utredarna fått beskriva sin praktiska tillämpning av lagen, utan på teorier som sedan applicerats på könstillhörighetsutredningen. Vår studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer och materialet har analyserats genom socialkonstruktivistiska begrepp, vilka jämförts med de riktlinjer utredarna har att förhålla sig till. Vårt tolkningsresultat stämmer till stor del överrens med tidigare genusforskning på området, men vi har också kommit fram till att det inte finns några entydiga svar på vilka krav och förväntningar som ställs på transpersonens kön och genus under utredningen. Det framgår att utredarna gör en helhetsbedömning där de väger olika kriterier mot varandra, där vissa kriterier ibland får väga tyngre än andra. Vi hävdar att utredarna framstår som öppna och toleranta för variationer av kön och könsuttryck, så länge transpersonen rör sig inom utredarens förståelse för vad ett begripligt könsuttryck och genus är. Detta varierar betydligt mellan de olika utredarna. Vi har kommit fram till att det finns en stor tolkningsflexibilitet inbyggd i utredningen som ger utrymme för dessa variationer. / The aim of this study is to examine how assessors in gender assessment units inSweden think about assessment criteria for the diagnosis and treatment oftranssexuals. Previous studies in the area imply that transgender individuals areexcluded and left without health care due to a heteronormative perspective, foundboth in the interpretation and the implementation of the law. Previous research hasnot been based on empirical studies where the assessors have been interviewed inorder to ascertain how they implement the law. Rather, previous research has beenfounded solely on theory, which has then been applied to the gender assessment.Our study is based on qualitative interviews. The empirical material has beenanalyzed using social constructive concepts, and has been compared to theguidelines under which the assessors operate. Our result confirms much of theprevious research in the area, but we have also found that there are no clearanswers with regards to expectations and requirements placed on the transgenderindividual’s sex and gender during the gender assessment. Our researchdemonstrates that the assessors make an overall assessment; weighing variouscriteria against each other, and that at times certain criteria are given moreemphasis. The reasoning guiding this process is at times apparently contradictory.We argue that the assessors are open and tolerant with regards to variations of sexand gender expressions, as long as the transgender individuals remain within theindividual assessors understanding of what sex and gender is. We conclude that asthis understanding varies from one assessor to another, there is much room forflexibility in the interpretations.


Deltinger, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka varför könsutredningsprocesserna i Sverige respektive Argentina ser så olika ut, det vill säga vikten av att diagnostisera transsexualism eller ej. Detta gjorde jag genom en komaprativ studie där jag samlade information om könsutredningsprocesserna i de båda länderna. Mina frågeställningar var:* Hur ser utredningsprocessen ut gällande juridiskt könsbyte och könskorrigering i Sverige respektive Argentina?* Vad innebär Argentinas lag kring byte av juridiskt och fysiskt kön i praktiken?* Vilken betydelse tillskriver mina informanter diagnostisering gällande transsexualism?* Hur kan utredningsprocesserna tolkas utifrån mina valda teorier?Jag intervjuade aktivister inom HBTQ-rörelsen i Argentina som stått bakom den nya identitetslagen samt en könsutredare i Buenos Aires. Mina svenska informanter var alla könsutredare.I både Sverige och Argentina tillhandahåller staten sina medborgare identiteshandlingar, behandlingar samt könskorrigerande ingrepp enligt önskemål. Däremot följer Sverige kritererna i ICD-10 som klassifierar transsexualism som en sjukdom. Medan man i Argentina ser detta som en extrem form av patologisering och diskriminering ser mina svenska informanter det som en möjlighet. Precis som Butler (2006) menar de att den erbjuder bekräftelse på ett tillstånd och underlättar tillgången till en mängd olika medicinska medel för att göra en övergång till det andra könet (a.a.). Argentina vill så långt möjligt underlätta för transsexualla att genomgå juridiska och/eller fysiska förändringar utan att behöva vänta eller motivera sitt val. Mina svenska informanter betonar dock vikten av själva utredningstiden. Det är viktigt att förbereda personen för det som komma skall och alla är inte helt säkra och ångrar sig i framtiden.Enligt Foucault (2002) uttrycker sig makten över våra kroppar genom klassificeringar, vetenskap och lagar (a.a.). En lag som reglerar hurvida man är transsexuell eller inte skulle enligt Foucault beskrivas som en sådan maktapparat (a.a.). Maktaspekten är något som tydligt framkom i mina argentinska intervjer. Dessa informanter har en väldigt negativ inställning till att auktoriteter innehar makten att avgöra vem man är. De svenska informanterna är medvetna om att det är ett sätt att se på saken men själv väljer de att inte se det som att de har en maktposition. I stället ser de sig som guider som ger råd och stöd.Skillnader ser vi även i de olika kontexterna. Ett exempel är att Europa har ett väldigt stort intresse av att bedriva forskning, att allting ska vara forskningsbaserat. Forskning visar på att en utredningsprocess är positiv och att det ännu inte funnits utrymme för en uppföljning av lagen i Argentina. Dessutom finns det en ekonomisk aspekt involverad. I Sverige tycker man att det måste finnas indikationer för nödvändiga åtgärder för att sjukvården ska hjälpa till.Vidare kan en diagnos innebära avlastning från ångest och oro, en möjlighet att känna igen sig och sociala gemenskaper genom att vara kollektiviserande samt reducera ansvar från skam och skuld. Man blir begriplig för sig själv och för sin omvärld. / In May 2012, the first Argentine identity law was introduced, a law that allowed the change of both legal and physical sex. As in Sweden, the government covers these costs. However, there are some differences between the processes. In Sweden we require a diagnosis while in Argentina you do not have to justify your decision. The purpose of this study was to examine why the processes of gender investigation in Sweden and Argentina are so different, that is, the importance of diagnosing transsexualism or not. I have made a comparative study where I collected information about gender investigations in both countries. I collected my empiricism through interviews with activists and professionals within the LGBTQ area in both countries.Differences were found to be that Argentina considers the process of gender investigation and diagnosing transsexualism as discrimination and stigmatization while one in Sweden sees the medical and economic advantages. The power aspect was shown to be central when the Argentinian informants meant that Sweden has authorities that determine who you are. My Swedish informants perceive this as a confirmation of a state. Studies have shown that transsexuals suffer from weaker mental health than non-transsexuals. This is, for my Argentinian informants, a justification for reducing the process of diagnosis. Sweden, on the other hand, believes that the condition is due to the poor support during the gender investigation process.

Vårdens transformering : en studie av utrednings- och fertilitetsvård för transpersoner

Erbenius, Theo January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur det perspektivskifte som skett rörandetranspersoner som potentiella föräldrar mellan 1972 och 2013 tagits emot och omsatts ipraktiken inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Uppsatsen söker identifiera förändringsprocesser,brytpunkter, problem och lösningar. Det primära materialet består av intervjuer med personalpå utredningsenheten ANOVA och fertilitetskliniken Reproduktionsmedicin KI. Uppsatsenpåvisar att cisnormativitetens gradvisa tillbakagång på samhällsnivå medfört en successivnormalisering av transpersoners föräldraskap inom vården, samt att vårdkedjor utvecklas viaen interaktiv process mellan vårdgivare, patienter, teknologi, juridik och politik. 2013 årslagändring varigenom personer med ändrad könstillhörighet erhöll den juridiska rätten tillbiologiskt föräldraskap är i praktiken bristfälligt realiserad på grund av bristande finansiering.

Transexualismo e a cirurgia de transgenitalização / Transsexualism and the sex reassignment surgery.

Marangoni, Thalita Gonçalves 27 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o escopo analisar o transexualismo em seus aspectos históricos, culturais, científicos, médicos, jurídicos e bioéticos, em especial quanto à submissão à cirúrgica da transgenitalização, como manifestação do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, do direito de isonomina e do direito à saúde, garantias fundamentais previstas na Constituição Federal. O progresso da medicina permite, há décadas, a mudança de sexo, adequando a genitália do transexual ao seu sexo psicológico, inconciliáveis e antagônicos. Entretanto, o transexual se depara com a falta de dispositivo legal que regulamente o ato cirúrgico de mudança de sexo e a retificação do registro civil, adequando o nome e o sexo do transexual operado à nova situação. O percurso dos interessados na mudança de sexo é difícil, repleto de obstáculos de diversas ordens, onde muitas vezes, o judiciário representa a consolidação do sofrimento e da exclusão social. O exercício pleno da cidadania exige o reconhecimento do direito à redesignação sexual e retificação do nome e do sexo no registro civil, além do direito à família, especificamente, ao casamento e à filiação. O presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar que a cirurgia de transgenitalização, bem como a correspondente alteração do registro civil do transexual são formas de concretização de direitos fundamentais, do direito à saúde e meios de proteção à dignidade da pessoa humana. / This thesis has as its main objective to analyze transsexualism in its historical, cultural, scientific , medical, legal and bioethical aspect, especially regarding the performance of the Sex Reassignment Surgery (RSR) as a manifestation of the human dignity principle, the right to isonomy and the right to health, and to fundamental guarantees provided for in the Federal Constitution . Medical advances have made the Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) possible for decades, thus adapting the genitalia of the transsexual to his/her psychological gender, which is irreconcilable and antagonistic. However, the transsexual is faced with the lack of legal provisions to regulate sex change operations and to ratify civil registry records, adjusting the name and the gender of the operated transsexual to the new situation. The ones interested in sex change operations have a long way to go; they will have to overcome all sorts of obstacles, where quite often the judiciary is the consolidation of suffering and social exclusion. The full and effective exercise of citizenship requires a recognition of the right to the Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and to name and gender rectification in civil registries, besides the right to family, more specifically, the right to marriage and to affiliation. This study has as its main objective to demonstrate that the Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) as well as the corresponding modification of the transgender civil registry are embodiments of fundamental rights, and of health rights and they also are safeguards of human dignity.

Mind the gap: buck angel and the implications of transgender male in/visibility

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explores the implications of visibility and invisibility of transgender people, their constructed bodies, and how these bodies are used for both personal empowerment and education. By using various gender theorists for support, I argue that the transgender male body obtains power through visibility. Despite the many obstacles transgender males face, putting their bodies in a space of visibility gives them both personal power and the power to educate others about their bodies and sexuality. In doing a study of the human body and the different definitions applied to it, I show how we, as a society, are restricted by gender binaries and how the transgender body serves as a gap between the socially-constructed terms. Ultimately, transgender people are able to break through these barriers by subverting the definitions and meaning of “male” and “female.” / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Inte bara ett inkluderande : En kvalitativ studie av transpersoners representation i modekampanjer

Hansson, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Under året 2015 lanserades det två modekampanjer i Sverige som fick stor medialuppmärksamhet. Först ut var Åhléns med sin modekampanj Vårmod, kollektionen lanserades under våren 2015, frontfiguren för denna lansering var modellen och transpersonen Lea T. Under hösten samma år lanserade H&M ägda & Other Stories sin kollektion The Gaze & Other Stories, för denna kollektion var både frontfigurerna och produktionsteamet bakom transpersoner. Att två så stora och väletablerade företag valde att använda sig av transmodeller vid lanseringen av sina senaste klädkollektioner var något helt nytt, både för den nationella och internationella marknaden. I en av artiklarna som publicerades efter att & Other Stories lanserat sin kampanj kunde vi läsa: “Världens första modekampanj av och med transpersoner” (Lacis 2015). Mitt syfte med denna studie var att utifrån de här modekampanjerna undersöka och skapa en djupare förståelse för hur transpersoner upplever användningen av transpersoner i modekampanjer. I studien ville jag undersöka om det råder någon diskrepans mellan producenternas intentioner och hur mottagnarna tolkar modekampanjerna. Med hjälp av Stuart Halls teori encoding/decoding redogörs först för de intentioner som låg bakom och formade produktionerna (encoding), för att sedan sätta dessa i relation till hur bemötandet och responsen kring dessa produktioner såg ut hos mottagarna (decoding). Följande frågeställningar var utformade för att besvara syftet: 1) Vilka intentioner ligger bakom och formar modekampanjerna? 2) Hur tolkar informanterna modekampanjerna? 3) Hur kan man utifrån Stuart Halls encoding/decoding teori undersöka om det råder en diskrepans mellan producenternas intentioner och informanternas tolkningar av dessa modekampanjer? Studiens teoretiska ramverk har sin utgångspunkt i teorier om heteronormativitet, maktutövning, jagbildning, medierad verklighet, representation och encoding/decoding. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom tre enskilda djupintervjuer, där samtliga informanter kände sig bekväma med att definiera sig själva som transpersoner. Två av intervjuerna skedde face-to-face och en skedde över telefon. I encoding delen redogörs det för de intentioner producenterna hade med modekampanjerna, intentionerna var att bredda bilden av transpersoner och vad som är vackert (Hansson & Fridh 2015, Törner 2015).  I decoding delen framgår det att informanterna anser att det generellt råder goda avsikter med dessa modekampanjer och att det är roligt att transpersoner inkluderas och uppmärksammas. Dock kan man urskilja att det råder en diskrepans mellan producenternas intentioner att bredda bilden av transpersoner och hur informanterna tolkar denna representation. I informanternas avkodning finns det en ambivalens, informanterna ifrågasätter modekampanjernas utformningar och hur de valt att gestalta modellerna. De anser att den textliga diskursen i kampanjerna är bristfällig då ingen djupare redogörelse för personerna, deras transformering eller begreppet trans ges. Dessutom ifrågasätter de gestaltningen, att den sker utifrån ett heteronormativt synsätt där det råder en tvåkönsnorm, en gestaltning som är vanligt förekommande när transpersoner representeras i mediala sammanhang. Detta resulterar i att även om transpersonerna visas upp och uppmärksammas i en ny kontext i de här kampanjerna så är gestaltningen ändå inom ramarna för den representation som de vanligtvis figurera i. Gestaltningen utifrån en tvåkönsnorm resulterar även i att informanterna har svårt att relatera till representationen, dessutom genererar gestaltningen en ensidig bild av begreppet gentemot allmänheten. Informanterna ser denna typ av representation som en del i den rådande okunskapen som finns för transpersoner i samhället.

"Transtorno de identidade sexual: um estudo psicopatológico de transexualismo masculino e feminino" / Sexual identity disorder : a psychopathological disorder of male and female transsexualism

Saadeh, Alexandre 27 September 2004 (has links)
Esse estudo propôs-se avaliar presença de transtornos de eixo I, personalidade e caracterizar demograficamente 33 transexuais (masculinos e femininos). Outros objetivos foram comparar Depressão e Transtornos de Personalidade após dois anos de psicoterapia grupal e estruturar um temário específico para ela. Foram aplicados: SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton e Entrevista Estruturada para Distúrbios da Personalidade pelo DSM-III-R. As características demográficas gerais não variaram nos grupos. Não houve nenhum diagnóstico psiquiátrico prevalente. Houve predomínio de sintomas depressivos e não de quadros clínicos de depressão. Quanto aos transtornos e traços de personalidade, nenhum dado estatisticamente significativo foi encontrado. Temas para psicoterapia foram estabelecidos. / This study aimed to evaluate the presence of personality disorders of axis I as well as to characterize demographically 33 transsexuals (male and female). Other objectives were to compare depression and personality disorders after two years of group therapy and structure a specific theme list to it. SCID-I/P, Beck, Hamilton and Structured Interview for Personality disorders by the DMS-III-R were applied. General demographic characteristics did not vary among the groups. There was no prevailing psychiatric diagnosis. As for disorders and personality traits, no statistically significant data was found. Psychotherapy themes were established.

Avaliação dos mecanismos de ruminação em pacientes com disforia de gênero

Mueller, Andressa January 2016 (has links)
A Ruminação tem sido um importante campo de investigação para estudar os mecanismos cognitivos e alteração dos estados emocionais associados ao processo do desenvolvimento de condições de saúde mental. A presente dissertação, cujo relatório de pesquisa deriva nessa produção, busca elucidar as relações entre ruminação e disforia de gênero. Dessa forma, a dissertação apresentará dois estudos de delineamento transversal que, no entanto, sofrem adaptações na disposição dos indivíduos da amostra para testar hipóteses específicas. Em ambos os estudos foram recrutadas 39 mulheres transexuais, no período de 2014 a 2015, que atenderam aos critérios do DSM 5 para diagnóstico de Disforia de Gênero (DG). O primeiro estudo teve como objetivo analisar os níveis de ruminação em pacientes com disforia de gênero antes e depois da Cirurgia de Redesignação Sexual (CRS), o que contribui com a literatura que investiga marcadores de desfecho positivo para CRS. O primeiro subgrupo (T0) foi constituído por participantes com diagnósticos confirmados para DG e com, no máximo, um ano de acompanhamento em grupoterapia. O T1, por pacientes que atenderam os pré-requisitos em relação à frequência aos atendimentos dos grupos psicoterapêuticos de, no mínimo, um ano, e no máximo dois anos, sem contra-indicação para realização da CRS. E o T2, constituído por pacientes pós-cirúrgicos em um período superior a seis meses. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo tanto analisar a relação entre abuso emocional na infância e ruminação em mulheres transexuais quanto identificar, entre os indivíduos da amostra, quais ruminam em nível p[baixo] = (33) ≤18 e p[alto] = (67) ≥23. Essa classificação entre dois subtipos do pensamento ruminativo pode elucidar diferenças entre os fatores protetivos e os desfechos nocivos na saúde mental e física dessa população. No primeiro estudo, a ruminação diminuiu entre os pacientes no T2 e os escores em ruminação foram ainda gradualmente menores a cada procedimento realizado nas características sexuais secundárias por pacientes deste grupo. Esse achado contribui para pesquisas do paradigma Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), que almeja demonstrar marcadores psicológicos para condições de saúde mental. Nesse caso, a ruminação parece se mostrar como um marcador importante para o desfecho positivo em pacientes com disforia de gênero pós-CRS. No segundo estudo, nosso principal achado reside na prevalência em até 15 vezes (IC95%: 2,25-99,63) de maior chance para engajamento em ruminação elevada ou comportamento disfórico entre os indivíduos que foram expostos ao abuso emocional, sobretudo, entre aqueles que o vivenciaram no intervalo da tipologia que variou de moderado – grave a grave – extremo se comparado aos indivíduos com gravidade entre mínimo a moderado na escala Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). O abuso emocional está relacionado com engajamento em ruminação, sobretudo, ao subtipo elevada, o que contribui para aumento em comportamentos disfóricos, e ao estar associado à desregulação da emoção, que contribui para os desfechos nocivos na saúde física e mental desta população. / The Rumination has recently become an important field of study to better understand cognitive mechanisms and emotional status associated to the development of mental health conditions. The current work aims to shine a light upon the relation between rumination and gender dysphoria (GD). In this sense, this work presents two cross-sectional studies, each testing two specific hypotheses. Therefore, they have suffered adaptations in the disposition of the sample. In both studies, 39 transexual women, who fulfilled the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for GD, were recruited within the years of 2014 and 2015. The first study aimed to analyse how much GD patients have rumination processes before and after sex reassignment surgery (SRS), which contributes to the body of literature seeking for positive outcome markers for SRS. The first group (T0) was made of participants who had a confirmed DG diagnostic and participated of group therapy for up to one year (between 0 and 12 months). The second group (T1) was composed by participants who had a confirmed DG diagnostic and attended from one up to two years of group therapy and had no contraindications for SRS. The third group (T2) was comprised of patients who have gone through SRS surgery at least six months prior to the data collection. The second study aimed to analyse the relation between emotional abuse during childhood and rumination in transexual women and to identify, amongst sample individuals, those who ruminate at a low or high levels. This classification into two subsets of ruminative thinking might clarify diferences between protective factors and poor mental and physical health outcomes in this specific population. In the first study, patients of the T2 group ruminate significantly less than their counterparts; moreover, scores of the ruminative thinking process seems to fall gradually with each alteration in the secondary sex characteristics. This finding contributes to the researches of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) paradigm, which seeks to find physiological markers for mental health conditions. In this case, rumination seems to be an important marker for positive outcomes in post-SRS GD patients. In the second study, the main result is the higher (up to 15 fold) prevalence for likeliness to engane in high level of ruminative thinking or dysphoric behaviour amongst the individuals who were exposed to emotional abuse. Above all, the engagement in ruminative thinking process is even higher amongst those who lived through emotional abuse in the moderated - severe and the severe - extreme categories of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) scale than those in the light - moderate category. Emotional abuse is related to ruminative engagement, specially to the high level subtype of rumination. This contributes to the increase in dysphoric behaviours and to the bad health and mental outcomes in this population, probably associated with emotional dysregulation.

"They Need Labels": Contemporary Institutional and Popular Frameworks for Gender Variance

Bradley, Ophelia 21 April 2010 (has links)
This study addresses the complex issues of etiology and conceptualization of gender variance in the modern West. By analyzing medical, psychological, and popular approaches to gender variance, I demonstrate the highly political nature of each of these paradigms and how gender variant individuals engage with these discourses in the elaboration of their own gender identities. I focus on the role of institutional authority in shaping popular ideas about gender variance and the relationship of gender variant individuals who seek medical intervention towards the systems that regulate their care. Also relevant are the tensions between those who view gender variance as an expression of an essential cross-sex gender (as in traditional transsexual narrative) and those who believe that gender is socially constructed and non-binary. I finally argue that the standards of treatment for gender variant individuals pertains more to the medical legitimization of their identities than with necessarily improving outcomes.

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