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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impuesto a la renta y contratos de colaboración empresarial

Medrano Cornejo, Humberto 25 September 2017 (has links)
En el presente artículo, el autor responde las interrogantes que se plantean respecto del Impuestoa la Renta y los contratos de colaboración empresarial. Dichos contratos, relativamente novedosos y bastante complejos en su estructura, han ido creando muchos problemas para los contribuyentes -y los que creen no serlo- por lo que el autor, mediante un exhaustivo análisis de la legislación y la doctrina, define dichos contratos y otros conceptos necesarios,y explica su situación actual en relación con el Impuesto a la Renta.

Los contribuyentes no domiciliados en el Perú: comentarios a la ley del impuesto a la renta

Castillo Balarezo, José 25 September 2017 (has links)
El autor del presente artículo nos introduce en el tratamiento que nuestra legislación del Impuesto a laRenta contiene respecto de los contribuyentes no domiciliados en el Perú. Así, comenta como se encuentra regulada esta situación analizando la noción y regulación de la base jurisdiccional, los efectos de la condición de domiciliado, el criterio de renta peruana e internacional, para finalizar con los problemas de doble tributación.

Circulares y discrecionalidad en el ámbito tributario: En torno a los límites de la facultad discrecional de SUNAT para aplicar sanciones tributarias

Gonzáles Trebejo, Cinthia Vanessa, Velásquez Yupanqui, Jenny Melina 10 December 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación aborda los límites al ejercicio de la facultad discrecional que efectúa la Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y Administración Tributaria (en adelante SUNAT) de las circulares internas para determinar si sanciona o no una infracción tributaria, facultad que ha sido otorgada a dicha entidad de acuerdo con lo señalado en el Art. 82 del Código Tributario (en adelante CT). Estos límites son los principios de interdicción de la arbitrariedad, razonabilidad, legalidad e igualdad, que se encuentran reconocidos de forma expresa e implícita tanto en la Constitución Política del Perú como en la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General – Ley N° 27444. Como resultado de la presente investigación se acredita la necesidad de incorporar estos principios expresamente en el CT como límites al ejercicio de la facultad discrecional que tiene la SUNAT para aplicar sanciones, hecho que coadyuvará a que su ejercicio no sea realizado de manera arbitraria. Finalmente, como conclusión principal del trabajo, todos los criterios objetivos establecidos en circulares para la no aplicación de sanciones en determinadas infracciones tributarias, deberían ser publicados y encontrarse regulados en resoluciones de superintendencia, permitiendo así que el contribuyente pueda conocerlas y, de esta manera, obligar a la SUNAT aplicar los criterios de discrecionalidad de no aplicar sanciones en determinadas infracciones tributarias. / The following research addresses the limits of the discretional faculty practice carried out by the National Superintendence ADUANAS and the fiscal administration (from this point forward SUNAT) of internal documents to determine whether to fine or not a tax infraction, this faculty which has been given to this entity in accordance with the Art. 82 of the Tax Code (from this point forward CT). The limits are the principles of the interdiction of arbitrariness, reasonableness, legality and equality, which are recognized expressly and implicitly in the Political Constitution of Peru as well as in General Administration Procedures Law- N° 27444. As a result of this research, the necessity of incorporate these principles expressively in the CT as limits of the discretional faculty practice owned by the SUNAT to apply penalty is confirmed, this will contribute for the practice not to be done in an arbitrary way. To conclude, all of the objective criteria established in documents for the non-application of penalty in particular tax infractions, should be published and regulated in Superintendence Ruling, allowing the taxpayer to know them, and in this way, to oblige SUNAT to apply the discretional criteria of not applying penalty to particular tax infractions. / Trabajo de investigación

Límites a las facultades discrecionales de la Sunat otorgadas por el Código Tributario peruano

Mini Miranda, José Luis January 2013 (has links)
La presente investigación aborda específicamente los temas relacionados a los límites explícitos e implícitos a las facultades discrecionales de la SUNAT otorgadas por el Código Tributario Peruano . Se entiende por límites explícitos, las facultades discrecionales de la Administración Tributaria que han sido conferidas expresamente en la Ley (Norma IV del Título Preliminar del Código Tributario - Interés Público y el marco de la ley); mientras que por límites implícitos, aquéllos que por ser supletorios (Norma IX del TP del CT) o porque resultan de la interpretación sistemática del ordenamiento jurídico (Constitución Política del Perú de 1993 , Principios Generales del Derecho, Principios del Derecho Tributario, Principios del Derecho Administrativo, Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General – Ley N° 27444 ) no resultan de aplicación directa. Los principales límites implícitos a las facultades discrecionales de la Administración Tributaria son: el respeto de los derechos fundamentales, la motivación –como parte del principio del debido procedimiento administrativo-, el principio de proporcionalidad o razonabilidad, el principio de interdicción a la arbitrariedad, y el principio de interdicción a la excesividad, entre otros. De los resultados obtenidos de la presente investigación, se acredita la necesidad de convertir a los límites implícitos en explícitos, esto es, incorporarlos expresamente como límites de aplicación directa en el CT, de forma tal que se evite su inaplicación, en base a una interpretación literal de la norma tributaria. Finalmente, consideramos que la conclusión principal de esta investigación es que “Dado su carácter constitucional, toda la Administración Pública, incluyendo la Administración Tributaria, debe someterse a la aplicación directa y no supletoria de los principios que regulan el procedimiento administrativo, por lo que debe modificarse la Norma IV y IX del TP del CT, para que se encuentre en perfecta armonía con los principios del Derecho Administrativo, los Principios Generales del Derecho y en consecuencia la CPP”.

Le Zone Franche Urbane: Mercato europeo e Ordinamenti tributari / The Urban Free Zones: European Market and tax Orders

Barabino, Paolo <1978> 15 June 2015 (has links)
Lo studio delle Zone Franche Urbane all’interno del Diritto tributario europeo non ha potuto prescindere da una introduttiva delimitazione del lavoro, capace di distinguere le diverse tipologie di zone franche esistenti nei Paesi intra/extra Ue. Attraversando i casi-studio di Madeira, delle Azzorre, fino alla istituenda Zona Franca di Bruxelles, Zone d’Economie Urbaine stimulée (ZEUS), si è giunti alla constatazione dell’assenza di una definizione di Zona Franca Urbana: analizzando le esperienze normative vissute in Francia e in Italia, si è potuto tratteggiare il profilo territoriale, soggettivo e oggettivo del sistema agevolativo rivolto al recupero delle aree urbane degradate. La funzione strumentale della fiscalità, esplicitata per mezzo delle ZFU, ha condotto ad una verifica di diritto interno per controllare la legittimità delle scelte nazionali in ragione dei principi costituzionali nazionali, come anche una di diritto europeo per evitare che le scelte nazionali, anche se legittime sul piano interno, possano per gli stessi effetti incentivanti alle attività d'impresa presentarsi come una forma territoriale di aiuti di Stato fiscali. Evidenziando il rapporto tra le ZFU e il Mercato europeo si è voluto, da un lato, effettuare una ricostruzione sistemica necessaria per un’interpretazione delle ZFU che metta in luce le componenti di tale strumento orientate al perseguimento di un interesse socioeconomico, che in prima battuta generi una contraddizione, una deroga ai principi costituzionali e comunitari, per poi “sciogliersi” in una coerente applicazione degli stessi; dall’altro, tentare di elevare le ZFU a misura sistemica dell’Ordinamento europeo. Si è svolto, infine, un ragionamento in termini di federalismo fiscale con riferimento alle ZFU, trovando una adeguata collocazione nel percorso di devoluzione intrapreso dal legislatore nazionale, avendo quali interlocutori privilegiati le Regioni a Statuto Speciale. / The study of the Urban Free Zones inside the European Tax Law must analyze the different types of free zones in the Countries intra/extra EU. Through cases-study of Madeira, Azores, Zone d'Economie Urbaine stimulée of Brussels, it is evident the absence of a definition of Urban Free Zone: analyzing the French and Italian experiences, it has been possible to study the territorial, subjective and objective profile of the support system turned to the recovery of the degraded urban areas. The instrumental function of taxation required a national and european compatibility check to ensure that national choices, even if legitimate internally, can be transformed into state aid tax. Highlighting the relationship between the ZFU and the European Market is wanted to: i) carry out a systemic necessary reconstruction for an interpretation of the ZFU that underlines the components of that instrument oriented to the pursuit of social and economic interest, which initially generate a contradiction, an exception to the constitutional and community principles, for then "to melt" into a coherent application of the same; ii) to try to give a definition of ZFU as a systemic measure of the UE. Took place, finally, a reasoning in terms of fiscal federalism with reference to the ZFU, finding a suitable placement in the path of devolution undertaken by the national legislator, having the Special Statute Regions as interlocutory privileged.

El principio de neutralidad interna en el IVA / Internal VAT Neutrality / Il principio di neutralità interna nell'IVA

Macarro Osuna, Jose' Manuel <1986> 27 March 2015 (has links)
La tesis estudia el principio de neutralidad en su vertiente interna y su aplicación efectiva en el IVA. Se centra en los principales aspectos de la configuración jurídica del impuesto: derecho de deducción, exenciones y tipos reducidos. Se realiza en primer lugar una aproximación teórica al principio desde un punto de vista jurídico y también económico. Una vez construido el principio se acomete una comparación de las distintas clases de impuestos indirectos que pueden establecerse y se analiza su cumplimiento del principio de neutralidad fiscal. El énfasis es mayor en los impuestos en cascada, impuestos monofásicos minoristas y en el IVA. El objetivo de la tesis es, por tanto, concretar el contenido del principio, desarrollar sus implicaciones económicas principales y analizar el grado de cumplimiento real de la Directiva IVA. Desde el punto de vista del derecho de deducción y de las exenciones el estudio se apoya en el análisis de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, donde se profundizará en cuestiones como la utilización de bienes de uso mixto, la consideración de costes como directos o generales y las formas de ejercicio del exceso de deducción (devolución y compensación). Además, la tesis muestra las principales excepciones al principio de neutralidad establecidas en la Directiva IVA: prohibiciones al derecho de deducción, exenciones y tipos reducidos. En esta parte también se apoyará el estudio en la jurisprudencia del TJUE, que ha construido en gran medida los criterios de interpretación de estas excepciones. En conclusión, el objetivo de la tesis es medir si la directiva IVA cumple con el principio de neutralidad fiscal, para lo que deberá haberse especificado primero su significado concreto y se habrá debido diferenciar entre sus dos dimensiones: interna y externa. / The thesis studies the principle of VAT neutrality in its internal dimension. It focuses on the main aspects of VAT configuration: right of deduction, exemptions and reduced rates. There is also included a theoretical approach of the principle in economic and legal terms, and also a comparison of the various types of indirect taxes that may exist from the point of view of tax neutrality, mainly VAT, cascade taxes and Retail Sales Tax. The aim of the thesis is to concrete the concept of the principle, develop its main economic implications and study its real development in the VAT Directive. From the point of view of the right of deduction and the exemptions it will be made a study of the case-law of the European Court of Justice, and I will deepen into specific questions like the use of mix goods, the consideration of direct and general costs or the ways to exercise the right of deduction (reimbursement and compensation). Moreover it shows the main exceptions to tax neutrality included in the VAT Directive: prohibitions to the right of deduction, exemptions and reduced rates. In this part the study will also be supported by the study of the ECJ's cases. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to analyse if the VAT Directive accomplishes with the tax neutrality principle, once that we have spycified its concrete meaning and differentiated between its two dimensions: internal and external.

Il divieto d'abuso del diritto nell'esperienza tributaria europea e tedesca / The prohibition of tax abuse in european and german experiences

Martinengo, Stefania <1984> January 1900 (has links)
La tematica dell’abuso del diritto in campo fiscale ha conosciuto, negli ultimi anni, una diffusione particolarmente rilevante. Questo lavoro, dopo una necessaria premessa introduttiva alla problematica, affronta l’abuso del diritto in campo tributario tramite l’analisi degli strumenti classici dell’ermenutica, constatando come si arrivi ad un intreccio tra lo strumento della clausola generale anti-abuso e il principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto sviluppatosi a livello europeo, concretizzazione del più ampio principio dell’effettività del diritto dell’Unione Europea. L’analisi prende a modello, da un lato, la clausola generale anti-abuso tedesca, adottata già nel primo dopoguerra, e le sue diverse modifiche legislative occorse negli anni, e dall’altro, il principio europeo di divieto d’abuso del diritto. L’esame congiunto rivela un cortocircuito interpretativo, posto che il principio europeo espone gli stessi concetti della clausola nazionale tedesca pre riforma, la quale, in seguito, alle sentenze Halifax e Cadbury Schweppes, ha subito un’importante modifica, cosicchè la clausola generale abbisogna ora del princìpio europeo per essere interpretata. La tesi evidenzia, inoltre, come tale circuito sia aggravato anche da tensioni interne alle stesse Istituzioni europee, posto che, nonostante l’esistenza di un principio di elaborazione giurisprudenziale, gli Stati Membri sono stati invitati ad introdurre una clausola generale anti-abuso, la cui formulazione rimanda al principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto elaborato dalla Corte di Giustizia. / During the last years the phenomenon of tax abuse has spread significantly. This work, after an essential introduction of the problematic, deals with tax abuse through classical methods of hermeneutics to establish a direct connection between general anti-abuse clauses and the european principle of prohibition of tax abuse, which originates from the more comprehensive european princìple of effectiveness. The analysis compares two experiences, on one side the german anti-abuse clause, already implemented after the First World War, and on the other, the european princìple of prohibition of tax abuse. An interpretative “short-circuit” results from this study as the european princìple affirms the same concepts of the german anti-abuse clause before the last reform. The national clause was significantly modified after the pubblications of Halifax and Cadbury Schweppes, with the consequences that nowadays, for interpreting this rule, it’s necessary to refer to the european principle of prohibition of tax abuse. Moreover the work highlights how this circular mechanism is worsen by the same European Institutions, as Member States, despite the existence of a jurisprudential princìple, have been invited to introduce a general anti-abuse clause in their tax systems, that is clearly based on the concepts expressed by the European Court of Justice.

Legal presumptions in national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and in EU law

Sanò, Claudia <1982> January 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of presumptions, and in particular of legal presumptions, in the context of national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and EU law. The purpose was to investigate the concept of legal presumption under a twofold comparative perspective. After having provided a general overview of the common core concept of presumption in the European context, an insight in the national approach to legal presumptions was given by examining two different national experiences, namely the Italian and Belgian tax systems. At this stage, the Constitutional framework and some of the most interesting and relevant at EU level presumptive measures were explored, with a view to underlining possible divergences and common grounds. The concept of (national) legal presumption was then investigated in the context of EU law, with the attempt to systematize under a uniform perspective a matter which has been traditionally dealt with either from the merely national point of view or, at EU level, through a fragmented form. In this instance, the EU law relevant framework and the most significant EUCJ case-law, in particular in the field of customs duties, VAT, on the issue of the repayment of taxes levied in breach of EU law and in the area of direct taxation, were examined so as to construe the overall EU approach to national legal presumptions. This was done with the finality of determining if and to what extent a common analytical framework may be identified, from which were extracted certain criteria governing the compatibility of national legal presumptions with EU law.

The Right of Deduction within the European VAT: A Perspective for the VAT Reform in China

Zheng, Junping <1987> 13 June 2016 (has links)
Value added tax (VAT), with its specific and unique feature as a neutral taxation, has spread rapidly around the world since its first adoption in Europe. China has also chosen to adopt VAT in an attempt to promote its economic development. In 2012, China started a new round of reform of VAT to extend its scope to industries which previously were liable to business tax. One of the most difficult problems is the rebuilding of the VAT deduction system therein. Although Europe faces its own problems and difficulties in the process of perfection and coordination of VAT, as the cradle of VAT it could still provide helpful insights for the ongoing VAT reform in China. Based on the analysis of the VAT system and, in particular, the right to deduct input VAT in Europe, combined with the development and special conditions of VAT in China, I propose several recommendations for the ongoing VAT reform in China and its future legislation. First, on the overall level, it is important to review the principle of neutrality in VAT, and rather than to view it as a natural result of the operation of the VAT system, its role as a rule to be complied with. Second, with regard to the design of the VAT deduction system, I argue that: (1) it is not necessary to establish VAT deduction as a substantive right of the taxpayer; (2) it is necessary to expand the scope of deductible items in China, especially in relation to fixed capital investment; (3) it is urgent to improve the treatment of the excess amount of deductible input VAT. Finally, suggestions are given supporting the construction of the related procedural legislation.

La nuova governance economica europea: evoluzioni istituzionali / New economic governance: institutional evolution

Lazzaroni, Francesca Anna Marta <1978> 16 May 2016 (has links)
L'obbiettivo della ricerca è l'analisi del riassetto istituzionale dovuto alla crisi economica. Il progetto di ricerca parte da un’analisi della formazione della moneta unica e dell’Unione economica e monetaria, per proseguire attraverso l’analisi dello stato di avanzamento delle politiche economiche e monetarie mediante la ridefinizione degli assetti giuridici ed istituzionali, come diretta conseguenza della crisi economica. Si prende infine in considerazione l’accelerazione di alcuni processi d’integrazione che hanno messo in discussione il ruolo di alcune Istituzioni partendo dalla natura stessa del metodo comunitario e del processo di legittimità democratica alla base del consolidamento e dello sviluppo dell’Unione economica e monetaria. Fino ad arrivare allo statuto speciale ottenuto dal Regno Unito che mette in discussione l'assetto stesso del progetto europeo, decretando un Europa a più velocità, frutto di una specifica visione di un Europa regolatori. / The propose of this research is to analyze the future of the European project due to the changes of the economic crisis. The research is based on a deep analysis of European economic and monetary policies, starting from the creation of the single currency through the construction of the Economic and Monetary Union, until the impact of the debt crisis on the European Governance and institutions. The research project analyses the legal and political arrangements that have queries the Community method in favor of the intergovernmental method. It is analyzed the acceleration of certain processes of integration/desegregation of the European project that have questioned the role of some institutions, their accountability and legitimacy, until the UK special status that have create de facto a legal multi-speed Europe.

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