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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de aplicación del método de auto-curado adicionando ladrillo triturado al agregado grueso para disminuir las fisuras superficiales y aumentar la resistencia a la compresión del concreto en zonas cálidas (Lima Norte) / Proposal for the application of the self-curing method by adding crushed brick to the coarse aggregate to reduce surface cracks and increase the compressive strength of concrete in warm areas (North Lima)

Pinchi Morey, Sanddy Rocío, Ramirez Mejia, Hosvick Jeffer 17 February 2020 (has links)
El concreto es uno de los materiales más utilizados en el mundo de la construcción, de las cuales cada material en la mezcla depende de la resistencia que se requiera de acuerdo al análisis estructural. Dentro del proceso de producción de concreto debemos garantizar que el cemento reaccione químicamente y desarrolle la resistencia para la cual fue diseñada, para esto es importante mantenerlo hidratado en ese tiempo mediante el proceso de curado. Una técnica aún no tan conocida es el auto-curado del concreto, por lo cual es una necesidad saber cuál es su influencia en el desarrollo de la resistencia y en la disminución del porcentaje de agrietamiento del concreto en estado plástico. El objetivo de esta tesis es determinar la influencia que tiene el reemplazar un cierto porcentaje de ladrillo triturado como reemplazo del agregado grueso; evaluando la resistencia a la compresión, resistencia a la flexión, y el agrietamiento por contracción plástica del concreto. Se desarrolló con 3 diferentes porcentajes de reemplazo de ladrillo triturado que son: 15%, 21%, 27% del peso del agregado grueso para la resistencia a la compresión (f’c) de 280 kg/cm2. Se concluyó que reemplazo del agregado grueso por ladrillo triturado es efectivo cuando es usado hasta un máximo de 21%. Los resultados obtenidos son óptimos y viables en el tiempo, mostrándonos un aumento en la resistencia a la compresión, resistencia a la flexión y la disminución del porcentaje de fisuras en estado plástico. / Concrete is one of the most used materials in the world of construction, of which each material in the mixture depends on the strength required according to the structural analysis. Within the concrete production process, we must ensure that the cement reacts chemically and develops the resistance for which it was designed, for this it is important to keep it hydrated at that time through the curing process. A technique not yet so well known is the self-curing of concrete, so it is a necessity to know what its influence is in the development of resistance and in the reduction of the percentage of cracking of concrete in the plastic state. The objective of this thesis is to determine the influence of replacing a certain percentage of crushed brick as a replacement for coarse aggregate; evaluating the compressive strength, flexural strength, and cracking by plastic shrinkage of concrete. It was developed with 3 different percentages of crushed brick replacement that are: 15%, 21%, 27% of the weight of the coarse aggregate for the compressive strength (f’c) of 280 kg / cm2. It was concluded that replacement of coarse aggregate with crushed brick is effective when used up to a maximum of 21%. The results obtained are optimal and viable over time, showing an increase in compressive strength, flexural strength and a decrease in the percentage of cracks in the plastic state. / Tesis


NATHALIA DOS SANTOS LOPES LOUZADA 29 October 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo apresenta o comportamento dos solos reforçados com PET em pó e triturado, através de ensaios de laboratório. Foram utilizados três solos: um solo coluvionar, uma areia limpa e mal graduada e uma bentonita. Caracterização física, química e ensaios mecânicos (triaxiais CIU e cisalhamento direto) foram realizadas para cada material e misturas. O ensaio triaxial foi realizado em amostras de solo argiloso compactado com porcentagens de pó de PET de 0, 10, 20 e 30 por cento de PET triturado de 3,0 e 5,0 por cento, por seco peso de solo. Os ensaios triaxiais, em amostras de areia foram feitas a uma densidade relativa de 50 por cento e 10 por cento de teor de umidade, e com 0, 10 e 20 por cento de pó de PET, em relação ao peso seco do solo. Os ensaios de cisalhamento direto com bentonita foram feitos com porcentagens de 0 e 30 por cento de pó de PET e 3,0 e 5,0 por cento de PET triturado, por peso seco de solo. Os resultados mostraram que o teor de PET e nível de confinamento têm influência sobre o comportamento mecânico final das misturas. Com ambos os resíduos de PET, as misturas apresentam um comportamento satisfatório, aumentando ou mantendo os parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento semelhantes ao solo puro. Assim, para as misturas argilosos, a mistura com 30 por cento de pó de PET e a com 5 por cento de PET triturado são mais eficazes, uma vez que nelas observou-se maior melhora nos parâmetros de resistência. Para misturas de areia a inclusão PET é mais eficaz com 10 por cento de pó PET em tensões confinantes menores e umidade ótima de 10 por cento. Para misturas bentonita, a inserção de PET é mais eficaz para o PET triturado na porcentagem de 5 por cento. Portanto, o uso de resíduos de PET para o reforço do solo poderia minimizar os problemas atuais disposição do resíduo, contribuir com a redução do consumo de recursos naturais e dar um uso nobre para este material. / [en] This study presents the behavior of soils reinforced with crushed PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) residue through experimental study. Three soils were used: a coluvionar soil, a clean and poorly graduated sand and a bentonite. Physical characterization, chemical and mechanical tests (isotropically consolidated-drained triaxial and direct shear) were performed for each material and mixtures. The triaxial test was performed on samples of clayey soil compacted within the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content with ratios of 0, 10, 20 and 30 per cent of fine crushed PET and 3,0 and 5,0 per cent of PET flakes, by dry weight of soil. The triaxial tests on sand samples were made to a relative density of 50 percent and 10 per cent of water content, and with 0, 10 and 20 percent fine crushed PET, by dry weight of soil. The direct shear tests with bentonite were made with ratios of 0 and 30 percent of fine crushed PET and 3,0 and 5,0 percent of PET flakes, by dry weight of soil. The results have shown that the PET content and level of confining stress have influence on the final mechanical behavior of the mixtures. With both residue of PET, the mixtures present a satisfactory behavior, increasing or maintaining the shear strength parameters similar to the pure soil. Thus, for the clayey mixtures, the fine crushed PET content of 30 percent and the PET flakes content of 5 percent are more effective, once they increase the strength parameters. For sandy mixtures the PET inclusions is more effective with 10 percent of fine crushed PET at lower confining stresses and the optimum content is 10 percent. For bentonite mixtures the PET inclusions is more effective for PET flakes and the optimum content is 5. Therefore, the use of PET waste for soil reinforcement could minimize the current problems of waste disposal, contribute with the reduction of consumption of natural resources and give a noble use for this material.

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