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Modular Multilevel Converter Control for HVDC Operation : Optimal Shaping of the Circulating Current Signal for Internal Energy Regulation / Commande adaptée pour le convertisseur modulaire multiniveaux pour les liaisons à courant continuesBergna Diaz, Gilbert 03 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du programme de croissance Européen 2020, la commission européenne a mis en place officiellement un chemin à long terme pour une économie à faible émission de carbone, en aspirant une réduction d’au moins 80% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d’ici 2050. Répondre à ces exigences ambitieuses, impliquera un changement majeur de paradigme, et notamment en ce qui concerne les infrastructures du réseau électrique. Les percées dans la technologie des semi-conducteurs et les avancées avec les nouvelles topologies d’électronique de puissance et leurs contrôle-commandes, ont contribué à l’impulsion donnée au processus en cours de réaliser un tel SuperGrid. Une percée technologique majeure a eu lieu en 2003, avec le convertisseur modulaire multi-niveaux (MMC ou M2C), présenté par le professeur Marquardt, et qui est actuellement la topologie d’électronique de puissance la plus adaptée pour les stations HVDC. Cependant, cette structure de conversion introduit également un certain nombre de défis relativement complexes tels que les courants “additionnels” qui circulent au sein du convertisseur, entrainant des pertes supplémentaires et un fonctionnement potentiellement instable. Ce projet de thèse vise à concevoir des stratégies de commande “de haut niveau” pour contrôler le MMC adaptées pour les applications à courant continue-haute tension (HVDC), dans des conditions de réseau AC équilibrés et déséquilibrés. La stratégie de commande optimale identifiée est déterminée via une approche pour la conception du type “de haut en bas”, inhérente aux stratégies d’optimisation, où la performance souhaitée du convertisseur MMC donne la stratégie de commande qui lui sera appliquée. Plus précisément, la méthodologie d’optimisation des multiplicateurs de Lagrange est utilisée pour calculer le signal minimal de référence du courant de circulation du MMC dans son repère naturel. / Following Europe’s 2020 growth program, the Energy Roadmap 2050 launched by the European Commission (EC) has officially set a long term path for a low-carbon economy, assuming a reduction of at least 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. Meeting such ambitious requirements will imply a major change in paradigm, including the electricity grid infrastructure as we know it.The breakthroughs in semi-conductor technology and the advances in power electronics topologies and control have added momentum to the on-going process of turning the SuperGrid into a reality. Perhaps the most recent breakthrough occurred in 2003, when Prof. Marquardt introduced the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC or M2C) which is now the preferred power electronic topology that is starting to be used in VSC-HVDC stations. It does however, introduce a number of rather complex challenges such as “additional” circulating currents within the converter itself, causing extra losses and potentially unstable operation. In addition, the MMC will be required to properly balance the capacitive energy stored within its different arms, while transferring power between the AC and DC grids that it interfaces.The present Thesis project aimed to design adequate “high-level” MMC control strategies suited for HVDC applications, under balanced and unbalanced AC grid conditions. The resulting control strategy is derived with a “top-to-bottom” design approach, inherent to optimization strategies, where the desired performance of the MMC results in the control scheme that will be applied. More precisely, the Lagrange multipliers optimization methodology is used to calculate the minimal MMC circulating current reference signals in phase coordinates, capable of successfully regulating the capacitive arm energies of the converter, while reducing losses and voltage fluctuations, and effectively decoupling any power oscillations that would take place in the AC grid and preventing them from propagating into the DC grid.
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Modular Multilevel Converter Control for HVDC Operation : Optimal Shaping of the Circulating Current Signal for Internal Energy Regulation / Commande adaptée pour le convertisseur modulaire multiniveaux pour les liaisons à courant continuesBergna Diaz, Gilbert 03 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du programme de croissance Européen 2020, la commission européenne a mis en place officiellement un chemin à long terme pour une économie à faible émission de carbone, en aspirant une réduction d’au moins 80% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d’ici 2050. Répondre à ces exigences ambitieuses, impliquera un changement majeur de paradigme, et notamment en ce qui concerne les infrastructures du réseau électrique. Les percées dans la technologie des semi-conducteurs et les avancées avec les nouvelles topologies d’électronique de puissance et leurs contrôle-commandes, ont contribué à l’impulsion donnée au processus en cours de réaliser un tel SuperGrid. Une percée technologique majeure a eu lieu en 2003, avec le convertisseur modulaire multi-niveaux (MMC ou M2C), présenté par le professeur Marquardt, et qui est actuellement la topologie d’électronique de puissance la plus adaptée pour les stations HVDC. Cependant, cette structure de conversion introduit également un certain nombre de défis relativement complexes tels que les courants “additionnels” qui circulent au sein du convertisseur, entrainant des pertes supplémentaires et un fonctionnement potentiellement instable. Ce projet de thèse vise à concevoir des stratégies de commande “de haut niveau” pour contrôler le MMC adaptées pour les applications à courant continue-haute tension (HVDC), dans des conditions de réseau AC équilibrés et déséquilibrés. La stratégie de commande optimale identifiée est déterminée via une approche pour la conception du type “de haut en bas”, inhérente aux stratégies d’optimisation, où la performance souhaitée du convertisseur MMC donne la stratégie de commande qui lui sera appliquée. Plus précisément, la méthodologie d’optimisation des multiplicateurs de Lagrange est utilisée pour calculer le signal minimal de référence du courant de circulation du MMC dans son repère naturel. / Following Europe’s 2020 growth program, the Energy Roadmap 2050 launched by the European Commission (EC) has officially set a long term path for a low-carbon economy, assuming a reduction of at least 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. Meeting such ambitious requirements will imply a major change in paradigm, including the electricity grid infrastructure as we know it.The breakthroughs in semi-conductor technology and the advances in power electronics topologies and control have added momentum to the on-going process of turning the SuperGrid into a reality. Perhaps the most recent breakthrough occurred in 2003, when Prof. Marquardt introduced the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC or M2C) which is now the preferred power electronic topology that is starting to be used in VSC-HVDC stations. It does however, introduce a number of rather complex challenges such as “additional” circulating currents within the converter itself, causing extra losses and potentially unstable operation. In addition, the MMC will be required to properly balance the capacitive energy stored within its different arms, while transferring power between the AC and DC grids that it interfaces.The present Thesis project aimed to design adequate “high-level” MMC control strategies suited for HVDC applications, under balanced and unbalanced AC grid conditions. The resulting control strategy is derived with a “top-to-bottom” design approach, inherent to optimization strategies, where the desired performance of the MMC results in the control scheme that will be applied. More precisely, the Lagrange multipliers optimization methodology is used to calculate the minimal MMC circulating current reference signals in phase coordinates, capable of successfully regulating the capacitive arm energies of the converter, while reducing losses and voltage fluctuations, and effectively decoupling any power oscillations that would take place in the AC grid and preventing them from propagating into the DC grid.
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Parameter estimation for a three-phase distributed synchronous generator model using noisy measurements / Estimação de parâmetros de um modelo trifásico de gerador síncrono distribuído utilizando medições com ruídoEdson Luis Geraldi Junior 05 March 2018 (has links)
The simplified models of synchronous generators, widely used in stability studies of large electric power systems, are not completely suitable for the stability analysis and the design of controllers of distributed synchronous generators, generally connected to typically unbalanced branches. To more accurately analyze the systems with distributed generation, it is necessary to utilize synchronous generator models that consider frequency variation in their electrical equations. Furthermore, this model must represent possible unbalanced three-phase voltages at the generator terminals as well. Nonetheless, to provide reliable responses, the parameters of this more detailed model should be known. Thus, this work assesses the influence of the parameters on the responses of a detailed synchronous generator model, suitable to depict unbalanced operating conditions, and proposes an approach for the estimation of its most important parameters. In the proposed structure, we first employ Trajectory Sensitivity Functions to evaluate the dependency of the responses of this model with respect to its parameters and, from that, we rank them according to their importance. Subsequently, we apply an estimation process that utilizes the Unscented Kalman Filter with the aid of a genetic algorithm to estimate the main parameters of this synchronous generator model under unbalanced operating conditions. To obtain the results and, therefore, assess the proposed estimation approach, we make use of a system which comprises a synchronous generator connected to a three-phase unbalanced load. In addition to the unbalanced operation of the test system, we also consider noises due to the constant load switching, typical of distribution systems. The estimations performed for three operating conditions of the generator were very satisfactory, which demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed approach to obtain adequate models for the description of synchronous generator operation under unbalanced operating conditions. / Os modelos simplificados de geradores síncronos, amplamente utilizados em estudos de estabilidade de grandes sistemas elétricos de potência, não são completamente adequados para a análise de estabilidade e projetos de controladores dos geradores síncronos distribuídos, geralmente conectados a sistemas tipicamente desequilibrados. Para que os sistemas com geração distribuída possam ser analisados mais fidedignamente, é necessária a utilização de um modelo de gerador síncrono que considere a variação de frequência em suas equações elétricas. Além disso, esse modelo também deve ser capaz de representar possíveis tensões trifásicas desequilibradas nos terminais do gerador. Entretanto, para que esse modelo mais detalhado possa fornecer respostas coerentes com a realidade, deve-se conhecer seus parâmetros. Dessa forma, este trabalho avalia a influência dos parâmetros nas respostas de um modelo de gerador síncrono mais detalhado, adequado para representar operações desbalanceadas, e propõe uma abordagem para a estimação de seus parâmetros mais importantes. Nessa estrutura, inicialmente empregam-se as Funções de Sensibilidade de Trajetória para avaliar a dependência das respostas desse modelo em relação aos seus parâmetros e, a partir disso, ordená-los conforme sua importância. Em seguida, aplica-se um processo de estimação que utiliza o Filtro de Kalman Unscented com o auxílio de um algoritmo genético para estimar os principais parâmetros desse modelo de gerador síncrono em condições de desbalanço. Para a obtenção dos resultados e consequente avaliação da abordagem de estimação proposta, utiliza-se um sistema composto por um gerador síncrono conectado a uma carga trifásica desbalanceada. Além da operação desbalanceada desse sistema teste, também são considerados ruídos devidos ao constante chaveamento de cargas, típicos de sistemas de distribuição. As estimações realizadas para três condições de operação do gerador foram bem satisfatórias, indicando a eficiência da abordagem proposta na obtenção de modelos adequados para descrever a operação de geradores síncronos em condições de desbalanço.
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Parameter estimation for a three-phase distributed synchronous generator model using noisy measurements / Estimação de parâmetros de um modelo trifásico de gerador síncrono distribuído utilizando medições com ruídoGeraldi Junior, Edson Luis 05 March 2018 (has links)
The simplified models of synchronous generators, widely used in stability studies of large electric power systems, are not completely suitable for the stability analysis and the design of controllers of distributed synchronous generators, generally connected to typically unbalanced branches. To more accurately analyze the systems with distributed generation, it is necessary to utilize synchronous generator models that consider frequency variation in their electrical equations. Furthermore, this model must represent possible unbalanced three-phase voltages at the generator terminals as well. Nonetheless, to provide reliable responses, the parameters of this more detailed model should be known. Thus, this work assesses the influence of the parameters on the responses of a detailed synchronous generator model, suitable to depict unbalanced operating conditions, and proposes an approach for the estimation of its most important parameters. In the proposed structure, we first employ Trajectory Sensitivity Functions to evaluate the dependency of the responses of this model with respect to its parameters and, from that, we rank them according to their importance. Subsequently, we apply an estimation process that utilizes the Unscented Kalman Filter with the aid of a genetic algorithm to estimate the main parameters of this synchronous generator model under unbalanced operating conditions. To obtain the results and, therefore, assess the proposed estimation approach, we make use of a system which comprises a synchronous generator connected to a three-phase unbalanced load. In addition to the unbalanced operation of the test system, we also consider noises due to the constant load switching, typical of distribution systems. The estimations performed for three operating conditions of the generator were very satisfactory, which demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed approach to obtain adequate models for the description of synchronous generator operation under unbalanced operating conditions. / Os modelos simplificados de geradores síncronos, amplamente utilizados em estudos de estabilidade de grandes sistemas elétricos de potência, não são completamente adequados para a análise de estabilidade e projetos de controladores dos geradores síncronos distribuídos, geralmente conectados a sistemas tipicamente desequilibrados. Para que os sistemas com geração distribuída possam ser analisados mais fidedignamente, é necessária a utilização de um modelo de gerador síncrono que considere a variação de frequência em suas equações elétricas. Além disso, esse modelo também deve ser capaz de representar possíveis tensões trifásicas desequilibradas nos terminais do gerador. Entretanto, para que esse modelo mais detalhado possa fornecer respostas coerentes com a realidade, deve-se conhecer seus parâmetros. Dessa forma, este trabalho avalia a influência dos parâmetros nas respostas de um modelo de gerador síncrono mais detalhado, adequado para representar operações desbalanceadas, e propõe uma abordagem para a estimação de seus parâmetros mais importantes. Nessa estrutura, inicialmente empregam-se as Funções de Sensibilidade de Trajetória para avaliar a dependência das respostas desse modelo em relação aos seus parâmetros e, a partir disso, ordená-los conforme sua importância. Em seguida, aplica-se um processo de estimação que utiliza o Filtro de Kalman Unscented com o auxílio de um algoritmo genético para estimar os principais parâmetros desse modelo de gerador síncrono em condições de desbalanço. Para a obtenção dos resultados e consequente avaliação da abordagem de estimação proposta, utiliza-se um sistema composto por um gerador síncrono conectado a uma carga trifásica desbalanceada. Além da operação desbalanceada desse sistema teste, também são considerados ruídos devidos ao constante chaveamento de cargas, típicos de sistemas de distribuição. As estimações realizadas para três condições de operação do gerador foram bem satisfatórias, indicando a eficiência da abordagem proposta na obtenção de modelos adequados para descrever a operação de geradores síncronos em condições de desbalanço.
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No description available.
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Repetitive Control Of A Three-phase Uninterruptible Power Supply With Isolation TransformerCetinkaya, Suleyman 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A repetitive control method for output voltage control of a three phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with isolation transformer is investigated. In the method voltage control loop is employed in the stationary dq frame. The controller eliminates the periodic errors on the output voltages due to inverter voltage nonlinearity and load disturbances. The controller design and implementation details are given. The controller is implemented on a 5-kVA UPS prototype which is
constructed in laboratory. Linear and nonlinear loads for balanced and unbalanced load operating conditions are considered. The steady-state and dynamic performance of the control method are investigated in detail. The theory of the control strategy is verified by means of simulations and experiments.
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