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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykisk ohälsa hos unga – orsaker och insatser

Aronsson, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Mental health problems among young people - causes and actionsResults from several studies indicate that the prevalence of mental illness among young people has increased recently. This paper has a qualitative approach where three counselors and a school nurse was interviewed. The purpose of this study is to try to get an idea of how these staff are working with young people suffering from mental illness at school. The aim is also to examine whether there is an opportunity for the staff to work proactively to promote mental health.

“Jag är osynlig, jag vet inte vem jag är längre” : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av arbetslöshetens påverkan på individen.

Lahdo, Ninwa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to examine young people's experiences of the impact of unemployment on the individual. To answer the purpose of the study, two questions have been designed: How do young people feel that unemployment has affected them? How do young people experience that their surroundings' perceptions of unemployment affect their self-esteem? Based on a qualitative method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six unemployed young people aged 19-24 who are enrolled in Stöd och matchning, which is a labor market measure within the Swedish Public Employment Service. The interviews were conducted between writer and informant remotely via Skype due to the current pandemic. The methodological approach used is phenomenography. The phenomenographic approach is used in the study because the focus of the study has been to examine young people's experiences. The material was then analyzed based on the study's theoretical starting points: Symbolic interactionism and Goffman's concept of stigma. The results have shown that unemployment affects social life, among other things in terms of feeling a community. The study showed that the unemployed feel distancing themselves from social contexts, exclusion from society, change in everyday life and limitations of social relationships. The results show that unemployment has a negative impact on young people. The consequences of unemployment show poorer self-esteem, exclusion, distancing, feelings of shame, stigma, lack of routines and a non-social community. The results have also shown that the majority of young people's self-esteem is affected by the idea of the environment, because unemployment is negatively conditioned in society. / Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka ungdomars upplevelser av arbetslöshetens påverkan på individen. För att besvara syftet har två frågeställningar utformats: Hur upplever ungdomarna att arbetslösheten påverkat dem? Hur upplever ungdomarna att omgivningens föreställningar kring arbetslöshet påverkar deras självkänsla? Utifrån en kvalitativ metod har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex arbetslösa ungdomar i åldrarna 19-24 år som är inskrivna på Stöd och matchning som är en arbetsmarknadsåtgärd inom Arbetsförmedlingen. Intervjuerna genomfördes mellan skribent och informant på distans via Skype på grund av rådande pandemi. Den metodologiska metodansatsen som använts är fenomenografi. Den fenomenografiska ansatsen används i studien eftersom studiens fokus har varit att undersöka ungdomars upplevelser. Materialet har därefter analyserats utifrån studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter: Symbolisk interaktionism och Goffmans begrepp stigma. Resultatet har visat att arbetslösheten påverkar det sociala livet bland annat vad gäller att känna en gemenskap. I studien framkom det att de arbetslösa känner distansering av socialasammanhang, exludering från samhället, förändring i vardagen och begränsningar av sociala relationer. Resultatet visar att arbetslösheten har en negativ påverkan på ungdomarna. Konsekvenserna av arbetslösheten visar på sämre självkänsla, utanförskap, distansering, känsla av skam, stigmatisering, brist på rutiner samt en icke social gemenskap. Resultatet har även visat att majoriteten av ungdomarnas självkänsla påverkas av omgivningens föreställningar, eftersom arbetslöshet är negativt betingat i samhället.

Upplevelsebaserade fritidsaktiviteter för generation Z : En konceptutveckling för ungas delaktighet i Allhuset, Piteå

Lindberg, Britt-Marie, Sibelius, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine adolescents associated to generation Zs needs and desires of leisure in Piteå and then develop a concept for the design of how it can be done. This is due to an expressed need in Piteå Municipality of leisure activities for young people in parts of Allhuset. To create activities that attract generation Z, it is important to understand the generation Zs characteristics and have an understanding of today's experience society. We made use of action research and the learning process in order to identify the problem and talks have been held with three focus groups with participants in the generation Z. A concept for how the design of the activities can be done have been created. / <p>Validerat; 20140902 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Hur ungdomar påverkas av skärmanvändning : En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Axenström Massleberg, Ida, Boström, Joline January 2024 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har användningen av skärmar och digital teknik ökat. Tidigare forskning har visat att överdriven skärmtid kan leda till konsekvenser för den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Genom att integrera den senaste forskningen i barnsjukvården kan barnsjuksköterskan utveckla sin kompetens och arbeta mer effektivt med att förebygga hälsoproblem relaterade till skärmanvändning bland ungdomar. En systematisk litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ ansats och ett induktivt förhållningssätt har genomförts för att besvara syftet hur ungdomar påverkas av skärmanvändning gällande sömn. Resultatet mynnar ut i två huvudkategorier; påverkade sömnmönster och påverkan på det dagliga livet. Vidare presenterades fem underkategorier - svårigheter att somna, sömnbrist och könsvariationer i sömnlängd samt dagtrötthet och psykisk ohälsa. Diskussionen belyser hur ungdomars hälsa och sömnvanor påverkas av skärmanvändning, vilket kan resultera i försämrad sömnkvalitet och psykisk ohälsa. Slutligen understryks vikten av att främja en hållbar utveckling för ungdomars hälsa och välbefinnande genom att tillämpa evidensbaserade metoder för att främja goda sömnrutiner och minska skärmanvändning. Litteraturöversiktens resultat visar att skärmanvändning har en betydande inverkan på ungdomars sömnvanor och hälsa. Barnsjuksköterskan har en vägledande roll i att främja ungdomars hälsa och välbefinnande.

När ungdom blir crossover : En narratologisk analys av ungdomsboken Cirkeln om vad som gör att den tilltalar vuxna

Amanda, Edin January 2024 (has links)
En ungdomsbok som blivit uppmärksammad och lovordad även av vuxna är Cirkeln skriven av Mats Strandberg och Sara Bergmark Elfgren och kan numera placeras i facket crossoverlitteratur. Denna uppsats syfte är att ta reda på vad det är som gör att en ungdomsbok som Cirkeln sticker ut från andra ungdomsböcker och blir intressant för även vuxna rent form- och innehållsmässigt. För att ta reda på detta så utförs en narratologisk analys av Cirkeln vars resultat sedan jämförts med vad som enligt den tidigare forskningen definierar vad ungdoms- respektive crossoverlitteratur är i form och innehåll. Resultatet visar att även då skillnaderna är små, så är de avgörande. Ungdom och crossover kan ha liknande handling, tema och karaktärer men det är hur och i vilken omfattning som dessa förmedlas som är skillnaden. Personorienterade berättelser med stor vikt på parallellhandlingar i form av miljöbeskrivningar tillsammans med spänning verkar vara nyckeln till framgång hos Cirkeln för att fånga både unga och vuxna läsare.

Skapandet av enkla och svåra problem på Mariamottagningar : En studie av professionellas syn på unga substansbrukare, samarbete som vårdform och förgivettaget vetande / The creation of simple and difficult problems at the Maria clinics : A study of professionals’ views on substance-using youth, collaboration as a form of care and taken for granted knowledge

Bagherzadeh Boyuki, Siamak January 2024 (has links)
Based on the premise that addiction care requires collaboration between municipalities and regions, the Maria clinics have been highlighted as good examples of how addiction care in Sweden can work. Despite this, there is a lack of updated knowledge about how staff understand and give meaning to substance-using youth and the treatment system. By adopting Carol Bacchi's critical approach "problematizations", this study examines how youth with substance use problems, as well as interprofessional treatment collaboration around them are constructed. Twenty semi-structured interviews with staff in Maria clinics and municipal social services, have been analyzed using post-structural interview analysis. Three main subject positions were identified: self-medicating, disturbing and law-breaking youth whose characteristics made them fit better or worse with the current supply of interventions in the treatment system. In discussing the key aspects of professional collaboration, the participants concentrated on leadership, healthcare and shortcomings in psychiatry. The staff tended to create a reality through a medical discourse where the complexity of youth substance use is reduced to an isolated individual problem, that should primarily be identified and treated through medical interventions. This can be limiting regarding the staff's understanding of substance-using youths’ situations and how interprofessional collaboration can support them.

Tillitsfulle stemmer. : Unges møte med helsestasjonen / Trustful voices. : Youths meeting with health clinics for adolescents.

Jentoft, Greta January 2005 (has links)
Helsestasjon for ungdom er et av flere tiltak innenfor det lokale folkehelsearbeidet hvor det gis enmulighet til å styrke unges mestringsevne og helseatferd i ungdomstiden og senere i voksen alder.Ungdom er framtidens brukere av den generelle helsetjenesten. De erfaringer unge gjør i sine første møter med helsepersonell vil ha betydning for deres nåværende og senere bruk av helsetjenesten. Hensikten med denne studien var å få en bedre forståelse og innsikt i hva ungdom opplever i møtet og relasjonen med helsepersonell og helsestasjonen som system. Undersøkelsen gikk ut på å finne ut hvilke forventninger, erfaringer og opplevelser ungdom hadde til helsestasjonen i forhold til sine helsebehov. Datamaterialet er basert på intervju med ni ungdommer av begge kjønn i aldersgruppen 16-20 år rekruttert fra forskjellige helsestasjoner i Nordland og Troms fylke. Intervjuene i studien varsemistrukturerte slik at informantene hadde muligheter til å fortelle beretninger. Metoden Grounded Theory ble brukt som analytisk tilnærming. Resultatet av studien viste at unge opplever en umiddelbar tillit til personell og institusjonen helsestasjon for ungdom. Når så ungdom møtte helsepersonell med gode kommunikasjonsferdighetersom ivaretok deres behov for konfidensialitet og hadde tro på at unge er i stand til å gjøre gode helsevalg for seg selv, ga dette en sirkeleffektmed en fornyet eller bekreftet tillit til personell og institusjon. Tillit ble det sentrale analytiske fokuset i denne studien. Tillit er en forutsetning for å skape gode prosesser, der ungdom ikke bare ender opp med en mer tillitsfull relasjon tilhelsevesenet, men også med en større tillit til egneholdninger og vurderinger. Tillit inngår således som et sentralt element i en empowerment prosess hvor resultatet etter gode møter kunne blimestring og økt selvfølelse og selvtillit. I motsatt fall ble møter disempowering og førte til tillitssvekkelse og redusert bruk av helsetjenesten. Studien peker også på fenomenet tillitssmitte,hvor den enkelte ungdom bringer med seg erfaringer fra helsestasjonen ut i vennekretsen ogungdomsmiljøet. Ungdom overtar den enes erfaring som igjen blir til den andres forventning. Helsepersonell bør tilbysrelevante etterutdanningsprogram for å sikre en kunnskapsbasert praksis hvor noe av innholdet i slike etterutdanningsprogram bør være å øke kompetansen omkommunikasjonens betydning i møtet med ungdom. Det gjelder for fagpersonell å forstå tillitens ”natur”, hvordan den oppstår, vedlikeholdes, og hvor sårbar den kan være. Uten at denne grunnleggende tillit er til stede, vil en vanskelig kunne lykkes i folkehelsearbeidet. / Health clinics for adolescents are one of several services within the local public health. Such clinics may help adolescent to achieve control over the factors which affect their lives and their healthbehavior now and in the future. Adolescents are the next generation users of the general healthservices. The first experiences in their interactions with health professionals are of significanceregarding later use of health services. The purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the relations between adolescents, health personnel and the health clinic as a system. The study tried to find out adolescentsexpectations, experiences and perception when theyattended the service. Data was collected from youth of both sexes between 16-20 years who called on adolescent health clinics in two counties in northern Norway. The interviews were semi-structured giving the informants the possibility to do narratives. The interviews were analyzed in the tradition of grounded theory. The results of the study showed that adolescents perceived spontaneous trust in the health clinics andhealth professionals. Effective communication skills, assuring confidentiality and confidence in the youth’s ability to make good decisions regarding their own health, generated renewed trust inprofessionals and the institution. Trust became the analytic focus in this study. Trust is a key elementin the empowerment process which may result in adolescents increased control and self-confidence.If not, it may have dis-empowering effects and thus lead to reduced trust and less use of health services. The study also points out the phenomena of trust as “catching”, as one adolescent brings hisand hers experiences to their group of friends. In this way, the perceptions of trust/mistrust fluctuatebetween and among the youth; one persons experience will be another’s expectation. Health professionals should be given access to relevant postgraduate courses in order to secureevidence based practice where the content of education should increase their attention aboutcommunication when they meet with young people in health services. Professionals have to understand the nature of trust, how it is generated, maintained and how easily it can be diminished. Without trust present, the public health work will suffer. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-098-2</p>

Morgondagens Sverige skall timras av de unga : Ungdomens roll i konservativa och nationalistiska ungdomsrörelser 1930-1946 / Youth Will Build the Sweden of Tomorrow : The Role of Youth in Conservative and Nationalist Youth Movements 1930-1946

Nynäs, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to study and compare conservative, fascist and nationalist youth movements active in Sweden during the 1930s and 40s. The political youth movements at the centre of this study are the Young Swedes (Ungsvenskarna), Swedish Rural Youth League (Svenska Landsbygdens Ungdomsförbund), Nordic Youth (Nordisk Ungdom) and National Youth League of Sweden/National League of Sweden (Sveriges nationella ungdomsförbund/Sveriges nationella förbund). During the early 1900s, youth was often described as both the reviver of society and the future of the nation. Regardless of different ideological and political alignments, the youth movements were all invested in shaping and educating young people to prepare them for the future. In this study, the focal point has been the question why these youth movements wanted the role as educators of young people, as well as what was expected of the young after this education. The main task of the political youth movements seems to have been to give young people ideals to fight for through physical and spiritual education. Through this education the young would realize what was expected of them and finally transform into an ideal youth that could inherit the responsibility as caretakers of the nation as well as the future. The view on the ideal youth varied between the studied youth movements. The Young Swedes wanted to create a conservative youth, actively engaged with the main political party of the movement, the Right (Högern). The ideal youth of the Swedish Rural Youth League were aware of their responsibilities towards the rights of the rural areas and agriculture. The ideal youth of Nordic Youth and National Youth League would have very similar personalities and would be ready to fight and sacrifice for the future rebirth of the nation into similar, yet different, fascistic utopias.

Subventionerat bosparsystem : En komparativ studie om finansiella aktörers syn på startlån och Boligsparing For Ungdom / Incentive to Adopt House Saving Program in Sweden

Henriksson Olofsson, Olivia, Karlsson, Robert January 2022 (has links)
Prisutvecklingen på bostäder har under en längre tid växt i en snabbare takt än inkomstutvecklingen. De bakomliggande faktorerna till prisutvecklingen har varit sjunkande bolåneräntor samt ett bostadsbyggande som understigit befolkningstillväxten. Till följd av låga räntor har allt fler svenska hushåll efterfrågat en högre belåningsgrad samt skuldkvot, vilket inneburit samhällsrisker för den svenska ekonomin. För att hämma en fortsatt prisutveckling har flera kreditregler införts. Med bakgrund av nuvarande kreditregler samt en hyresmarknad som kännetecknas av allt längre kötider har inträdesbarriären till bostadsmarknaden blivit än mer ansträngt för unga vuxna samt förstagångsköpare. Vi har i vår studie jämfört och utvärderat ett statligt garanterat startlån och Boligsparing For Ungdom som eventuella åtgärder som underlättar bostadssituationen för unga samt förstagångsköpare. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer verksamma inom finansiella aktörer samt egna kalkyler har vi ställt dessa förslag mot varandra med hänsyn till dess effekt, kostnader, sparhorisont och socioekonomiska effekter. Resultatet visar att en svensk BSU-variant skulle ge många unga ett starkt incitament att spara i en mindre riskfylld sparform samt bidra till positiva samhällseffekter med en större sparmedvetenhet. Problemet är att effekten är låg i jämförelse med startlånet samt att stora skattesubventioner blir riktade mot samhällsgrupper som har möjlighet att spara. Med detta i åtanke kan ett bosparsystem förvisso vara ett åtgärdsverktyg för att sänka ungas tröskel in till bostadsmarknaden, men att fler lösningar krävs för en lösning på dagens bostadssituation. / The price development on residential housing has for a long time surpassed the growth rate of income in Sweden. A drop in mortgage rates and a construction deficit to population growth are the main underlying reasons for higher housing prices. As a result of low interest rates, Swedish households are significantly becoming more and more leveraged, leading to potential risk elements to the Swedish economy. To curb further price increases new credit rules have been implemented on housing. Due to current credit regulation and a rental market out of balance with long queue times, the access to the housing market is getting out of sight for young adults and first-time buyers. In our study we have examined and compared a government guaranteed second mortgage and the Boligsparing For Ungdom as potential actions to help the situation for young adults and first-time buyers. We have by conducting semi-structured interviews with financial institutions and our own calculations, compared these two options against each other in terms of their effect on saving horizon, costs and socioeconomic implications. The result of the study shows that a Swedish BSU-system would give many youngsters a strong incentive to save in a safe savings form and add positive effects to society with a greater awareness on the importance of savings. The downside with BSU is that it has a lower effect compared to the second mortgage and that large tax subsidies will be aimed towards society groups that already have the ability to save money. Although many more options are needed to solve the current housing situation, a house savings program such as Boligsparing For Ungdom can still be a good tool to reduce the entrance barrier for youngsters.

Ungdomsutredares bedömningar och tankar om pojkar och flickor med social problematik : En vinjettstudie / Social workers assesments and view of boys and girls with social problems : A vignette study

Andersson, Emma, Bogren, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is that from a gender perspective, highlighting how investigating social workers assess and justify the decisions concerning youth with socially destructive behavior. The focus is on the similarities and differences constructed. In order to respond to our study, we interviewed six social workers in six municipalities who work with youth investigations. The interviews took place in the southern and central Sweden. Parallell to the interviews, we used a vignette that we designed and constructed ourselves. It contains a fictitious case of a youth with socially destructive behavior. Half of the interviewees had to answer the case where the youth had a girl's name and the other half in which the adolescent had a boy's name. Selected theories that have been used to create an understanding of our research problem is the gender system and professional ethics. The results of our empirical data gave us several conclusions. The outcomes of this study shows that social workers holds a gender awareness when working with investigations of teenaged boys and girls. However the results also show the complexity that exists in regard to possess a conscious approach to the gender impact of youth investigations among social workers. It appears that the social workers seem to react and act slightly different depending on whether the youth is a boy or a girl. Furthermore, the results indicate that the heavy workload affect the social workers investigative work and in turn the young people. Interesting findings were also the social workers descriptions of the importance of school's role in getting the girls and boys gone wrong to return to a healthy path in life.

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