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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj ambalaže i uslova pakovanja na kvalitet kačkavalja / INFLUENCE OF PACKAGING AND PACKING CONDITIONS ON THE QUALITY OF KASHKAVAL

Lazić Vera 02 November 1994 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>S obzirom da je ambalaža važan faktor u očuvanju kvaliteta tvrdih sireva, cilj ovog istraživanja je proučavanje uticaja ambalažnih materijala i uslova pakovanja na promene konfekcioniranog Kačkavalja. Kačkavalj je sir mediteranskog porekla, a nedovoljno je proučen sa aspekta uticaja ambalaže.<br />U okviru istraživanja izvr&scaron;ena su ispitivanja nekoliko ambalažnih materijala domaće proizvodnje i jednog uvoznog ambalažnog materijala, koji se koristi za pakovanje konfek- cioniranih sireva.<br />Za odabrane ambalažne materijale određeni su IC spektri, barijerna i fizičko-mehanička svojstva kvalitet formiranja ambalaže i koncentracije gasova u ambalaži. Barijerna svojstva, odnosno propustljivosti vodene pare i gasova su osnovna svojstva plastičnih ambalažnih materijala, koja reguli&scaron;u razmenu gasova i vodene pare između sira i okoline, utičući time na tok i intenzitet biohemijskih procesa u siru. Barijerna svojstva takođe omogućavaju i primenu različitih uslova pakovanja, kao &scaron;to su vakuum ili modifikovana atmosfera.<br />Kačkavalj upakovan u ambalažne materijale dobrih barijernih svojstava, odnosno niske propustljivosti gasova, posebno kiseonika, i vodene pare, imao je najniži sadržaj peroksida, najmanji gubitak mase, najbolja senzorna svojstva, najmanju tvrdoću, izraženu silom kompresije, kao i drugačiju distribuciju isparljivih komponenata arome, u odnosu na sir upakovan u ambalažne materijale lo&scaron;ijih barijernih svojstava.<br />Na osnovu ostvarene za&scaron;tite upakovanog Kačkavalja, izdvojili su se, pored uvoznog ambalažnog materijala i domaći ambalažni materijali polipropilen lakiran sa PVDC/polietilen i poliamid/polietilen. Od primenjenih uslova pakovanja najbolji za&scaron;titni efekat pokazalo je pakovanje pod vakuumom.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The packaging is of great importance for the quality of preservation of hard cheeses, so the aim of the investigations was to determine the influence of packaging materials and packing conditions on the changes of consumer-size packaged hard cheese variety, Kashkaval. Kashkaval originates from Mediterranean area and is insufficiently studied from the aspect of packaging effect.<br />Several domestic and one imported packaging material which have been used for the packing of consumer-size cheeses were investigated.<br />Infra-red spectra, barrier and physico-mechanical characteristics, quality of formed packaging and concentration of gases in the packaging were determined. The barrier characteristics, i.e. the water vapour and gases permability are the basic characteristics of packaging materials which regulate the exchange of gases and water vapour between the chesse and environment, this affecting the flow and intensity of biochemical changes in the cheese. The barrier characteristics enable the application of different packing conditions, like vacuum of modified atmosphere.<br />It was found that Kashkaval cheese packed in packaging materials of good barrier characteristics, i.e. low gases permeability, especially exygen and water vapour, had the lowest peroxides content, lowest mass loss, best sensory characteristics, lowest hardness expressed as the compression force, as well as different distribution of volatile aroma components compared to cheese packed in materials of worse barrier characteristics.<br />On the basis of the achieved protection of packed Kashkaval, the domestic packaging materials polypropylen lacquered with PVDC/polyethylene and polyamid/polyethylene in addition to the imported packaging material were outatanding. The packing under vacuum exibited the best protecting effect.</p>

Razvoj modela pristupa poštanskoj mreži / Development of the model of access to the postal network

Unterberger Marija 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno u doktorskoj diserrtaciji usmereno je na definisanje modela pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i faktora koji utiču na kreiranje modela. Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste kreiranje dinamičkog modela pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži koji će obezbediti veću tražnju za uslugom pristupa i veću efikasnost po&scaron;tanskih operatora univerzalne usluge. Pored kreiranja dinamičkog modela pristupa, u radu je istraženo i trži&scaron;te po&scaron;tanskih usluga i ukupne po&scaron;tanske infrastrukture u Republici Srbiji, a zatim je izvr&scaron;ena analiza i prognoza tražnje za uslugom pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži. Predložena je originalna metodologija pod nazivom &ldquo;Post - DSS&rdquo; (Delfi-Serquval-Scenario), čiji je osnovni cilj bio da se analiziraju zahtevi za pristupom po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i da se istraže faktori koji utiču na pristup. Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata istraživanja izgrađen je model pristupa po&scaron;tanskoj mreži i testiran na području Republike Srbije.</p> / <p>The study which was conducted in this doctoral dissertation focused on defining the model of access to the postal network and the factors that influence the creation of the model. The main objective of the research is to create a dynamic model of access to the postal network that will provide greater demand for service access and greater efficiency of the postal operators of the universal service. In addition to creating a dynamic model of access, the paper explored the postal market and overall postal infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia, and then made forecast of the demand for service access to the postal network. The proposed methodology is an original one called &quot;Post-DSS&quot; (Delfi-Servqual-Scenario), whose main objective was to analize requests for access to the postal network and to investigate the factors affecting the access. Based on the results of research, a model of access to the postal network has been built and tested in the Republic of Serbia.</p>

Fiziološke adaptacije bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.), smrče (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) i jele (Abies alba Mill.) na sezonsko variranje abiotičkih činilaca u četiri zaštićena planinska staništa Republike Srbije / Physiological adaptations of beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.), spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) and fir (Abies alba Mill.) on seasonal variation of abiotic factors in four protected mountain habitats in the Republic of Serbia

Horak Rita 28 May 2015 (has links)
<p>Tokom tri vegetacione sezone mereni su fiziolo&scaron;ki<br />parametri: fotosinteza, transpiracija,&nbsp; efikasnost<br />iskori&scaron;tavanja&nbsp; vode (WUE), kao i parametri<br />bioprodukcije na odabranim &scaron;umskim<br />populacijama bukve&nbsp; (Fagus sylvatica&nbsp; L.), smrče<br />(Picea abies (L.) Kartsen) i jele (Abies alba Mill.),<br />čija su stani&scaron;ta na različitim nadmorskim visinama<br />sa različitom&nbsp; dostupno&scaron;ću vode u zemlji&scaron;tu.<br />Određivana je i zavisnost između položaja &scaron;umske<br />zajednice na padini planine (nadmorska visina i<br />nagib) i fotosinteze, odnosno bioprodukcije<br />biljaka. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se precizno<br />defini&scaron;e mogući dalji trend geografskog<br />pomeranja stani&scaron;ta odabranih biljnih vrsta koji je u<br />korelaciji sa morfo-fiziolo&scaron;kim&nbsp; adaptivnim<br />odgovorom biljaka na promenu ekolo&scaron;kih uslova<br />životne sredine.&nbsp; Fotosintetička aktivnost tokom<br />vegetacione sezone bila je stabilna ili se<br />povećavala pri optimalnoj vlažnosti zemlji&scaron;ta. Na<br />lokalitetima Tara i Kopaonik količina<br />atmosferskih padavina nije igrala određujuću<br />ulogu u dinamici fotosintetičke asimilacije CO<sub>2</sub>.<br />Vlažnost zemlji&scaron;ta je na ovim lokalitetima bila<br />visoka i stabilna zbog dreniranja vode sa&nbsp; okolnih<br />brda. Registrovane razlike u dinamici fotosinteze<br />između ispitivanih vrsta povezane su sa različitim<br />životnim ciklusom listopadnih i četinarskih vrsta i<br />sa različitim fiziolo&scaron;kim adaptacionim<br />strategijama na promene faktora spolja&scaron;nje<br />sredine. Na dinamiku fotosintetičke asimilacije<br />CO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>signifikantno utiče prosečna temperatura<br />vazduha pre i tokom merenja, prosečna<br />osmonedeljna količina padavina pre merenja,<br />količina padavina na dan merenja, kao i<br />momentalna vlažnost zemlji&scaron;ta (MVZ). Rezultati<br />istraživanja ukazuju da će dejstvo klimatskih<br />promena biti vi&scaron;e izraženo na &scaron;umskim<br />populacijama koje se nalaze na&nbsp; vr&scaron;nim,<br />grebenskim lokalitetima većih nadmorskih visina,<br />ili na padinama planina. Su&scaron;ni periodi tokom<br />vegetacione sezone, značajan su faktor pomeranja<br />&scaron;uma planinskih lokaliteta. Bukove &scaron;ume su dobro<br />adaptirane na su&scaron;u i dobro podnose temperaturni<br />stres, međutim, dugi periodi sa oskudnim<br />padavinama izazivaju smanjenje asimilacije CO<sub>2</sub><br />&scaron;to ograničava značaj &scaron;uma u ublažavanju<br />klimatskih promena.</p> / <p>During three vegetation seasons,&nbsp; physiological<br />parameters, such as&nbsp; photosynthesis,&nbsp; transpiration,<br />water use efficiency&nbsp; (WUE), as well as the parameters<br />of bioproduction of the&nbsp; beech (Fagus&nbsp; sylvatica&nbsp; L.),<br />spruce (Picea&nbsp; abies&nbsp; (L.) Kartsen) and&nbsp; fir (Abies&nbsp; alba<br />Mill.)&nbsp; forest populations&nbsp; have&nbsp; been investigated<br />depending on different altitude&nbsp; mountain.&nbsp; The<br />relationship between&nbsp; the photosynthesis&nbsp; (and<br />bioproduction)&nbsp; of plants&nbsp; and the&nbsp; slope of the mountain<br />is&nbsp; also specified&nbsp; according to&nbsp; ecological parameters<br />(water&nbsp; regime and temperature.&nbsp; The aim of this<br />research is to define physiological status of forest<br />mountain ecosystems in relation to the ecological<br />conditions and predict further trend of geographic shift<br />of the habitats, which is in&nbsp; correlation with the&nbsp; plant<br />morpho-physiological adaptation responses on<br />environmental&nbsp; changes.&nbsp; Photosynthetic activity<br />during vegetation season was stable or increased&nbsp; in<br />optimal level of soil moisture&nbsp; conditions. On the<br />localities of Tara and Kopaonik the quantity of<br />atmospheric precipitation did not play a determining<br />role in the dynamics of photosynthetic assimilation of<br />CO<sub>2</sub>. On these localities soil moisture was high and<br />stable as a result of water running off from<br />surrounding mountains.&nbsp; Detected differences in the<br />dynamics of photosynthesis of the tested species are<br />result of&nbsp; various lifecycles of&nbsp; deciduous and<br />coniferous trees and various physiological adaptation<br />strategies.&nbsp; The most influential effects on the<br />dynamics of the photosynthesis of the&nbsp; beech,&nbsp; spruce<br />and fir plants during the vegetation season were the<br />following abiotic factors: average air temperature<br />before measuring, temperature on the day of<br />measuring,&nbsp; eight-week amount of average<br />precipitation before measuring, amount of<br />precipitation&nbsp; on the day of measuring&nbsp; and&nbsp; soil<br />humidity. The analysis of the physiological parameters<br />of the beech populations of various mountain&nbsp; altitudes<br />show that even if beech is sensitive to draught it has<br />the physiological potential to keep its vitality by<br />efficient managing water.&nbsp; Effect of climatic changes<br />will be more expressed in forests that can be found on<br />high&nbsp; altitude mountain reefs and peaks.&nbsp; Beech forests<br />tolerate temperature&nbsp; and drought&nbsp; stress, but long<br />periods of&nbsp; poor&nbsp; precipitation&nbsp; cause the decrease of<br />CO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>assimilation which consequently decreases their<br />importance in the global reduction of atmospheric<br />CO<sub>2</sub>,&nbsp;i.e. limits their role in the&nbsp; moderation&nbsp; of climate<br />change.</p>

Dopustiva singularna rešenja sistema gasne dinamike sa nepozitivnim pritiskom / Admissible singular solutions to gas dynamics systems with non-positive pressure

Ružičić Sanja 23 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Karakteristika hiperboličnih sistema zakona odrržanja je da čak i u slučaju glatkog po-četnog uslova re&scaron;enja uglavnom razvijaju prekide u konačnom vremena. Zbog toga se posmatraju slaba re&scaron;enja koja dati sistem zadovoljavaju u distributivnom smislu i mogu biti čak i neograničena &scaron;to se ispoljava kroz pojavu Dirakove delta funkcije u re&scaron;enju. U ovoj disertaciji se akcenat stavlja na analizu protoka sti&scaron;ljivog neviskoznog fluida koji ne menja pravac prilikom kretanja. Protok je opisan Ojlerovim sistemom iz gasne dinamike koji se sastoji iz zakona održanja mase, količine kretanja i energije, dok su karakteristike fluida određene konstitutivnim relacijama. U slučaju izentropskog ili izotermnog protoka sistem se svodi na zakone održanja mase i količine kretanja. Glatka re&scaron;enja takvog sistema automatski zadovoljavaju zakon održanja energije, dok prelaskom na slabu formulaciju dolazi do gubitka energije. Za predstavnike sistema gasne dinamike sa nepozitivnim pritiskom su uzeti sistem gasne dinamike bez pritiska i model za&nbsp; Čapliginov gas i njegova uop&scaron;tenja. Data su re&scaron;enja Rimanovih problema za te sisteme koja se mogu predstaviti kao kombinacija klasičnih elementarnih talasa i senka talasa koji aproksimiraju re&scaron;enja u obliku delta udarnih talasa i koji omogućavaju re&scaron;avanje početnog problema koji u početnom uslovu sadrži delta funkciju. Na primeru modela za uop&scaron;ten Čapliginov gas dokazano je da uslov prekompresivnosti nije jači od entropijskog uslova, &scaron;to je prvi takav rezultat u literaturi. Dalje su kori&scaron;ćena re&scaron;enja Rimanovih problema, kao i problema singularne interakcije i dat je algoritam za konstrukciju globalnog dopustivog približnog re&scaron;enja početnog problema za sistem gasne dinamike bez pritiska. Algoritam je univerzalan i ideja se može pro&scaron;iriti na veliki broj sistema zakona održanja i veliki broj početnih uslova. Diskutovane su promene energije u približnom re&scaron;enju i posle interakcija. Dobijeno približno re&scaron;enje slabo konvergira u prostoru Radonovih mera sa predznakom.</p> / <p>&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">A solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws systems starting out as smooth often develop singularities in a finite time. As a consequence, we are forced to look for weak solutions that satisfy the system in distributional sense. Those solutions are often unbounded, which is expressed through the appearance of Dirac delta function. In this theses we study a one-dimensional, compressible and inviscid flow of a fluid. The process is described by compressible Euler gas dynamics system which consists of conservation laws of mass, linear momentum and energy, while the characteristics of the fluid are described using constitutive relations. In the case of isentropic or isothermal flow the system reduces to conservation laws of mass and linear momentum. The energy is conserved for smooth solutions to such systems, but while passing to the weak formulation the energy is being dissipated. As representatives, we&nbsp; consider pressureless gas dynamics system, as well as Chaplygin gas model and its generalizations. We give the solutions to Riemann problems which can be represented as a combinations of classical elementary waves and shadow waves that approximate the solutions in the form of delta shock and allow as to solve the problems with initial data containing delta function. We use generalized Chaplygin gas model as demonstration of the fact that overcompressibility condition is not stronger that entropy condition, which is the first result of that kind in the literature. Further, we use solutions&nbsp; to the Riemann problems, as well as singular interaction problems to give the algorithm for construction of global admissible approximate solution to the pressureless gas dynamics initial value problem. The algorithm is universal and idea can be applied to large number of conservation laws systems and large number of initial data. We discuss&nbsp; energy changes in approximate solution and after the interactions. The constructed approximate solution converges in the space of signed Radon measures.</p><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/> <w:DontVertAlignCellWithSp/> <w:DontBreakConstrainedForcedTables/> <w:DontVertAlignInTxbx/> <w:Word11KerningPairs/> <w:CachedColBalance/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> <m:mathPr> <m:mathFont 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Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) / The Development of Creative Reading of Texts with a Different Type in Native Language Teaching

Terteli Telek Marta 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) tretira metode i procese kojima se razvija čitanje sa razumevanjem (čitalačka pismenost). Ukazuje na to da su preduslov za razumevanje teksta razvijena tehnika čitanja, leksički fond, razumevanje sintagme i rečenice, izvođenje zaključaka, razuđenost teksta, prepoznavanje strukture teksta, unutra&scaron;nja slika (mentalna mapa) tipa teksta, u pisanom tekstu poznavanje vizuelnog upravljanja (forma teksta) i jezičkog upravljanja, retorike, uvažavanje vizuelnog konteksta (slike i ilustracije, tumačenje uzajamno komplementarnih tekstova i slika), prepoznavanje stila (stilskog registra), veći kapacitet radne memorije, monitoring okvirnog znanja (poznavanje sveta), procesa razumevanja itd. U radu se prikazuju oblici ispoljavanja deficita pri razumevanju teksta, a obja&scaron;njavaju se i uzroci.<br />Autorka analizira strategije razvijanja čitalačke pismenosti sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova počev od beletristike (bajki i poezije), preko naučno-popularne literature (udžbenika) do adekvatnog tumačenja multimedijalnih, pa i digitalnih tekstova. Usput spominje kreativno-produktivne vežbe, ilustruje njihovu ulogu, značaj u stvaranju značenja, prikazuje mehanizam za postizanje efekata kod vežbi kreativnog pisanja i bavi se metodikom vaspitavanja čitalaca.<br />U doktorskoj disertaciji, nakon razmatranja teoretsko-metodolo&scaron;ke osnove čitanja sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova, sledi prezentacija rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza sa matematičko-statističkom obradom podataka. U istraživanju je kori&scaron;ćen test za razumevanje teksta koji nije formalan (standardni), odnosno upitnik o čitalačkim navikama. Uzorak obuhvata 800 učenika: iz naselja u kojima Mađari žive u homogenim sredinama, u rasejanju, odnosno u izolovanim manjim zajednicama.<br />Tokom istraživanja autorka je ispitivala u kojoj meri jezička sredina učenika (Mađari u homogenim naseljima, u rasejanju ili izolovanim zajednicama) utiče na nivo razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, kao i da li postoji statistički značajna povezanost (pozitivna korelacija) između socijalno-kulturne sredine učenika i nivoa razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta. Istraživanje obuhvata i aspekat postojanja statistički značajne razlike među polovima &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja i da li ima razlike u procentima re&scaron;enih zadataka vezanih za razne tipove tekstova, odnosno u kojoj meri učinak u razumevanju teksta zavisi od tipa teksta. Tokom kvalitativne analize dobija se odgovor i na to, kako su mediji promenili tradicionalnu strukturu kori&scaron;ćenja slobodnog vremena, odnosno kako se menja profil čitanja po žanrovima i struktura traženog &scaron;tiva.<br />Koristeći metode deskriptivne, istorijske, statističke i teorijske analize doktorska disertacija daje uvid u nivo razvoja učenika 4. razreda osnovne &scaron;kole ‒ na teritorijama gde Mađari žive homogeno, u rasejanju ili u izolovanim zajednicama ‒ &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, odnosno čitalačkih navika. Disertacija može poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja, dajući podlogu za komparativne analize.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation entitled K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (English translation: The development of creative reading of texts with a different type in native language teaching) examines the methods, procedures enhancing text comprehending reading. It sheds light on the fact that the condition of text comprehending is the developed reading technique, the vocabulary, syntagm- and sentence understanding, drawing the conclusions, the articulateness of the text, the recognition of text structure, the inner picture of the text type (its mental map), the visual control (the text form) and the lingual control in the written text, the knowledge of the rhetoric, taking into consideration (the interpretation of a text and figure being complementary with each other) the visual context (figures and illustrations), identification of the style (the style register), bigger work memory capacity, the knowledge framework (world knowledge), monitoring the understanding process, etc. Furthermore, it presents the forms of manifestation of the text comprehending deficits, and brings the reasons to light.<br />By analysing the development strategies of comprehending reading of texts with a different type, the author starts from the literary texts (from the tale and the poem), through the educational (course book) texts gets to the adequate interpretation of the multimedia and digital texts. Meanwhile flashes the creative-productive practices by illustrating their role, significance in meaning creation, presents the mode of action of the creative writing practices, and touches upon the methodology of educating for reading.<br />In the doctoral dissertation, the theoretical-methodological establishment of the comprehending reading of different type of texts is followed by the presentation of the results of the empirical research, respectively the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the statistical data. The research was not carried out with the examination of a random sample, it is not a formal (not standard) text comprehending test, and it is based on the questionnaire surveying the reading habits. 800 students belong to the sample: the students living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), students living in a diaspora environment, and students from scattered areas.<br />In the course of her research the author examines whether the students&#39; lingual environment (living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population, in a diaspora environment, and on scattered areas) influences the development level of text comprehending ability, furthermore whether statistically there exists considerable connection (positive correlation) between the students&#39; sociocultural background and the development level of text comprehending ability. The research also extends to whether, as regard the genders, there can be observed statistically considerable difference regarding the level of creative reading ability, and whether the resolution proportions of the tasks being attached to different type of texts show a difference, namely to what extend does text comprehending performance depend on the text type. In the course of the qualitative analysis we have also got an answer of how did the media modify the traditional structure of free time spending, and how did the aspect of reading change regarding the read genres, the reading structure.<br />By the descriptive, historical, statistical and theoretical analysis, the doctoral dissertation draws a picture ‒ on the areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), the diaspora environment, and on scattered areas ‒ with regard to the primary school fourth grade students, on the development level of text comprehending ability, and maps the reading habits as well. The dissertation may serve as the basis of additional researches, providing the basis for comparative analyses.</p>

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