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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv válek a ozbrojených konfliktů na ekonomiku Izraele

Burdová, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem hlavních válek a ozbrojených konfliktů na ekonomiku státu Izrael od jeho vzniku v roce 1948 až po současnost. Jejím cílem je stručně popsat ekonomický vývoj Izraele, dát ho do souvislosti s jednotlivými konflikty a pokusit se odpovědět na základní otázky ? jaké jsou negativní a jaké pozitivní vlivy těchto konfliktů na ekonomiku Izraele a které z těchto vlivů převažují.

Informační válka v mezinárodních vztazích / Information War and IR

Nyč, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the issue of the information warfare in context of debate about modern warfare. Firstly, thesis presented the debate of modern ways of warfare, which consists concepts such as hybrid warfare, non-linear warfare etc. Then presented three main concepts of information warfare in the context of this debate and within the three centres of contemporary power in the world (West, Russia and China). Western concept clearly separating war and peace, Russian complex concept of hybrid-information war and Chinese concept of three warafres. Subsequently, the thesis develops a thesis on the securitization of information warfare in the western environment (EU and NATO states). Securitization is understood as a rhetorical act that presents a phenomenon as a major security threat. In the context of the West, the information warfare has been to some extent securitized. This whole securitization is problematic if we look at the information warfare as a normal state of international relations, which are inherently conflicting and anarchic.

Post konfliktní vývoj v Libanonu v rozmezí období 2006 - 2013 a vliv současné situace na budoucí možný vývoj v oblasti.

Chemayelová, Nathalie January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis analysis the post-conflict situation of Lebanon after the war of summer 2006, the time period analysis the development in the country between the years 2006 to 2013. The focus of post-conflict activities is targeted on the role of the peace mission of UN UNIFIL. The paper further analysis the religious structure of the population in Lebanon and its influence on the political system and on the security of Lebanon. In conclusion the paper proposes specific recommendations, which should lead to stabilization of the political system and the security situation in the country.

The Presence and the Motives of the Aboriginal Soldiers in the Canadian Military in the Second World War

PAREIS, Eduard January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to trace down the fates of Aboriginal soldiers in the Canadian military during the Second World War and to answer the questions of what their motives were to enlist and how they were treated after coming home. Therefore, the theoretical part deals with the development of the relationship between the Aboriginals and the Europeans, summarizing the WW2 from the Canadian point of view while paying special attention to the presence of Aboriginals. The practical part answers questions raised above and stated in more detail in the Introduction. Further it deals with the biographies of concrete Aboriginals and the contribution of this thesis to Czech students.

Pacifismus, mírové hnutí a protiválečné demonstrace

Vrba, Ondřej January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá mírovými snahami veřejnosti a jejich vlivem na mezinárodní politiku. Zkoumá, jak se prosazování mírových alternativ k válce historicky vyvíjelo, jak se požadavky mírového hnutí postupně měnily a jak se v této oblasti tvořil vzájemný vztah občanů a politiků. Zasazuje protiválečné aktivity do širšího kontextu společenského vývoje a také se zabývá formou vzájemné komunikace mezi politiky a veřejností resp. protiválečným hnutím se zvláštním zaměřením na média. Zásadní součástí práce je porovnání aspektů protiválečných demonstrací proti válce ve Vietnamu v 60. ? 70. letech a proti druhé irácké válce v roce 2003.

Vývoj amerického boje proti povstalcům ve vietnamské a irácké válce / The Evolution of American Contrainsurgency in the Vietnam and Iraq Wars

Reif, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The United States was throughout the history engaged in several conflicts which had a character of counterinsurgency. These are - among others- War in Vietnam and second War in Iraq. These two conflicts are examined in this diploma thesis. Author poses a question how did counterinsurgency tactics evolved in both conflicts. The second question is whether the United States implemented counterinsurgency experiences from Vietnam War in Iraq War and if so, how they were implemented. The United States developed several counterinsurgency programs and the most of them were successful - they prevented Vietcong from spreading its influence in South Vietnam. However these programs were often poorly financed, or they did not gain enough support from The US Army, because the Army prefered conventional approach in fighting against communists. The United States fought a conventional warfare in the first few years of Iraq War and it had not succeeded in garnering popularity among civilians. The change came with a new commander- general David Petraeus. Petraeus was inspired by the experiences from the Vietnam War (and other conflicts) and he concentrated his effort on providing safety to Iraqi population. This strategy paid off and the Army had much less losses during his command then during the pre - 2007 period....

Druhá britsko-afghánská válka, její příčiny, průběh a důsledky / Second British-Afghan War its Causes, Conduct and Consequences

Kárník, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The Second British-Afghan War was the middle one of three conflicts, which passed between Great Britain and Afghanistan in 1839-1919. This dissertation deals with development of British-afghan relations, and its aggravation culminating into war. Dissertation also tries to explain influence of British concerns of Russian expansion through Central Asia. The conduct of war affairs is also included. Dissertation presents war events from the first action in Khyber Pass all the way to the famous march of British force from Kabul to Kandahar led by General Roberts. It also contains final assessment of the conflict from the sight of British Empire and also from the sight of reunited Afghanistan and its new ruler Abdur Rahman.

Systémová analýza: Metodologické aspekty studené války / Systems Analysis: methodological Aspects of the Cold War

Dodova, Borjana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map the impact of strategic thinking and logical empiricism on the metodology of sciences in the USA after the Second World War

Vztahy světových mocností k rozvojovým zemím Afriky / The Relations of the World Superpowers with the Developing Countries in Africa

Michňová, Kristýna January 2008 (has links)
This thesis discuss the relations of the world superpowers (USA, USSR, China and the EU) with the developing countries in Africa since colonialism until present.

Vliv náboženství na občanskou válku v Libanonu / The influence of religion on the civil war in Lebanon

Michelová, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This thesis looks into the ways in which religion influenced the civil war in Lebanon. The basis for the analysis of religious influence is taken from several theoretical publications dealing with the general ways in which religion influences politics and international relations. Based on those theories, the thesis examines the influence of religion on the civil war in three parts. First, it examines the effect of religion on the identity of the participants in the war. Second, it shows to what extend religion was used as a source of legitimacy by those participants. Third, it ascertains whether religion encouraged the internationalization of the civil war. At the end, religion is compared with the other factors which explain the outbreak, the process and the nature of the civil war in Lebanon.

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