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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks

Báguena Albaladejo, Miguel 18 July 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / Products related with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming a reality on our roads. All car manufacturers are starting to include Internet access in their vehicles and to integrate smartphones directly from the dashboard, but more and more services will be introduced in the near future. Connectivity through "vehicular networks" will become a cornerstone of every new proposal, and offering an adequate quality of service is obviously desirable. However, a lot of work is needed for vehicular networks to offer performances similar to those of the wired networks. Vehicular networks can be characterized by two main features: high variability due to mobility levels that can reach up to 250 kilometers per hour, and heterogeneity, being that various competing versions from different vendors have and will be released. Therefore, to make the deployment of efficient services possible, an extensive study must be carried out and adequate tools must be proposed and developed. This PhD thesis addresses the service deployment problem in these networks at three different levels: (i) the physical and link layer, showing an exhaustive analysis of the physical channel and models; (ii) the network layer, proposing a forwarding protocol for IP packets; and (iii) the transport layer, where protocols are proposed to improve data delivery. First of all, the two main wireless technologies used in vehicular networks where studied and modeled, namely the 802.11 family of standards, particularly 802.11p, and the cellular networks focusing on LTE. Since 802.11p is a quite mature standard, we defined (i) a propagation and attenuation model capable of replicating the transmission range and the fading behavior of real 802.11p devices, both in line-of-sight conditions and when obstructed by small obstacles, and (ii) a visibility model able to deal with large obstacles, such as buildings and houses, in a realistic manner. Additionally, we proposed a model based on high-level performance indicators (bandwidth and delay) for LTE, which makes application validation and evaluation easier. At the network layer, a hybrid protocol called AVE is proposed for packet forwarding by switching among a set of standard routing strategies. Depending on the specific scenario, AVE selects one out of four different routing solutions: a) two-hop direct delivery, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO), c) greedy georouting, and d) store-carry-and-forward technique, to dynamically adapt its behavior to the specific situation. At the transport layer, we proposed a content delivery protocol for reliable and bidirectional unicast communication in lossy links that improves content delivery in situations where the wireless network is the bottleneck. It has been designed, validated, optimized, and its performance has been analyzed in terms of throughput and resource efficiency. Finally, at system level, we propose an edge-assisted computing model that allows reducing the response latency of several queries by placing a computing unit at the network edge. This way, traffic traversal through the Internet is avoided when not needed. This scheme could be used in both 802.11p and cellular networks, and in this thesis we decided to focus on its evaluation using LTE networks. The platform presented in this thesis combines all the individual efforts to create a single efficient platform. This new environment could be used by any provider to improve the quality of the user experience obtainable through the proposed vehicular network-based services. / Los productos relacionados con los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) se están transformando en una realidad en nuestras carreteras. Todos los fabricantes de coches comienzan a incluir acceso a internet en sus vehículos y a facilitar su integración con los teléfonos móviles, pero más y más servicios se introducirán en el futuro. La conectividad usando las "redes vehiculares" se convertirá en la piedra angular de cada nueva propuesta, y ofrecer una calidad de servicio adecuada será, obviamente, deseable. Sin embargo, se necesita una gran cantidad de trabajo para que las redes vehiculares ofrezcan un rendimiento similar al de las redes cableadas. Las redes vehiculares quedan definidas por sus dos características básicas: alto dinamismo, pues los nodos pueden alcanzar una velocidad relativa de más de 250 km/h; y heterogeneidad, por la gran cantidad de propuestas diferentes que los fabricantes están lanzando al mercado. Por ello, para hacer posible el despliegue de servicios sobre ellas, se impone la necesidad de hacer un estudio en profundidad de este entorno, y deben de proponerse y desarrollarse las herramientas adecuadas. Esta tesis ataca la problemática del despliegue de servicios en estas redes a tres niveles diferentes: (i) el nivel físico y de enlace, mostrando varios análisis en profundidad del medio físico y modelos derivados para su simulación; (ii) el nivel de red, proponiendo un protocolo de difusión de la información para los paquetes IP; y (iii) el nivel de transporte, donde otros protocolos son propuestos para mejorar el rendimiento del transporte de datos. En primer lugar, se han estudiado y modelado las dos principales tecnologías inalámbricas que se utilizan para la comunicación en redes vehiculares, la rama de estándares 802.11, en concreto 802.11p; y la comunicación celular, en particular LTE. Dado que el estándar 802.11p es un estándar bastante maduro, nos centramos en crear (i) un modelo de propagación y atenuación capaz de replicar el rango de transmisión de dispositivos 802.11p reales, en condiciones de visión directa y obstrucción por pequeños obstáculos, y (ii) un modelo de visibilidad capaz de simular el efecto de grandes obstáculos, como son los edifcios, de una manera realista. Además, proponemos un modelo basado en indicadores de rendimiento de alto nivel (ancho de banda y retardo) para LTE, que facilita la validación y evaluación de aplicaciones. En el plano de red, se propone un protocolo híbrido, llamado AVE, para el encaminamiento y reenvío de paquetes usando un conjunto de estrategias estándar de enrutamiento. Dependiendo del escenario, AVE elige entre cuatro estrategias diferentes: a) entrega directa a dos saltos, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraz, y d) una técnica store-carry-and- forward, para adaptar su comportamiento dinámicamente a cada situación. En el plano de transporte, se propone un protocolo bidireccional de distribución de contenidos en canales con pérdidas que mejora la entrega de contenidos en situaciones en las que la red es un cuello de botella, como las redes inalámbricas. Ha sido diseñado, validado, optimizado, y su rendimiento ha sido analizado en términos de productividad y eficiencia en la utilización de recursos. Finalmente, a nivel de sistema, proponemos un modelo de computación asistida que permite reducir la latencia en la respuesta a muchas consultas colocando una unidad de computación en el borde de la red, i.e., la red de acceso. Este esquema podría ser usado en redes basadas en 802.11p y en redes celulares, si bien en esta tesis decidimos centrarnos en su evaluación usando redes LTE. La plataforma presentada en esta tesis combina todos los esfuerzos individuales para crear una plataforma única y eficiente. Este nuevo entorno puede ser usado por cualquier proveedor para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de usuario en los servicios desplegados sobre redes vehiculares. / Els productes relacionats amb els sistemes intel · ligents de transport (ITS) s'estan transformant en una realitat en les nostres carreteres. Tots els fabri- cants de cotxes comencen a incloure accés a internet en els vehicles i a facilitar- ne la integració amb els telèfons mòbils, però en el futur més i més serveis s'hi introduiran. La connectivitat usant les xarxes vehicular esdevindrà la pedra angular de cada nova proposta, i oferir una qualitat de servei adequada serà, òbviament, desitjable. No obstant això, es necessita una gran quantitat de treball perquè les xarxes vehiculars oferisquen un rendiment similar al de les xarxes cablejades. Les xarxes vehiculars queden definides per dues característiques bàsiques: alt dinamisme, ja que els nodes poden arribar a una velocitat relativa de més de 250 km/h; i heterogeneïtat, per la gran quantitat de propostes diferents que els fabricants estan llançant al mercat. Per això, per a fer possible el desplegament de serveis sobre aquestes xarxes, s'imposa la necessitat de fer un estudi en profunditat d'aquest entorn, i cal proposar i desenvolupar les eines adequades. Aquesta tesi ataca la problemàtica del desplegament de serveis en aquestes xarxes a tres nivells diferents: (i) el nivell físic i d'enllaç , mostrant diverses anàlisis en profunditat del medi físic i models derivats per simular-lo; (ii) el nivell de xarxa, proposant un protocol de difusió de la informació per als paquets IP; i (iii) el nivell de transport, on es proposen altres protocols per a millorar el rendiment del transport de dades. En primer lloc, s'han estudiat i modelat les dues principals tecnologies sense fils que s'utilitzen per a la comunicació en xarxes vehiculars, la branca d'estàndards 802.11, en concret 802.11p; i la comunicació cel · lular, en partic- ular LTE. Atès que l'estàndard 802.11p és un estàndard bastant madur, ens centrem a crear (i) un model de propagació i atenuació capaç de replicar el rang de transmissió de dispositius 802.11p reals, en condicions de visió directa i obstrucció per petits obstacles, i (ii) un model de visibilitat capaç de simular l'efecte de grans obstacles, com són els edificis, d'una manera realista. A més, proposem un model basat en indicadors de rendiment d'alt nivell (ample de banda i retard) per a LTE, que facilita la validació i l'avaluació d'aplicacions. En el pla de xarxa, es proposa un protocol híbrid, anomenat AVE, per a l'encaminament i el reenviament de paquets usant un conjunt d'estratègies estàndard d'encaminament. Depenent de l'escenari , AVE tria entre quatre estratègies diferents: a) lliurament directe a dos salts, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraç, i d) una tècnica store-carry-and- forward, per a adaptar-ne el comportament dinàmicament a cada situació. En el pla de transport, es proposa un protocol bidireccional de distribució de continguts en canals amb pèrdues que millora el lliurament de continguts en situacions en què la xarxa és un coll de botella, com les xarxes sense fils. Ha sigut dissenyat, validat, optimitzat, i el seu rendiment ha sigut analitzat en termes de productivitat i eficiència en la utilització de recursos. Finalment, a nivell de sistema, proposem un model de computació assistida que permet reduir la latència en la resposta a moltes consultes col · locant una unitat de computació a la vora de la xarxa, és a dir, la xarxa d'accés. Aquest esquema podria ser usat en xarxes basades en 802.11p i en xarxes cel · lulars, si bé en aquesta tesi decidim centrar-nos en la seua avaluació usant xarxes LTE. La plataforma presentada en aquesta tesi combina tots els esforços indi- viduals per a crear una plataforma única i eficient. Aquest nou entorn pot ser usat per qualsevol proveïdor per a millorar la qualitat de l'experiència d'usuari en els serveis desplegats sobre xarxes vehiculars. / Báguena Albaladejo, M. (2017). Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85333 / Compendio


BEATRIZ SILVA AMARAL 14 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] As emissões de combustíveis fósseis derivados do petróleo têm um impacto significativo no meio ambiente, nas mudanças climáticas, na poluição do ar e outros. Por isso, existe um grande interesse por fontes alternativas de energia, principalmente aquelas que podem reduzir as emissões de poluentes atmosféricos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os perfis das concentrações de poluentes regulamentados (material particulado e CO2) e não regulamentados (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno, xilenos, HPA, hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, aldeídos e metais) originados da queima de diferentes combustíveis em um motor estacionário do ciclo diesel e verificar os possíveis efeitos toxicológicos utilizando células epiteliais brônquica. Os combustíveis utilizados foram: mistura binária diesel com 5 por cento de biodiesel (B5), biodiesel de soja (B100), biodiesel de soja aditivado (B100 adt) e etanol aditivado. Para obter uma maior confiabilidade dos resultados realizou-se a verificação do método para a determinação de monoaromáticos e aldeídos por meio de cromatografia gasosa com detector de ionização de chama (CG-DIC) e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), respectivamente. O MP foi determinado por gravimetria, Os HPA associados ao MP foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (CG-EM), hidrocarbonetos alifáticos (HA) por CG-DIC e metais foram analisados por espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). Os perfis das concentrações foram avaliados considerando: o tempo de queima de combustível (15, 30 e 60 min) e, o tempo de armazenamento (7, 14 e 21 dias) a 40 graus Celsius, para avaliar os processos oxidativos que podem ocorrer durante o armazenamento, especialmente no caso do biodiesel. A operação do motor quando ele ainda está frio, por exemplo, em 15 minutos, apresentou maior emissão de MP, benzeno e etilbenzeno para o biodiesel de soja (B100) em comparação com a mistura de diesel com 5 por cento de biodiesel (B5). O estudo dos perfis das concentrações dos compostos mono aromáticos, hidrocarbonetos alifáticos e hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) mostraram resultados semelhantes aos descritos na literatura, em que o combustível B5 emiti mais poluentes do que o biodiesel. No entanto, comparando alguns poluentes individualmente, as emissões de benzeno e etilbenzeno foram maiores para B100 e B100 adt. O B5 apresentou o maior perfil de concentração para a soma HPA na fase gasosa do que na forma particulada em períodos de funcionamento do motor mais longos. O tempo de armazenamento reduziu as emissões de MP em 40 por cento para B100, 20 por cento para B100 adt e 3 por cento para B5. Em relação à concentração de compostos aromáticos, a redução foi de aproximadamente 60 por cento desses poluentes para B100 e B100 adt. A menor emissão de poluentes foi durante a queima do etanol aditivado. / [en] The emissions of fossil fuels derived from oil have a significant impact on the environment, climate change, air pollution, and others. Therefore, there is great interest in alternative energy sources, especially those that can reduce emissions of air pollutants. The aim of this study was the evaluation of concentration profiles of criteria pollutants, particulate matter (PM) and CO2 and unregulated pollutants (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), aliphatic hydrocarbons, aldehyde and metals) originated from burning of different fuels: The evaluated fuels were the binary mixture of fossil diesel with 5 percent biodiesel (B5), biodiesel soybean (B100), additivated biodiesel soybean (B100 adt) and additivated ethanol using a stationary diesel engine cycle, operating at the speed of 1800 rpm and 0 percent load. For a larger reliability of results, the method validation for determination the monoaromatic and aldehydes by gas chromatography flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. PM mass was determinate by gravimetry, PAH associated to the PM were determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), aliphatic hydrocarbons were determined by GC-FID, and metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentration profiles were evaluated considering: 1) burning time (15, 30, and 60 minutes) and; 2) storage time (7, 14, and 21 days) at 40 Celsius Degrees to evaluate the oxidative processes that occur during storage, especially for biodiesel. When it is still cold (i.e., 15 minutes), the operation of the engine showed negative effect on particulate matter (PM), benzene, and ethylbenzene emissions for B100 compared to B5. In this study, the concentration profiles of the monoaromatic, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and PAH showed similar results to those reported in the literature, where B5 fuel emits more pollutants than pure biodiesel. However, comparing some pollutants individually, the benzene and ethylbenzene emissions were higher for B100 and B100 adt. For long engine operation periods, B5 showed the highest concentration profile for the PAH sum in the gaseous in comparison to PAH sum in the particulate phase. The storage time reduced the PM emissions in 40 percent (B100), 20 percent (B100 adt), and 3 percent (B5). Regarding the concentration of aromatics, the reduction was circa 60 percent for B100 and B100 adt. The lowest emission of pollutants was observed for additived ethanol burning.


Aala Oqab Alsalem (17075812) 28 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">VANET is formed by vehicles, road units, infrastructure components, and various con- nected objects.It aims mainly to ensure public safety and traffic control. New emerging applications include value-added and user-oriented services. While this technological ad- vancement promises ubiquitous deployment of the VANET, security and privacy challenges must be addressed. Thence, vehicle authentication is a vital process to detect malicious users and prevent them from harming legitimate communications. Hover, the authentication pro- cess uses sensitive information to check the vehicle’s identity. Sharing this information will harm vehicle privacy. In this thesis, we aim to deal with this issues:</p><ul><li>How can we ensure vehicle authentication and avoid sensitive and identity information leaks simultaneously?</li><li>When nodes are asked to provide identity proof, how can we ensure that the shared information is only used by an authorized entity?</li><li>Can we define an effective scheme to distinguish between legitimate and malicious network nodes?This dissertation aims to address the preservation of vehicle private information used within the authentication mechanism in VANET communications.The VANET characteristics are thoroughly presented and analyzed. Security require- ments and challenges are identified. Additionally, we review the proposed authentication techniques and the most well-known security attacks while focusing on the privacy preser- vation need and its challenges.To fulfill, the privacy preservation requirements, we proposed a new solution called Active Bundle AUthentication Solution based on SDN for Vehicular Networks (ABAUS). We intro- duce the Software Defined Networks (SDN) as an authentication infrastructure to guarantee the authenticity of each participant. Furthermore, we enhance the preservation of sensitive data by the use of an active data Bundle (ADB) as a self-protecting security mechanism. It ensures data protection throughout the whole data life cycle. ABAUS defines a dedicated registration protocol to verify and validate the different members of the network.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">first solution focused on legitimate vehicle identification and sensitive data pro- tection. A second scheme is designed to recognize and eliminate malicious users called BEhaviour-based REPutation scheme for privacy preservation in VANET using blockchain technology (BEREP). Dedicated public blockchains are used by a central trust authority to register vehicles and store their behavior evaluation and a trust scoring system allows nodes to evaluate the behavior of their communicators and detect malicious infiltrated users.</p><p dir="ltr">By enhancing sensitive data preservation during the authentication process and detect- ing malicious attempts, our proposed work helps to tackle serious challenges in VANET communications.</p>

Four Branch Diversity Combining and Adaptive Beamforming Measurements Using Mobile Arrays at 2.05 GHz

Joshi, Gaurav Gaurang 30 August 2002 (has links)
Mobile arrays employing diversity combining and adaptive beamforming techniques overcome multipath fading, improve coverage, and increase capacity in wireless communications systems. In this thesis, diversity combining and adaptive beamforming performance of different four element arrays for mobile (vehicular speed) and portable (pedestrian speed) terminals is investigated. The performance of four element arrays with different configurations and with different element patterns is compared using the square array of four half-wave dipole elements as the baseline. Results from diversity and beamforming measurements, performed in urban and suburban environments for both line-of-sight (LOS) and obstructed multipath channels are used to analyze and compare the performances of different four element arrays. At cumulative probabilities of 10%, 1% and 0.1%, diversity gain and improvement in signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) are calculated from the diversity combining measurements and interference rejection measurements respectively. Experimental results illustrating the dependence of diversity gain on power imbalance, envelope correlation and diversity-combining scheme are presented. Measurements were performed at 2.05 GHz using the handheld antenna array testbed (HAAT). Low profile linear arrays are shown to provide diversity gain values of 5 to 8 dB and 11 to 16 dB, respectively for switched and maximal ratio combining at the 99% reliability level in non-line-of-sight urban channel. Interference cancellation of 24 to 28 dB was recorded in urban and suburban line-of-sight (LOS) channels for the sectorized square array. Results of vehicular measurements with the arrays mounted on a ground plane supported above the vehicle roof are also reported. / Master of Science

Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks

Patra, Subhadeep 22 July 2019 (has links)
[ES] Una de las áreas de investigación que está recibiendo más atención recientemente es la de vehículos autónomos. Los investigadores están en este momento centrados en el tercer de los cinco niveles de autonomía, los cuales son: asistencia en la conducción, automatización parcial, automatización condicional, alta automatización y automatización completa. A pesar de los rápidos progresos que están habiendo en este campo, la adopción de estas soluciones llevará tiempo no sólo debido a cuestiones legales, sino también por el hecho de que los avances tecnológicos se enfrentan a un lento respaldo por parte de los fabricantes. Además, la baja tasa de renovación de vehículos de carretera, dificulta el despliegue de tecnologías innovadoras, como es el caso de la red vehicular. Ocho años después de la introducción de la norma 802.11p para la comunicación vehicular del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IIEE), los vehículos que se usan a diario todavía carecen de la capacidad de comunicarse entre sí. Este hecho impide el uso de las muchas aplicaciones de seguridad del Sistema de Inteligencia de Transporte (SIT) que aprovecha la red vehicular para el intercambio de datos. La forma obvia de manejar este problema es poner las tecnologías disponibles a la disposición de los usuarios comunes para desarrollar soluciones que se puedan implementar fácilmente y, además, económicas. Por esta razón, trasladamos nuestra atención a los dispositivos inteligentes, especialmente a los teléfonos inteligentes, los cuales han recorrido un largo camino desde la primera introducción de teléfonos móviles a finales del siglo XX. Hoy en día casi todos llevan uno en su bolsillo a donde sea que vayan, permitiéndoles no sólo hacer llamadas, sino también medir y controlar diferentes parámetros con la ayuda de los muchos sensores integrados que están disponibles para estos dispositivos compactos pero potentes. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar los efectos de la integración de los teléfonos inteligentes a la red vehicular para desarrollar aplicaciones de seguridad del SIT. La elección de los teléfonos inteligentes aquí no solo está justificada por su amplia disponibilidad y uso, sino también porque están evolucionando hacia terminales de alto rendimiento con microprocesadores de múltiples núcleos cargados dotados de un grupo suficientemente diverso de sensores. En esta tesis proponemos tres diferentes aplicaciones de seguridad SIT para teléfonos inteligentes, diseñados para aprovechar el entorno de red vehicular: una aplicación de generación de advertencia llamada Messiah que alerta a los conductores de la presencia de vehículos de emergencia en las cercanías; una aplicación de Advertencia de Colisión Frontal (ACF) que advierte a los conductores si no se mantiene la distancia de seguridad mínima entre el vehículo que va delante y el que lo sigue; y, por último, una aplicación que tiene como objetivo ayudar a los conductores con asistencia visual durante el adelantamiento, llamada EYES. Todas estas aplicaciones han sido desarrolladas para la plataforma Android, y dependen de la transmisión de datos entre vehículos. Dado que los vehículos que utilizamos día a día no admiten la posibilidad de comunicarse entre sí, también diseñamos GRCBox, que es una unidad integrada de bajo coste que permite la comunicación del Vehículo a Todo (V2X). A partir de nuestro estudio de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles diseñados para redes vehiculares, descubrimos que el uso de teléfonos inteligentes proporciona una nueva dirección para la investigación relacionada con SIT y redes vehiculares al permitir la adopción rápida de las soluciones existentes, donde los usuarios pueden descargar y usar las aplicaciones con sólo un clic a un botón. Al mismo tiempo, la portabilidad y compacidad de los dispositivos los hace limitados en términos de velocidad, potencia de procesamiento y precisi / [CA] Una de les àrees d'investigació que està rebent més atenció recentment és la de vehicles autònoms. Els investigadores estan en este moment centrats en el tercer dels cinc nivells d'autonomia, els quals són: assistència en la conducció, automatització parcial, automatització condicional, alta automatització i automatització completa. Malgrat els ràpids progressos que s'estan donant en este camp, l'adopció d'estes solucions portarà temps no sols degut a qüestions legals, sinó també pel fet que els avanços tecnològics s'enfronten a un lent recolzament per part dels fabricants. A més a més, la baixa taxa de renovació de vehicles de carretera, dificulta el desplegament de tecnologies innovadores com és el cas de la xarxa vehicular. Huit anys després de la introducció de la norma 802.11p per a la comunicació vehicular de l'Institut d'Enginyers Elèctrics i Electrònics (IEEE), els vehicles que s'utilitzen a diari encara manquen de la capacitat de comunicar-se entre sí. Este fet impedeix l'ús de les moltes aplicacions de seguretat del Sistema d'Intel·ligència de Transport (SIT) que aprofita la xarxa vehicular per a l'intercanvi de dades. La forma òbvia de tractar aquest problema és posar les tecnologies disponibles a la disposició dels usuaris comuns per a desenvolupar solucions que es puguen implementar fàcilment, còmodes d'adoptar i, a més a més, econòmiques. Per aquesta raó, traslladem la nostra atenció als dispositius intel·ligents, especialment als telèfons intel·ligents, els quals han recorregut un llarg camí des de la primera introducció de telèfons mòbils a finals del segle XX. Hui en dia quasi tots porten un en la butxaca on siga que vagen, permetent-los no sols fer cridades, sinó també mesurar i controlar diferents paràmetres amb l'ajuda dels molts sensors integrats que estan disponibles per a estos dispositius compactes però potents. El nostre objectiu és estudiar els efectes de la integració dels telèfons intel·ligents a la xarxa vehicular per a desenvolupar aplicacions de seguretat del SIT. L'elecció dels telèfons intel·ligents ací no està sols justificada per la seua àmplia disponibilitat i ús, sinó també perquè estan evolucionant cap a terminals d'alt rendiment amb microprocessadors de múltiples nuclis dotats amb un grup suficientment divers de sensors. En esta tesi proposem tres diferents aplicacions de seguretat SIT per a telèfons intel·ligents, dissenyats per a aprofitar l'entorn de xarxa vehicular: una aplicació de generació d'advertència anomenada Messiah que alerta els conductors de la presència de vehicles d'emergència en les proximitats; una aplicació Advertència de Col·lisió Frontal (ACF) que adverteix els conductors si no mantenen la distància de seguretat mínima entre el vehicle que va davant i el que el segueix; i, per últim, una aplicació que té com objectiu ajudar els conductors amb assistència visual durant l'avançament, anomenat EYES. Totes aquestes aplicacions han sigut desenvolupades per a la plataforma Android, i depenen de la transmissió de dades entre vehicles. Donat que els vehicles que utilitzem a diari no admeten la possibilitat de comunicar-se entre sí, també dissenyem GRCBox, que és una unitat integrada de baix cost que permet la comunicació de Vechicle a Tot (V2X). A partir del nostre estudi d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils dissenyats per a xarxes vehiculars, descobrim que l'ús de telèfons intel·ligents proporciona una nova direcció per a la investigació relacionada amb SIT i xarxes vehiculars al permetre l'adopció ràpida de les solucions existents, on els usuaris poden descarregar i utilitzar les aplicacions amb un sol clic a un botó. Però al mateix temps, la portabilitat i la compacitat dels dispositius els fa limitats en termes de velocitat, potència de processament i precisió del sensor integrat, cosa que afecta al rendiment de les aplicacions. / [EN] One of the research areas that is receiving a lot of attention recently is autonomous vehicles. Researchers are currently focused on the third level of autonomy out of the five levels, which are: drive assistance, partial automation, conditional automation, high automation, and full automation. Even though rapid progress is being made in this field, the adoption of these solutions will take time not only due to legal issues, but also due to the fact that technological improvements face slow endorsement by manufacturers. Also, the slow renewal rate of vehicles on road hinders the deployment of novel technologies, as is the case of Vehicular Networks (VNs). Eight years after the introduction of the IEEE 802.11p standard for vehicular communication, vehicles used on a daily basis still lack the capability of communicating with one other. This fact impedes the use of the many ITS safety applications that take advantage of VNs for data exchange. The obvious way to handle this problem is to use the available technologies at the disposal of common users to develop solutions that are easily deployable, effortless to adopt, and moreover, cost effective. For this reason we shift our attention to smart devices, specially smartphones, which have come a long way since the first introduction of mobile phones in the late 20th century. Nowadays, nearly everyone carries one in their pocket anywhere they go, allowing them to not only make calls, but also to measure and monitor different parameters with the help of the many on-board sensors that are available to these compact yet powerful devices. Our objective is to study the effects of integrating smartphones to vehicular networks, to develop ITS safety applications. The choice of smartphones here is not only justified by their wide availability and use, but also because they are evolving towards high performance terminals with multi-core microprocessors packed with a sufficiently diverse group of sensors. In this thesis we propose three different ITS safety applications for smartphones, designed to take advantage of the vehicular network environment: a warning generation application called Messiah that alerts drivers of the presence of emergency vehicles in close proximity; a FCW application which warns drivers if a minimum safe distance is not maintained between the vehicle ahead and the one following it; and lastly an application that aims to aid drivers with visual assistance while overtaking, named EYES. All these applications have been developed for the Android platform, and are dependent on the data transmission among vehicles. Since vehicles we use on a day to day basis still do not accommodate the possibility to communicate with one another, we also designed the GRCBox, which is a low cost on-board unit that supports V2X communication. From our study of applications for mobile devices designed for VNs, we found that the use of smartphones provides a new direction to research related to ITS and VNs by allowing a quick adoption of the existing solutions, where users are able to download and use applications just by one click of a button. But at the same time, the portability and compactness of the devices makes them limited in terms of speed, processing power, and accuracy of the on-board sensor, thus affecting the performance of the applications. In our case, the simpler Messiah application performed very well, while the EYES application that is dependent on GPS data, and the FCW application which required heavy processing and use of the camera due to its dependence on plate recognition, were affected by the hardware limitations of the smartphones. / Patra, S. (2019). Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124058

The effect of awareness at the medium access control layer of vehicular ad-hoc networks

Booysen, Marthinus J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The hidden terminal problem, coupled with high node mobility apparent in vehicular networks, present challenges to e cient communication between vehicles at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. Both of these challenges are fundamentally problems of lack of awareness, and manifest most prominently in the broadcasting of safety messages in infrastructure-free vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The design of existing contention-free and contention-based MAC approaches generally assumes that nodes that are in range of one another can take steps to coordinate communications at the MAC layer to overcome the hidden terminal problem and node mobility. Unicasting with the existing MAC standard, IEEE 802.11p, implicitly assumes an awareness range of twice the transmission range (a 1-hop awareness range) at most, since handshaking is used. For broadcasting, the assumption implies an awareness range that is at most equal to the transmission range, since only carrier sensing is used. Existing alternative contention-free approaches make the same assumption, with some protocols explicitly using a 1-hop awareness range to avoid packet collisions. This dissertation challenges the convention of assuming that a 1-hop awareness range is su cient for networks with high mobility, such as VANETs. In this dissertation, the impact of awareness range and management of the awareness information on MAC performance is researched. The impact of the number of slots that is required to support the awareness range is also evaluated. Three contention-free MAC protocols are introduced to support the research. The rst is an improved version of an existing MAC method, which is used to demonstrate the e ects on performance of changes to awareness management. The second MAC uses three competing processes to manage awareness information. The second MAC is designed for a con gurable awareness range and con gurable number of slots, and is used to evaluate the e ects of awareness range and number of slots on MAC performance. The third MAC is random access based and is used to evaluate the impact on performance of removing awareness completely. An analytical model is developed to support the simulated results. The simulation results demonstrate that awareness range, awareness information management, and number of slots used are key design parameters that signi cantly impact on MAC performance. The results further show that optimal awareness-related design parameters exist for given scenarios. Finally, the proposed contention-free and random access MAC methods are simulated and performance compared with IEEE 802.11p. All three outperform the contentionbased standard IEEE 802.11p. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die versteekte-nodus-probleem, gekoppel met die hoë vlakke van nodusbeweging teenwoordig in voertuignetwerke, bied uitdagings vir doeltre ende kommunikasie tussen voertuie in die medium-toegangbeheer- (MAC) vlak. Beide van hierdie probleme spruit uit beperkte bewustheid, en manifesteer veral in die uitsaai van veiligheidsboodskappe in infrastruktuurvrye voertuig-na-voertuig-kommunikasie. Die ontwerp van bestaande wedywerende en nie-wedywerende MAC benaderings neem aan dat nodusse wat binne bereik van mekaar is, stappe kan neem om kommunikasie op die MAC-vlak te koördineer, ten einde probleme met versteekte nodusse en mobiliteit te oorkom. Vir punt-tot-puntkommunikasie met IEEE 802.11p, impliseer dié aanname 'n bewustheidstrekking van hoogstens twee keer die radiobereik (1-hop bewustheidstrekking), aangesien bladskud gebruik word. In die geval van uitsaai, impliseer die aanname 'n bewustheidstrekking hoogstens gelyk is aan die radiobereik, aangesien slegs draeropsporing gebruik word. Nie-wedywerende metodes maak dieselfde aanname, met sommiges wat eksplisiet 1-hop-bewustheidstrekking gebruik om pakkieverliese te voorkom. Hierdie verhandeling wys dat hierdie aanname nie geld vir netwerke met hoë mobiliteit nie, soos wat die geval is vir VANET. In hierdie verhandeling word die impak van bewustheidstrekking en bestuur van die bewustheidsinligting in die MAC-vlak ondersoek. Die impak van die aantal tydgleuwe wat nodig is om die bewustheidstrekking te ondersteun word ook ondersoek. Drie nie-wedywerende metodes word bekendgestel om die navorsing te ondersteun. Die eerste is 'n verbeterde weergawe van 'n bestaande MAC, wat gebruik word om die e ekte van bewustheidsbestuur op MAC-werkverrigting te beoordeel. Die tweede MAC is ontwerp om veranderbare bewustheidstrekking en hoeveelheid tydgleuwe te ondersteun, en word gebruik om die e ekte van bewustheidstrekking en hoeveelheid tydgleuwe op MAC werkverrigting aan te beoordeel. Die derde MAC is ewetoeganklik (onbewus van omliggende nodusse) en word gebruik om die impak van die verwydering van bewustheid op werkverrigting te ondersoek. 'n Analitiese model is ontwikkel om die simulasieresultate te ondersteun. Die simulasieresultate dui aan dat bewustheidstrekking, bestuur van bewustheidsinligting, en hoeveelheid tydsgleuwe sleutel-ontwerpsveranderlikes is wat 'n beduidende impak het op MAC werkverrigting. Die resultate wys verder dat optimale ontwerpsveranderlikes, in terme van bewustheid, bestaan vir gegewe scenario's. Laastens, word die nie-wedywerende en ewetoeganklike MAC-metodes wat gesimuleer word se werkverrigting vergelyk met IEEE 802.11p. Al drie MAC metodes vaar beter as die wedywerende standaard, IEEE 802.11p.


Hequn, Zhang, Rui, Wang January 2014 (has links)
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)  is the main research domain for making road transport safer and more comfortable. For the sake of increasing the benefits of ITS, projects about Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC)  system have been proposed to make communications among vehicles possible, to exchange traffic information and avoid accidents. In order to create communication network among vehicles or between vehicles and infrastructure,  Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) has been proposed. Many applications in VANETs need to send messages to vehicles within a specific geographic region. This behavior is called geocast and this specific geographic region is called the Zone of Relevance (ZOR). Some routing protocols which are related to Geocast have been proposed in literature for VANETs. So it is significant to evaluate and compare the performance of these known Geocast routing protocols. In this thesis, categories of the routing protocols, as well as communication forwarding schemes are introduced. The routing protocols in VANETs are also summarized and compared. In order to evaluate the performance of these protocols, the evaluation methods are proposed and then a Geocast routing simulator is designed and used to simulate the Geocast network environment and several Geocast routing protocols.

Konceptuell utveckling av interiören hos en framtida fullt autonom bil / Conceptual development of an interior in a future fully autonomous car

Edvardsson, Felicia, Warberg, Therése January 2016 (has links)
Målet med examensarbetet har varit att samla information åt ett tekniskt konsultföretag för att öka deras kunskap om autonoma system och fordonskommunikation. Statusen på arbetet kring dessa aktiva säkerhetssystem hos olika aktörer och hur systemen implementeras i dagens och framtidens fordon har undersökts genom omfattande litteraturstudier, intervjuer och marknadsanalyser. De autonoma systemen kan samla information från omgivningen genom sensorer och bidra till ett jämnare trafikflöde, ökad säkerhet, lättare bilar och bättre miljö. Genom fordonskommunikationen kan fordon kommunicera med varandra samt infrastrukturen och garantera en säker bilfärd. År 2030 utgörs innerstaden av autonom, elektrifierad kollektivtrafik för att transportera människor på begäran, samtidigt som personbilar till viss del förbjuds. Potentiella behov för människan i en fullt autonom bil har identifierats och diverse produktutvecklingsmetoder har tillämpats för att utforma två konceptuella lösningar för en framtida bilinteriör. Lösningarna visar interaktionen mellan människa och system eftersom underhållning och bekvämlighet blir viktigt i en fullt autonom bil. Respektive lösning är statsägd och rymmer fyra passagerare. I lösningarna är sittplatserna placerade på ett sätt som underlättar kommunikation mellan passagerarna. Passagerarna kan underhållas eller informeras individuellt eller gemensamt via text, ljud och bild. / The goal with this thesis project has been to collect information for a technical consulting company in order to increase their knowledge about autonomous systems and vehicular communication. The status of how various operators work with active safety systems and how the systems are implemented in current and future vehicles has been investigated through extensive literature studies, interviews and market research. The autonomous systems can collect information from the surrounding through sensors and contribute to better traffic efficiency, increased safety, lighter cars and a better environment. Through vehicle communication, the vehicle can communicate with each other in order to guarantee a safe ride. In 2030 the inner city constitutes of autonomous, electrified public transport to transport people on demand, meanwhile private cars are prohibited. Potential needs for the human in a fully, autonomous car has been identified and various product development methods has been applied in order to develop two conceptual solutions for a future car interior. The solutions show the interaction between human and system since entertainment and comfort becomes important in a fully, autonomous car. Each solution is state-owned and holds four passengers. In the solutions, the seats are placed in regard to facilitate communication between the passengers. The passengers can be entertained or informed individually or collectively by text, sound and images.

Protocole de routage basé sur des passerelles mobiles pour un accès Internet dans les réseaux véhiculaires

Ba, Amadou Adama 04 1900 (has links)
La rapide progression des technologies sans fil au cours de ces dernières années a vu naître de nouveaux systèmes de communication dont les réseaux véhiculaires. Ces réseaux visent à intégrer les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le domaine automobile en vue d’améliorer la sécurité et le confort sur le réseau routier. Offrir un accès Internet aux véhicules et à leurs occupants peut sans doute aider à anticiper certains dangers sur la route tout en rendant plus agréables les déplacements à bord des véhicules. Le déploiement de ce service nécessite que des messages soient échangés entre les véhicules. Le routage constitue un élément crucial dans un réseau, car définissant la façon dont les différentes entités échangent des messages. Le routage dans les VANETS constitue un grand défi car ces derniers sont caractérisés par une forte mobilité entraînant une topologie très dynamique. Des protocoles ont été proposés pour étendre Internet aux réseaux véhiculaires. Toutefois, la plupart d’entre eux nécessitent un coût élevé de messages de contrôle pour l’établissement et le maintien des communications. Ceci a pour conséquence la saturation de la bande passante entrainant ainsi une baisse de performance du réseau. Nous proposons dans ce mémoire, un protocole de routage qui s’appuie sur des passerelles mobiles pour étendre Internet aux réseaux véhiculaires. Le protocole prend en compte la mobilité des véhicules et la charge du réseau pour l’établissement et le maintien des routes. / The fast progression of wireless technologies has motivated the emergence of new communications system called VANETS (Vehicular Adhoc Networks). VANETS enable vehicles on the roadway to communicate with each other and with road infrastructure using wireless capabilities. The applications of VANETS include improving safety and comfort on the road. For example, by providing Internet to vehicles, traveling can be safer and more comfortable. To provide Internet connectivity, messages need to be exchanged between the vehicles. However, it is hard to design an efficient routing protocol for connecting vehicles to Internet with a reasonable cost due to high mobility in VANETS. Although, several existing routing protocols have been proposed in the open literature to extend Internet to VANETS, they generate considerable overhead. This leads to unfairly consumption of bandwidth decreasing network performance. We design a routing protocol to connect vehicles to Internet through mobile gateways with the objective to make efficient use of the network bandwidth. Indeed, the protocol significantly reduces the communication overhead required to establish and maintain the routes relying on the mobility of the gateways and the network’s load.

Contrôle de Congestion dans les Réseaux Véhiculaires / Congestion Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Stanica, Razvan 17 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la possibilité d'utiliser des communications sans fil inter-véhiculaires pour améliorer la sécurité routière. Les performances du nouveau réseau ainsi créé (réseau ad-hoc véhiculaire) sont étudiées analytiquement et par des simulations dans un environnement réaliste. La thèse se concentre surtout sur des scénarios avec une forte densité de véhicules. Dans ce cas, l'accès au support devient un problème essentiel, en principal pour les applications de sécurité routière qui nécessitent une qualité de service élevée pour fonctionner dans un tel contexte. Ce travail montre que la version actuelle du standard IEEE 802.11, proposé comme méthode d'accès dans les réseaux véhiculaires, ne peut pas résoudre ce problème de passage à l'échelle pour supporter correctement les applications de sécurité routière. Plusieurs améliorations possibles sont analysées, liées à l'utilisation optimale de certains paramètres du protocole comme la taille de la fenêtre de contention ou bien le seuil de détection de la porteuse. Des nouveaux mécanismes adaptatifs visant ces paramètres sont proposés et les améliorations ainsi obtenues sont non-négligeables. Finalement, une nouvelle méthode d'accès est définie, en tenant compte des caractéristiques des applications de sécurité routière. Toujours basée sur des techniques CSMA, cette technique donne des résultats largement supérieurs à la version standard actuelle. / The equipment of vehicles with wireless communication devices in order to improve road safety is a major component of a future intelligent transportation system. The success and availability of IEEE 802.11-based products make this technology the main competitor for the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer used in vehicle-to-vehicle communication. The IEEE 802.11p amendment has been specially designed in this special context of wireless access in vehicular environments. However, as all the other approaches based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA), this protocol presents scalability problems, which leads to poor performance in high density scenarios, quite frequent in the case of a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). This thesis studies the congestion control problem in the context of safety vehicular communications, with a special focus on the back-off mechanism and the carrier sense function. First of all, a number of important characteristics presented by the safety messages are discovered and understood by the means of an analytical framework. Second, the lessons learned from the analytical study are put into practice with the design of two adaptive mechanisms (one for the contention window and the other one for the carrier sense threshold) that take into account the local vehicular density. These mechanisms remain simple, but highly efficient, while also being straightforward to integrate in IEEE 802.11 devices. Finally, by taking into account the most important properties of a safety VANET, a new CSMA-based MAC protocol is proposed. This new access method, named Safety Range CSMA (SR-CSMA), relies on the idea that collisions can not be avoided in a high density network. However, by increasing the number of simultaneous transmissions between geographically distant nodes, SR-CSMA manages to better protect the immediate neighborhood, the most important area for safety applications.

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