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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procena psihološke i psihopatološke fenomenologije poremećaja upotrebe Interneta- sličnosti sa opijatskom zavisnošću / Assessment of psychological and psychopathological phenomenology of the Internet use disorder – similarities with opiate addiction

Jelkić Milica 25 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Poremećaj upotrebe Interneta je psihofizički poremećaj koji podrazumeva pojavu tolerancije, simptome povlačenja, afektivne smetnje i poremećene socijalne relacije. Neurobiolo&scaron;ki i farmakolo&scaron;ki podaci ukazuju na sličnosti u patopsihologiji zavisnosti od opijata i patolo&scaron;kog kockanja, a time i na sličnosti sa poremećajem upotrebe Interneta. U osnovi navedenih problema su poremećaji centra za nagradu, koji upravlja svim oblicima pona&scaron;anja u kojima motivacija ima centralnu ulogu. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se uporede sociodemografske karakteristike osoba koje imaju poremećaj upotrebe Interneta, osoba koje su zavisne od opijata i kontrolne grupe. Kao i da se uporede psiholo&scaron;ke karakteristike prema modelu Big Five i psihopatolo&scaron;ke karakteristike, te utvrdi stepen njihove izraženosti kod osoba koje pripadaju pomenutim grupama. MATERIJAL I METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanje je koncipirano kao klinička studija preseka bazirana na metodolo&scaron;kom pristupu koji podrazumeva i primenu komparativne metodologije, a uz upotrebu skala procene i psiholo&scaron;ko-psihijatrijskih baterija za procenu ličnosti. Procena je sprovođena putem sledećih upitnika: Internacionalni psihijatrijski intervju Pompidou, Skala poremećaja upotrebe Interneta, Upitnik za procenu depresivne ličnosti, Upitnik za procenu spremnosti za empatiju, Upitnik za procenu psihopatske devijacije, Upitnik za procenu samohendikepirajućeg pona&scaron;anja, Inventar Velikih Pet. Ukupan uzorak obuhvata 300 ispitanika: 100 ispitanika sa opijatskom zavisno&scaron;ću, 100 ispitanika koji pokazuju simptome poremećaja upotrebe Interneta i 100 ispitanika kontrolne grupe. REZULTATI: Karakteristike ličnosti u vidu u empatije, ekstrovertnosti, prijatnosti, savesnosti, otvorenosti i saradljivosti, u manjoj meri su izražene kod osoba koje imaju poremećaj upotrebe Interneta i osoba zavisnih od opijata, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Psihopatolo&scaron;ke karakteristike ličnosti u vidu sklonosti ka depresivnom reagovanju u stresnim situacijama, samohendikepiranja i neuroticizma, u većoj meri su izražene kod osoba koje imaju poremećaj upotrebe Interneta i osoba zavisnih od opijata u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu ispitanika, a psihopatske crte i agresivnost vi&scaron;e su izražene u osoba zavisnih od opijata u odnosu na druge dve grupe ispitanika. ZAKLJUČAK: Dobijeni rezultati daju doprinos za klasifikaciju poremećaja upotrebe Interneta i sugeri&scaron;u svrstavanje u dijagnostičku kategoriju bihevioralnih zavisnosti. Kvalitativna analiza psiholo&scaron;ke i psihopatolo&scaron;ke fenomenologije opijatske zavisnosti i poremećaja upotrebe Interneta sugeri&scaron;e njihovu zajedničku dispoziciju za adiktivne poremećaje.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Internet use disorder is a psychophysical disorder that includes increasing tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, affective disorders and disruption of social interactions. Neurological and pharmacological data regarding its effects on the reward pathway of the human brain points at similarities with opiate addiction and pathological gambling. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was a comparison of sociodemographic characteristics of individuals suffering from Internet use disorder, individuals addicted to opiates, and a control group. The aim of this study was also to compare psychological traits of participants according to the Big Five personality traits model and psychopathological traits. METHODOLOGY: A clinical cross-sectional study was conducted using assessment scales and batteries of psychological-psychiatric tests for personality assessment. The assessment was performed using the following materials: The Pompidou international psychiatric interview, The Internet disorder scale, Questionnaire for the assessment of depressive personality, Questionnaire for the assessment of empathy competency, Questionnaire for the assessment of psychopathic deviation, Questionnaire for the assessment of empathy competency, Questionnaire for the assessment of psychopathic deviation, Questionnaire for the assessment of self-handicapping behavior, The Big Five inventory. The sample covers 300 respondents: 100 respondents with opiate addiction, 100 respondents which expressed symptoms of the Internet use disorder, and 100 respondents in the control group. RESULTS: Personality traits in the form of empathy, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness and cooperativeness are expressed to a lesser degree in individuals with the Internet use disorder and individuals with opiate addictions compared to the control group. Psychopathological personality traits in the form of tendency towards depressive responses in stressful situations, self-handicapping behavior and neuroticisms are more expressed in individuals with the Internet use disorder and individuals with opiate addiction compared to the control group. Psychopathic traits and aggressive tendencies are more expressed in the group of individuals with opiate addiction compared to the other two groups of respondents. CONCLUSION: Results of the study support classification of the Internet use disorder in the diagnostic category ofbehavioral addictions. The qualitative analysis of psychological and psychopathological phenomenology of opiate addiction and the Internet use disorder suggest a common disposition for addictive disorders.</p>

Uticaj estara ftalne kiseline na tiroidnu funkciju / The influence of phthalic acid esters on thyroid function

Bajkin Ivana 20 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Poslednjih godina u fokusu istraživača je efekat sintetskih jednjenja na endokrini sistem. Estri ftalne kiseline se koriste u procesu plastifikacije, kao industrijski rastvarači, lubrikanti, aditivi u tekstilnoj industriji, u pesticidima, kozmetičkim proizvodima. Raste broj dokaza da je tiroidna žlezda podložna dejstvu endokrinih disruptora. Tiroidni hormoni imaju važnu ulogu u regulaciji rasta, tkivne diferencijacije, energetskog metabolizma, reprodukcije i formiranja centralnog nervnog sistema. Brojna istraživanja ukazala su da ftalati deluju kao EDs. Ciljevi istraživanja: 1. Procena izloženosti populacije mono-etilheksil-ftalatu (MEHP) i mono-etil-ftalatu (MEP). 2. Evaluacija razlika u nivou pokazatelja tirodine funkcije između ftalat pozitivnih i ftalat negativnih ispitanika i između gojaznih i normalno uhranjenih ftalat pozitivnih ispitanika. 3.Utvrđivanje razlika u serumskom nivou leptina gojaznih ispitanika sa i bez pozitivnih ftalatnih metabolita i procena povezanosti leptina sa MEP i MEHP i pokazateljima tiroidne funkcije. Izbor ispitanika i metod rada: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka, obuhvatilo je 201 ispitanika. Ispitanici su podeljeni u grupu MEP/MEHP pozitivnih i negativnih i na podgupe normalno uhranjenih i gojaznih. Od antropometrijskih mera određena je telesna visina, telesna masa, obim struka i indeks telesne mase. Laboratorijske analize: jutarnji uzorak urina za određivanje MEP i MEHP; na&scaron;te uzet uzorka venske krvi za FT4, FT3, TSH i leptin. Statististička analiza sprovedena je na softverskom paketu SPSS. Rezultati: Polovina stanovni&scaron;tva je izložena ftalatima. MEP dovodi do povi&scaron;enja FT4 samo u subpopulaciji gojaznih. Nije utvrđen statistički značajan uticaj MEP na FT3. Kod gojaznih MEP pozitivnih osoba ženskog pola povi&scaron;en je TSH. MEHP uzrokuje sniženje FT4 kod normalno uhranjenih ispitanika, a kod normalno uhranjenih mu&scaron;karaca snižava FT3. Nije utvrđen uticaj MEHP na tirotropin. U gojaznih nije ustanovljen uticaj DEHP i DEP na leptinsku sekreciju.Uočena je tendencija negativne korelacije leptina i FT4 kod gojaznih, dok uticaja na FT3 i TSH nema. Zaključak: Na&scaron;a populacija je u velikoj meri izložena ftalatima. Potvrđeno je da MEP i MEHP imaju uticaj na pojedine indikatore tiroidne funkcije. Ftalati u na&scaron;em istraživanju ne uzrokuju poremećaj leptinske skrecije, a leptin ima blag uticaj jedino na FT4.</p> / <p>Introduction: Effects of synthesized chemicals on endocrine system has been in the focus in the last years. Phthalates are used in plasticization, as industrial solvents, lubricants, textile industry additives, in pesticides and cosmetic products. Evidence for thyroid disruption is growing. Thyroid hormones (TH) have an important role in regulation of growth, tissue differentiation, energy metabolism, reproduction and central nervous system formation. Studies show phthalates can cause endocrine disruption. Aims: 1. Estimation of burden of mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP) and di-2-ethylheksyl phthalate(MEHP) in the population. 2. Evaluation of differences in TH and TSH in MEP/MEHP positive and negative participants, as in obese and lean MEP/MEHP positive participants. 3. Evaluation of differences in leptin in obese MEP/MEHP positive and negative subjects and evaluation of the connection between leptin, MEP, MEHP and thyroid indicators. Patients and methods: This was a cross-sectional study that comprised 201 subjects divided into MEP/MEHP positive and negative group, further subdivided in obese and lean. Anthropometric parameters done: body height, body weight, waist and body mass index. Laboratory tests done: morning urine sample analysis for MEP/MEHP and venous sample analysis for free thyroxine (FT4), free tri-iodothyronine (FT3), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and leptin. Statistical analysis was done in SPSS. Results: Half of subjects were exposed to phthalates. MEP induced an increase in FT4 in obese participants and had no influence on FT3. TSH was increased in obese MEP positive female subjects. MEHP induced a decrease in FT4 in lean participants and a decrease of FT3 in lean males. There was no correlation between MEHP and TSH. Influence of MEP/MEHP on leptin secretion. A tendency for negative correlation between leptin and FT4 was seen. There was no influence of leptin on FT3 and TSH. Conclusion: Our population is greatly exposed to phthalates. MEP and MEHP influence certain thyroid indicators i.e. cause thyroid disruption. Phthalates do not influence leptin secretion in our study. There is a mild effect of leptin on FT4.</p>

Клинички значај идентификације туморских матичних ћелија у ткиву аденокарцинома колона / Klinički značaj identifikacije tumorskih matičnih ćelija u tkivu adenokarcinoma kolona / Clinical impact of colon cancer stem cells identificaton in adenocarcinoma tumour tissue

Kresoja Ignjatović Milana 22 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Karcinom debelog creva predstavlja treći uzrok smrnosti od maligniteta kod mu&scaron;karaca i drugi kod žena. Postoji osnovana sumnja da kancerske matične ćelije (KMĆ) imaju veliki značaj u karcinogenezi, invazivnosti, &scaron;irenju i rezistenciji na hemioterapiju primarnog tumora. Njihova identifikacija u primatnom kolorektalnom karcinomu (KRK) putem markera kancerskih matičnih ćelija bi selektovala visokorizičnu grupu bolesnika, omogućila ciljano delovanje na ove ćelije i veću &scaron;ansu za izlečenje. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje uticaja prisustva kancerskih matičnih ćelija u primarnom tumoru obolelih od karcinoma kolona na pojavu relapsa bolesti, dužino preživljavanja bez bolesti i sveukupno preživljavanje.&nbsp; Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivno&minus;retrospektivna randomizovana analitička studija na Klinici za operativnu onkologiju i Službi za patolo&scaron;ko &ndash; anatomsku i laboratorijsku dijagnostiku Instituta za onkologiju Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici u periodu od 2016-2019. godine. U studiju su uključeno 112 bolesnica operisanih na Institutu za onkologiju Vojvodine u periodu od 2007-2012. godine sa patohistolo&scaron;ki potvrđenom dijagnozom primarnog, nemetastatskog (stadijumi I, II i III) KRK. Bolesnici su randomizovani u odnosu na pojavu recidiva bolesti i prisustvo metastaza u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima u odnosu 1:1. Uzorci tumorskog tkiva dobijeni hirur&scaron;kom resekcijom su nakon standardne patohistolo&scaron;ke obrade tretirani primenom monoklonskih antitela na CD44, CD166 i &alpha;-Lgr5. Određivani su prisustvo, intezitet i lokalizacija kancerskih matičnih ćelija (KMĆ) u primarnom tumoru i njihov uticaj na pojavu relapsa bolesti, dužinu preživljavanja bez bolesti i sveukupno preživljavanje u grupi svih bolesnika a potom bolesnika podeljenih prema stadijumu bolesti. Bolesnici u prvom i drugom stadijumu bolesti koji su imali relaps su imali statistički značajno veće prisustvo CD44+ KMĆ u primarnom tumoru. Kod ovih bolesnika je prisutan kraći period preživljavanja bez bolesti kao i kraće sveukupno preživljavanje. Takođe, uočen je statistički značajan uticaj koekspresije CD44/CD166 u KMĆ na pojavu relapsa bolesti, dužinu preživljavanja bez bolesti i sveukupno preživljavanje kod bolesnika u prvom i drugom stadijumu bolesti. Nije uočena statistička značajnost prisustva KMĆ u primarnom tumoru na pojavu relapsa bolesti, dužinu preživljavanja bez bolesti i sveukupno preživljavanje kod bolesnika u trećem stadijumu bolesti. Prisustvo CD166 i &alpha;-Lgr5 obojenih KMĆ nije pokazalo statističku značajnost u pogledu pojave relapsa bolesti, dužine preživljavanja bez bolesti i sveukupnog preživljavanja, kako u grupi svih bolesnika tako i prilikom podele bolesnika na stadijume bolesti.</p> / <p>Colon cancer is the third most common case of death of malignancy in the world. There is justified theory that cancer stemm cells have significant impact on colon cancer tumorogenesis, invasiviness, spread and resistancy on chemotherapy. Identification of colon cancer stem cells in primary tumor by various biological markers would lead to identification of high risk group of patients, target therapy of colon cancer an higher chance to cure. Aim of this study was to determine wether presence of colon cancer stem cells in primary tumour have impact on recurrence, disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with colorectal cancer. An randomized, analytical prospective-retrospective study was performed on Clinic for Operative Oncology and Department for Anatomical Pathology of Oncology Institute of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica in period of 2016&minus;2019. Study included 112 patient with patohistological proven, non metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who were operated on Oncology Institute of Vojvodina in period of 2007-2012. Patients were randomized by recurrence and presence of metastatic lymph nodes by 1:1 ratio. After standard patohistological preparation, tumour specimens were stained for monoclonal CD44, CD166 and &alpha;-Lgr5 antibody. Presence, intensity of expression and localization of colon cancer stem cells were observed and their impact on relapse, disease free survival and overall survival in group of all patients as well as in groups divided by stages of the disease. We demonstrate that patients in Stage I and II of the disease who experience disease recurrence have statistically significant higher expression of CD44+ in primary tumor specimen. They also have shorter DFS and OS. Coexpression of CD44/CD166 antibody also have strong negative impact on recurrence, disease free survival and overall survival in Stage I and II patients. There is no correlation between presence of colon cancer stem cells and recurrence nor presence of colon cancer stem cells had impact on disease free survival and overall survival. Presence of CD166 and &alpha;-Lgr5 expression did not show significant impact on recurrence nor disease free survival and overall survival as in group of all patients as well in group of patients divided by stages of the disease. High expression of CD44+ and coexpression of CD44/CD166+ colon cancer stem cell markers in primary tumor specimen correlates with higher chance for disease recurrence and also leads to shorter DFS and OS.</p>

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