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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La maqbara de Pamplona (s. VIII). Aportes de la osteoarqueología al conocimiento de la islamización en la Marca Superior

Miguel Ibáñez, María Paz de 22 January 2016 (has links)
El hallazgo de una necrópolis islámica (maqbara) en Pamplona (s. VIII) ha permitido identificar diferentes aspectos culturales, demográficos y culturales, inéditos hasta el momento. La ausencia de restos materiales y ajuares, convierte a los restos humanos en el único testimonio de una época histórica oscura. Del estudio de los enterramientos destaca una mortalidad infantil elevada, la presencia de un mayor número de hombres que de mujeres, la identificación de dos enterramientos correspondientes con gestantes y cinco casos de muerte violenta. Dentro de las singularidad de la maqbara la identificación de signos de manipulaciones dentarias intencionales de carácter cultural, propias de poblaciones alóctonas, posiblemente de origen africano.

Chronic Kidney Disease and the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism

Cheung, Katharine Lana 01 January 2018 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects more than 30 million adults in the U.S. and is strongly associated with cardiovascular events and mortality. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the third leading vascular disease, affects up to 900,000 Americans each year and contributes to as many as 100,000 deaths annually. The relationship of CKD and VTE has been described in patients receiving dialysis, kidney transplants recipients and in nephrotic syndrome, however, data supporting the association of VTE in mild to moderate CKD is conflicted. The overall goal of this research was to study the association of CKD and VTE and to understand the mechanisms of this association. To accomplish this goal we studied participants of the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study, a nationally representative cohort of 30,239 blacks and whites in the U.S.. The first chapter provides a review of the state-of-the science on CKD and VTE and potential mechanisms for this association. We focus on factor VIII as a potential mediator of VTE risk in CKD by reviewing the biochemistry and epidemiology linking factor VIII and CKD. In Chapter 2, we use a cohort study design and a competing risk analysis to determine the risk of VTE with albuminuria (ACR) and with various equations for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). There was no association of ACR and VTE and the risk of VTE was similar among eGFR equations. Compared to a normal eGFR (>90 ml/min/1.73m2), eGFR < 45 ml/min/1.73m2 was associated with a two-fold risk of VTE. The association of eGFR and unprovoked VTE was similar to the association with provoked VTE. The population attributable fraction of CKD (eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2) was modest at 5%. In Chapter 3, we utilize a case-cohort study to determine if biomarkers of inflammation (C-reactive protein) and procoagulation (Factor VIII and D-dimer) attenuate the risk of VTE in CKD. These biomarkers were higher in lower kidney function and were also strongly associated with VTE. Adjustment for factor VIII fully attenuated the risk of VTE in CKD, thus factor VIII is a potential mediator of the association of CKD and VTE. We assessed whether lifestyle factors and medications mitigate the risk of VTE in those with and without CKD. Exercise frequency and use of statins were associated with reduced risk of VTE in the presence and absence of CKD, but normal BMI was associated with reduced VTE risk only in those without CKD. We conclude that CKD is a risk factor for VTE, and findings shed light on the mechanisms of this association. Interventions that might lower VTE risk in CKD patients include exercise and statin therapy, but not weight loss. Factor VIII is a potential mediator of VTE in CKD and deserves further study. We suggest several avenues for future research to explore the relationship of Factor VIII and CKD.

Humanism And Its Effect On Sir Thomas More's Position Regarding Henry Viii's Great Matter, Act Of Succession And Act Of Supremacy

January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis of humanism as studied and practiced by Sir Thomas More, in the early-sixteenth century. It will examine the effect those beliefs had in his position regarding Henry VIII's Great Matter and the laws that followed. The thesis is divided into five sections including Introduction; Humanism; The Great Matter and the Acts that Followed; More, The Martyr; and Conclusion. The Introduction provides a terse summary of More's life, including his education and career as well as his personal life. In the section on Humanism, the philosophy is defined and the branches of same are discussed. It delves into Thomas More's practice of the philosophy and discusses three of his humanist works: his 1518 Letter to Oxford, Utopia and The History of Richard III. Erasmian Humanism is also discussed. In The Great Matter and the Acts that Followed, background on same is provided so More's position regarding these political decisions are understood. In this section, More's humanism is discussed as it relates to his own piety and understanding of virtue. In More, the Martyr, More's resignation to his impending execution is discussed in terms of his religious writing and how his humanism still was in effect at this time, though practiced now in a contemplative state. This thesis concludes with the breaking down of More's self-written epitaph and includes analysis on why same makes no direct mention of studia humanitatis. It also touches on how More's practices in humanism and Catholicism are viewed today, as are his stances on politics. It also includes opposition to his being considered a martyr. / acase@tulane.edu

Compassion, Jesus and Luke - words and deeds in a redaction-compositional study of Luke 6:12-8:3

Waldie, Kevin James, n/a January 2009 (has links)
Luke's gospel is not infrequently referred to as the gospel of mercy. This declaration has rarely, if at all, been seriously subjected to a critical investigation of its validity and the appropriateness of such a nomenclature. In particular, there has been little recognition of subtle and significant distinctions that can be made between mercy and compassion. This thesis therefore seeks to lay bare how the evangelist employed gospel source materials and his own literary talent to create and compose a sequence of narrative moments that lends itself to what is proposed here, especially a proper articulation of compassion as revealed by Luke's Jesus. Limiting its broader investigative focus to Lk 3:1-9:50 this study is primarily interested in Lk 6:36, its role within the oft neglected Sermon on the Plain (Lk 6:20-49), its significance for the content and composition of Lk 7, and then secondarily its connection with the narrative blocks found either side of Lk 6-7, where of particular note is the programmatic sermon of Lk 4:16-30. In this purview a keen eye on detail and patterns relative to word(s) and deed(s) makes it possible to discern certain key theological and Christological authorial assumptions. Specifically, it is through this purposeful depiction of God and Jesus in relation to humankind that Luke insightfully initiates the reader into the mission and ministry of the Christ and his chosen disciples. Observing closely what this Jesus says and does sheds light on the import of extended meaning attaching itself to Luke's writing. To comprehend this better it proves helpful to analyse the meaning and force of Lk 6:36 in its Sermon context, in Luke's larger narrative and within the broad spectrum of ideas that derive from biblical, linguistic, philosophical and theological discussions. Lk 6:36 in translation thus becomes the point of departure for a more expansive treatment of this sometimes elusive theme. Attempting to find the right, appropriately nuanced word in English helps establish an appreciation for the richer strands of meaning that attach to the mercy/compassion realm of language and that with certain conditioning have been either overshadowed or lost sight of altogether. Acquiring that orientation to the biblical concept evoked by Lk 6:36 can only be gained by an investigation that attentively inspects the palette of Hebrew and Greek terminology. A surprising array of interconnected yet distinct words, emphases and associations of image come as a result. When closely examined alongside the linguistic and historical data Luke's composition confirms that the "compassion" Jesus voices / enacts is thoroughly relational; at its core is a personal, life-giving parent-child kinship; God is its primary reference point (invoking the notions of imitatio Dei, imago Dei); its paradigm figure is Jesus whose words and deeds integrally reveal its extravagant, boundary-free, risk-laden outreach to human beings of all sorts; and by natural inclination it redresses suffering and oppression without impossible conditions. To be, feel and act for another in this way is measured ultimately not by a human but a divine standard. The investigative method of this thesis is a redaction-critical / composition-critical analysis of Lukan gospel material where "compassion" is best examined, defined and demonstrated. As a matter of course this approach accepts that Luke is both redactor of received materials (holding to the majority hypothesis on Synoptic sources) and author of a narrative with its own foci, emphases and theological character. Thus to define "compassion" through the words and deeds of the Lukan Jesus is to enter a narrative world virtually unexplored until now.

Commento al libro VIII delle Argonautiche di Valerio Flacco / A Commentary on Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica VIII

PELLUCCHI, TIZIANA 30 March 2007 (has links)
Il saggio consta di introduzione generale, testo, commento: la prima parte studia la struttura del libro, traccia i profili dei protagonisti di Arg. VIII ed, infine, discute i problemi relativi allo stato di incompiutezza del poema. Al testo di Arg. VIII segue il commento, costituito da introduzioni particolari alle singole sezioni e scene in cui si suddivide il libro e da note lemmatiche di carattere linguistico, stilistico, filologico, prosodico e metrico. La tesi è corredata di bibliografia e indici (generale, dei notabilia e dei passi discussi). / The essay is formed by general introduction, text, commentary: the first part studies the structure of the book, characterizes the protagonists of Arg. VIII and, finally, discusses the problem of the incompleteness of the poem. After the whole text of book VIII, there is the commentary: it is made up of specific introductions to each section and scene of the book and of linguistic, stylistic, philological, prosodic and metrical notes to the text. The work is complete with bibliography and indexes (of the notabilia, of the quoted passages and of the whole essay).

Les signaux de danger dans l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire contre le facteur VIII thérapeutique

Teyssandier, Maud 25 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'hémophilie A (HA) est une maladie hémorragique congénitale qui se traduit par un défaut en facteur VIII (FVIII) de la coagulation. Le traitement privilégié des saignements est l'administration de FVIII exogène cependant, 30% des patients développent une réponse anticorps alloimmune contre le FVIII thérapeutique qui inhibe son activité pro-coagulante. L'endocytose du FVIII par les cellules dendritiques (DC) et sa présentation aux lymphocytes T ont été documentées. Cependant, la nature des signaux de danger (SD) responsables de la maturation des DC indispensable à l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire anti-FVIII, est inconnue. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai cherché à identifier l'origine de ces SD et envisagé 3 possibilités: Une origine liée à la structure intrinsèque du FVIII, au contexte inflammatoire avant l'administration de FVIII, ou au contexte inflammatoire généré par l'injection de FVIII. Mes résultats ont montré que le FVIII n'était pas capable d'induire la maturation de macrophages ou d'activer directement le TLR2. J'ai également écarté l'hypothèse d'un état d'activation compensatoire des plaquettes (PLT) dans un organisme privé de FVIII. En revanche, mes travaux ont mis en évidence un rôle des PLT dans l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire anti-FVIII dans le modèle murin d'HA. Mes résultats suggèrent que l'implication des PLT passe par leur activation par la thrombine générée lors de l'administration de FVIII. L'identification des médiateurs de l'inflammation issus de l'activation plaquettaire devrait ouvrir des perspectives thérapeutiques intéressantes dans le contrôle de l'inflammation au moment de l'administration de FVIII, afin de réduire son immunogénicité.

Changing Patterns Of Marriage And Family In England From The Late Medieval To The Early Modern Ages

Uluduz, Ozlem 01 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CHANGING PATTERNS OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY IN ENGLAND FROM THE LATE MEDIEVAL TO THE EARLY MODERN AGES ULUD&Uuml / Z, &Ouml / ZLEM M.S. Department of History Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur August 2003, 132 pages This thesis analyzes the changing patterns of the institutions of family and marriage in England. The period covers the late medieval ages to the early modern ages until the middle of the eighteenth century, 1753, which represents the acceptance of an important Act on marriage by the English Parliament that ended ambiguities on the law of marriage. This study attempts to investigate the family institution and marriage practices of England, which represented a different character from other European countries throughout the period. Many important historical factors occurred throughout the period, which influenced the family structure and marriage practices such as the Reformation. Within this framework, throughout this thesis, the religious, political, economic and social factors that paved the way for transition in family and marriage will be analyzed. iii

Mise en place d'un circuit de traitement des dons au service Commun de la Documentation de l'Université Paris-8 /

January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Rapport de projet (DCB) : Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques : Villeurbanne (France) : 2001. / DCB = Diplôme de Conservateur de Bibliothèque. Notes bibliogr.

The shares of Shakespeare and Fletcher in Henry VIII

Windsor, David Lawrence, 1921- January 1951 (has links)
No description available.

Quality of paediatric care at King Edward VIII hospital.

Will, R. G. January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of health service research is to produce knowledge that will contribute to the improvement in the delivery of health care and it is in this spirit that this study of the quality of paediatric care at King Edward VIII Hospital was undertaken. The main method utilized was an evaluation of aspects of the process of care of selected conditions, as measured against a predefined set of standards. This was accomplished by a retrospective review of patient records. Assessments were also made of the utilization of the Department's services, manpower and equipment. The surveys conducted involved the Outpatient's Department, the General and the Neonatal Wards of the Paediatric Department of the King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban. The Hospital Administration's routine and computerized data were also analyzed. Among the findings was that the routinely collected data is inadequate,providing only limited information for management purposes. The assertion that the utilization of the Department is high was confirmed, as was the claim that some resources are inadequate to cope with increasing demand. Many factors contribute to this, including high bed occupancy, high patient to doctor ratios, and several factors outside of direct hospital control (primary care services). The general clinical care of patients is high, but particular aspects were found to be in need of attention; for example, the metabolic and fluid management of the ill young patient and medical records in general. Immediate and long-term recommendations pertaining to the Paediatric Department and the Administration are presented.

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