Spelling suggestions: "subject:"virtualidad"" "subject:"virtualised""
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Virtuali erdvė – nauja uždarų bendruomenių plėtimosi sritis / Virtual space –new area for closed communities to developDanius, Vaidotas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas — uždaros bendruomenės ir virtuali erdvė. Darbo tikslas — išanalizuoti kaip uždaros bendruomenės naudojasi virtualios erdvės teikiamais privalumais. Darbo tikslui pasiekti yra formuluojami tokie uždaviniai: nustatyti, kokios savybės būdingos uždaroms bendruomenėms; išnagrinėti, kokios virtualios erdvės charakteristikos sudaro prielaidas uždarų bendruomenių plėtimuisi; pateikti virtualių bendruomenių klasifikaciją didžiausią dėmesį skiriant toms bendruomenių grupėms, kurios gali būti aktualiausios uždaroms bendruomenėms; išnagrinėti įvairius galimus tikslus, kuriuos uždaros bendruomenės įgyvendina virtualioje erdvėje. / The objective of this master writing is to analyze how closed communities use qualities of virtual space in order to develop. To achieve this objective, following tasks are being implemented: to ascertain what qualities are common for closed communities; to examine characteristics or virtual space that can condition development of closed communities; to present the classification of virtual communities; to analyze various possible objectives which closed communities implement in virtual space.
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Virtualios organizacijos personalo valdymas / Personnel management of virtual organizationMerkevičius, Juozas 05 April 2005 (has links)
Scientific problem. Theoretical models and their application practice do not coincide with personnel management latter-day requirements. They are determined by pervasion of information technologies, development of virtual organizations as well as business under conditions of social and economical internationalization. Due to particularity of information technologies, new personnel management problems are faced, and their solving requires new personnel management models.
Subject of scientific research. Management of geographically remote personnel using computer network, information technologies, factors affecting efficient personnel management, personnel management in virtual organization need detailed research.
Aim of the research – to construct effective personnel management model of virtual organization, that created possibilities to control geographically dispersed personnel using information technologies.
Practical results of the study: 1) applying multi-criteria analysis, there are identified quantitative indicators, which allow effectively controlling personnel, including material motivational means; 2) there are determined peculiarities of personnel management in virtual organization, made an instrumentation that allows flexibly reacting to changing business environment, adapting personnel management by network model in conformity to particular situation; 3) there are made certain proposals, which increase personnel management efficiency and personnel... [to full text]
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Virtualių mokomųjų aplinkų lokalizavimas / Localization of Virtual Learning EnvironmentŠiškevičiūtė, Daiva 13 June 2006 (has links)
The work consists of two parts. The first part describes the survey of student opinions on the Virtual Learning Environment. The research helps us see how attractive different possibilities among students are as regards the Virtual Learning Environment and what positive influence the said possibilities bring on the learning process. The research can also be helpful to teachers creating virtual learning courses in singling out the possibilities to focus on. Teaching material of the theory of algorithms presented within the open code of the Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle” was used for the survey. Pedagogical evaluation guidelines have been presented and the said “Moodle” environment has been estimated respectively.
The second part of the work deals with the localization of VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) “Moodle” help manual. The localization process began by selecting the themes more important to students based on the previous research results. The work also defines the localization itself and its levels: code tables, dialogue culture important localization-wise, and the open source concept. Certain criteria are applied to localization as any other piece of work. Finally, the localization process of module help manual of the Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle” has been described.
The results of the research show that students have insufficient knowledge of the Virtual Learning Environment. Thus the localization of the VLE is very important in order to make students... [to full text]
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Komunikacijos proceso adaptavimas virtualiam projektui / Communication management adaptation for virtual projectKarpichina, Natalija 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama komunikacija virtualiame projekte – tokiame, kurio resursai yra skirtingose šalyse, skirtingose laiko zonose, kalba skirtingomis kalbomis, bet dalyvauja tame pačiame projekte. Išanalizuotas komunikacijos procesas tokiame projekte – išskirti projekto esminiai įvykiai, suinteresuoti asmenys, komunikacijos kanalai. Šios informacijos pagrindu sudarytas komunikacijos plano šablonas, kitų dokumentų, reikalingų palaikyti komunikacijos procesą, šablonai, bei aprašyti virtualaus projekto kriterijai, kuriam šis planas tiktų. Gauti šablonai buvo panaudoti realiame projekte, įvertinant komunikacijos kokybę prieš plano įdiegimą, ir praėjus trims mėnesiams po jo. Šių įvertinimų rezultatai parodo, jog komunikacijos kokybė žymiai pagerėjo – to pagrindinis kriterijus yra faktas, kad sumažėjo atsakymo gavimo laikas, ir padidėjo bendras komandos našumas. / Virtual project teams are being increasingly established as they allow engaging best professionals available, beyond geographical boundaries, minimizing investments in cost and time. But employing a virtual team involves many challenges that organizations must resolve to get the greatest value of the team. One of the greatest issues in virtual project is communication, as team is distributed in different countries, time zones, speaking different languages. In this paper, communication process in virtual project is analyzed: key events are found, stakeholders identified, communication channels are described. Based on this information, the communication plan template is built, as well as templates of other documents that are needed to maintain communication process. Criteria’s of the project, which could find these results useful, are defined. The communication plan and other results of the work are used in a project, and quality of communication is evaluated before and 3 month after communication plan was installed. The results of these studies show, that quality of communication has increased. The main criteria for that is a fact, that the time of awaiting an answer has decreased, therefore efficiency of the team increased.
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Virtualios organizacijos personalo valdymas / Personnel management of virtual organizationMerkevičius, Juozas 04 April 2005 (has links)
The work under new conditions of information technologies’ development has not only advantages, but also causes certain problems as well as new conflicts within an organization. Inadequacy of models applied in personnel management and current market requirements can determine the decrease of competitive ability for the business organizations, loss of potential markets, causing social problems, such as unemployment, increase of social disproportion between different countries or regions, migration of qualified staff. Due to the following reasons, the perception of personnel improvement problems and their solutions stand not only for business development factor. These circumstances frame the topicality of a thesis subject.
Scientific problem. Theoretical models and their application practice do not coincide with personnel management latter-day requirements. They are determined by pervasion of information technologies, development of virtual organizations as well as business under conditions of social and economical internationalization. Due to particularity of information technologies, new personnel management problems are faced, and their solving requires new personnel management models.
Subject of scientific research. Management of geographically remote personnel using computer network, information technologies, factors affecting efficient personnel management, personnel management in virtual organization need detailed research.
Aim of the research – to construct effective... [to full text]
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Kultūros paveldo statinio virtuali trimatė rekonstrukcija / The virtual tridimentional reconstruction of the building of cultural inheritanceZabulytė, Renata 30 May 2005 (has links)
The objective of the work is to make the virtual tridimentional reconstruction of the building of cultural inheritance. The virtual model of the real object will help the visitors of the museum to familiarize with lost or dilapidated objects of cultural inheritance and will be utilized for student’s education. The Department of Cultural Values is interested in virtual reconstruction of objects of cultural inheritance, which can lead to decisions such as, is it worth for the restorer to project a real restoration of the object, what is the most appropriate material, and how much will it cost. The object of cultural inheritance, for which the model was created, is the fetch house of Muriliskes, owed by San Petersburg (not far from Zarasai). The virtual model allows us to view the object from different sides and to make a journey around this complex. We are using: personal computer, the operational system Windows 9X/ME/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5,0 version or higher, adapter, for example, The virtual model Cortona Client was made by using Archicad programmable package and VRML computerese.
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Virtualios komandos valdymas / Managing of virtual teamRindzevičiūtė, Laura 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe pateikiama virtualios organizacijos specifika, išskiriami virtualių komandų tipai. Išsamiai išnagrinėjami virtualios komandos darbo privalumai ir trūkumai. Remiantis komandinio darbo ir personalo valdymo teoriniais aspektais bei sprendimų priėmimo valdymo modeliu formuojamas praktinis virtualios komandos valdymo modelis. Modelis sudarytas iš 5 valdymo veiklų – procesų, kiekvienas procesas paremtas specialiais kriterijais. Remiantis pasiūlytu virtualios komandos valdymo modelio ketvirtuoju veiklos procesu, atliktas tyrimas, kurio rezultatai leidžia įvardinti pagrindines problemas kylančias virtualios komandos nariams dirbant kartu. Tai laiko skirtumai, kultūrų skirtumai, kalbos skirtumai, taip pat įvardintos techninės problemos ir suderinamumas, skirtingas IT priemonių naudojimas, nepasitikėjimas komandos nariais, glaudžių bendradarbiavimo santykių nebuvimas, virtuali aplinka; komandų tikslų skirtingas interpretavimas. Įvardintos priežastys leidžia sukurti virtualios komandos veiklos efektyvumo tobulinimo sistemą, kur minėtieji probleminiai aspektai tampa tobulinimo sritimis. / Presented work covers theoretical and empirical research related to virtual organization and particularly virtual team. Virtual organization requires a different way of perceiving the world by those who wish to participate in it. Essential key characteristics of virtual organization and team should be developed. The main objective of this work is to create model of virtual team management. Particularly goals are to analyze theoretical aspects of virtual organization and virtual team. To name today’s personnel management processes and the main advantages of team work. According to these processes model of virtual team management are created. This model includes five basic processes, and the most important point is – this model includes five dynamic decision styles, which helps to manage the whole management process. Empirical researches are held to recognize the main disadvantage of virtual team work. These results helps to crate evaluation system - virtual team managing assessment scheme are created. First section of this work represents theoretical aspects, disclosure virtual organization features, various aspects. Virtual team functions are mentioned. Considering these functions and personnel management theory virtual team management model are created, which is shown in second section of this work. The model includes five basic processes. Empirical researches are shown in third section. Problems are named: time zones, cultural awareness, language difficulties also shared... [to full text]
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Santykių marketingo dimensijų raiška virtualioje aplinkoje / Dimensions of relationship marketing in virtual spaceKabaila, Rimantas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Marketingo mokslininkų atlikti teoriniai ir empiriniai tyrimai patvirtina, kad įmonės išlikimą ir konkurencinį pranašumą rinkoje lemia ilgalaikiai santykiai su klientais. Marketingo literatūroje ilgalaikių santykių svarba akcentuojama tiek klientui, tiek ir įmonei, tačiau šio tikslo siekimas virtualioje aplinkoje sąlygoja nevienareikšmius, kartais prieštaringus santykių marketingo dimensijų virtualioje aplinkoje teorinius aiškinimus. Darbo objektas - santykių marketingo dimensijos virtualioje aplinkoje. Darbo tikslas - teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuoti ir empiriškai pagrįsti santykių marketingo dimensijų raišką virtualioje aplinkoje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti santykių marketingo esmę; 2. Identifikuoti santykių vystymą lemiančius veiksnius; 3. Išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti santykių marketingo dimensijas ir komponentus fizinėje ir virtualioje aplinkoje; 4. Parengus santykių marketingo dimensijų raiškos virtualioje aplinkoje tyrimo metodologiją, atlikti empirinį tyrimą internetinės svetainės „www.bidz.com“ pavyzdžiu. Rašant darbą naudotasi mokslinės literatūros šaltiniu, periodikos, virtualių duomenų bazių sisteminės ir palyginamosios analizės metodais. Atliekant empirinį tyrimą naudoti kokybinis ir kiekybinis tyrimo metodai - giluminis interviu, apklausa, tiesinė ir kryžminė empirinio tyrimo rezultatų analizė. Darbo rezultatai : • Atskleista santykių marketingo konceptualioji esmė; • Teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuotos ir apibendrintos santykių marketingo dimensijos fizinėje ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In resent marketing studies authors acknowledge necessity to search for new methods in marketing. Marketing scientists identify various changes in environment that make long–term relationship actual. Purpose to satisfy consumer needs as well as always changing models of consumers` behavior motivate organizations to use relationship marketing. Moreover, information technologies development prompt researches of dimensions of relationship marketing in virtual space. The object of this work is dimensions of relationship marketing in virtual space. The study reveals essence of relationship marketing, identifies factors that influence development of relationship, analyze and emphasize dimensions of relationship marketing in usual and virtual space. Created model represents process of building long-term relationship and includes dimensions of relationship marketing in virtual space, components of Web site and factors that influence dimensions of relationship marketing. Accomplished empiric research indicates that most important dimensions of relationship marketing in virtual space are trust and honesty as well as essential Web site components are transaction security assurance, order fulfillment and functional search of products. Results suggest that created model can help organization build successful relationship in virtual space. Study includes 57 pages, 2 tables and 14 figures.
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Išorinių veiksnių įtaka vartotojų sprendimo pirkti priėmimui virtualioje aplinkoje / The influence of external factors on consumers buying decision in virtual environmentPovilaitytė, Jurgita 26 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe, remiantis užsienio autorių moksliniais darbais, išanalizuota vartotojų elgsena, išskirti vartotojų tipai virtualioje aplinkoje. Atskleisti vartotojų elgseną lemiantys veiksniai, kurie daro įtaką sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procesui. Apibendrinus mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizę, sukurtas teorinis išorinių veiksnių įtakos vartotojų sprendimo pirkti priėmimui ir pirkimui modelis virtualioje aplinkoje. Teoriniam išorinių veiksnių įtakos vartotojų sprendimo pirkti priėmimui ir pirkimui modeliui virtualioje aplinkoje patikrinti atliktas empirinis tyrimas. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo rezultatais identifikuota ir įvertinta internetinių vartotojų elgsenos ypatumai virtualioje aplinkoje, išskirti pagrindiniai išoriniai veiksniai ir vartotojų tipai, turintys įtakos sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procesui virtualioje aplinkoje. / In this Master's work, based on the scientific work of foreign authors, consumer behavior is analyzed and types of users in virtual environment are identified. Consumer behavior determining factors that influence purchase decision-making process are disclosed. Summarizing the analysis of scientific literature sources, the theoretical model of external factors affecting consumer purchase decision-making and purchase process in virtual environment is developed. In order to test the theoretical model of external factors affecting consumer purchase decision-making and purchasing process in virtual environment an empirical analysis is made. Based on the results of the empirical analysis, internet consumer behavior characteristics in virtual environment is identified and evaluated, the key external factors and types of consumers, affecting purchase decision-making process in virtual environment are defined.
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Virtualios organizacijos tapatybės vadybos problemos / Identity management problems of the virtual organizationŠležaitė, Sima 25 June 2014 (has links)
Organizacijos tapatybė yra ne tik modernios organizacijos, kuri siekia pristatyti save, savo patirtį ir požiūrį į auditorijas, valdymo strategija, bet ji sukuria ir bendrumo bei supratimo jausmą tarp darbuotojų, padeda jiems pažinti organizaciją ir nuosekliai siekti savo ir bendrų tikslų. Taip pat ji padeda organizacijai aiškiai ir nuosekliai bendrauti su išorinėmis jai svarbiomis grupėmis. O virtualioje organizacijoje stipri tapatybė nėra sukuriama arba ją sukurti ir palaikyti yra labai sunku: jos darbuotojai retai bendrauja tiesiogiai ir neturi stipraus bendradarbiavimo jausmo, virtuali organizacija neturi fizinės vietos, o kartais net ir aiškios organizacijos struktūros. Taip pat jai sunku sukurti stiprią savo kultūrą, kasdieniu darbu įdiegti darbuotojams jos viziją ir misiją. Visi šie aspektai formuoja organizacijos tapatybę, kuri padeda organizacijos aiškumo ir apibrėžtumo pamatus – tai ypač svarbu norint sukurti skaidrią organizaciją. Tyrimo objektas – virtualių organizacijų tapatybės vadybos problemos. Darbo tikslas – išanalizavus teorines tapatybės valdymo prielaidas išsiaiškinti virtualių organizacijų tapatybės valdymo galimybes ir vadybos problemas. Darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti organizacijos tapatybės vadybos ypatumus ir kaip ji yra formuojama; išanalizuoti virtualios organizacijos sampratą, klasifikacijas ir charakteristiką; išsiaiškinti virtualių organizacijų tapatybės formavimo galimybes ir ypatybes; nustatyti virtualių organizacijų tapatybės vadybos problemas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Organization identity is not only the strategy of management in modern organization, which goals is to introduce itself, it‘s experience and point of view to it‘s interest groups, but also the identity creates a sense of community and understanding between coworkers. It also helps them to know the organization better from the inside and to reach both individual and organizational goals consistently. Also the identity lets clearly and consistently communicate with external groups of interests. But in a virtual organization strong identity is not created or it can be done in hard work and to mantain it is not easy as well: coworkers usually do not communicate directly and do not have a strong cooperation sense, the virtual organization does not have physical location, sometimes there is even absense of clear organizational structure. It is also very difficult to create it‘s strong culture, incorporate it‘s mission and vision in everyday work. All these aspects form identity of the organization which helps to buil the basic for a clarity and certainty – this is particularly important in order to create a transparent organization. The paper‘s object – identity management problems or the virtual organization. A goal of the paper is to ascertain possibilities of the identity management of the virtual organization. Tasks of the paper: to analyze features of organization‘s identity management and how is beeing formed; to ascertain the meaning of the virtual organization... [to full text]
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