Spelling suggestions: "subject:"horticulture""
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De la vigne au chai : viticulture et vinification en Bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans (vers 1450 - vers 1480)Porcher, Kévin 25 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
De 1154 à 1453, Bordeaux se trouve sous l'obédience du roi d'Angleterre.L'ouverture du marché anglais favorise le développement d'un vignoble à vocation commerciale autour de la ville. De nombreux travaux sont consacrés à cette période faste du vignoble et du commerce du vin bordelais. En revanche, la situation du vignoble au lendemain de la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans (après la prise de Bordeaux par Charles VII en 1453) est très souvent restée dans l'ombre.Ce travail propose donc d'étudier les caractéristiques et les dynamiques du vignoble bordelais dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, après les crises de la fin du Moyen Âge. En raison de la nature des sources employées, l'approche adoptée est celle du point de vue des Bordelais sur le vignoble, ce qui permet d'analyser l'emprise urbaine sur les vignes des alentours. Nous verrons comment les stratégies foncières et économiques des élites urbaines, essentiellement composées de marchands, influencent l'évolution du vignoble bordelais après la guerre de Cent Ans.
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Pursuing quality wine in South Australia : materials, markets, valuationsBrice, Jeremy January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents an ethnography of the processes and practices through which Australian grape and wine producers attempt to produce, and to assess, quality and value in the materials with which they work. Drawing on participant observation research conducted within two wine companies in South Australia – one owned by a multinational beverage conglomerate, one a family-owned boutique winery – this thesis engages with three overarching questions, which engage with the concerns of agro-food studies and of social studies of markets. First, how – and with what economic effects – are the sensory qualities of materials made to matter within the Australian wine industry? Second, how do grape and wine producers pursue wine quality in a more-than-human world, and in what ways might their endeavours problematise extant theorisations of economic agency? Finally, what might be the consequences of Australian wine producers’ recent engagements with principles of grape and wine quality centred upon geographical origin? In response to these questions, this thesis explores time-reckoning and value production in viticultural practice, the pricing of winegrapes during a fungal disease epidemic, the commercial relationships convened through the production of large-volume mass-market wine blends, and Australian wine producers’ recent attempts to produce ‘wines from somewhere.’ These empirical engagements lead it to argue that the qualification and valuation practices deployed within the Australian wine industry do not simply affect the qualities and prices of grapes and wines. They also shape economic agencies and vulnerabilities, organise and value commercial relationships among grape growers and wine producers, and reassemble the economic geographies of Australian grape production. This thesis concludes that because different ways of pursuing quality enact these phenomena in different ways, much may depend not only upon how successfully, but also upon how – through what techniques, practices, and associations – quality is pursued.
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Vinohradnictví a vinařství z pohledu práva / Viniculture and wine-production from the legal point of viewŠvábová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide an insight into the legal rules governing viticulture and winemaking, and their historical development. Furthermore, the current legal and factual situation as well as the current issues associated with the legislation in these fields are more closely examined in the thesis. An anonymous questionnaire had been created and sent to a selected group of small and medium-size viniculturists and wine producers in the Slovacko wine subregion in order to supplement the research and its aim of presenting the current legislation from de lege ferenda point of view.
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Přírodní a společenské podmínky rozvoje pražského vinařství na příkladu Dejvic / Natural and social conditions of the Prague viticulture development illustrated by the example of DejviceŠvábík, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
I devoted my thesis to the development of the Prague viticulture since 1848 and I show that natural and social conditions largely influenced it. At the very beginning I deal with how grape cultivation spread and how winemaking developed in the Czech lands. As for the natural conditions, the most significant part focuses on climate and the climate change that influenced not only viticulture. As for the social conditions, it was the law that had the biggest impact on winemaking. I deal with the Czech viticulture right sources and analyse the most important legal documents which determined the viticulture development. One of the most noteworthy periods of the viticulture near Prague was the reign of Charles IV. I inform the reader about his plan to plant grapes extensively and not only do I examine its impact, but I also comment on his intentions and the reasons that made him do so. The example of Dejvice illustrates how winemaking influenced the nature of Prague surroundings in many ways. To support this, I give examples of the development of some vineyards in Dejvice that show the particular impact of the mentioned historical events. I also try to find the answer why and how the viticulture in Dejvice vanished.
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Caracterização da estrutura de interação genótipo e ambiente utilizando modelo AMMI e W-AMMI por meio de Biplot / Characterization of structure of genotype and environment interaction using AMMI and W-AMMI models through BiplotHirai, Welinton Yoshio 05 February 2019 (has links)
A estatística é uma ferramenta muito importante na área de melhoramento genético devido a necessidade de se analisar, em determinadas espécies, características de adaptabilidade e estabilidade. Uma medida que ajuda o pesquisador nas avaliações destes comportamentos é a interação genótipo x ambiente (IGA). Existem inúmeras metodologias que ajudam na caracterização deste efeito, e um destes métodos é o modelo AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction), em que os efeitos são estimados utilizando ANOVA (Análise de Variância) e a estrutura da interação é caracterizada por meio de ACP (Análise de Componentes Principais). Entretanto, uma pressuposição necessária para o modelo é a homogeneidade de variâncias, e caso este pressuposto não aconteça, foi proposto uma generalização do modelo AMMI, o W-AMMI (Weighted AMMI) que utiliza um método de DVS (Decomposição em Valores Singulares) ponderado. Com isto, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a IGA por meio dos modelos AMMI e W-AMMI através de gráficos Biplot\'s. Utilizou-se 2 conjuntos de dados, em que o primeiro experimento foi realizado no Instituto Agronômico de Cam- pinas, afim de avaliar um híbrido de uva (SR 0.501-17) enxertada sobre 4 porta-enxertos (IAC 766, IAC 572, IAC 571-6 e IAC 313), em 2 municípios do estado de São Paulo (Votuporanga e Jundiaí) nos anos de 2012, 2013 e 2014. O segundo experimento foi realizado pela EMBRAPA - Fortaleza com o objetivo de caracterizar o fruto do melão a partir de 92 famílias, em 3 diferentes ambientes. Na primeira análise, mesmo com o fator da interação da ANOVA conjunta não sendo significativa, prosseguiu-se com a abordagem do modelo AMMI afim de caracterizar o comportamento de estabilidade que os porta-enxertos apresentam nos diferentes ambientes. Por conta da alta heterogeneidade entre os ambientes, observou-se que o modelo W-AMMI apresentou melhor comportamento para a caracterização da IGA. A análise para o segundo experimento apresentou dados faltantes, e desta forma, foi utilizado o método de imputação baseado na DVS livre de distribuição. Por falta de hetero- geneidade nos 3 ambientes, constatou-se que o modelo W-AMMI apresentou comportamento parecido com o AMMI para a descrição da IGA. Conclui-se que mesmo em casos que haja independência entre os fatores de genótipos e ambientes, seria viável ao pesquisador utilizar o modelo AMMI como um complemento na análise, devido a complexidade multivariada que este fator pode apresentar. Além disto, para experimentos com homogeneidade de variância o modelo W-AMMI não apresenta melhora na caracterização, evidenciando desta forma, o objetivo da metodologia. / Statistic is a very important approach in field of quantitative genetics due to necessity analyse, in determinate species, characteristics of the adaptability and stability. One measure that helps the researcher assessing this behavior is the Genotype × Environment Interaction (GEI). There many methodologies that help characterization this effect, and one of there methods is the AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction) model, where the effects are estimated using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and the structure of interaction is characterized for PCA (Principal Component Analysis). However, a assumption necessity for the model is the homogeneity of variance, and for this, was proposed a generalization of AMMI model, the W-AMMI (Weighted AMMI) that using SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) weighted. In this work, a objective was evaluated the GEI through the AMMI and W-AMMI models using Biplot\'s graphs. It was analyzed two data sets, fist experiment was design in IAC (Institute Agronomic of Campinas), that evaluate a hybrid grape (SR 0.501-17) on four rootstocks (IAC 766, IAC 572, IAC 571-6 e IAC 313), in two city of state of São Paulo (Votuporanga and Jundiaí), in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014. The second experiment was carried by EMBRAPA-Fortaleza with aim of characterizing the melon fruit from 92 families, in 3 differents environments. In the first analysis, even with interaction factor of ANOVA not was significative, continued with approach of AMMI model, in order to characterize the stability behavior the rootstocks present in the different environments. Due to heterogeneity among the environments, was observed that W-AMMI model presented better behavior for description of the IGA. The analysis for the second experiment presented missing values, and was used the imputation method based on DVS free of distribution. Due to lack of heterogeneity in the environments, it was observed that W- AMMI model presented similar with AMMI, for description of the GEI. Finally, was concluded the even in cases whose factor of genotype and environments being independence, would be feasible for the researcher use the AMMI model for complement in the analysis, because the multivariate complexity that this factor can present. In addition, for experiments with homogeneity of variance, the W-AMMI model does not present improvement in the characterization, thus evidencing the objective of the methodology.
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Monitoramento ambiental de vinhedos utilizando uma rede de sensores sem fio que coleta dados com um intervalo de amostragem variável. / Environmental monitoring of vineyards using a wireless sensor network that collect data with a variable sampling interval.Congona Benavente, Juan Carlos 24 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo de aspectos relacionados ao uso de uma Rede de Sensores sem Fio, como uma tecnologia de apoio para o monitoramento ambiental em vinhedos. Com o intuito de estender o tempo de duração das baterias dos nos sensores dessa rede, procurou-se evitar coletas desnecessárias de dados. O programa aplicativo dos nos foi redefinido para possibilitar a escolha de um intervalo de amostragem próximo das necessidades, sendo essa escolha feita pelos próprios nos, a partir de condições predefinidas no aplicativo. A área de aplicação escolhida foi a viticultura, devido a grande influencia das condições ambientais no desenvolvimento fisiológico das videiras, influenciando no rendimento e na qualidade das uvas produzidas, justificando a adoção de um sistema de monitoramento. Uma das características dessas redes que motiva a sua aplicação na área agrícola e a possibilidade de coleta de dados com a resolução espaço-temporal adequada, permitindo aplicar eficientemente os conceitos da Agricultura de Precisão. Realizaram-se experimentos em um parreiral cultivado sob cobertura plástica, localizado em Bento Gonçalves, RS. Os aspectos da rede estudados compreenderam: o alcance de conectividade e qualidade do enlace entre os nos e a estação base; o desempenho da rede com os nos posicionados em diferentes alturas; a exatidão dos dados coletados, em comparação com um equipamento de maior precisão; e a avaliação da variabilidade microclimática dentro do parreiral. A validação da proposta envolveu a implementação de um protótipo funcional, testado em laboratório. O modelo proposto permitiu estimar o tempo de vida dos nos, considerando-se parâmetros como o tipo de bateria, o intervalo de amostragem e o tamanho do pacote de dados enviados pelos nos. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a existência de variabilidade microclimática tanto em diferentes alturas da videira, como espacialmente, dentro do parreiral. A interferência dos vegetais devido a água que contém foi avaliada a partir de dois parâmetros: o indicador de intensidade de sinal recebido e de qualidade de enlace, que indicaram maior interferência na altura do dossel das videiras. A correlação entre esses parâmetros levou a constatação que o melhor desempenho e o maior alcance de conectividade ocorrem com os nos posicionados na altura do cacho das videiras se comparados com as medições realizadas no dossel. A amostragem variável permitiu uma economia no numero de pacotes enviados, com menor consumo de energia, o que foi comprovado com o modelo proposto para tal finalidade. / A study of issues related to using a Wireless Sensor Network was carried out, as an enabling technology for environmental monitoring in vineyards. In order to extend the duration of sensor nodes batteries of the network, collecting unnecessary data was avoided. The nodes application program was redefined to allow the choice of a sampling interval close to the needs, and the choice made by the nodes themselves, based on predefined conditions in their application. The application area chosen was the viticulture because of the large influence of environmental conditions on the physiological development of the vines, influencing the yield and quality of produced grapes, justifying the adoption of a monitoring system. One of the characteristics of such networks that motivates its application in agriculture is the possibility of collecting data with the appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, allowing to efficiently apply the concepts of Precision Agriculture. Experiments were conducted in a vineyard cultivated under plastic overhead cover, situated in Bento Gonçalves, RS. The network aspects studied involved: connectivity range and link quality between nodes and gateway; network performance with nodes positioned at different heights; collected data accuracy, compared with a higher precision equipment; and microclimatic variability evaluation within the vineyard. The proposal validation involved the implementation of a functional prototype, tested in the laboratory. The model allowed estimating the nodes lifetime, considering parameters such as battery type, sampling interval and data packet size sent by sensor nodes. Results showed the existence of microclimatic variability both at different heights of the vine, and spatially within the vineyard. Vegetables interference due to the water contained in them was evaluated from two parameters: Received Signal Strength Indicator and Link Quality Indicator, which indicated greater interference in the height of the vines canopy. The correlation between these parameters led to the conclusion that the best performance and increased connectivity range occur with nodes positioned at the height of the bunch of grapes as compared with measurements made in the canopy. The variable sampling allowed savings in the number of sent packets, with lower power consumption, which agrees with the proposed model for this purpose.
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De celeiro a cenário: vitivinicultura e turismo na Serra Gaúcha / From granary to scenery viticulture and tourism in the Serra GaúchaSilva, Luis Fernando de Matheus e 08 August 2008 (has links)
A Serra Gaúcha, localizada na região nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul, desde o início do século XX, é tida como a maior e mais conceituada área produtora de uva e de vinhos do Brasil, mais especificamente os municípios de colonização italiana antiga como Antonio Prado, Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Garibaldi, Flores da Cunha e Monte Belo do Sul. Nos últimos trinta anos, uma série de mudanças afetou o mercado de vinhos, tornando-o mais competitivo e internacionalizado, levando as empresas aí instaladas a valorizar aspectos de sua produção que as diferenciassem e mantivessem sua posição de destaque no mercado nacional. Acompanhando uma tendência verificada em escala mundial, foram valorizados aspectos naturais ou aqueles que dizem respeito à cultura e/ou à tradição de origem italiana, característicos da região. Essa valorização do local e de suas particularidades, promovida num contexto de globalização neoliberal do capitalismo, contribuiu para que a área produtora de uva e de vinhos da Serra Gaúcha fosse fetichizada, o que resultou numa maior importância do turismo, que, neste momento e naquele lugar, passou a exercer um papel-chave, azeitando as engrenagens e ajudando no bom funcionamento do motor do capital. Vinícolas, poder público, camponeses, etc. passaram a enxergar no turismo, uma possibilidade de ampliar seus lucros ou rendimentos. Dessa forma, à partir do legado cultural transmitido pela imigração italiana, ao lado dos parreirais, vinícolas, fábricas e pequenas propriedades camponesas, o espaço agrário da área de produção vitivinícola da Serra Gaúcha recebeu a instalação de diversos roteiros turísticos, hotéis, pousadas, restaurantes e demais estruturas ou serviços voltados aos visitantes, transformando o caráter original daquele lugar - que passa a articular-se com os centros urbanos não somente como fornecedor de gêneros agrícolas, mas, agora também, como destinação turística. / Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Serra Gaúcha, a mountain region located in the northeast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, is considered the grape and wine biggest and best producing area in Brazil, especially the counties of old Italian settling as Antonio Prado, Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Garibaldi, Flores da Cunha and Monte Belo do Sul. During the last 30 years, a succession of changes has affected the wine market, turning it more competitive and internationalized, and has induced the companies established in the region to value some aspects of its production in order to distinguish themselves and keep their prominent position in the national market. Natural aspects as well as those related to the culture and/or to the Italian rooted tradition, typical of the region, have been appreciated, following a world trend. The appreciation of the local and its peculiarities has taken place in a context of capitalist neoliberal globalization and has contributed to the fetishism of the Serra Gaúcha. This process has resulted in a greater importance of the tourism, which starts to perform a key-role at the present, lubricating the gears and improving the functioning of the capital engine. Now, wineries, public power, peasants etc. regard the tourism as a possibility of profit and income increasing. Thus, the area is experiencing the creation of several tourist itineraries, hotels, inns, restaurants and other infra-structures and services for visitors, which capitalize on the cultural legacy transmitted by Italian immigration besides the grape fields, winery, manufactures and small peasant properties. All of these changes have shifted the original character of that region, which becomes now more articulated to the urban areas not just as agricultural supplier, but also as a tourist destination.
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To be, or not to be, organic : Motives and barriers for Swedish wine farmers to use organic practicesLänn, Andreas, Wikholm, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Wine production is one of the farming practices with the highest negative environmental impacts, mainly due to a heavy use of pesticides, why it is important to find more sustainable wine production practices. One such practice is organic farming, but the transition is slow and the number of organic certified vineyards remain low. The purpose of this study is to map what motives and barriers Swedish wine farmers perceive in using organic practices in their production, and to what extent the decision to do so is guided by intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. This was studied by visiting 11 Swedish vineyards and conducting interviews with the wine farmers. The theoretical framework used in this thesis builds on the Self-determination theory about motivation together with previous research on motives and barriers to convert to organic farming. The results show that despite that only 5% of the Swedish vineyards are organically certified, all visited vineyards almost exclusively use organic practices in their production. The main motives to use organic practices were identified to be soil protection and long-term scope of the vineyard, biodiversity and ecosystem protection, lower exposure to agrochemicals, to produce an honest product, and the possibility of increased sales. Perceived barriers with using organic practices among Swedish wine producers were increased workload and labour costs, lack of access to knowledge about organic viticulture, difficulties with weed and pest control, and lower harvest yields. The decision to use organic practices are mainly guided by inner beliefs about producing the wine in harmony with nature, not causing unnecessary damage, producing a high-quality product they can be proud of, and the desire to get a professional challenge and develop as winemakers, consequently indicating that Swedish wine farmers are motivated by intrinsic motivation. Only weak indicators of extrinsic motivation were found in the study. Furthermore, the study found that the climate in southern Sweden is facilitating for organic viticulture which together with a lack of regulations regarding grape- and vine varieties could act as a foundation for Sweden to become a leader in sustainable wine production, but that a lack of knowledge and the strict regulation on sales of alcohol might prevent this.
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A produção da viticultura no município de Toledo/PR: uma experiência em construção da agricultura familiar 2000-2010 / The production of viticulture in the city of Toledo/PR: a experience about construction of family farming 2000-2010Engelbrecht, Marize Rauber 25 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis has as its object of research experience in the production of viticulture in the city of Toledo/Parana, in the context of family farming in the period 2000-2010. Its general objective to understand and analyze how the production of viticulture is economically enabling the family production units, developing partnerships between harvesters, expanding forms of local marketing and enabling the permanence and reproduction of families in rural areas. Were defined as guiding questions: How farmers of Toledo who passed by a gradual process of decapitalization found ways to strengthen the process of organizing through the planting of vines to the farm economically viable? Which extent the winemakers find viable means and conditions for the family to stay, to strengthen and reproduce in the field? The hypothesis was that the farmers of Toledo reorganized themselves technically and associative in the properties, adapting to the new Technologies and so, changing the profile of production units, grape growers and the ways to produce, what is allowing economic viability and better living conditions for families in their stay in rural areas. According to classical and contemporary authors in the areas of social science, political science, economic science and social service, the central conceptual references passed on to the peasantry, family farms and family in the process of organizing productive. From the methodological point of view, it is a qualitative research, covering research documents, Field research and participant observation. Sixteen subjects were chosen for the significant research, between winemakers, technicians and leaders of organizations representing the agricultural sector, using the semi-structured interview, based on a script of questions. The documentary research had as main sources EMATER, Secretary of Agriculture of Toledo, IBGE and Ministry of Agrarian Development. Participant observation was the instrument field diary. The interpretation of research data rested on content analysis. The research result showed that the construction experience of viticulture in Toledo has been an innovator for the family farmers as new opportunities for providing productive activity, increased profitability and allowed social reproduction and retention of families in the rural areas / A presente tese tem como objeto de pesquisa a experiência da produção da viticultura no município de Toledo/Paraná, no contexto da agricultura familiar, no período de 2000-2010. Tem por objetivo geral compreender e analisar como a produção da viticultura vem viabilizando economicamente as unidades de produção familiar, desenvolvendo o associativismo entre os viticultores, ampliando as formas de comercialização local e possibilitando a permanência e reprodução das famílias no meio rural. Definiu-se como perguntas norteadoras: como os agricultores familiares de Toledo que passavam por um processo gradativo de descapitalização, encontraram formas de fortalecimento no processo de organização através do plantio da viticultura para viabilizar economicamente a propriedade rural? Em que medida os viticultores encontraram meios viáveis e condições para a família permanecer, se fortalecer e se reproduzir no campo? A hipótese formulada foi a de que os agricultores familiares de Toledo se reorganizaram associativa e tecnicamente nas propriedades, adequando-se às novas tecnologias e assim, alterando o perfil das unidades produtivas, dos viticultores e das formas de produzir, o que está permitindo viabilidade econômica e melhores condições de vida às famílias em sua permanência no meio rural. As referências conceituais centrais recaem sobre o campesinato, agricultura familiar e família no processo de organização produtiva, em autores clássicos e contemporâneos das áreas de ciência sociais, ciência política, ciências econômicas e serviço social. Do ponto de vista metodológico, trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, abrangendo pesquisa documental, pesquisa de campo e observação participante. Foram escolhidos 16 sujeitos significativos para a pesquisa, entre viticultores, técnicos e dirigentes de entidades representativos do setor agrícola, utilizando a entrevista semi-estruturada, com base em um roteiro de questões. A pesquisa documental apresentou como fontes principais a EMATER, Secretaria da Agricultura de Toledo, IBGE e Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário. A observação participante teve como instrumento o diário de campo. A interpretação dos dados da pesquisa repousou na análise de conteúdo. A investigação apresentou como resultado que a experiência em construção da viticultura em Toledo tem sido inovadora para os agricultores familiares à medida que vem oportunizando uma nova atividade produtiva, aumentado a rentabilidade e permitido a reprodução social e permanência das famílias na área rural
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Vinohradnictví a vinařství z pohledu práva / Viniculture and wine-production from the legal point of viewDoležalová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The title of the thesis is "Viticulture and winemaking from the legal point of view". The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the Czech legislation of viticulture and winemaking. It is important to include the law of the European Union because it directly regulates the national legislation. The aim of this thesis is to give a complex insight into the valid viticulture and winemaking law. The thesis is composed of seven chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic. The first chapter is introduction and provides only starting point of the thesis such as terminology. Chapter two is subdivided into six parts and surveys historical background of viticulture and winemaking in the Czech Republic. Each part is devoted to one important era starting in antiquity and explores the evolution till current situation. Chapter Three shows viticulture and winemaking law in the context of the Czech legal system and highlights links between mentioned law and environmental policy. Chapter Four characterizes current EU legislation and focuses on regulations concerning common agricultural policy in the sphere of viticulture and winemaking. Chapter Five outlines Czech legislation and is subdivided into seven parts. It is the main part of the thesis and it reports on the current Czech regulation of...
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