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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure et Mécanique du pli vocal humain : caractérisation et modélisation multi-échelles / Human vocal fold structure and mechanics : multi-scale characterisation and modelling

Cochereau, Thibaud 18 March 2019 (has links)
Le pli vocal humain possède des propriétés vibratoires exceptionnelles. Il est capable de supporter de grandes déformations, pour différent type de chargement, de manière répétée et réversible. Ces propriétés vibro-mécaniques particulières sont étroitement liées à sa microstructure: une structure multi-couches complexe fortement hétérogène composées de réseaux de fibres protéique. Cependant, il est encore aujourd'hui difficile de décrire précisément l'implication des spécificités microstructurales du pli dans son comportement biomécanique.Afin de préciser ce lien et d'aller vers une meilleure compréhension du comportement du tissu vocal, cette étude se propose d'aborder la problématique sous trois approches complémentaires, mélant caractérisation microstructurale, caractérisation mécanique et modélisation numérique. Dans un premier temps, la microstructure du pli a été étudiée emph{ex vivo} à l'aide d'une technique originale basée sur la tomographie à rayon X. L'usage de tomographie synchrotron par contraste de phase a permis de révéler la structure du tissu à différentes échelles. En particulier, des clichés 3D à forte résolution de la structure fibreuse des couches supérieures et musculaires du tissu ont pu être acquis. Ces clichés ont donné lieu à une analyse 3D quantitative de l'arrangement fibreux, permettant la détermination de descripteur d'orientation et de géométrie 3D des fibres.Dans un second temps, le comportement mécanique du tissu sous différentes conditions de chargement a été étudié. Un protocole a été proposé, afin de caractériser un même échantillon en traction, en compression et en cisaillement. Ces essais ont permis de compléter les connaissances existantes sur la biomécanique de pli, et constitue des données de références importantes pour la construction et la validation de modèle numérique.A partir des données acquises expérimentalement, un modèle micro mécanique a été développé. Ce modèle a la spécificité de prendre en compte l'arrangement 3D du tissu à travers une représentation idéalisée mais pertinente de sa microstructure fibreuse. Les réponses macroscopiques prédites pour différents chargements ont pu être comparées à l'expérience pour validation. A l'échelle microscopique, la cinématique des fibres au cours du chargement a pu être simulée. Les micromécanismes ayant lieu au cours de la déformation du réseau fibreux ont ainsi pu être identifiés, ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension des propriétés multi-échelles du tissu. / The human vocal fold owns exceptional vibratory properties. It is capable of withstanding large deformations, for different types of loading, in a repeated and reversible manner. These particular vibro-mechanical properties are closely linked to its microstructure: a multi-layer complex structure composed of highly heterogeneous protein fibre networks. However, it is still difficult today to describe precisely the implication of the microstructural specificities of the fold in its biomechanical behaviour.In order to clarify this link and to move towards a better understanding of the behaviour of the vocal tissue, this study proposes to approach the problem under three complementary approaches, combining microstructural characterization, mechanical characterization and numerical modelling. First, the microstructure of the fold was studied emph{ex vivo} using an original technique based on X-ray tomography. The use of synchrotron tomography in phase retrieval mode has revealed the structure of the tissue at different scales. In particular, high-resolution 3D images of the fibrous structure of the upper and muscular layers of the tissue were acquired. These images gave rise to a quantitative 3D analysis of the fibrous arrangement, allowing the determination of descriptors of orientation and 3D geometry of the fibers.In a second step, the mechanical behaviour of the fabric under different loading conditions was studied. A protocol has been proposed to characterize the same sample in tension, compression and shear. These tests have complemented existing knowledge on fold biomechanics, and constitute important reference data for the construction and validation of digital models.Finally, based on the data acquired experimentally, a micro-mechanical model was developed. This model has the specificity to take into account the 3D arrangement of the tissue through an idealized but relevant representation of its fibrous microstructure. The macroscopic responses predicted for different loading conditionds could be compared to the experiment for validation. At the microscopic scale, the kinematics of the fibres during the loading could be simulated. The micromechanisms that occur during the deformation of the fibrous network could thus be identified, opening new perspectives in the understanding of the multi-scale properties of the tissue.

Grunt usage and social monitoring: Investigation of the signaller and the receiver perspectives in a tolerant species of baboons

Faraut, Lauriane 04 February 2019 (has links)
La compréhension des sociétés, de la communication et de la cognition chez les primates non humains permet de mieux comprendre l'évolution de notre propre espèce. Bien que la structure acoustique chez les primates soit principalement innée, leur utilisation vocale et leur compréhension / réponse sont plus flexibles et fluctuent en fonction des expériences sociales. Comme les relations peuvent varier entre les individus d’un même groupe et changer avec le temps, les contextes d’utilisation des vocalisations (perspective du signaleur) et les schémas de réponse aux vocalisations (perspective du récepteur) sont supposés différer même entre espèces très proches. Mon projet de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre actuel déterminant dans quelle mesure le système social façonne la communication et la cognition sociale chez les primates. Plus spécifiquement, j’ai étudié l’utilisation d’une vocalisation affiliative — le grognement — et la surveillance sociale d’une population sauvage de babouins de Guinée (Papio papio) vivant dans le parc national du Niokolo Koba, au Sénégal. En combinant des observations comportementales et des designs expérimentaux, je me suis attachée à investir le point de vue du signaleur et du receveur en utilisant le grognement, la vocalisation affiliative la plus commune chez les babouins. Les babouins de savane (P. ursinus, P. cynocephalus, P. kinda, P. anubis) vivent dans des groupes polygynandres caractérisés par une forte compétition entre males et des relations sociales stables entre femelles. A l’inverse, l’organisation sociale des babouins de Guinée et hamadryas (P. hamadryas) est caractérisée par une société à plusieurs niveaux, une dispersion majoritaire des femelles et un système reproductif polygyny-monandre. Chez le babouin de Guinée, « l’unité » — i.e., un mâle « primaire », 1-6 femelle, leur progéniture, et fréquemment des mâles « secondaires » — représente le cœur de la société, et l’agglomération de plusieurs unités s’appelle le « parti ». Les mâles sont majoritairement philopatriques au sein d’un parti et partage une grande tolérance spatiale, facilitant la formation de liens sociaux forts et durables. Afin d’évaluer si le système social du babouin de Guinée influence leur utilisation du grognement, j’ai collecté des observations comportementales de mâles et de femelles sexuellement matures. Tout d’abord, j'ai examiné si la nature des interactions suite à une approche était modulée par la production de grognements par l'animal approchant (i.e., le sujet). A la suite d’une approche avec grognement chez les deux sexes, la dyade était plus susceptible d’interagir de manière affiliative. De plus, les grognements augmentaient la probabilité de manipulation du nourrisson du partenaire et réduisaient le risque de supplantation. Par la suite, j'ai testé comment un nourrisson à proximité du receveur et la qualité des liens sociaux entre partenaires pouvaient potentiellement influencer la décision du sujet à grogner ou rester silencieux. Les deux sexes étaient plus susceptibles de grogner envers un partenaire féminin que masculin. Entre femelles, la probabilité d’émission vocale était plus faible lorsqu’elles partageaient de forts liens sociaux, et ceci uniquement en présence d’un nourrisson avec sa partenaire. L’appartenance à une unité a également eu un impact sur le grognement, car les femmes étaient plus susceptibles de vocaliser lorsqu'elles approchent une femme d'une autre unité. Le statut de dominance et l’écart entre rang hiérarchique dyadique n’altéraient pas la probabilité de grognement entre femelles, même si une hiérarchie de dominance linéaire a été démontrée. En accord avec la tolérance élevée chez les mâles de cette espèce, la force des liens sociaux n'a eu aucun impact sur la probabilité de grogner lors d'approches entre mâles. Enfin, les mâles étaient plus prompts à grogner lorsqu'un nourrisson était à proximité du partenaire féminin. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que les babouins de Guinée utilisent les grognements de manière stratégique pour faire connaître leurs intentions bénigne lors de situations imprévisibles spécifiques (par exemple, en s’approchant d’un partenaire non préférentiel). Bien que les contraintes génétiques limitent la structure et l'étendue du répertoire vocal au sein d’un même taxon, les babouins peuvent adapter leur utilisation vocale de manière flexible en fonction de leur environnement social. Dans une seconde étude, j'ai exploré le point de vue du receveur en testant l'attention portée aux interactions sociales de tiers chez les mâles adultes babouins de Guinée. J'ai pratiqué des expériences de repasse pour déterminer si les mâles suivaient les associations actuelles entre mâles et femelles au sein de leur parti (mais en dehors de leur propre unité). Tout d’abord, j'ai démontré que les grognements sont exprimés plus fréquemment entre femelles et mâles primaires d'une même unité que d'unités différentes. Par la suite, j'ai réalisé des séquences acoustiques congruentes et incongrues simulant un échange de grognements entre une femelle et un mâle primaire appartenant respectivement à la même unité ou non. J’ai testé ces séquences de grognements sur des mâles primaires et des mâles non primaires, comme le statut des mâles (association avec une femelle) pourrait influencer la valeur des informations sociales. Étonnamment, les babouins mâles regardaient plus longtemps vers le hautparleur lorsqu’ils étaient exposés à la condition congruente par rapport à la condition incongrue, un résultat opposé à une précédente expérience de repasse chez le mâle babouin chacma. De plus, les mâles primaires réagissaient plus fortement que les mâles non primaires, quel que soit la condition expérimentale. Ainsi, ces résultats révèlent comment les différences du système reproductif et du degré de compétition entre mâles affectent la valeur allouée aux informations sociales même entre espèces génétiquement proches. En comparant mes résultats avec la littérature chez les geladas et d’autres espèces de babouins, les variations observées lors de l'utilisation de vocalisations et la motivation à suivre les interactions des autres chez les babouins de Guinée sont susceptibles d'être liées à des caractéristiques propres à leur système social. Bien que les babouins de Guinée utilisent des grognements de manière stratégique pour signaler leur intention bienveillante, comme c’est le cas chez plusieurs autres espèces de primates, l’absence de significativité de la force des liens sociaux entre males et males-femelles, ainsi que de la hiérarchie de dominance féminine sur la production de grognements pourrait être liée au faible niveau de compétition observé à la fois entre ou au sein d’un même sexe chez cette espèce. Compte tenu du faible intérêt que suscitent les enregistrements simulant des associations incongrues entre femelles et mâles, mes expériences de repasse supportent que l'attribution de l'attention sociale — et potentiellement l’étendue des connaissances sociales — dépend fortement du système reproductif et du degré de compétition/tolérance entre congénères. De futures recherches devraient considérer un ensemble de mesures révélant comment la compétition, la cohésion et la coopération impact potentiellement l’évolution de la communication et de la cognition. De plus, le développement de recherches comparatives entre espèces ou populations confrontées à des fluctuations des différentes dimensions du système social est primordial, sachant que l’environnement social semble expliquer davantage de variation entre espèces que les relations génétiques

Russian choral music to 1917 : its background, nature, and suitability for the choral ensemble

Gwin, Stephen E. January 2010 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Vocal imitation for query by vocalisation

Mehrabi, Adib January 2018 (has links)
The human voice presents a rich and powerful medium for expressing sonic ideas such as musical sounds. This capability extends beyond the sounds used in speech, evidenced for example in the art form of beatboxing, and recent studies highlighting the utility of vocal imitation for communicating sonic concepts. Meanwhile, the advance of digital audio has resulted in huge libraries of sounds at the disposal of music producers and sound designers. This presents a compelling search problem: with larger search spaces, the task of navigating sound libraries has become increasingly difficult. The versatility and expressive nature of the voice provides a seemingly ideal medium for querying sound libraries, raising the question of how well humans are able to vocally imitate musical sounds, and how we might use the voice as a tool for search. In this thesis we address these questions by investigating the ability of musicians to vocalise synthesised and percussive sounds, and evaluate the suitability of different audio features for predicting the perceptual similarity between vocal imitations and imitated sounds. In the fi rst experiment, musicians were tasked with imitating synthesised sounds with one or two time{varying feature envelopes applied. The results show that participants were able to imitate pitch, loudness, and spectral centroid features accurately, and that imitation accuracy was generally preserved when the imitated stimuli combined two, non-necessarily congruent features. This demonstrates the viability of using the voice as a natural means of expressing time series of two features simultaneously. The second experiment consisted of two parts. In a vocal production task, musicians were asked to imitate drum sounds. Listeners were then asked to rate the similarity between the imitations and sounds from the same category (e.g. kick, snare etc.). The results show that drum sounds received the highest similarity ratings when rated against their imitations (as opposed to imitations of another sound), and overall more than half the imitated sounds were correctly identi ed with above chance accuracy from the imitations, although this varied considerably between drum categories. The fi ndings from the vocal imitation experiments highlight the capacity of musicians to vocally imitate musical sounds, and some limitations of non- verbal vocal expression. Finally, we investigated the performance of different audio features as predictors of perceptual similarity between the imitations and imitated sounds from the second experiment. We show that features learned using convolutional auto-encoders outperform a number of popular heuristic features for this task, and that preservation of temporal information is more important than spectral resolution for differentiating between the vocal imitations and same-category drum sounds.

The Use of Acoustical Analysis for Identification of Client Stress Within the Counseling Session

Hauser, Kirk O. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of the study was to identify stress arising in psychological counseling by identifying variations in the vocal pitch (fundamental frequency level) of clients' voices. Hypotheses were established to (1) determine the number of categories describing acoustically similar clients' responses within the counseling session and compare these categories with ratings of client stress, (2) determine the relationship between ratings of client stress and different fundamental frequency characteristics, and (3) compare fundamental frequency characteristics of in-session and repeated client verbalizations. Recommendations included (1) considering an improved acoustical analysis method capable of providing immediate feedback which could be used to study both moment-to-moment and longitudinal stress changes, (2) correlating vocal pitch variations with other physiological manifestations indicative of stress, (3) applying acoustical analysis to aid in counselor training, and (4) using acoustical analysis to study different specific types of populations.

Organização prosódica e interpretação de canções: a frase entonacional em quatro diferentes interpretações de Na batucada da vida

Gelamo, Renata Pelloso [UNESP] 10 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-03-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:28:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gelamo_rp_me_sjrp.pdf: 1716869 bytes, checksum: a1143a42f8a30948b8503f469befc309 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Propusemos, neste estudo, um olhar sobre o fenômeno da voz, no qual aspectos lingüísticos da interpretação vocal de uma canção pudessem ser levados em conta. Buscamos subsídios na Lingüística, mais especificamente, na Fonologia Prosódica, por acharmos que, ao vincularmos voz e linguagem, poderíamos contribuir para um enriquecimento do trabalho fonoaudiológico com cantores. Para tanto, propusemos compreender, nesta pesquisa, como um grupo de juízes percebia auditivamente a maneira como grandes nomes da Música Popular Brasileira (Carmen Miranda, Dircinha Batista, Elis Regina e Ná Ozzetti) organizam prosodicamente o texto da canção Na batucada da vida. Analisamos mais especificamente a percepção de como as intérpretes organizam e delimitam o constituinte frase entonacional (I), assim como procuramos verificar a eficácia do algoritmo estabelecido para esse constituinte por Nespor & Vogel (1986). Como I é um constituinte da hierarquia prosódica que leva em conta, para sua definição, elementos semânticos, levantamos a possibilidade de criação de diferentes efeitos de sentido em cada interpretação, a partir dos diversos modos como as intérpretes organizam a frase entonacional. Pudemos observar, durante a exposição de nossos dados, que o algoritmo que define o constituinte frase entonacional formulado por Nespor & Vogel mostrou-se eficaz. Ao compactuarmos com a visão de que voz e linguagem não se separam, pudemos demonstrar, também, com base nos diversos modos de organizar a frase entonacional nas quatro intérpretes, a possibilidade de diferentes atribuições de sentido para as interpretações. Atribuímos, ainda, a essas diferentes organizações o caráter de possíveis marcas de subjetividade das intérpretes. Postulamos que as semelhanças encontradas na organização da frase entonacional poderiam decorrer de dois fatores... / We proposed in this study a look on the voice phenomenon, in which linguistic aspects of voice interpretation in a song could be taken into account. We searched for resources in Linguistics, more precisely, in Prosodic Fonology, because we think that, linking voice and language, we could contribute to an enrichment of the work done by voice therapists with singers. In order to do that, we proposed to understand, in this research, how a group of judges perceived auditively, the way in which great names of Brazilian Popular Music (Carmen Miranda, Dircinha Batista, Elis Regina e Ná Ozzetti) organize prosodically the text of the song Na batucada da vida. We analyzed more specifically the perception of how the interpreters organize and limitate the constituent intonational phrase (I), as well as we aimed to verify the efficacy of the algorithm established to this constituent by Nespor & Vogel (1986). As I is a constituent of prosodic hierarchy that takes into account semantic elements to its definition, we looked for the possibility of creation of different effects of meaning in each interpretation, from the different ways how the interpreters organize the intonational phrase. We could observe, during the exposition of our data, that the algorithm which defines the constituent intonational phrase, proposed by Nespor & Vogel, appeared to be effective. When we compactuated with the view that voice and language do not separate, based on the different ways of organizing the intonational phase in the four interpreters, we could demonstrate the possibility of different attributions of meaning to the interpretations as well. We also assigned to these different organizations the character of possible personal marks of the interpreters' subjectivity. We postulated that the similarity found in the organization of the intonational phrase could be explained by two factors... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below)

Análise comparativa da voz em jovens mulheres antes e depois da prova de fala contínua / Comparative analysis of voice in young women before and after the continuous speech test

Pereira, Patricia Moraes 17 December 2015 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Comparar a voz de mulheres antes e depois de 60 e 90 minutos de prova de fala contínua, e após repouso de 15 minutos. MÉTODOS: Trinta e uma mulheres com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, foram submetidas à tarefa de resistência fonatória, utilizando-se da leitura de um texto padrão por 90 minutos, repetido até que o tempo se esgotasse. Antes da tarefa de fala contínua, após 60 minutos, após 90 minutos, e depois de 15 minutos de repouso vocal absoluto, aplicou-se questionário para conhecimento do bem estar vocal, registrou-se a emissão prolongada da vogal \"a\", para posterior extração das medidas acústicas e da análise perceptivo-auditiva com o uso da escala GIRBAS. A seguir, fez-se a mensuração das medidas do sistema aéreo fonatório, empregando os protocolos: capacidade vital pulmonar (CVP), tempo máximo de fonação (TMF) e a eficiência vocal (EV). A intensidade vocal foi registrada com decibelímetro e a auto-avaliação da percepção auditiva, tátil e cinestésica da voz com o uso de uma escala visual analógica de 100mm. RESULTADOS: Após 60 minutos de fala, aumentou a frequência fundamental (f0) de 215,4 para 220,2Hz (p<0,01), a ATRI (p=0,04) e a NHR (p=0,03), e com 90 minutos, a f0 variou de 215,4 para 223,6Hz (p<0,01), aumentando também a Fhi (p= 0,04) e a Flo (p= 0,02), e diminuindo a APQ (p=0,01) e a VTi (p=0,04). Comparando as medidas observadas na pré-prova e após o repouso, aumentaram f0 (p<0,01), Fhi (p=0,02) e Flo (p=0,03). Entre os tempos 60 minutos e após o repouso, houve aumento da PPQ (p=0,04), da ATRI (p=0,06) e da NHR (p=0,02). Para 90 minutos e repouso, a PPQ (p=0,03) e a Fatr (p=0,04) aumentaram. Vinte e sete participantes apresentaram grau geral da disfonia 1 tanto para 60 minutos, quanto para 90 minutos, e quatro passaram a apresentar grau 2 em 90 minutos (p=0,04). O parâmetro instabilidade alterou de grau 1, com 60 minutos, para grau 2, com 90 minutos de fala contínua (p=<0,01). A intensidade habitual aumentou (p<0,01) de 61,4 para 63,4dB após 90 minutos. Após o repouso, houve diminuição da intensidade (p=0,01), em relação ao pré-prova. Nas medidas observadas pelo sistema aéreo fonatório, o fluxo de ar expiratório diminuiu após 90 minutos de fala (p=0,04), aumentando depois do repouso (p=0,04). Após 90 minutos de fala a f0(Hz) aumentou 211,85 para 221,54 (p<0,01). A resistência aerodinâmica, impedância acústica e eficiência aerodinâmica aumentaram após 60 e após 90 minutos de fala. A auto avaliação perceptivo-auditiva e tátil-cinestésica da voz, observou que após 90 minutos de fala contínua todos os sintomas pioram, exceto a rouquidão e a voz grave. CONCLUSÃO: Houveram alterações das medidas acústicas após tarefa de fala contínua. O grau geral da disfonia e a instabilidade vocal aumentaram após 90 minutos de fala contínua. As medidas aerodinâmicas se comportaram de forma divergente entre os protocolos utilizados e os tempos de avaliação. A intensidade vocal habitual aumentou após 90 minutos de fala contínua e os sintomas perceptuais auditivos e tátil-cinestésicos aumentaram após a tarefa de fala contínua / PURPOSE: To compare the woman\'s voice before and after 60 and 90 minutes of continuous speech test, and after 15 break minutes. METHODS: Thirty-one women aged between 18 and 25 years, were submitted to phonation endurance task, using the reading of a standard text for 90 minutes repeating until the time was over. Before the continuous speech task after 60 minutes, after 90 minutes, and after 15 minutes of absolute voice rest, it was applied a questionnaire to knowledge of well-being vocal and was recorded the prolonged vowel \"a\", to take in a posterior time the acoustic measurements and perceptual analysis using the GIRBAS scale. Then, it was done the mensuration of measures phonation air system, using the protocols: lung vital capacity (LVC), maximum phonation time (MPT) and vocal efficiency (VE). The vocal intensity was recorded with a decibelimeter and self-assessment of auditory, tactile and kinesthetic perception of voice using a visual analog scale of 100mm. RESULTS: After 60 minutes of speech, increased the fundamental frequency (f0) of 215.4 for 220,2Hz (p <0.01), the ATRI (p = 0.04) and NHR (p = 0.03) with 90 minutes f0 ranged from 215.4 to 223,6Hz (p <0.01), also increasing FHI (p = 0.04), and Flo (p = 0.02) and decreasing APQ (p = 0.01) and VTi (p = 0.04). Comparing the measures observed in pre-test and after the break, increased f0 (p <0.01), FHI (p = 0.02) and Flo (p = 0.03). Between time of 60 minutes and after the break, was observed an increase in PPQ (p = 0.04) of ATRI (p = 0.06) and NHR (p = 0.02). For 90 minutes rest, PPQ (p = 0.03) and Fatr (p = 0.04) increased. Twentyseven subjects had overall grade of dysphonia 1 for both 60 minutes and for 90 minutes and began to show four grade 2 in 90 minutes (p = 0.04). The parameter of instability changed of step 1, with 60 minutes to 2 degree, with 90 minutes of continuous speech (p = <0.01). The usual intensity increased (p <0.01) 61.4 to 63,4dB after 90 minutes. After the break, there was a decrease in the intensity (p = 0.01), compared to the pre-test. In the measurements observed by phonation air system the flow of expiratory air decreased after 90 minutes of speech (p = 0.04) and raised after the rest (p = 0.04). After 90 minutes of speech f0 (Hz) to 221.54 211.85 increased (p <0.01). The aerodynamic resistance, acoustic impedance and aerodynamic efficiency increased after 60 and after 90 minutes of speech. Self perceptual assessment and tactile-kinesthetic voice, noted that after 90 minutes of continuous talk all the symptoms get worse, except for hoarseness and a deep voice. CONCLUSION: There were changes of acoustic measurements after continuous speech task. The overall degree of dysphonia and vocal instability increased after 90 minutes of continuous speech. The aerodynamic measures worked in different ways about the protocols used and the time evaluation. The usual voice intensity increased after 90 minutes of continuous speech and perceptual symptoms auditory and tactilekinesthetic increased after continuous speech task

Avaliações psicométricas de qualidade de vida e voz em professores da rede municipal de Bauru / Psychometric evaluations of Voice Disordered Quality of Life (VQOL) in teachers with the municipal system in Bauru, SP, Brazil

Martinello, Janaína Gheissa 08 July 2009 (has links)
Os professores são profissionais da voz que vêm sendo amplamente estudados por pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais. Pesquisas apontam alta prevalência de alterações vocais dentre os docentes. Um dos critérios para o estabelecimento da prevalência de alteração vocal baseia-se na auto-percepção do professor, denominado de disfonia auto-referida. Conhecer o quanto a alteração vocal pode trazer conseqüências para a vida do professor e para o exercício de sua profissão está de acordo com o proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde que sugere avaliar o impacto de uma doença sob o ponto de vista do paciente e não do avaliador. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar medidas de qualidade de vida e voz entre grupo de professores que referiu alteração vocal e grupo de professores que não referiu alteração vocal. Participaram deste estudo 97 professores de 11 escolas da rede municipal de Bauru. Todos os professores responderam a três protocolos psicométricos de qualidade de vida e voz (IDV, QVV, PPAV) além de um questionário para caracterização da amostra. Os resultados demonstraram que 39,8% dos professores reportaram alterações vocais no momento da realização da pesquisa. Quando se compararam medidas de qualidade de vida e voz, entre o grupo com alteração de voz e o grupo sem alteração vocal, diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas: entre a pontuação total do IDV e nas três sub-áreas (orgânica, emocional e funcional); entre a pontuação total do QVV e na pontuação dos dois domínios (funcionalidade física e sócio-emocional) e entre a pontuação total do PPAV e nas cinco sessões (severidade do problema vocal, efeito no trabalho, efeito na comunicação diária, efeito na comunicação social e emoção). Também foi verificado que a dimensão orgânica do protocolo IDV tem mais impacto entre as dimensões deste protocolo, tanto para o grupo com alteração quanto para o grupo sem alteração vocal, indicando desconforto laríngeo e dificuldade ao falar. Com relação ao protocolo QVV, o domínio que apresentou mais alto escore foi o da funcionalidade física, também indicando desconforto laríngeo e impacto vocal na comunicação em professores com e sem alteração. Com relação ao PPAV nenhuma sessão prevaleceu sobre a outra no grupo sem alteração vocal. Para o grupo com alteração vocal, três sessões, comunicação diária, efeito no. trabalho e emoções têm maior impacto que a comunicação social. Os escores de limitação e de restrição foram calculados. Foi observado que a limitação da atividade é maior que a restrição das atividades tanto no grupo com queixa vocal quanto no grupo sem queixa vocal. Concluiu-se que os professores que referiram alteração vocal perceberam o impacto da alteração vocal em diferentes dimensões da qualidade de vida e voz e na realização de suas atividades diárias em maior proporção do que os professores que não referiram alteração vocal. / Teachers are voice professionals who have been widely studied by national and international researchers. Studies show a high prevalence of vocal alterations among teachers. One of the criteria for the establishment of vocal alteration prevalence, is based on teachers´ self-perception, termed as self-reported dysphonia (when the teacher him/herself reports the vocal alteration). To know the degree in which vocal alteration may affect a teacher´s life and his/her career, is consistent with that proposed by the World Health Organization, which suggests assessing the impact of a disease, taking into account the patient´s point of view and not the evaluator´s. This study aimed at comparing voice disordered quality of life (VQOL) measures between a group of teachers who reported vocal alteration and a group of teachers who did not, by verifying the teacher´s perception as for the impact of vocal alteration in the different dimensions of voice quality of life. Ninety-eight teachers, from 11 municipal schools of Bauru and in different grades (infantile and fundamental teaching and education of adolescents and adults), participated in this study. All teachers answered three psychometric protocols of voice quality of life: Voice Handicap Index (VHI), Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), and the Voice Activity Participation Profile (VAPP), besides a questionnaire for the characterization of the sample. The result shows that 39.8% of teachers reported vocal alteration. When comparing voice measures between the groups with and without vocal alteration, statistically significant differences were observed: the total score of VHI and its dimensions (physical, emotional and functional); total score of V-RQOL and its dimensions (physical and socio-emotional functioning), and total score of VAAP and its dimensions (severity of vocal problem, effect on work, effect on daily communication, effect on social communication and emotion). It was verified, too, that the physical dimension of VHI has a greater impact among the dimensions of this protocol, both for the group with complaint and the one without complaint, indicating a laryngeal discomfort and difficulty at speaking. As for VRQOL, the most striking dimension was the physical functioning domain, also indicating the laryngeal discomfort and the impact of voice on communication, in teachers with and with no complaint. As for VAAP, no domain prevailed over the others, in the group with no complaint. For teachers with complaint, three domains, i.e., daily communication, work and emotions have a greater impact than social communication. The limitation and restriction scores were calculated as well, and it was observed the limitation of activities is greater than the restriction of activities, both in the group with and the group without complaint. One may conclude that the teachers who reported vocal alterations, better realize the impact of voice in different dimensions of voice quality of life.


Ovel, Tori C. 01 January 2018 (has links)
OVERGROWN discusses the music elements found in the thesis composition of the same name. OVERGROWN was written for soprano solo, flute, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, vibraphone, percussion, cello and double bass. The text was written by Matthew Raymond Smith.

A pedagogical guide for extended and extreme vocal techniques used in contemporary classical vocal music

Ziegler, Janet Brehm 01 December 2018 (has links)
There are numerous challenges to singing contemporary classical vocal music including a number of harmonic, melodic, rhythmic, and formal elements not commonly seen in the western Classical or Romantic era compositions. There are new notations, new sounds, new ideas, and new demands. Finding a way to train college-aged singers to perform standard classical repertoire alongside contemporary classical repertoire has been a personal goal for many years. This essay contains exercises and vocalises to help train singers to prepare their instrument to perform the demanding music presented in this body of repertoire. Musical concepts covered in this essay include large interval training, laughing drills, tone clusters, and a variety of others. Current scholarship on this subject does not address the pedagogical steps of teaching music classified as contemporary classical vocal music. This essay provides exercises, vocalises, and recommendations for the development of vocal techniques required to perform works from this repertoire with healthy and secure technique.

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