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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvoj dětské hudební tvořivosti v pěveckém kroužku na 1. stupni ZŠ / Development of children's musical creativity of the singing group at alementary school

Kučerová, Blanka January 2019 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá rozvojem hudební tvořivosti žáků pěveckého kroužku prvního stupně ZŠ. Věnuje se nejprve problematice obecné tvořivosti a jejímu významu a důležitosti pro život člověka. Dále podrobněji specifikuje téma tvořivého myšlení, od něhož odvozuje termín hudebně tvořivého myšlení. Neopomíjí nepostradatelnou roli učitele hudební výchovy, navrhuje systematický metodický postup a nabízí rovněž několik konkrétních typů cvičení vhodných k rozvoji hudební tvořivosti žáků. V rámci výzkumné části pak zkoumá a porovnává úroveň rozvoje tvořivých schopností žáků pěveckého kroužku prvního stupně ZŠ v Čerčanech (ve školním roce 2017/2018 a 2018/2019) v souvislosti s osvojovanými písněmi (jejich obsahy a hudebně výrazovými prostředky). Cílem práce bylo především potvrzení skutečnosti, že výuka s využitím hudebně tvořivých prvků má zásadní vliv na rozvoj hudebních schopností žáků - včetně schopností tvořivých.

Progresivní účinek tvořivé intonace na rozvoj hudebnosti žáků / Progressive impact of creative intonation on the pupil's musical appreciation development

Srbová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first part summarizes the theoretical knowledge of musical-psychological categories, which also includes musicality. The next chapter of the theoretical part is also focused on this theme. The last chapter is creativity and its characteristics and specifics in use in primary school. In the practical part was used the method of parallel group technique. Twenty two pupils took part in the experimental teaching and the same number of pupils represented the control group. The respondents were from two 4th grade classes of primary school. Moreover, in the practical part there is an analysis of the results of empirical research, which was realized by collective screening of musicality. Research has shown that pupils developed through creative intonation achieve better musicality than pupils trained in conventional music education. KEYWORDS musicality, musical creativity, creative intonation, screening of musical creativity, music education, primary school, experimental teaching

Úvod do problematiky proměnné ve výuce učitelů využívajících metody výuky založené na budování schémat / Introduction to variables in the teaching of teachers using the method of building schemes in mathematics

Smutná, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with an introduction to variables. The aim of the thesis was to compare different approaches to teaching the introduction to variables in teachers who teach a method based on building schemes (known as Hejny method). The theoretical part of the thesis is a search of literature on the topic of introduction to variables and the theoretical background of teaching methods based on building schemes. Further, the thesis analyses textbooks designed for this method with a focus on tasks important for the propaedeutics of the variables. The research itself consisted of interviews with four teachers and observations of the lessons they taught in the 7th and 8th grades of secondary school, the topic of which was an introduction to the "language of letters". In total, there were fifteen lessons taught by these teachers in six classes (2-3 lessons in each class). Data were analyzed by qualitative methods. Although the observed teachers taught using the same method, I identified differences in the approach to the introduction of the variables and in the style of their teaching. There were differences in the organization of the lesson, in the selection of tasks and their style of assignments to pupils, teaching methods and ways in which teachers communicate with pupils. At the moment of entering the...

Facebook a Instagram ve výuce mediální výchovy na II. stupni ZŠ / Facebook and Instagram in Media Education at the Lower Secondary School

Smola, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on social networks and their usage in media education at a lower secondary school. The thesis exclusively deals with Facebook and Instagram and is divided into two parts, the theoretical one and the practical (empirical) one. The theoretical part studies both types of social networks and presents their development. Moreover, it focuses on the specifics of electronic communication and alludes to other topics such as media communication, media literacy, media education etc. The concluding passages of the theoretical part then focus on the relationship between media education and the curricular documents of the Czech educational system. The following practical part applies the outcomes of the theoretical part. Firstly, it takes into account works of several Czech linguists on whose findings the empirical analysis rests. Secondly, the reasons why media education should be present in education are listed. In its main part, the thesis then presents an analysis of selected material related to media education and offers possible methodological suggestions relevant to media education. The outcomes of those suggestions for the curricular documents are present, too. Finally, it also copes with research conducted on Czech language teachers and their stance towards Facebook and...

Konstrukce poznatků žáky v matematice (na příkladu Pythagorovy věty) / Pupils' Construction of Knowledge in Mathematics (the Example of Pythagoras' Theorem)

Ulrychová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the process of construction of mathematical knowledge of an individual and a group of pupils. At the outset, some concepts are discussed which belong to the theoretical background of our research (knowledge construction process and its mechanism, typology of mathematical knowledge, character of a mathematical structure, constructivist approaches to the teaching of mathematics, creative teaching, action research). Some results of selected local and foreign research focusing on constructivist approaches and action research in mathematics education are given. The methodology mainly consists of teaching experiments which can, to a certain extent, be seen as cycles of cooperative action research. The target group consists of pupils of lower secondary grammar school. The data gathered through traditional methods of qualitative research (participation observation, audio and videorecordings, pupils' artefacts, notes of an external observer, etc.) were analysed using the techniques of grounded theory. The research has generated results of three types: (1) The categories of individual and group constructions in mathematics have been described in depth including their dimensions (the measures of the teacher's influence on the construction, of the pupils' cooperation, of pupils' formal acceptance...

Školní projekty ve výuce přírodovědných předmětů na 2. stupni základních škol v České republice a Slovenské republice / Project-based Teaching in Science Subjects in the Second Stage of Czech and Slovak Basic Schools

Pouchová, Milena January 2011 (has links)
The new curriculum reforms of Czech and Slovak educational systems provide schools enough room for new effective methods developing pupil's key competence. The dissertation deals with one of them - the project-based teaching, especially in science subjects in the second stage of basic school. It presents results of a comparative study which was conducted 2008/2009 school year. The most important aim was to establish and compare common characteristics of realized projects. The sample consisted of 180 Czech and 71 Slovak basic schools. The projects data and views of teachers were collected via a questionnaire. The results of the survey indicated that project-based teachings in science subjects was used in more than 80 % of Czech schools and more than 60 % of Slovak schools. Schools in both countries preferred projects realized only in one class, by one teacher and within the frame of one science subject. Czech schools preferred short projects that lasted no more than one week, Slovak schools organized mostly long projects lasting more than one week. Most projects in Czech schools were short-term, lasting on average no more than one week. Projects in Slovak schools on the other hand lasted on average more than one week. The majority of projects were planned and prepared by a teacher. Teachers were...

Komunikační přístup k vyučování druhého jazyka v současných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / The Communicative Approach to Second Language Teaching in Current Textbooks of Czech for Foreigners

Valková, Jarmila January 2014 (has links)
The Communicative Approach to Second Language Teaching in Current Textbooks of Czech for Foreigners Jarmila Valková Abstract The general part of the thesis reviews the background, current understanding and key principles of the Communicative Approach to second language teaching with regard to their foundation in the Direct Oral Method. The objective, usual teaching techniques and textbook components of Communicative Language Teaching are compared to the ones used in the Grammar-Translation Method to show the essential difference between the direct and indirect language approaches to language acquisition and their implications for the character of textbook components. The research part of the thesis examines selected textbooks of Czech as a second language which are supposed to epitomise the following tendencies in the area of contemporary writing of textbooks of Czech for foreigners: a) consistent use of the strategies and textbook components based on the Grammar- Translation Method, b) eclectic application of Grammar-Translation strategies and components together with certain features of the Communicative Approach, c) coherent implementation of the Communicative Approach with related techniques and textbook components. Existence of the above mentioned tendencies in current textbooks of Czech as a second...

Využití prvků uměleckých výchov ve vyučování němčině jako cizímu jazyku (se zaměřením na dramapedagogiku a práci s obrazovou knihou "Královna barev" od Jutty Bauerové) / Using elements of art education in teaching German as a foreign language (with a focus on drama pedagogy and work with picture book "Queen of Color" by Jutta Bauer)

Moravčíková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Title: Using elements of art education in teaching German as a foreign language (with a focus on drama pedagogy and work with picture book "Queen of Colour" by Jutta Bauer) Summary: My thesis is focused on integration of aesthetic elements into a German language lesson. Such elements help to improve students' language resources and language skills and they also help to develop their personality. The subject of my work is relation between the language and art - particular art education, namely dramatic, musical, and literary - partly - art education and their application in a foreign language lesson. This thesis is based on the theory of drama pedagogy and on analysis of an authentic foreign language literary text, namely on the picture book genre. The topics in the practical section are taken from artistic sources and were tested in particular sample lessons. Keywords: Aesthetic elements, Drama pedagogy, Music, Visual Material, Literary Text, Project-based Learning, Language resources, Language skills

Činnosti s papírem ve vzdělávacích programech předškolního vzdělávání / Activities with the paper in education programs pre-primary education

Kučerová, Renáta January 2011 (has links)
Abstact The diploma thesis aims to develop the theme "Activities with the paper in education programs pre-primary education", evaluates the importance of these activities for development of fine motor skills and connections to general educational program for preschool education in the Czech Republic. Through survey the thesis examines the experiences of the kindergarten teachers with realization of activities with paper during their work with children and also current status of necessary equipment for this work in kindergarten. The practical section of this diploma thesis summarizes the experiences with realization of an annual project called "We form with paper", in mixed-age class of the kindergarten.

Specifika pedagogického přístupu k počátku klavírního vyučování u žáků různých věkových kategorií / Methodological Specifics of Beginner Piano Teaching of Students of Different Ages

Mihulková, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with methodological specifics of beginner piano teaching of students at different age levels. It attempts to give a complex view of its various aspects. The thesis is subdivided into several chapters, drawing on available psychological and methodological literature, piano course books and a questionnaire survey. The first chapter focuses on a beginner piano learner as an individual undergoing a particular stage of psychological development. It explores learners' general as well as music- specific characteristics and links these characteristics to piano playing. In addition, it describes motivational tendencies prevailing at different development stages, and other factors which can substantially influence the learning process, but have not hitherto been discussed with respect to piano teaching in greater detail although a pedagogue can more easily deal with potential problems that may arise at beginner levels when thoroughly informed. It namely discusses learning and teaching styles, hindrances to learning and learning disabilities. The second chapter is devoted to methodological specifics of teaching learners of different age groups. The third chapter then expands on the subject of beginner piano teaching specifics, comparing techniques used in beginner piano books aimed at various...

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