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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potencijal upotrebe piritne izgoretine u tretmanu otpadnih voda i mogućnost njene dalje sanacije primenom imobilizacionih agenasa / Potential use of pyrite cinders in wastewater treatment and the possibility of its further disposal by using imobilizacionih agents

Kerkez Djurdja 17 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Predmet&nbsp; izučavanja&nbsp; ove&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; bio&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenja&nbsp; piritne&nbsp;izgoretine&nbsp; u&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; otpadnih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; tekstilne&nbsp; industrije&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; dalji&nbsp; tretman&nbsp; mulja&nbsp; nastalog&nbsp;nakon ovog procesa. Naime, nakon iskori&scaron;ćenja ovog otpada &nbsp;u Fenton procesima, iskori&scaron;ćena&nbsp;piritna izgoretina u najvećem procentu čini mulj koji zaostaje nakon tretmana. Kako se piritna&nbsp;ruda jo&scaron; u procesu proizvodnje sumporne kiseline&nbsp; koristi nepreči&scaron;ćena, zaostali&nbsp; mulj koji je&nbsp;potencijalno&nbsp; toksičan&nbsp; i&nbsp; ne&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; direktno&nbsp; odlagati&nbsp; bez&nbsp; prethodnog&nbsp; tretmana.&nbsp; Stoga,&nbsp;primenjena&nbsp; je&nbsp; tehnika&nbsp; stabilizacija&nbsp; i&nbsp; solidifikacija&nbsp; (S/S)&nbsp; uz&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenje&nbsp; portland&nbsp; cementa,&nbsp;kalcijum-oksida, prirodnog zeolita, letećeg pepela, kaolinita,&nbsp; bentonita i&nbsp; autohtone&nbsp; gline &nbsp;za&nbsp;imobilizaciju metala. Istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji vr&scaron;ena su u dve faze. Prva faza imala je za&nbsp;cilj&nbsp; optimizaciju&nbsp; operativnih&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp; pri&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; se&nbsp; postiže&nbsp; najvi&scaron;i&nbsp; stepen&nbsp;obezbojavanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; mineralizacije&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; efluenata.&nbsp; Takođe&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; je&nbsp; uključilo&nbsp; i&nbsp;karakterizaciju nastalih efluenata kako bi se procenila efikasnost primenjenog, i mogućnost&nbsp;daljeg&nbsp; tretmana.&nbsp; Druga&nbsp; faza&nbsp; uključivala&nbsp; je&nbsp; karakterizaciju&nbsp; nastalog&nbsp; mulja&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp;obojenih&nbsp; efluenata&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegov&nbsp; tretman&nbsp; solidifikacijom&nbsp; i&nbsp; stabilizacijom.&nbsp; Vr&scaron;eno&nbsp; je&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp;efikasnosti&nbsp; primenjenih&nbsp; imobilizacionih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; u&nbsp; S/S tretmanu&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantnog&nbsp; mehanizma&nbsp;<br />izluživanja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; koji&nbsp; opisuju&nbsp; njihov&nbsp; transport&nbsp; iz&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; solidifikata.&nbsp; Primenjeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp;modifikovani&nbsp; testovi&nbsp; izluživanja&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ciljem&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; simulacije&nbsp; realnih&nbsp; uslova.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp;dobijeni&nbsp; simulacijom&nbsp; uslova&nbsp; će&nbsp; dalje&nbsp; omogućiti&nbsp; modelovanje&nbsp; pona&scaron;anja&nbsp; metala&nbsp; u&nbsp; smislu&nbsp;dugoročnog&nbsp; &quot;izluživanja&quot;&nbsp; iz&nbsp; tretiranog&nbsp; otpada&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; najefikasnijih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; za&nbsp;imobilizaciju različitih metala u ovom tipu otpada. TakoĎe primenjeni su testovi izluživanja&nbsp;sa jednom ekstrakcijom kako bi se osiguralo&nbsp; slaganje rezultata sa maksimalno dozvoljenim&nbsp;koncentracijama&nbsp; aktuelnih&nbsp; pravilnika.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp;piritna izgoretina može uspe&scaron;no koristiti kao izvor katalitičkog gvožđa u Fenton tretmanima&nbsp;obojenih&nbsp; efluenata&nbsp; i&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; smatrati&nbsp; efektivnom&nbsp; metodom &nbsp; predtretmana&nbsp; za&nbsp;nebiodegradabilne&nbsp; otpadne&nbsp; vode,&nbsp; čineći&nbsp; ih&nbsp; pogodnijim&nbsp; za&nbsp; konvencionalni&nbsp; biolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; tretman.&nbsp;Takođe&nbsp; u&nbsp; drugoj&nbsp; fazi&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata,&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; mulj&nbsp;tertian&nbsp; sa&nbsp; navedenim&nbsp; imobilizacionim&nbsp; agensima&nbsp; uspe&scaron;no&nbsp; solidifikovan&nbsp; i&nbsp; stabilizovan&nbsp;materijal.&nbsp; Optimalane&nbsp; su&nbsp; sme&scaron;e&nbsp; koje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; imobilizacionih&nbsp; agenasa&nbsp; sadrže&nbsp; leteći&nbsp;<br />pepeo, prevashodno u kombinaciji sa cementom i krečom. Dobijeni podaci su &nbsp;neprocenjivi sa&nbsp;aspekta ekonomski i ekolo&scaron;ki prihvatljivog upravljanja opasnim industrijskim otpadom.&nbsp;</p> / <p>This work is concerned with exploring the possibility of using pyrite cinders in the treatment&nbsp;of&nbsp; textile&nbsp; industry&nbsp; effluents&nbsp; and&nbsp; further&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; sludge&nbsp; generated&nbsp; after&nbsp; this&nbsp; process.&nbsp;Namely,&nbsp; after&nbsp; the&nbsp; utilization&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; waste&nbsp; in&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; processes&nbsp; slag&nbsp; that&nbsp; remains&nbsp; after&nbsp;treatment is mostly composed of used pyrite cinder. As the pyrite ore, in the production of&nbsp;sulfuric&nbsp; acid,&nbsp; is&nbsp; used&nbsp; untreated,&nbsp; sludge&nbsp; that&nbsp; remains&nbsp; is&nbsp; potentially&nbsp; toxic&nbsp; and&nbsp; cannot&nbsp; be&nbsp;disposed&nbsp; directly&nbsp; without&nbsp; treatment.&nbsp; Therefore,&nbsp; the&nbsp; stabilization&nbsp; and&nbsp; solidification&nbsp; (S/S)&nbsp;technique&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; usage&nbsp; of&nbsp; portland&nbsp; cement,&nbsp; calcium&nbsp; oxide,&nbsp; zeolite,&nbsp; fly&nbsp; ash,&nbsp; kaolinite,&nbsp;bentonite and native clay was used for metal immobilization. The research in this dissertation&nbsp;was carried out in two phases. The first phase aimed to optimize the operational conditions of&nbsp;Fenton&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; decolourization&nbsp; and&nbsp; mineralization&nbsp; was&nbsp;achieved in tested effluents. Also the research has included the characterization of generated&nbsp;effluents in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment applied, and the possibility of&nbsp;further&nbsp; treatment.&nbsp; The&nbsp; second&nbsp; phase&nbsp; involved&nbsp; the&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; generated&nbsp; sludge&nbsp;after the treatment of effluents that contained dyes and its treatment with solidification and&nbsp;stabilization technique.&nbsp; The determination of used immobilization agents effectiveness was&nbsp;Conducted&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; efficacy&nbsp; of&nbsp; immobilization&nbsp; agents&nbsp; in&nbsp; S&nbsp; /&nbsp; S&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp;dominant&nbsp; mechanism&nbsp; of&nbsp; leaching&nbsp; of&nbsp; metals&nbsp; that&nbsp; describe&nbsp; their&nbsp; transport&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; received&nbsp;solidificate . Were applied and modified leaching tests with the aim of better simulation of&nbsp;real&nbsp; conditions.&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; condition&nbsp; simulation&nbsp; will&nbsp; enable&nbsp; the&nbsp; modeling&nbsp; of&nbsp;behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sludge and assess&nbsp;the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in this type of waste. Also,&nbsp;single-extraction leaching tests were applied to ensure the accordance of obtained results &nbsp;with&nbsp;the maximum permissible concentrations of current regulations. Based on these results, it was&nbsp;concluded&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; pyrite&nbsp; cinders&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; successfully&nbsp; used&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; source&nbsp; of&nbsp; catalytic&nbsp; iron&nbsp; in&nbsp;Fenton&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; of&nbsp; effluents&nbsp; containing&nbsp; dyes,&nbsp; and&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; considered&nbsp; an&nbsp; effective&nbsp;pretreatment&nbsp; method&nbsp; for&nbsp; non-biodegradable&nbsp; waste&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; making&nbsp; them&nbsp; amenable&nbsp; to&nbsp;conventional biological treatment. Also in the second phase, based on the results obtained, it&nbsp;was concluded that the sludge treated with&nbsp; aforementioned&nbsp; immobilization agents represents&nbsp;a successfully solidified and stabilized material. The optimal mixtures are those that contain&nbsp;fly ash as one of the used immobilization agents, primarily in combination with cement and&nbsp;lime.&nbsp; The&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; data&nbsp; are&nbsp; invaluable&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of&nbsp; economic&nbsp; and&nbsp; environmentally&nbsp; sound&nbsp;management of hazardous industrial waste.</p>

Use Of Waste Pyrite From Mineral Processing Plants In Soil Remediation

Aydin, Gulsen 01 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Pyrite (FeS2) is commonly present in complex sulphide ores in significant amounts. After the enrichment of such ores by flotation, pyrite is either produced as a separate concentrate and sold to acid manufactures or removed and disposed off as tailing. Due to lack of demand from manufacturers, most of pyrites is usually disposed off as tailing. Therefore, pyrite is usually a waste from complex sulphide ores. Yet, it may be a remediation additive for calcareous soils and calcareous- alkali soils deficient in Fe and other micronutrients such as Cu, Zn and Mn. Waste pyrite may be also an alternative amendment to gypsum because of the production of sulphuric acid which is effectively used in the reclamation of calcareous alkali soils. The effectiveness of adding waste pyrite and sulphuric acid produced from waste pyrite to calcareous-alkali soil (Sarayk&ouml / y-Ankara) and calcareous soil (Gaziantep) was studied under laboratory conditions. Pure gypsum was also used as an amendment for the comparison of the effectiveness of waste pyrite in the reclamation of alkali soils. Gypsum, powder waste pyrite and sulphuric acid were applied to the soil with reference to the gypsum requirement (GR) of the soils. Greenhouse pot tests were carried out with wheat as test plant to determine the effect of waste pyrite treatment on the plant yield (wheat) and on the amount of micronutrient (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) essential for plant growth. Hazard potential of pyritic tailings in terms of heavy metal contamination was also taken into account. The results showed that the soil pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), indicators of alkalization, decreased upon pyrite addition to calcareous- alkali soils of Sarayk&ouml / y-Ankara. It was also found that pyritic tailings were effective in the increasing level of essential micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) for plant growth in both soils. This was ascertained by the dry matter yield of the plants in the green house pot tests. Heavy metal toxicity caused by pyrite which is a rightful concern remained well below the legal limits in the soils. Thus, it was concluded that the application of pyritic tailings promoted rapid amelioration of calcareous-alkali soil (Sarayk&ouml / y-Ankara) and calcareous soil (Gaziantep) with no deleterious heavy metal contamination.

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