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Implications of GRACE Satellite Gravity Measurements for Diverse Hydrological ApplicationsYirdaw-Zeleke, Sitotaw 09 April 2010 (has links)
Soil moisture plays a major role in the hydrologic water balance and is the basis for most hydrological models. It influences the partitioning of energy and moisture inputs at the land surface. Because of its importance, it has been used as a key variable for many hydrological studies such as flood forecasting, drought studies and the determination of groundwater recharge. Therefore, spatially distributed soil moisture with reasonable temporal resolution is considered a valuable source of information for hydrological model parameterization and validation. Unfortunately, soil moisture is difficult to measure and remains essentially unmeasured over spatial and temporal scales needed for a number of hydrological model applications.
In 2002, the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite platform was launched to measure, among other things, the gravitational field of the earth. Over its life span, these orbiting satellites have produced time series of mass changes of the earth-atmosphere system. The subsequent outcome of this, after integration over a number of years, is a time series of highly refined images of the earth's mass distribution. In addition to quantifying the static distribution of mass, the month-to-month variation in the earth's gravitational field are indicative of the integrated value of the subsurface total water storage for specific catchments. Utilization of these natural changes in the earth's gravitational field entails the transformation of the derived GRACE geopotential spherical harmonic coefficients into spatially varying time series estimates of total water storage. These remotely sensed basin total water storage estimates can be routinely validated against independent estimates of total water storage from an atmospheric-based water balance approach or from well calibrated macroscale hydrologic models. The hydrological relevance and implications of remotely estimated GRACE total water storage over poorly gauged, wetland-dominated watershed as well as over a deltaic region underlain by a thick sand aquifer in Western Canada are the focus of this thesis.
The domain of the first case study was the Mackenzie River Basin wherein the
GRACE total water storage estimates were successfully inter-compared and validated with the atmospheric based water balance. These were then used to assess the WATCLASS hydrological model estimates of total water storage. The outcome of this inter-comparison revealed the potential application of the GRACE-based approach for the closure of the hydrological water balance of the Mackenzie River Basin as well as a dependable source of data for the calibration of traditional hydrological models.
The Mackenzie River Basin result led to a second case study where the GRACE-based total water storage was validated using storage estimated from the atmospheric-based water balance P-E computations in conjunction with the measured streamflow records for the Saskatchewan River Basin at its Grand Rapids outlet in Manitoba. The fallout from this comparison was then applied to the characterization of the Prairie-wide 2002/2003 drought enabling the development of a new drought index now known as the Total Storage Deficit Index (TSDI). This study demonstrated the potential application of the GRACE-based technique as a tool for drought characterization in the Canadian Prairies.
Finally, the hydroinformatic approach based on the artificial neural network (ANN) enabled the downscaling of the groundwater component from the total water storage estimate from the remote sensing satellite, GRACE. This was subsequently explored as an alternate source of calibration and validation for a hydrological modeling application over the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer in Manitoba. Interestingly, a high correlation exists between the simulated groundwater storage from the coupled hydrological model, CLM-PF and the downscaled groundwater time series storage from the remote sensing satellite GRACE over this 4,000 km2 deltaic basin in Canada.
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Hybrid forest modelling of Pinus Radiata D. Don in Canterbury, New ZealandPinjuv, Guy L January 2006 (has links)
During this study two models were developed to predict growth of Pinus radiata D.Don plantations in Canterbury, New Zealand. The first, CanSPBL(1.2), is a model for whole rotations of stands owned by Selwyn Plantation Limited in Canterbury. The second model, CanSPBL(water) is a hybrid growth model for the Selwyn estate in Canterbury that incorporates an index of root zone water balance over the simulation period. An existing stand growth and yield model CanSPBL was examined using a validation dataset of PSP measurements that were not used in model fitting. Projection bias was shown for mean top height, basal area per hectare, and residual stand stocking particularly for stands at elevations exceeding 450 metres. The new model, CanSPBL(1.2) showed an increase in precision of 4 - 46% over CanSPBL(1.0) at a stand level. The components of the stand model include mean top height, basal area per hectare, stems per hectare, and diameter distribution. The mortality model was made in conjunction with managers at CanSPBL to exclude catastrophic mortality events from model projections. Data used for model fitting was filtered using a mortality index based on the -3/2 power law. An examination of this model with an independent dataset showed little apparent bias. The new model, CanSPBL(water) was developed to include an index of water balance over the simulation period. Water balance estimates were made using a sub model for root zone water balance included in the hybrid physiological model 3-PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997). The new model showed an increase in precision of 1 - 4% over CanSPBL(1.2) at a stand level (with the exception of the model for maximum diameter which showed a decrease in precision of 0.78%) using climatic inputs that included yearly variation. However the model showed increases of precision from 0.5 to 8% (with the exception of maximum diameter again, showing a decrease in precision of 0.13%) using long term monthly average climatic inputs. The components of the stand model also include mean top height, basal area per hectare, stems per hectare, and diameter distribution. The mortality model was also fitted with a data set filtered using a mortality severity index based on the -3/2 power law to exclude catastrophic mortality events. An examination of this model with an independent dataset showed little apparent bias. Two models to predict a one sided canopy leaf area index (LAI) of radiata pine stands in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand were also developed. The models were fitted using non-linear least squares regression of LAI estimates against stem measurements and stand characteristics. LAI estimates were derived from digital analysis of fisheye lens photography. The models were kept simple to avoid computational circularity for physiological modelling applications. This study included an objective comparison and validation of a range of model types. The models CANTY (Goulding, 1995), CanSPBL(1.2) (Pinjuv, 2005), CanSPBL-water (Pinjuv, 2005), and 3-PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997) were compared and validated with the main criteria for comparison being each model s ability to match actual historical measurements of forest growth in an independent data set. Overall, the models CanSPBL(water), and CanSPBL(1.2) performed the best in terms of basal area and mean top height prediction. Both models CanSPBL(water), and CanSPBL(1.2) showed a slightly worse fit in predictions of stocking than did the model CANTY. The hybrid model 3PG showed a better fit for the prediction of basal area than the statistically based model CANTY, but showed a worse fit for the prediction of final stocking than all other models. In terms of distribution of residuals, CanSPBL(1.2) had overall the lowest skewness, kurtosis, and all model parameters tested significant for normality. 3PG performed the worst on average, in terms of the distribution of residuals, and all models tested positively for the normality of residual distribution.
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Implications of GRACE Satellite Gravity Measurements for Diverse Hydrological ApplicationsYirdaw-Zeleke, Sitotaw 09 April 2010 (has links)
Soil moisture plays a major role in the hydrologic water balance and is the basis for most hydrological models. It influences the partitioning of energy and moisture inputs at the land surface. Because of its importance, it has been used as a key variable for many hydrological studies such as flood forecasting, drought studies and the determination of groundwater recharge. Therefore, spatially distributed soil moisture with reasonable temporal resolution is considered a valuable source of information for hydrological model parameterization and validation. Unfortunately, soil moisture is difficult to measure and remains essentially unmeasured over spatial and temporal scales needed for a number of hydrological model applications.
In 2002, the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite platform was launched to measure, among other things, the gravitational field of the earth. Over its life span, these orbiting satellites have produced time series of mass changes of the earth-atmosphere system. The subsequent outcome of this, after integration over a number of years, is a time series of highly refined images of the earth's mass distribution. In addition to quantifying the static distribution of mass, the month-to-month variation in the earth's gravitational field are indicative of the integrated value of the subsurface total water storage for specific catchments. Utilization of these natural changes in the earth's gravitational field entails the transformation of the derived GRACE geopotential spherical harmonic coefficients into spatially varying time series estimates of total water storage. These remotely sensed basin total water storage estimates can be routinely validated against independent estimates of total water storage from an atmospheric-based water balance approach or from well calibrated macroscale hydrologic models. The hydrological relevance and implications of remotely estimated GRACE total water storage over poorly gauged, wetland-dominated watershed as well as over a deltaic region underlain by a thick sand aquifer in Western Canada are the focus of this thesis.
The domain of the first case study was the Mackenzie River Basin wherein the
GRACE total water storage estimates were successfully inter-compared and validated with the atmospheric based water balance. These were then used to assess the WATCLASS hydrological model estimates of total water storage. The outcome of this inter-comparison revealed the potential application of the GRACE-based approach for the closure of the hydrological water balance of the Mackenzie River Basin as well as a dependable source of data for the calibration of traditional hydrological models.
The Mackenzie River Basin result led to a second case study where the GRACE-based total water storage was validated using storage estimated from the atmospheric-based water balance P-E computations in conjunction with the measured streamflow records for the Saskatchewan River Basin at its Grand Rapids outlet in Manitoba. The fallout from this comparison was then applied to the characterization of the Prairie-wide 2002/2003 drought enabling the development of a new drought index now known as the Total Storage Deficit Index (TSDI). This study demonstrated the potential application of the GRACE-based technique as a tool for drought characterization in the Canadian Prairies.
Finally, the hydroinformatic approach based on the artificial neural network (ANN) enabled the downscaling of the groundwater component from the total water storage estimate from the remote sensing satellite, GRACE. This was subsequently explored as an alternate source of calibration and validation for a hydrological modeling application over the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer in Manitoba. Interestingly, a high correlation exists between the simulated groundwater storage from the coupled hydrological model, CLM-PF and the downscaled groundwater time series storage from the remote sensing satellite GRACE over this 4,000 km2 deltaic basin in Canada.
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Modellierung von Strömungs- und Stofftransportprozessen bei Kombination der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit technischen AnlagenHasan, Issa 10 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Modellierung von komplexen Systemen, wie dem Untergrund, ist ein Hilfsmittel zur Beschreibung der in der Realität ablaufenden Prozesse. Die Durchführung von Experimenten an einem Modell, um qualitative Aussagen über ein reales System zu erhalten, wird als Simulation bezeichnet. Dabei können vielfältige Modelle, wie z.B. physikalische und mathematische, zum Einsatz kommen. Die ungesättigte Bodenzone (vadose Zone) bezeichnet den Bereich zwischen der Landoberfläche und dem Grundwasserspiegel, innerhalb dessen der Wassergehalt geringer als bei Vollsättigung, und der Druck geringer als der Atmosphärendruck ist. Dieser Bodenbereich hat für die Landwirtschaft, Geobiologie, aerobe Abbauprozesse und Grundwasserneubildung eine große Bedeutung. Für die Nachbildung von Strömungs- und Stofftransportprozessen der ungesättigten Bodenzone existieren numerische Simulationsprogramme.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine umfangreiche Validierung des Programms PCSiWaPro® (entwickelt an der TU-Dresden, Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten) für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle. Ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit besteht in der Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit des aktuellen Stands des Simulationsprogramms PCSiWaPro® auf unterschiedliche Praxisfälle bei Kombination der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit technischen Anlagen. Vier Anwendungsfälle mit unterschiedlichen Zielen wurden dafür im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht: die Simulation von dezentraler Abwasserversickerung (Kleinkläranlage - KKA) anhand entsprechender Säulen- und Feldversuche, die Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildung am Beispiel von Lysimetern, der Wasserhaushalt von Erddämmen und die Modellierung von Deponieabdeckungssystemen. Die Anwendungsfälle unterscheiden sich durch den Zweck der Simulation, die Geometrie, die Größe, die festgelegten Anfangs- und Randbedingungen, die Simulationszeit, die Materialien, das Koordinatensystem sowie die Ein- und Ausgabewerte.
Die Simulationsergebnisse konnten eindeutig zeigen, dass das Programm PCSiWaPro® für alle im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten Fälle, mit unterschiedlichen Strömungsregimen, Stofftransport-Parametern, Randbedingungen, Koordinatensystemen sowie Raum- und Zeitdiskretisierungen anwendbar ist. Die Simulationsergebnisse der Säulenversuche am Beispiel dezentraler Abwasserversickerung zeigten eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zwischen gemessenen und mittels PCSiWa-Pro® berechneten Werten des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes (Druckhöhe, Abfluss und Stoff-konzentration) der untersuchten Bodentypen B3 (schwachschluffiger Sand), B4 (Grobsand) und B5 (mittelschluffiger Sand). Die Wurzel des mittleren quadratischen Fehlers (RMSE) betrug für die Berechnung der Druckhöhe 1,84 cm bei B5, 3,61 cm bei B3 und 1,27 cm bei B4. Die relative Abweichung betrug für die Berechnung der Druckhöhe 2,19 % bei B5, 1,3 % bei B3 und ca. 5,3 % bei B4.
Die Durchführung der Sensitivitätsanalyse der für die Modellierung relevanten Parameter zeigte eine sehr hohe Sensitivität der VAN GENUCHTEN-Parameter und der gesättigten hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit des Bodens. Darüber hinaus führten die Parameter nach DIN 4220 und die mithilfe von Pedotransferfunktionen aus Siebanalysen genommenen Parameter zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. Im Rahmen des am Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten durchgeführten Projektes EGSIM wurden die Programme SENSIT und ISSOP (in Zusammenarbeit mit DUALIS GmbH IT Solution) entwickelt und zur Parameteridentifikation/-kalibrierung benutzt.
Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse konnten nachweisen, unter welchen Bedingungen eine Nachklärung des vollbiologisch gereinigten Abwassers innerhalb der Bodenzone möglich ist, so dass am Ort der Beurteilung (Grundwasseroberfläche) kein unzulässiger Schadstoffeintrag erfolgt. In Bezug auf die KKA-Feldmodelle ist die Anwendung des rotationssymmetrischen Koordinatensystems als Voraussetzung der Realität besser zu entsprechen und nicht als Option zu betrachten. Darüber hinaus wurden anhand der Feldmodelle verschiedene Szenarien mit kontinuierlicher und diskontinuierlicher Versickerung sowie zwei unterschiedlich großen Einleitflächen durchgeführt. Das Programm PCSiWaPro® ist sowohl für ungesättigte als auch für variabel-gesättigte porösen Medien anwendbar. Dies wurde im Rahmen der Simulation des Wasserhaushaltes eines Erddamms nachgewiesen. Die durchschnittliche relative Abweichung zwischen gemessenen und mittels PCSiWaPro® berechneten Wasserständen des entsprechenden Beobachtungspunkts im untersuchten Dammkörper lag bei 0,08 % (entspricht 5,8 cm bei einer Müchtigkeit von ca. 70 m) und das Bestimmtheitsmaß (R2) betrug 0,987.
Die Simulation des Wasserhaushaltes unterschiedlicher Deponieabdichtungssystemen mittels PCSiWaPro® zeigte im Allgemeinen ein funktionierendes Ableiten des auf Deponien anfallenden Regenwassers (auch bei Starkregenereignissen). Darüber hinaus haben die durchgeführten Bewuchs-Modelle nachweisen können, dass die Vegetation der Deponieoberflächen den Wassergehalt, durch Pflanzenwurzelentzug bzw. Evapotranspiration, reduzieren können. Die Simulationsergebnisse der durchgeführten Szenarien des Wasserhaushaltes von Lysimetern zur prognostischen Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildung mittels PCSiWaPro® konnten nachweisen, dass das Programm für die Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildungsrate für diesen Zweck anwendbar ist. Die relativen Abweichungen der be-rechneten von den gemessenen Grundwasserneubildungsraten sind auf die verwendeten Materialparameter sowie auf Vernachlässigung der möglicherweise in Lysimetern sich befin-denden Makroporen (duale Porosität) zurückzuführen. / The modelling of complex systems such as the underground is a means to describe the processes occurring in the reality. The conducting of experiments on a model to obtain qualitative evidence about a real system is referred to as a simulation. Thereby, various models (e.g. physical and mathematical models) can be used. The unsaturated zone (vadose zone) is the region between the land surface and the water table, in which the water content is less than full saturation, and the pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure. The unsaturated zone is very significant for agriculture, geobiology, aerobic degradation processes and groundwater recharge. The processes of water flow and solute transport in the unsaturated zone can be described by means of numerical simulation programs.
The aim of the present work is a comprehensive validation of the simulation program PCSiWaPro® (developed at the TU-Dresden, Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment) for different applications. Another aim of this work is to investigate the applicability of the current version of PCSiWaPro® for different cases of a combination between the unsaturated zone and technical facilities. Four application cases with different objectives were investigated within the present work, which are: the simulation of decentralized wastewater infiltration with corresponding column and field experiments, the computation of groundwater recharge by means of lysimeters, the water balance of earth dams and the modelling of landfill covering systems. The application cases differ from each other by the objective of the simulation, the geometry, the size, the specified initial and boundary conditions, the simulation time, the applied materials, the coordinate system, the input and output data. The simulation results clearly showed that PCSiWaPro® is applicable for all investigated cases under consideration of different flow and solute transport regimes, parameters, boundary conditions, spatial and temporal discretization, and coordinate systems.
The simulation results of the experimental soil columns for the decentralized treated wastewater infiltration case showed a very good agreement between measured and computed values of water and solute balance (pressure head, flow and solute concentration) of the investigated soil types B3 (slightly silty sand), B4 (coarse sand / gravel) and B5 (medium silty sand). The root of the mean squared error (RMSE) for the computation of the pressure head was 1,84 cm at B5, 3,61 cm at B3 and 1,27 cm at B4. The relative deviation in case of pressure head computation was 2,19 % at B5, 1,3 % at B3 and 5,3 % at B4. The implementation of the sensitivity analysis of the relevant parameters for the modelling showed a very high sensitivity of the VAN GENUCHTEN parameters and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. Moreover, the parameters according to DIN 4220 led to different results than the estimated ones according to pedotransfer methods based on sieve analysis. Within the project EGSIM, which was carried out at the Institute for waste management and contaminated sites treatment in collaboration with DUALIS GmbH IT Solution, the programs SENSIT and ISSOP were developed and used for parameter identification/ calibration.
The results obtained in this Work showed under which conditions is a secondary treatment of full biologically treated wastewater in the soil possible, so that no unallowable pollutants entry in the groundwater occurs. With regard to the field models of this application the implementation of the rotationally symmetric coordinate system should be considered as a condition and not as an option for a better corresponding to the reality. Furthermore, different scenarios of the field models were carried out with continuous and discontinuous infiltration, as well as under different initiation areas. PCSiWaPro® could be applied for both unsaturated and variably-saturated porous media. This could be proven by the simulation of the water balance in an earth dam. The average relative deviation between measured and simulated water levels of the corresponding observation point in the investigated dam embankment was 0,08 % (corresponding to 5,8 cm at 70 m thickness) and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0,987.
In general, the simulation of the water balance using PCSiWaPro® of different landfill covering systems showed a successful draining of the falling rainwater (even under heavy rainfall). In addition, the implemented vegetation models have proven that the vegetation of the landfill surface can reduce the water content in the landfill by evapotranspiration and water uptake by roots. The water balance simulation results of the scenarios for the computation of groundwater recharge by means of lysimeters showed that the program is applicable for this case. The relative deviation of the simulated from the measured groundwater recharge rates occur due to the implemented material parameters as well as to the neglect of macro pores effects (dual porosity).
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Stable isotope mass balance of the North American Laurentian Great LakesJasechko, Scott January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes a method for calculating lake evaporation as a proportion of water inputs (E/I) for large surface water bodies, using stable isotope ratios of oxygen (18O/16O) and hydrogen (2H/1H) in water. Evaporation as a proportion of inflow (E/I) is calculated for each Laurentian Great Lake using a new dataset of 516 analyses of δ18O and δ2H in waters sampled from 75 offshore stations during spring and summer of 2007. This work builds on previous approaches by accounting for lake effects on the overlying atmosphere and assuming conservation of both mass and isotopes (18O and 2H) to better constrain evaporation outputs.
Results show that E/I ratios are greatest for headwater Lakes Superior and Michigan and lowest for Lakes Erie and Ontario, controlled largely by the magnitude of hydrologic inputs from upstream chain lakes. For Lake Superior, stable isotopes incorporate evaporation over the past century, providing long-term insights to the lake’s hydrology that may be compared to potential changes under a future – expectedly warmer – climate. Uncertainties in isotopically derived E/I are comparable to conventional energy and mass balance uncertainties. Isotope-derived E/I values are lower than conventional energy and mass balance estimates for Lakes Superior and Michigan. The difference between conventional and isotope estimates may be explained by moisture recycling effects. The isotope-based estimates include only evaporated moisture that is also advected from the lake surface, thereby discounting moisture that evaporates and subsequently reprecipitates on the lake surface downwind as recycled precipitation. This shows an advantage of applying an isotope approach in conjunction with conventional evaporation estimates to quantify both moisture recycling and net losses by evaporation.
Depth profiles of 18O/16O and 2H/1H in the Great Lakes show a lack of isotopic stratification in summer months despite an established thermocline. These results are indicative of very low over-lake evaporation during warm summer months, with the bulk of evaporation occurring during the fall and winter. This seasonality in evaporation losses is supported by energy balance studies. For Lakes Michigan and Huron, the isotope mass balance approach provides a new perspective into water exchange and evaporation from these lakes. This isotope investigation shows that Lake Michigan and Lake Huron waters are distinct, despite sharing a common lake level. This finding advocates for the separate consideration of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron in future hydrologic studies.
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Transpiration as the leak in the carbon factory : a model of self-optimising vegetationSchymanski, Stanislaus Josef January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] In the most common (hydrological) viewpoint, vegetation is a
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Soil hydraulic properties and water balance under various soil management regimes on the Loess Plateau, China /Zhang, Shulan, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning). Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Calendário agroclimático para a cultura do milho na região de Arapiraca-AL / Agroclimatic calendar for maize crop in the region of Arapiraca-ALBrito, José Edmilson Deodato de 30 June 2009 (has links)
The variability of total annual precipitation of rain and its distribution during the rainy season in the region of Arapiraca, explains most of the fluctuations in crop yield, which occurs in different years and locations. However, regional water conditions for agriculture must also be considered taking into account the storage capacity of water form the soil. Water is essential to productivity of crops and their consumption is determined by water evaporative demand of the atmosphere, soil type and plants characteristics. A good distribution of rainfall regulates water factor of production, preventing soil moisture is reduced to levels that condition the plant water stress. In particular, the corn grown in the irrigation system in this region has the yield highly dependent on interactions between their phenological phases and water availability which is determined by the storage of water from the soil and the irregularity of the rainfall regime. This work aimed to analyze the sowing dates of maize which have lower risk of water stress during sowing until 10 days after flowering in the region of Arapiraca. For this, calculations were made of daily water balance for two soil types, representing the region of cultivation of maize, with precipitation data of a 37 years period, from the meteorological station of old Empresa de Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas - EPEAL and the Secretaria Municipal de Arapiraca - SEMAG, considering the life cycle of maize cultivar BR 106 of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária -EMBRAPA, sown in the period March to August. Also was calculated the accumulated degree-days (GDA) for maize in the sowing- flowering period to estimate dates of flowering for the different simulated sowing dates. Through an analysis of the frequency distribution of the satisfaction water indices of culture (ISH), obtained from daily water balance, it is calculated the probability of this index is above 0.5 with probabilities exceeding 80% in time of sowing and the critical phase of requirement of water by maize (10 days before flowering and 10 days later). The results allowed the determination of planting calendar for maize in the region of Arapiraca - AL starting on 01 June and ending on June 30 for the two soil types studied. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A variabilidade dos totais anuais das precipitações pluviais e sua distribuição durante a estação chuvosa na região de Arapiraca, explica grande parte das flutuações no rendimento das culturas, que ocorre em diferentes anos e locais. Porém, as condições hídricas regionais para a agricultura devem ser analisadas também se levando em consideração a capacidade de armazenamento de água dos solos. A água é fator fundamental a produtividade das culturas e seu consumo é determinado pela demanda evaporativa da atmosfera, tipo de solo e características das plantas. A boa distribuição das precipitações pluviais regula o fator água de produção, impedindo que a umidade do solo reduza-se para níveis que condicionem estresse hídrico as plantas. Em particular, o milho cultivado em sistema de sequeiro nesta região, tem seu rendimento altamente dependente das interações entre suas fases fenológicas e a disponibilidade hídrica a qual é condicionada pelo armazenamento de água do solo e pela irregularidade do regime pluviométrico. Neste trabalho objetivou-se analisar épocas de semeaduras do milho que apresentem menores riscos de estresse hídrico no período semeadura até 10 dias após o florescimento, na região de Arapiraca. Para tal, foram realizados cálculos de balanço hídrico diário para dois tipos de solos, representativos da região de cultivo de milho, com dados de precipitação pluviais de um período de 37 anos, obtidos da estação meteorológica da extinta Empresa de Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas - EPEAL e da Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura de Arapiraca - SEMAG, considerando a duração do ciclo da cultivar de milho BR 106 da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária EMBRAPA, semeada no período de março a agosto. Também calculou-se os graus dias acumulados (GDA) para o milho no período semeio florescimento para estimar datas de florescimento para as diferentes datas simuladas para semeio. Por meio de análise da distribuição de freqüência dos índices de satisfação das necessidades de água da cultura (ISH), obtidos do balanço hídrico diário, calcularam-se as probabilidades deste índice está acima de 0,5, com probabilidades superiores a 80%, no momento do semeio e na fase crítica de exigência de água pelo milho (10 dias antes do florescimento e 10 dias depois). Os resultados do estudo permitiram a determinação de um calendário de semeadura para a cultura do milho na região de Arapiraca Alagoas iniciando em 01 de junho e terminando em 30 de junho, para os dois tipos de solos utilizados.
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Medida de atributos físicos do solo por um sensor capacitivo e aplicação no manejo da irrigação da melancia / Measurement of soil physical properties by a capacitive sensor and application in irrigation management of watermelonOliveira, Antônio Dimas Simão de January 2012 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, Medida de atributos físicos do solo por um sensor capacitivo e aplicação no manejo da irrigação da melancia. 2012. 113 f. : Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola, Fortaleza-CE, 2012. / Submitted by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-08-02T14:47:59Z
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Previous issue date: 2012 / In recent years, with the explosive development of information technology and electronics, the scientific community worldwide has intensified research to develop and implement research-based improvement in precision application. Advances in information technology, especially in the developing of interfaces with electronic sensors, allowed for the development and application of various transducers in Agricultural Engineering. With respect to irrigated farms there is a major concern with the large volume of water used. According to FAO by 2030 it will be required an increase of 14% of drinking water used by irrigation, in order to meet the demand caused by population growth worldwide. In order to improve water use in irrigation, several studies have been and are being developed, especially focused on evaluating, economically, the conversion of water into food and the actual requirement of crops for their full development. The kc is a factor that relates crop water requirement of a real crop to the water requirement of a hypothetical culture. The soil water balance accounts for all additions and withdrawals of water that actually occur in a certain volume of soil used in agricultural production, allowing to access the water situation in which a culture is. From the above, this study aimed to evaluate the use of a capacitive FDR sensor to replace tensiometer in the process of obtaining the crop coefficient (kc) through the soil water balance. The experiment was conducted at the Low Acaraú Irrigation District - Ceará, in an area of 1.0 ha, into two cycles with of watermelon, in the years 2009 and 2010. The sensors were calibrated in the laboratory using regression analysis between soil moisture from a soil sample and frequency produced by the sensor, and between it and the tension found in a mercury based tensiometer, from saturation to approximately 8.0% volumetric water content. The evaluation of the calibration equation occurred by comparing the sensor data and data from tensiometers for moisture and irrigation timing. The calibration equation for both moisture and for the tension was exponential. The comparison between the estimated and measured tensions using the fitted equation produced a strong performance and/or great on all items analyzed. Field validation of the fitted models was conducted by comparative analysis between the frequencies obtained from the FDR sensors and the tensiometers during the first harvesting year. For the second harvesting year, the technique of filter paper was tested. It resulted in the following equations to fit the water retention curves for the soil: θ=0,3843*T^(-0,381) (1st layer), θ=0,4381*T^(-0,372) (2nd layer) and θ=0,4103*T^(-0,34) (3rd layer). In addition, the instantaneous profile method for evaluating the hydraulic conductivity was applied. Were application depth was applied as a treatment for analyzing some physiological characteristics of the crop. The treatments showed statistical differences for stomatal conductance and transpiration, T4 (ϴ= 1.3 of field capacity) being superior to the others to a 0.05 confidence level. kc values ranged between treatments from 0.74 to 1.06 (18 DAP), 0.98 to 1.52 (45 DAP) and 0.67 to 0.85 (59 DAP). Crop yield ranged from 13.019 to 25.867 Mg between treatments. The efficiency of water use ranged from 4.17 to 6.95 kg m-3. The use of the sensor allows for real time measurement of soil water potential and soil moisture, enabling a more secure monitoring and decision making. / Nos últimos anos, com a evolução explosiva da informática e da eletrônica, a comunidade científica mundial tem intensificado os estudos no sentido de desenvolver e aplicar pesquisas baseada no aprimoramento da alta precisão. Os avanços na área de informática, principalmente na elaboração de interfaces com sensores eletrônicos, permitiram o desenvolvimento e aplicação de vários transdutores na Engenharia Agrícola. No que diz respeito à agricultura irrigada uma grande preocupação é com o enorme volume de água utilizado. Segundo a FAO até 2030 será necessário um incremento de 14% da água potável, na irrigação, a fim de suprir a demanda provocada pelo crescimento da população mundial. No intuito de aprimorar o uso da água na irrigação, vários trabalhos foram e estão sendo desenvolvidos, principalmente na busca de se avaliar, economicamente, a conversão da água em alimento e a real necessidade hídrica das culturas para seu desenvolvimento pleno. O kc é um fator que relaciona a necessidade hídrica da cultura em estudo e a necessidade hídrica de uma cultura hipotética. O balanço hídrico do solo contabiliza todas as adições e retiradas de água que realmente ocorrem em certo volume de solo, utilizado na produção agrícola, permitindo avaliar a situação hídrica pela qual uma cultura passa. Pelo exposto acima, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral a avaliação do uso do sensor capacitivo FDR em substituição ao tensiômetro para o cálculo do coeficiente de cultivo (kc), por meio do balanço hídrico do solo. O experimento foi realizado no Perímetro Irrigado do Baixo Acaraú – Ceará, em uma área de 1,0 ha, em dois ciclos com a cultura da melancia nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Os sensores foram calibrados, em laboratório, através de análise de regressão entre umidade da amostra e frequência produzida pelo sensor, e entre esta última e a tensão verificada em um tensiômetro com mercúrio partindo do ponto de saturação até aproximadamente 8,0% de umidade volumétrica. A avaliação da equação de calibração ocorreu através da comparação entre os dados dos sensores e os dados dos tensiômetros para umidade e tempo de irrigação. A equação de calibração tanto para a umidade, como para tensão foi do tipo exponencial. A comparação entre as tensões medidas e estimadas, pela equação de ajuste, alcançou desempenho forte e/ou ótimo em todos os itens analisados. A validação em campo, das equações de ajuste, deu-se através de uma análise comparativa entre as tensões obtidas pelos sensores FDR e pelos tensiômetros, além das umidades atuais, estimadas por ambos os equipamentos, no primeiro ano de cultivo. Para o segundo ciclo produtivo fez-se uso da técnica do papel filtro que retornou as seguintes equações de ajuste para as curvas de retenção da água no solo: θ=0,3843*T^(-0,381)(1ª camada), θ=0,4381*T^(-0,372)(2ª camada) e θ=0,4103*T^(-0,34)(3ª camada), e a técnica do perfil instantâneo para avaliação da condutividade hidráulica. Aplicaram-se variações de umidade do solo, com tratamento, a fim de verificar algumas respostas fisiológicas da cultura. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferença estatística para transpiração e condutância estomática, sendo o T4 (ϴ= 1,3 da capacidade de campo) superior aos demais ao nível de confiança de 0,05. Os valores de kc variaram entre os tratamentos de 0,74 a 1,06 (18º DAP), 0,98 a 1,52 (45º DAP) e 0,67 a 0,85 (59º DAP). A produção variou de 13,019 a 25,867 Mg entre os tratamentos. O uso eficiente de água variou de 4,17 a 6,95 kg m-3. O uso do sensor permite medir o potencial da água no solo e a umidade em tempo real, possibilitando o monitoramento e a tomada de decisões de forma mais segura.
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Impactos das alterações climáticas sobre a área de cultivo e produtividade de milho e feijão no nordeste do Brasil usando modelagem agrometeorológica. / Climate change impacts on the area of the crop and productivity of corn and cowpea bean in northeast Brazil using agrometeorological modeling.CAMPOS, João Hugo Baracuy da Cunha. 02 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-02T13:05:36Z
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JOÃO HUGO BARACUY DA CUNHA CAMPOS - TESE (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 28932035 bytes, checksum: dbde6d0a56b6228c2c9a4fa65197654f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T13:05:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JOÃO HUGO BARACUY DA CUNHA CAMPOS - TESE (PPGRN) 2010.pdf: 28932035 bytes, checksum: dbde6d0a56b6228c2c9a4fa65197654f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-20 / CNPq / Este estudo avalia os impactos das alterações climáticas sobre o zoneamento agrícola de risco climático do feijão e milho cultivados na região Nordeste do Brasil (NEB), com base nos relatórios do IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). O modelo de balanço hídrico, combinado com técnicas de geoprocessamento (SIG), foi utilizado para identificar as áreas da região de estudo onde as culturas poderão sofrer restrições de rendimento devido às mudanças climáticas. Os dados utilizados no estudo foram as séries históricas de precipitação com no mínimo 20 anos de dados diários, coeficientes de cultura, evapotranspiração potencial e a duração do ciclo da cultura. Foi adotado como critério de corte para o Índice de Satisfação das Necessidades de Água para a cultura (ISNA), definido como a relação entre a evapotranspiração real e a evapotranspiração máxima (ETr/ETm), os valores 0,55 e 0,50 para o milho e o feijão, respectivamente. Os cenários de aumento na temperatura do ar utilizados nas simulações foram de 1,5; 3 e 5 ºC. Os resultados indicam que o aumento na temperatura do ar pode afeta significativamente a disponibilidade de área agricultável das culturas de feijão e de milho no NEB. Portanto, é importante que variedades dessas culturas mais resistentes a altas temperaturas sejam desenvolvidas visando enfrentar a problemática do aquecimento. Os resultados ainda indicam que existe considerável diferença entre os três cenários de aquecimento e as condições climáticas atuais em termos dos efeitos projetados da variação de temperatura sobre as áreas cultivadas com feijão e milho na região de estudo. Mediante os cenários de aquecimento, o tamanho da estação de cultivo e a produtividade serão significativamente reduzidos como conseqüência do decréscimo em área agricultável com as culturas de milho e feijão. A época de semeadura de janeiro a março se apresenta menos afetada pelos cenários de aquecimento do que a semeadura nos meses de novembro e dezembro ou de abril e maio, provavelmente em face da regularidade dos padrões da ITCZ na maior parte do NEB. / This study assesses the impacts of climate change on the agricultural zoning of climatic risk in cowpea and corn grown in northeastern Brazil (NEB), based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. The water balance model,
combined with geospatial technologies (GIS), was used to identify areas of the study
area where the crops will suffer yield restrictions due to climate change. The data used
were the time series in rainfall at least 20 years of daily data, crop coefficients, potential
evapotranspiration and duration of the crop cycle. The scenarios analyzed were of
increases in air temperature of 1.5, 3 and 5 oC. It was adopted as baseline for the Water
Requirements Satisfaction Index for culture (WRSI), defined as the ratio between actual
evapotranspiration and maximum evapotranspiration (ETr/ETm), the values of 0.55 and
0.50 for maize and cowpea bean, respectively. An increase of air temperature affects the
availability of suitable agricultural area and particularly the cowpea bean and corn yield
across NEB. Therefore, it is important that crops varieties better suited to hightemperature
conditions should be planted. There are considerable differences between the three warming scenarios and normal climatic conditions in terms of projected effects of changes in temperature on the area suitable for cowpea bean and corn cultivation. Under the warming scenarios, the length of the growing period and yield should be drastically affected as a consequence of the decrease in agriculturally suitable area. The sowing date from January to March appears to be less affected by warming scenarios than sowing in November and December or April and May, probably due to the soil conditions and regularity of seasonal ITCZ patterns in most of northern NEB.
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