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Do Women Legislators Represent Women? : The Effect of Women Legislators and Gender Quotas on the Substantive Representation of Women in the 20th National Assembly of the Republic of KoreaPark, Gyuyeon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the link between women’s descriptive representation and substantive representation in the 20th National Assembly of the Republic of Korea according to the different conceptualization of women’s substantive representation. First, the link between women’s descriptive representation and substantive representation is examined by investigating whether women legislators introduce bills for women’s interests and succeed in passing such bills more than men. Plus, women legislators’ impact on the introduction of bills for women’s interests and success to pass such bills is explored separately according to different definitions of women’s interests, feminist and traditional women’s interests. This thesis also seeks to compare the influence of quota women with non-quota women on introducing bills for women’s interest and being able to pass such bills. The effect of legislators’ gender and quota women on women’s substantive representation is analyzed by running multivariate OLS regressions. The result strongly supports the positive impact of female legislators on the substantive representation of women. The regression analysis result indicates that being female is positively and significantly related to all types of women’s substantive representation, except the introduction of traditional women’s interests bills. The positive effect of the female legislators is more robust on the introduction of feminist women’s interests bills than the passage of them. However, the positive effect of the female legislators is stronger on the passage of traditional women’s interests bills than the introduction of them. When I compare the connection between women’s descriptive representation and substantive representation according to the different definitions of women’s interests, female legislators are more positively related to feminist women’s interests than traditional women’s interests. The result mildly supports the positive moderating effect of quota women on the link between women’s descriptive representation and substantive representation. These findings indicate that women legislators and quota women improve women’s substantive representation in the Republic of Korea. Specific effects of female legislators and quota women on women’s substantive representation are varied depending on different aspects of substantive representation and different definitions of women’s interests.
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Liderazgo Femenino y su impacto en el Desempeño Laboral de las mujeres directivas de las áreas académicas en las Universidades Privadas de Lima Sur, año 2019 / Women’s Leadership and its Impact on the Work Performance of Women Directors of Academic Areas at Private Universities of Lima South, 2019Alvarez Mosqueira, Ketty Marisol, Benito Ccuno, Rosario de los Ángeles 07 June 2019 (has links)
Con el pasar de los años la mujer ha ido ganando mayor espacio en el ámbito laboral, pasando de tener como principal función las labores domésticas a dirigir organizaciones importantes desde posiciones directivas. El Liderazgo Femenino, ha sido un factor determinante en este proceso de evolución y en su crecimiento profesional, éste las ha impulsado a poner en práctica sus capacidades y habilidades. Sin duda, el Liderazgo Femenino es un concepto que se viene escuchando desde hace algunos años atrás y más con los cambios de paradigma que la sociedad ha ido experimentando en cuanto a la forma de ver a la mujer y a la globalización. Sin embargo, aún no es un tema desarrollado a profundidad pese al impacto que pueda tener en las organizaciones y en la sociedad. Es así como, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal identificar el impacto que genera el Liderazgo Femenino en el Desempeño Laboral de las mujeres directivas de las áreas académicas en las Universidades Privadas de Lima Sur del año 2019.
En primer lugar, en el Capítulo I, se desarrollará el marco teórico que contiene las definiciones de las variables del tema de investigación que son el Liderazgo Femenino y Desempeño Laboral; además de sus antecedentes, evolución y dimensiones. Asimismo, se describe el sector elegido el cual es el sector universitario privado peruano incluyendo las universidades privadas que componen Lima Sur. En segundo lugar, en el Capítulo II muestra el plan de investigación, el cual engloba el estado de la cuestión, la justificación y/o relevancia del tema, así como los objetivos y las hipótesis planteadas de la investigación. En tercer lugar, en el Capítulo III se desarrollará la metodología de investigación, la cual determinará el tipo de investigación, el enfoque, el alcance, y el diseño de la investigación. Igualmente, las definiciones de la población y muestra de la investigación cualitativa como cuantitativa y sus respectivos instrumentos empleados. En cuarto lugar, en el Capítulo IV, se presentará el desarrollo de la metodología tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa. En quinto lugar, en el Capítulo V, se mostrará el análisis de los resultados obtenidos de la investigación. Por último, se presentarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones producto de la investigación realizada. / Over the year’s women have been gaining more space in the field of work, moving from having the main role of domestic work to leading important organizations from leadership positions. Women’s leadership has been a determining factor in this process of evolution and in their professional growth, which has prompted them to put into practice their capacities and abilities. Women’s Leadership is certainly a concept that has been heard for some years now, and more so with the paradigm changes that society has been experiencing in terms of how to see women and globalization. However, a theme is not developed in depth despite the impact it may have on organizations and on society. Thus, the main objective of this research is to identify the impact of Women’s Leadership on the Work Performance of women in academic areas in the Private Universities of Lima Sur, in 2019.
First, in Chapter I, the theoretical framework will be developed that contains the definitions of the variables of the topic of research that are Female Leadership and Work Performance, in addition to their background, evolution and dimensions. It also describes the chosen sector, which is the Peruvian private university sector, including the private universities that make up Lima Sur. Secondly, Chapter II shows the research plan, which covers the status of the issue, the justification and/or relevance of the topic as well as the objectives and hypotheses of the research. Third, Chapter III will develop the research methodology, which will determine the type of research, approach, scope, and design of the research. Also, population definitions and sample qualitative research as quantitative and their respective instruments used. Fourthly, Chapter IV will present the development of both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Fifthly, in Chapter V, the analysis of the research results will be shown. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations resulting from the investigation carried out will be presented. / Tesis
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Den lidande medsysterns läkare : Hur den kvinnliga läkaren skapade persona vid förra sekelskiftet. / The doctor of a suffering sister. : How the woman physicians created persona 1888-1925.Bergström, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
When women gained access to the medical field in late the late 1800’s the ideal image of a physician was a masculine man. Women doctors needed more than officially recognised competence to be successful within the profession. Several of the first Swedish women doctors was published in the great medical journals of the time. They also wrote hygiene books to teach common women about their bodies. By writing for colleagues and other women to read, women doctors constructed a persona which was upheld by gendered performative actions. These were expressed in how the women doctors wrote about their own and other doctors’ research as well as in how they wrote about women’s bodies. In this way they created a professional identity which included current ideals for physicians as well as women. The goal which these actions were to reach a doctor’s ethos, which was considered needed to be seen as a good doctor. The first women doctors did so in a feminine way.
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Risk and Protective Factors for Intention of Contraception Use among Women in GhanaAhuja, Manik, Frimpong, Esther, Okoro, Joy, Wani, Rajvi, Armel, Sarah 01 January 2020 (has links)
The use of various forms of contraception in Ghana gained prominence after the government resorted to investing more in family planning programs when maternal mortality was declared an emergency in the country. In Ghana, the intention to use and actual usage of contraceptives is influenced by many factors, which may lead to non-usage or discontinuation. This quantitative study was conducted to determine risk and protective factors impacting on the intention and usage of contraceptives. Survey data from the Ghana 2014 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) (n = 9396) was used. A sub-sample of 7661 women in their reproductive age were included in this study, who reported being sexually active within the last year. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to test the association between a broad range of risk and protective factors including religion, early sexual intercourse, frequency of sex, number of lifetime sexual partners with intention to use contraception. We controlled for income, educational attainment, and age. Overall (n = 3661; 47.8%) reported no intention of contraception use. Logistic regression analysis revealed that no formal education (OR = 1.49; 95% CI, 1.29–1.72; p < 0.001), and primary school as highest educational level (OR = 1.19; 95% CI, 1.04–1.25; p < 0.001), Islamic religion (OR = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.59–0.90; p < 0.001), not currently employed (OR = 1.50; 95% CI, 1.34–1.69; p < 0.001), husband opposing contraception use (OR = 2.19; 95% CI, 1.42–3.46; p < 0.001), and currently pregnant (OR = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.09–1.54; p < 0.001) were also positively associated with no intention of use. Engaging religious leaders for advocacy in the community was identified as an approach to address barriers and increase awareness on contraceptive use. Targeted family planning programs should intensify public education on safe sex behaviors.
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Domestic Violence and Pregnancy: A CBPR Coalition Approach to Identifying Needs and Informing PolicyBright, Candace Forbes, Bagley, Braden, Pulliam, Ivie, Newton, Amy Swetha 01 January 2018 (has links)
Background: Community engagement—the collaborative process of addressing issues that impact the well-being of a community—is a strategic effort to address community issues. The Gulf States Health Policy Center (GS-HPC) formed the Hattiesburg Area Health Coalition (HAHC) in November 2014 for the purpose of addressing policies impacting the health of Forrest and Lamar counties in Mississippi. Objectives: To chronicle the community-based participatory research (CBPR) process used by HAHC’s identification of infant and maternal health as a policy area, domestic violence in pregnancy as a priority area within infant and maternal health, and a community action plan (CAP) regarding this priority area. Methods: HAHC reviewed data and identified infant and maternal health as a priority area. They then conducted a policy scan of local prenatal health care to determine the policy area of domestic violence in pregnancy. Results: HAHC developed a CAP identifying three goals with regard to domestic violence and pregnancy that together informed policy. Changes included the development of materials specific to resources available in the area. The materials and recommended changes will first be implemented by Southeast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative (SeMRHI) through a screening question for all pregnant patients, and the adoption of policies for providing information and referrals. Conclusions: The lack of community-level data was a challenge to HAHC in identifying focus and priority areas, but this was overcome by shared leadership and community engagement. After completion of the CAP, 100% of expecting mothers receiving prenatal care in the area will be screened for domestic violence.
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E-wallet For Empowerment?Pekkari, Maja, Fransson, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
Digital Financial Services (DFS) such as mobile money apps, have become increasingly recognized as a tool to increase Financial inclusion. Access and usage of mobile money services are expected to be beneficial in more ways than one, but one desirable outcome is enabling women to have greater control over their own finances, and thus enhance Empowerment through increased participation in household decision-making. With data collected through a phone survey distributed to 189 women in Jordan, we attempt to investigate if E-wallets are effective in achieving Financial inclusion and, if we as a result, might see a positive effect on Women’s Empowerment. Impacts on Financial inclusion are measured through a description of how women use their E-wallets, along with an OLS-regression on the likelihood of saving. Empowerment effects are analyzed through a regression on different indicators meant to reflect decision-making in the household. We find some evidence that indicates that E-wallets users might be slightly more likely to have saved money in the last year, however, results regarding empowerment indicators are more unclear. When performing regressions on subsamples of unmarried women, and only employed women, we see some indications that the e-wallet might lead to an increased control of her own finances and expenditures, but this does not seem to translate significantly to other household purchases.
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Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor beskriver de kommunikations- och informationsstrategier som används för att främja unga kvinnors reproduktiva hälsa på landsbygden i Maputo provins. Bakgrund: För att kunna erbjuda god hälso- och sjukvård till kvinnor på landsbygden är det av stor vikt att kunna nå ut genom kommunikation och information. Mozambique är ett av de länder i Afrika med störst mödradödlighet. Den höga siffran av dödsfall grundar sig delvis i bristen på självbestämmande hos kvinnor, avstånd till sjukhus och bristen på ekonomiskt stöd för transport samt medicinska kostnader. Det förstärks av fattigdom, ung ålder, ojämlikhet samt avsaknad av ekonomiska rättigheter till att fatta egna beslut. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju olika sjuksköterskor på fyra olika sjukhus i Maputo provinsen. Den insamlade data blev transkriberad, kodad och sedan analyserad. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpades. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier framkom från den insamlade data. Den första huvudkategorin berörde vilka verktyg sjuksköterskorna använde sig av för att nå ut på landsbygden med information och kommunikation och den andra huvudkategorin som uppkom handlade om utmaningarna som sjuksköterskorna i studien ställdes inför angående kommunikation och information. De två kategorierna hade tre underkategorier vardera. I resultatet påvisades att sjuksköterskorna var tvungna att tillhandahålla information på modersmål och använda sig av anpassade kommunikationsverktyg, vilket i sin tur skulle underlätta sjuksköterskans arbete. Konklusion: Olika strategier och verktyg identifierades av sjuksköterskorna i syfte att främja unga kvinnors reproduktiva hälsa. Sjuksköterskorna påpekade vikten av att ge information på patientens modersmål, för att nå ut till alla på landsbygden. / Aim: The aim of this MFS study is to illuminate how nurses describe the communication and information strategies used in order to promote young women's reproductive health in rural settings, Maputo province. Background: To be able to provide good healthcare to women in rural areas it is crucial for the nurses to reach out with communication and information. Mozambique has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Africa. The high number of deaths is partly due to a lack of self-determination among women, a long distance to reach health care centers and lack of economic support for transportation and medical costs. This is intensified by poverty, young age, inequality, and less economic rights of making own decisions. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted on a sample of seven nurses at four different hospitals in Maputo province. The collected data was transcribed, coded and analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. Results: From the data, two main categories emerged, which focus on specific tools to give information to reach out in rural areas and the challenges that the nurses face regarding information and communication. It was shown in the result that the nurses had to provide individualized information in mother tongue and provide more aid in communication, which in turn would ease the nurse’s work. Conclusion: Different strategies and tools were identified among the nurses to promote young women's reproductive health. The nurses pointed out the importance of providing information in mother tongue to reach out in rural areas.
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Violence against women (VAW) is the most prevalent human rights violation of our time, rooted in women’s unequal status in society. Aim: The present study investigated women´s awareness of preventative and protective legislation on domestic violence and women´s awareness of campaigns against VAW across the EU. Further, it explored how EU state members´ political efforts to combat VAW might affect women´s awareness. It also examined the correlation between gender equality within EU state members and women´s awareness. In addition, the relationship between socio-demographic factors and women´s awareness was examined, including possible affects correlated with states members’ political efforts. Method: A secondary data analysis was conducted with data drawn from the 2012 FRA-VAW Survey, carried out in all 28 EU member states. Results: Results indicated that women across the EU were more aware of protective legislation than preventative regarding domestic violence, and that almost 1 in 2 women were unaware of recent campaigns against VAW in their country of residence. Results indicated that defined legislation and higher levels of gender equality within EU member states were associated with higher levels of awareness among women. Results further suggested that women with socio-demographic characteristics previously associated with inter-partner violence had particularly low awareness. Conclusion: As political and legal norms are required for VAW to be perceived as a crime, an increased emphasis on clear definitions of VAW is essential. Legal definitions of VAW and awareness of legislation are undervalued key factors in societies’ attempts to fulfil the goal of total eradication of VAW.
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Gender differences in the use of modal adverbs as hedgesAyhan, Reyyan January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate the claims made by Robin Lakoff regarding women’s language, where she claims that women use hedges more than men. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether this statement is true. To put it differently, this essay aims to look at gender differences in the use of modal adverbs as hedges. As a method, a frequency analysis has been conducted, where data from the British National Corpus 2014 (BNC2014) has been used. Since hedging involves various linguistic forms, this essay focuses on the modal adverbs presented by Huddleston and Pullum. The results show that women do use more hedges than men. Regardless, there are not any major dissimilarities across genders. Although there were some findings that supported Lakoff’s claims, there were also some that contradicted her claims.
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Women and Leadership in Peacekeeping Operations: a Swedish ApproachSutera, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Even after the introduction of the UNSCR 1325 and subsequent resolutions, women’s leadership in the context of the WPS Agenda remains very low, despite the clear stance of the UN towards a support of an increased participation of women in peace and security processes. The aim of this thesis is to specifically address women’s leadership in the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) in the framework of peacekeeping operations, looking at the way the gender perspective is applied in the SAF through the introduction of the Handbok Gender, adopted in 2016. Since the focus of this research is on women, the theoretical perspective utilised as reference point is feminism and specifically a feminist constructivist approach with an institutional focus. Mixed research methods have been applied in order to collect the data, while the main centre of attention of this project has been a critical discourse analysis of the mentioned gender policy. Sweden has been chosen as case study because of the relevance of its singular feminist policies (Wallström’s statement that Sweden is pursuing a feminist foreign policy is a clear example), nevertheless the conclusions appear to be quite contradictory because even in a country which officially identifies as feminist women’s leadership in peacekeeping operations is very low.
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