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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gå till arbetet eller stanna hemma? : Betydelsefulla faktorer för sjuknärvaro

Halvarsson, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
<p>Tidigare forskning om sjuknärvaro har pekat på både inre personlighetsegenskaper och yttre arbetsrelaterade faktorer som betydelsefulla för fenomenet. Syftet med föreliggande enkätstudie, genomförd på tre arbetsplatser i Mellansverige (N = 76), var att undersöka sjuknärvarons samband med villkorlig självkänsla, baserad på prestationer eller relationer, samt med olika yttre faktorer. Även sjukfrånvaro, som visat sig vara nära knuten till sjuknärvaro, samt självskattad hälsa, beaktades. Resultatet visade att sjuknärvaro inte var relaterad till någon typ av villkorlig självkänsla och av yttre faktorer var det endast upplevelsen av arbetsplatsen som en viktig social funktion som visade ett signifikant samband med sjuknärvaro. Låg självskattad hälsa däremot var relaterad till sjuknärvaro samt prestationsbaserad självkänsla. Framtida forskning bör vidare undersöka den villkorliga självkänslans relation till sjuknärvaro.</p>

Gå till arbetet eller stanna hemma? : Betydelsefulla faktorer för sjuknärvaro

Halvarsson, Madeleine January 2008 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om sjuknärvaro har pekat på både inre personlighetsegenskaper och yttre arbetsrelaterade faktorer som betydelsefulla för fenomenet. Syftet med föreliggande enkätstudie, genomförd på tre arbetsplatser i Mellansverige (N = 76), var att undersöka sjuknärvarons samband med villkorlig självkänsla, baserad på prestationer eller relationer, samt med olika yttre faktorer. Även sjukfrånvaro, som visat sig vara nära knuten till sjuknärvaro, samt självskattad hälsa, beaktades. Resultatet visade att sjuknärvaro inte var relaterad till någon typ av villkorlig självkänsla och av yttre faktorer var det endast upplevelsen av arbetsplatsen som en viktig social funktion som visade ett signifikant samband med sjuknärvaro. Låg självskattad hälsa däremot var relaterad till sjuknärvaro samt prestationsbaserad självkänsla. Framtida forskning bör vidare undersöka den villkorliga självkänslans relation till sjuknärvaro.

Arbetsrelaterad stress : betydelsen av kognitiva och beteendemässiga processvariabler / Work Related Stress : the Importance of Cognitive and Behavioral Process Variables

Eklund, Gustav, Malmgren, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Betydelsen av kognitivt och beteendemässigt undvikande samt katastroftankar studerades i det sedan tidigare kända sambandet mellan psykosocial arbetsmiljö och upplevd stress. Vidare undersöktes huruvida det fanns subgrupper med olika psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Denna tvärsnittsstudie baserades på enkätdata. Resultat indikerar att kognitivt undvikande och katastroftankar har en medierande funktion, samt att katastroftankar har en svag modererande funktion i sambandet. Vidare finns det subgrupper med olika psykosocial arbetsmiljö, vilka även skiljer sig åt avseende kognitivt undvikande och katastroftankar samt upplevd stress. Området är tidigare relativt obeforskat, varför författarna föreslår vidare forskning om kognitiva och beteendemässiga processvariablers betydelse i upplevelsen av stress. / This cross-sectional study examined the function of cognitive and behavioral avoidance and catastrophizing in relation to the already known association between psychosocial work environment and perceived stress. The study also examined whether there were subgroups with different psychosocial work environments. The results indicate that cognitive avoidance and catastrophizing serve as mediators, and that catastrophizing serve as a weak moderator in the association. Further, there were subgroups with different psychosocial work environments, which also differed regarding cognitive avoidance, catastrophizing and perceived stress. This area of investigation is to date relatively uncovered by research, which is why the authors suggest further research on the significance of cognitive and behavioral process variables in the perception of stress.

Psychosocial work factors and burnout : a study of a working general population and patients at a stress rehabilitation clinic

Norlund, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Background The psychosocial work environment affects our health (e.g., sick leave and mortality rates). Research on psychosocial work factors and burnout has focused on specific workplaces or occupations and rarely evaluated in the general population or used longitudinal designs. In Sweden, the diagnosis of exhaustion disorder (closely related to burnout) is a common cause for sick leave. The effects of psychosocial work environments on the process of returning to work has not been studied in this specific patient group. The overall aims of this thesis were to (1) assess the level of burnout in a working general population and investigate the importance of psychosocial work factors and sex on burnout, and (2) study reduction of sick leave and experiences of returning to work in burnout patients, with special attention towards psychosocial work factors. Methods An occupationally active subset (n=1000) of the 2004 Northern Sweden MONICA survey was used in a cross-sectional study. A five-year follow-up of this population was also performed (n=626). Level of burnout was measured using the Shirom Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ). Burnout patients were studied for the second thesis aim. A cohort of 117 patients from the REST project was investigated using a baseline questionnaire and sick leave data at two-year follow-up. Grounded Theory was used for an in-depth interview and analysis of 12 employed patients. Results Cross-sectional results from the working general population showed that women have higher levels of burnout than men. In both sexes, work demands, work control, and job insecurity were associated with burnout levels. Among women, education, socioeconomic position, work object, and working hours were also important. Work factors in combination with situational life factors explained about half the difference in burnout level between women and men. Longitudinal results show that burnout levels decrease with age in both sexes, although the changes occur at an earlier age for men. A constant job strain, increased job insecurity, and a worsened economic situation are related to an increase in burnout level. When studying risk factor accumulation, each additional risk factor exposure increases the burnout level. In burnout patients, low work control and use of covert coping towards supervisors and workmates predicts unchanged sick leave levels after a twoyear period. Borderline significance was found between work overcommitment and reduced sick leave. Both personal resources and external support are described as important factors when regaining the ability to work. Perceived validation, insights into the situation and adaptive coping skills increase the chance of regaining the ability to work. External support, particularly from the workplace, is also important. Conclusion There are links between psychosocial work factors and burnout levels in a working general population and sick leave levels in burnout patients. Socioeconomic position and working conditions are important for the level of burnout among working women. In the working population, age differences occur between the sexes; women reduce their burnout levels later in life than men. In the burnout patient population, coping patterns and control at work predict sick leave levels after two years. Both internal resources and external support are important when burnout patients describe the process of regaining the ability to work. The workplace and the work environment are important in preventing working people from becoming burned out and in easeing return to work after sick leave. A person’s coping pattern is also important in reduction of sick leave.

Činitelé ovlivňující pracovní výkon pedagogických pracovníků středních škol v Příbrami / Factors affecting performance of teaching staff of secondary schools in Pribram

Kotěšovská, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes and analyses the factors influences the working performance. It deals with the basic terms from the management area about the working performance. Mainly the terms work performance, work efficiency, working performance management are described, also the factors influencing the working efficiency are described. It clarifies the difference between the personal assumptions for the working performance relating directly with the worker and external factors, which cannot be influenced by the worker. Thesis is closely aimed at the process and setting which emerges from the organisation running. These factors are verified by the research done at the secondary school in Pribram. The research is executed by quantitative method with the usage of questionnaires. These questionnaires were drawn up that it enabled to compare with the analysis of current definitions of the working performance and working productivity. In the implementation of the research were compared the influences of the individual groups of factors which influence the pedagogical workers' working productivity on the secondary high schools in Pribram. The analysis of the current definitions dealing with the working performance and productivity were confirmed.

Výskyt muskulosketálních poruch souvisejících s prací u fyzioterapeutů / Occurence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physiotherapists

Nováková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Occurence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among physiotherapists Objective: The objective of this thesis is to determine the prevalence of work-related muskoloskeletaldisorders among physiotherapists in Czech Republic in the past 12 months, based on data acquired from a random sample of physiotherapists. Methods: The acquisition od data was done via self filled questionnaire which was inspired by WRMDs prevalence questionnaire from Kuwait made in 2010 and a WRMDs prevalence questionnaire from Nigeria made in 2008. Both previously mentioned questionnaires were based on the Standardized Scandinavian Musculoskeletal Questionnarie. In the questionnaire, closed, semi-closed and open questions were used. The questionnaire could bef illed in its printed form or electronically, depending on respondents' preferences. The sample comprised of 110 respondents. The data obtained from the questionnaire was processed via SPSS statistical program and charts made in Microsoft Excel 2007. Findings: The data obtained from the questionnaire revealed that the prevalence of WRMDs samong physiotherapists in Czech Republic in the past 12 month swas 65,5%. The body area with the highest prevalence of pain was cervical spine (41.8%). Respondents ranging from 20-30 years of age reported higher...

Pracovník v nízkoprahových službách / Social worker in youth drop-in centres / services

Jandová, Martina Ania January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Social worker in youth drop-in centres / services" in the theoretical part delineates borders of the field ,,drop-in service" and describes the importance of contact workers in terms of reaching the true sense of the youth drop-in service. In the practical part it answers the research question: "Which positive and negative factors influence motivation for remaining in this field?" The answer has been found using open coding analytical tool of the Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory in responses of (the representative sample of) ten social workers, which have been active in youth drop-in service longer than two years. The important output from the practical part of the diploma thesis is the finding that there are many motivation factors, which can be influenced by social workers themselves or by their direct and/or indirect superiors. Final part of the diploma thesis presents the list of factors. They are classified from the point of view "we can/cannot do something with it". There is also recommendation for supporting the motivation of the social workers to remain in the youth drop-in services, especially by weakening negative factors and strengthening the positive ones.

Le rôle des salariés dans le fonctionnement des entreprises / The role of employees in the functional operations of companies

Dudin, Emeline 04 July 2017 (has links)
Le rôle des salariés dans le fonctionnement des entreprises trouve appui sur l’alinéa 8du Préambule de la Constitution de 1946 : « tout travailleur participe, par l’intermédiaire de ses délégués, à la détermination collective des conditions de travail ainsi qu’à la gestion des entreprises. ». La participation des salariés a pourtant été lente à s’imposer. La crise économique a révélé l’importance de leur association aux décisions sociétales. Les politiques publiques ont tenté de rééquilibrer les forces en présence afin de circonscrire les effets du capitalisme. Des lois successives ont accru les pouvoirs des salariés et des institutions représentatives du personnel dans l’entreprise pour en faire de véritables acteurs dans la gestion de celle-ci. Le paysage législatif révèle la volonté du législateur de faire de l’entreprise une démocratie dans laquelle toutes les parties doivent s’exprimer. Toutefois, que le salarié soit traité comme un associé ou un administrateur, salariés et entrepreneurs demeurent distincts. / The role of the employees in the management of the companies is based on paragraph 8 ofthe preamble of the Constitution of 1946 : « Every employee participates, through one of its delegates, to the collective determination of the working conditions as well as the company management. » The implementation of the employees’ participation has however been slow. The economic crisis has revealed the importance of the employees’ association in corporate decisions. Public politics have tried to rebalance current forces in order to circumscribe the effects of the capitalism. Successive laws have increased the powers of employees and of the representative institutions of the personnel in the company so that they could become real actors in the management of the company. The legislative landscape reveals the intention of the legislator to design the company as a democracy in which all the parties shall express themselves. However, regardless of whether the employee is a shareholder or an administrator, employees and entrepreneurs remain distinct.

Rôle des facteurs psychosociaux au travail sur les troubles de la santé mentale et leur contribution dans les inégalités sociales de santé mentale / Role of psychosocial work factors in mental disorders and their contribution to social inequalities in mental health

Murcia, Marie 18 December 2012 (has links)
Les facteurs psychosociaux au travail sont devenus un enjeu de santé publique et de santé au travail et font l’objet d’une attention particulière des politiques de prévention. Cependant, le rôle étiologique de ces facteurs sur la santé mentale reste à approfondir, notamment via des études intégrant un outil diagnostique, rarement utilisé dans ce contexte. De plus, le rôle de ces facteurs dans l’explication des inégalités sociales de santé mentale reste mal connu. Les objectifs de la thèse sont donc l’étude du rôle étiologique des facteurs psychosociaux au travail sur les troubles de la santé mentale mesurés par un instrument diagnostique et l’évaluation de leur contribution dans les inégalités sociales de santé mentale.Deux jeux de données ont été exploités : Samotrace (enquête régionale sur 6056 salariés) et SIP -Santé et Itinéraire Professionnel- (enquête nationale sur 7709 travailleurs). Samotrace se caractérise par la présence de questionnaires validés pour la mesure des facteurs psychosociaux au travail, et SIP par la présence d’un outil diagnostique pour la mesure de la dépression et de l’anxiété. Des méthodes statistiques multivariées ont été employées, notamment la régression logistique. Des tests d’interactions et la méthode du bootstrap ont également été utilisés. Toutes les analyses ont été réalisées séparément pour les hommes et les femmes.La faible latitude décisionnelle, le surinvestissement et les exigences émotionnelles étaient des facteurs de risque de dépression et d’anxiété, pour les deux genres. D’autres facteurs de risque spécifiques ont été observés selon la pathologie et le genre (insécurité de l’emploi, forte demande psychologique, conflit éthique, faibles récompenses). Peu d’inégalités sociales de santé mentale ont été mises en évidence hormis pour la santé perçue, au détriment des salariés les moins qualifiés. Les facteurs professionnels contribuaient à réduire les inégalités sociales de santé perçue de 76% et plus, selon le genre et la profession. Parmi eux, les facteurs psychosociaux au travail jouaient un rôle substantiel notamment la faible latitude décisionnelle, et dans une moindre mesure (selon la profession et le genre) : le faible soutien social, les faibles récompenses, le travail de nuit, les difficultés de conciliation vie professionnelle-vie familiale, les violences et menaces/humiliations.Des actions de prévention ciblées sur les facteurs de risque identifiés, y compris sur des facteurs psychosociaux au travail émergents, pourraient être envisagées et une meilleure prise en compte de ces facteurs en milieu de travail serait nécessaire. Développer les connaissances sous l’angle des inégalités sociales de santé mentale permettrait de dégager des pistes d’actions correctives adaptées aux groupes sociaux ou professionnels les plus concernés. Les études étant transversales, les résultats observés devront être confirmés par d’autres travaux. / Psychosocial work factors are a public health and occupational health issue and are the object of special prevention policies. However, the etiological role of these factors on mental health need to be developed, particularly studies using diagnostic interviews, rarely used in this context. Moreover, the role of these factors in the explanation of social inequalities in mental health is still unknown. The objectives of this PhD thesis are to study the etiological role of psychosocial work factors on mental disorders, measured using a diagnostic interview, and to evaluate the contribution of these factors to social inequalities in mental health.The data from two surveys were used: Samotrace (regional survey based on 6056 employees) and SIP (national survey based on 7709 workers). The main feature for Samotrace was the use of validated questionnaires to measure psychosocial work factors, and for SIP it was the use of a diagnostic instrument to measure depressive and anxiety disorders. Multivariate analyses were conducted, including logistic regression analysis. Interaction tests and the bootstrap method were also used. All analyses were carried out separately for men and women.Low decision latitude, overcommitment and emotional demands were found to be risk factors for depressive and anxiety disorders, for both genders. Other risk factors were observed according to gender or mental health outcome studied (job insecurity, high psychological demands, ethical conflict, low reward). Few social inequalities in mental health were observed except for self-reported health; manual workers being more likely to report poor health. Occupational factors reduced social inequalities in health by 76% and more, according to gender and occupation studied. Among occupational factors, psychosocial work factors played a substantial role, particularly low decision latitude, and to a lesser extent (according to occupation and gender): low social support, low reward, night work, work-life imbalance, physical violence and bullying.Prevention actions focussing on identified risk factors, including emergent psychosocial work factors, should be considered and a better implementation at workplace would be necessary. Improving knowledge on social inequalities of mental health may lead to adequate preventive actions targeting the most exposed social or occupational groups. As our studies were cross-sectional, our results should be confirmed by forthcoming prospective studies.

Social Position, Psychosocial Exposures at Work and Health in Europe / Position sociale, expositions psychosociales au travail et santé en Europe

Schütte, Stefanie 29 November 2013 (has links)
Les expositions psychosociales au travail restent un problème de santé publique important en Europe. Il est nécessaire d'étudier le rôle de ces expositions dans l'association avec la santé en explorant les différences selon le genre, la position sociale et le pays. Le rôle de ces expositions dans l'explication des inégalités sociales du bien-être est presque inexploré. À ce jour, les concepts émergents d'expositions psychosociales au travail ont été souvent négligés.À l’aide des enquêtes européennes sur la qualité de vie 2007 (17 005 travailleurs) et sur les conditions de travail 2010 (33 443 salariés), les résultats ont montré que les inégalités sociales de santé perçue et du bien-être persistent en Europe. L'ampleur de ces inégalités diffère selon le genre et est plus élevé dans les pays qui ne sont pas dans l'Union européenne. Une forte demande psychologique, des faibles récompenses et une mauvaise conciliation travail-famille sont des facteurs de risque pour la santé perçue dans le modèle ajusté complet. Un certain nombre des facteurs psychosociaux au travail ont montré des associations significatives avec un faible bien-être. Presque aucune différence selon le genre, la profession et le pays n’a été trouvée dans ces associations pour les deux marqueurs de la santé. Les facteurs psychosociaux au travail contribuent à réduire les inégalités sociales de bien-être de 97% et plus selon le genre et la profession. Parmi eux, les facteurs liés à l’influence et au développement des compétences jouent un rôle important.Le genre, la position sociale et une grande variété de facteurs psychosociaux au travail doivent être considérés de manière plus complète dans les futures recherches et politiques de prévention. Les résultats de cette thèse pourraient être utilisés comme un élément fondamental pour mettre en œuvre des politiques de prévention au niveau européen. / Psychosocial work exposures remain a public health issue in Europe. There is a need of studying the role of these exposures in the association with health outcomes exploring differences according to gender, social position and country at the same time. The role of these exposures in the explanation of social inequalities in well-being is almost unexplored. To date emergent concepts of psychosocial work exposures have been often neglected. Using European data coming from the European Quality of Life Survey 2007 (17005 workers) and the European Working Conditions Survey 2010 (33443 employees), the results showed that social inequalities in self-reported health (SRH) and well-being remain in Europe. The magnitude of these inequalities differed according to gender and was higher in countries that are not in the European Union. High psychological demands, low reward and work-life imbalance were risk factors for poor SRH in the full-adjusted model. A number and variety of psychosocial work factors showed significant associations with poor well-being. Almost no differences according to gender, occupation and country were found in the associations with both health outcomes. Psychosocial work factors reduced social inequalities in well-being by 97% and more according to gender and occupation studied. Factors related to influence and development at work played a substantial role.Gender, social position and a variety of psychosocial work factors should be considered more comprehensively in future research and policies. Findings of this thesis could be used as a fundamental element in implementing health prevention policies at a European level.

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