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"Det där förebyggande och hälsofrämjande får stryka på foten när tiden är knapp" : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevda förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjandeEriksson, Sara, Jansson, Anna-Maja January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka förutsättningar skolkuratorer i Stockholmupplever sig ha för att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande med psykisk ohälsa bland unga. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats då nio intervjuer med skolkuratorer verksamma på gymnasieskolor i Stockholmsområdet har genomförts. Delar av Lipskys (2010) teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater och deras handlingsutrymme samt en organisationsteori från Abrahamsson (2000) användes för att analysera empirin. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade skolkuratorerna upplevde sig ha varierande förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande med psykisk ohälsa bland eleverna. Vidare framkom att det är otydligt definierat, både i skollagen (2010:800) och på de enskilda arbetsplatserna, vad det innebär i praktiken att arbetaförebyggande och hälsofrämjande. Genomgående uttryckte skolkuratorerna en önskan om att arbeta mer på gruppnivå vilket också var deras definition av förebyggande och hälsofrämjande arbete. Resultatet visade att skolkuratorernas ambitioner inte stämde överens med hur de beskrevatt de arbetade. Avslutningsvis diskuteras skolkuratorernas upplevda svårigheter med att vara den enda personen som bedriver psykosocialt arbete i en organisation som skolan, där fokus främst är måluppfyllelse. / The aim of this study was to investigate how school counsellors in Stockholm experienced their work conditions and their own abilities to work with mental health prevention and health promotion among young students. The study was conducted trough nine qualitative interviews with school counsellors at nine upper secondary schools, in the Stockholm area. To analyze the empirical data, we have used parts of Lipskys (2010) theory about “street level-bureacrats” and their discretion, and Abrahamssons (2000) theory about organization. The results showed different conditions and abilities among the interviewees for working with prevention and health promotion projects among young students. Our results also showed that the Swedish Education Act and school counsellors job descriptions was vaguely defined regarding the prevention and health promotion projects. Througout the interviews, the school counsellors expressed a desire to work more with group projects, which was also their definition of prevention and health promotion. The results also showed an inconsistency between the school counsellors ambitions and the way they currently carry out their work. In the conclusion we discuss how the school counsellors feel about being the only employee that works with social work, in organisations that primarily focus on achievements.
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Ärenden i högar : En kvalitativ studie om hur psykisk ohälsa hos socialsekreterare leder till långtidssjukskrivningar / Cases in piles : A qualitative study on how mental illness among social workers leads to long term sick leaveSantana Santana, Arminda, Tejne, Linn January 2016 (has links)
Sick leave due to mental illness has increased dramatically in recent decades and is today one of the main reasons why individuals become long-term sick. Social workers job situation within social service has in recent years attracted an increasing attention and the debate has largely been about the high workload in the profession. Mental illness for social workers is a growing problem and there are no signs of a positive trend shift. The purpose of this study was to create a wider understanding of why social workers are prevented to work due to mental illness, goes on medical leave, and find out if it is possible to identify which common factors in these social workers stories. To answer the study's purpose, two issues have been considered. Partly which factors long-term sick social workers identified as the reason for their mental illness that led to long-term illness, and how the long-term sick social workers describe their individual experiences before, during and after their sick leave. The methodology has been a qualitative design where eight long-term sick social workers scattered around the country conducted interviews via e-mail through a semi-structured interview guide. The result will be divided and presented in three themes; Social workers practical work which concerns the social workers descriptions of their work place in the social services and the factors of the organization that has affected their work situation. It also presents the social workers perception of the impact of political decisions concerning the field of social work. The theme of social workers profession presents the results that have emerged and concerns how social workers perceive and identify their professional role. The third theme of individual experiences by social workers presents the results concerning the personal reflections that social workers have about themselves and their future role as a professional social worker. The study results show that job related factors largely affected the individual's mental health. It is clear that the structures upon an organisational level, the complexity of the professional role contra individual ideals have affected and led to the social workers present situation of long-term sick due to mental illness. The concluding section of this paper discusses several components with potential for development as possible contributing solutions to the problematic situation that made these social workers sick. Social work education, leadership and skills development are areas that are challenged in our discussion. / Sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa har ökat drastiskt de senaste decennierna och är idag en av de främsta anledningarna till varför individer blir långtidssjukskrivna. Socialsekreterares arbetssituation har under de senaste åren uppmärksammats allt mer och debatten har till stor del kommit att handla om den höga arbetsbelastningen inom yrket. Psykisk ohälsa för socialsekreterare är ett växande problem och trenden tycks vara svår att bryta. Syftet med den här studien har varit att skapa en ökad förståelse kring varför socialsekreterare blivit sjukskrivna på grund av psykisk ohälsa samt ta reda på om det går att urskilja gemensamma faktorer i socialsekreterarnas berättelser. För att besvara studiens syfte har två frågeställningar varit aktuella. Dels vilka faktorer som sjukskrivna socialsekreterare identifierat föranlett deras psykiska ohälsa som lett till långtidssjukskrivning och dels hur långtidssjukskrivna socialsekreterare beskriver sina individuella upplevelser innan, under och efter sin sjukskrivning. Metodvalet har varit av kvalitativ design där åtta långtidssjukskrivna socialsekreterare spridda över hela landet genomförde intervjuer via mail genom en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Resultatet delas upp och presenteras i tre teman; socialsekreterarens arbete som berör socialsekreterarnas beskrivning sin arbetsplats på socialtjänsten och de faktorer i organisationen som påverkat deras arbetssituation. Här presenteras även socialsekreterarnas bild av hur de ser på socialpolitikens påverkan av deras arbete. I temat socialsekreterarens yrkesroll presenteras de resultat som berör hur socialsekreterarna upplever och identifierar sin yrkesroll. I det tredje temat socialsekreterarens individuella upplevelser presenteras de resultat som berör de personliga reflektioner som socialsekreterarna har kring sig själva och sin framtida roll som yrkesverksam socialsekreterare. Studiens resultat visar att faktorer på arbetsplatsen i stor utsträckning påverkat individens psykiska ohälsa. Det framgår tydligt att organisatoriska strukturer, yrkesrollens komplexitet och individuella ideal har påverkat och föranlett att socialsekreterarna blivit långtidssjukskrivna på grund av psykisk ohälsa. I uppsatsens avslutande del diskuteras flera komponenter med utvecklingspotential som möjliga bidragande lösningar på den problematiska situationen som gjort dessa socialsekreterare sjuka. Socionomutbildningen, ledarskap och kompetensutveckling är områden som utmanas i vår diskussion.
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De leende kvinnorna : en jämställdhetsutredning av en mandominerad arbetsplatsHögsborn, Erica January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay is part of a project between Södertörn University College and Stockholm Academic Forum. The focus of the project is gender equality in small- and medium sized companies. I have worked with a construction company called Activa . The majority of the employees at the company were male and I was interested in the consequences of gender construction in such an environment. I think that the basic condition for equality work is an understanding of gender and the male norm. The purpose was to investigate how these things worked out in the Activa organisation. I wanted to investigate the consequences of gender and illustrate how discrimination can work. The conclusions are supposed to be a base for the company’s future equality opportunities.</p><p>The methodology for this investigation were interviews. I have interviewed six persons, whom all worked at the company-office. The interviews were informal conversations based on a semi-structured methodology. The information I got was interpret by the hermeneutic tradition and analysed by gender theories.</p><p>The conclusions of this study are that gender indeed affected the organisation structure. The male and female employees experienced different working conditions. The male norm were in fact setting the agenda in the organisation. The male employees had better possibilities to affect the working conditions compared to the women. Both men and women maintained this structure. They were all acting in order of their expectations. The consequence of these structures, and the behaviour of both men and women at the company, creates an conception of the male norm as natural.</p>
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Japanese Office Ladies: A Life of LuxuryOgawa-Yukitomo, Nicole S 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between the portrayal of Japanese OL or “Office Ladies” in different media: formal scholarly studies on OL and informal sources such as recruiting lectures, online articles, and Japanese magazines that target OL, specifically CanCam, Sweet, and JJ. The term OL has generally been used to describe a short-term low-paying clerical position, requiring minimal skills, for young women primarily age 20s to 30s. The OL position can thus be seen as a gendered profession with little corporate mobility. However, most of the websites and magazines for these working women feature articles on the latest styles and are full of fashionable attractive women advertising the latest designer goods and the up and coming designer must-have brands of the season. With the skyrocketing of the Japanese economy in the pose-WWII era, women have become the country’s primary consumers, and OL appear to be playing a central role in this new consumer-heavy culture. Thus using both scholarly and primary sources, this thesis will explore this gap between the reality of OL and the romanticized version portrayed in these magazines. Although scholarly sources often depict the OL lifestyle to be tedious, gendered, and overall unfavorable for workingwomen in Japan, my thesis hopes to explore the positive aspects of the OL lifestyle as well and examine the reasons why women buy into this OL culture via these magazines and sites.
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An assessment of health and safety management in selected rural hospitals / Gordon Livingstone Stanley ScottScott, Gordon Livingstone Stanley January 2011 (has links)
Health and safety is of the utmost importance for any company or institution to be
successful. There is quite a negative perception regarding the health and safety
of rural hospitals and clinics.
Rural hospitals are most of the time overcrowded due the large amount of
patients that has no medical aid, thus increases the risk for health and safety
issues. Patients sit in long queues for hours to receive medical attention and their
medication and are therefore exposed to all kinds of diseases, which is a high
risk for these patients’s health.
The employees working in these rural areas are also exposed to life-threatening
diseases on a daily basis and have a good chance of being infected. Employees
leave the public sector because of these unsafe working conditions and find
themselves either working in the private sector or may even immigrate to foreign
countries for better and safer working conditions.
During this research done, there were a few shortcomings identified for the
management to improvement on and to ensure a safe working environment.
There are quite a lot of negativities surrounding the patients and employees in
these rural hospitals, because patients get raped by nurses, babies get stolen
from maternity wards, doctors are attacked by patients and much more horrific
incidents happening in these hospitals.
Cultural differences are also a main concern for management, because there are
a lot of different races working together in the same department and not
everyone has the same beliefs and ways in doing tasks. These cultural
differences may lead to clashes amongst employees and result in a negative
working environment. This quantitative research was done in selected rural hospitals, due to cost and
time consumption. Only 80 employees (doctors, nurses and pharmacists)
participated in the research done and the research was not an in-depth research,
but enough evidence was compiled to make the necessary assumptions that all
is not well in the public sector.
With the new National Health Insurance (NHI) to be implemented from 2012,
there may a lot of changes in the rural hospitals for the better. Hospitals all over
the country are being upgraded and the working conditions are being attended to
by the government which may attract more health professional to rural hospitals
and clinics. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Between Two Worlds : Studies of migration, work, and healthDunlavy, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the extent to which work-related factors contribute to the health inequalities often observed between foreign-origin and native-origin persons in Sweden. Four empirical studies using survey data and population-based registers assessed the health impact of different labor market adversities among groups of foreign-origin persons who were both in and outside the labor market relative to native-origin Swedes. Studies I and II examined associations between different measures of working life quality, including adverse psychosocial and physical working conditions and educational mismatch, and self-reported health among the employed. Adverse psychosocial and physical working conditions minimally contributed to the excess risk of poor health found among workers from low- and middle-income countries. Over-education had a stronger association with increased risk of poor health, most notably among foreign-born workers from countries outside of Western Europe. Under-educated women from these countries also demonstrated an elevated risk of poor health. There was no association between educational mismatch and poor health among native-born workers. Studies III and IV focused on the health implications of labor market exclusion, and examined relationships between employment status and risk of all-cause mortality and suicide. The majority of foreign-origin groups that experienced unemployment showed an elevated risk of both mortality and suicide. The magnitude of excess risk varied by generational status and region of origin. Variations in patterns of suicide risk were also evident among migrants by age at arrival and duration of residence. Yet within many foreign-origin groups, health advantages were observed among the employed. The health of migrants is affected by the confluence of several different pre- and post-migration factors. The extent to which health inequalities are found among persons of foreign-origin in Sweden is influenced by the degree to which they experience labor market adversities, as well as differential vulnerability to the negative effects of these adversities across foreign-origin groups. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Bedeutet hohe Arbeitszufriedenheit, dass die Arbeitsbedingungen gut sind?Hofbauer, Reinhard, Schwingsmehl, Michael January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Qualität des Arbeitslebens ist eine wichtige Dimension der Lebensqualität und findet in vielen modernen
Wohlfahrtsmaßen Berücksichtigung. Sowohl objektive als auch subjektive Indikatoren kommen bei der
Messung der Arbeitsplatzqualität zur Anwendung. Anhand von Daten einer Bevölkerungsbefragung wird
gezeigt, dass von hoher Arbeitszufriedenheit, die mittels Single-Item-Fragen gemessen wird, nicht einfach auf
gute Arbeitsbedingungen geschlossen werden kann. Arbeitszufriedenheit erweist sich als komplexes Konstrukt,
in dem Adaptions- und Vergleichsprozesse eine wichtige Rolle spielen.
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Academic staff working conditions, organizational commitment and performance of Nigerian universitiesNwokeocha, Stella-Maria January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explored the academic staff working conditions, organizational commitment and performance of Nigerian universities. There is a general thinking that there has been a decline on the motivation of the average academic staff in Nigerian university system leading to brain drain situation and a decline in quality of performance of the universities. Incidentally, there is limited empirical evidence comprehensive enough to serve as a framework of what the academics need at work to make them more inclined to remain in their universities, including university performance. This thesis explored the topic in a comprehensive way with academics from six Nigerian universities. It answers the question what and how did the perceived obstacles to academic staff organizational commitment and university performance in Nigeria evolve, and what can be done to improve it? The research design was cross-sectional. Qualitative and quantitative information were gathered to uncover the historical origin of the problems; satisfaction with current working conditions, issues of personal growth, organizational commitment, and university performance. A sample of 248 academics participated in the study. Historically, both structural and managerial issues, internal and external factors, were implicated in the evolution of the problems in the university system. Satisfaction with teaching resources and facilities was poorest. Factors important for personal growth were the same as those that would make the academics more inclined to stay, though, concern with basic salary and welfare were more prominent in decision to stay. Reference to comparable situations with colleagues elsewhere was basis for need to improve on some work factors like salary. The thesis concludes that, deficiency-growth factors, intrinsic-extrinsic factors, and equity issues are important in dealing with the organizational commitment and performance problems in the Nigerian universities studied. Sugestions and limitations of the study are provided.
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Síndrome de Burnout y variables sociodemográficas en docentes de una universidad privada de LimaRodríguez Flores, Eduar Antonio, Sánchez Trujillo, María de los Ángeles 06 1900 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The main objective of this research was to determine the differences among the components of burnout in professors from a private university in Lima according to socio-demographic variables. With this aim in mind, a comparative descriptive research design was used. Also, a specific sample quota was not applied. We collected a total population composed of 260 professors of humanities at said educational institution who teach the following courses: Language, Research, Ethics and Citizenship and Creativity Workshop. In addition, we used the Maslach Burnout Inventory Adaptation and a socio-demographic record handout for university professors as measuring instruments. Finally, from the processing and statistical analysis of the data obtained, we found the following: there are significant differences in the levels of emotional exhaustion by sex and class schedule; also, personal fulfillment according to age, marital status, specialty, highest level of educational attainment and years of teaching experience, among other results. Some results of previous research were corroborated or refuted, especially in relation to the variables sex, age, marital status, level of education and class schedule. Also, from this research, it was identified that the place of undergraduate studies, specialty and years of teaching experience, aspects not studied in depth in the previous studies, could be variables associated with some components of burnout. Finally, in addition to the significant differences mentioned, it was concluded that there are average levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, distortion of the work environment, personal and professional fulfillment in the teachers who formed the study sample. © 2018 Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion en Pedagogia. / Revisión por pares
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Právní postavení osob pečujících o děti na trhu práce / Legal status of persons taking care of children in the labor marketSeemanová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Legal status of persons taking care of children in the labor market This dissertation deals with the legal status of persons taking care of children with respect to their participation in the labor market. The dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal status of these persons, focusing especially on the employees' work-life balance. The dissertation deals in particular with the issues of working conditions of pregnant women, breastfeeding employees and employed mothers in the period of nine months after childbirth, and employees taking care of a child. The dissertation analyses the legal regulations of individual labor law institutes in relation to person taking care of children such as part-time work. The dissertation analyses atypical employment relationships resulting from the need to care of a child. In addition to providing an analysis of the current legislative framework, the dissertation also deals with contemporary case law, in particular the judicial decisions concerning part-time work. The dissertation describes overlaps with other areas of law, i.e. social security law and tax law, and identifies new trends such as the development of childcare services, in particular for children under three years of age, and process getting shorter parental leave resulting from changes...
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