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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IsiXhosa poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela

Bobelo, Noxolo 03 June 2010 (has links)
M.A. / As the title of this dissertation suggests, this study will be an analysis of isiXhosa poetry written as tribute to Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. In their poetic works on Mandela, isiXhosa poets present various aspects of this figure. These aspects include Mandela’s background, physical appearance, personality, praise names and how isiXhosa poets associate him with other figures. These poets also employ a number of figures of speech and repetitive devices in their poetry. These devices add clarity to the meaning of the poetry on Nelson Mandela. All this is discussed in the chapters tabulated below: Chapter one will introduce the study by highlighting its aim, scope, method of research, explaining the concepts of stylistics and style, and the significance of the study. Chapter two will deal with the main aspects of Mandela’s life that are presented in isiXhosa poetry. These aspects include Mandela’s background, his physical appearance, personality traits, deeds, praise names and Mandela associated with other figures. Chapter three will focus on the figures of speech that are used in the depiction of Mandela in isiXhosa poetry. These figures of speech include simile, metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism and idioms. Chapter four will concentrate on the repetitive techniques that are employed by isiXhosa poets in the poetry on Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela. These techniques include alliteration, linking, parallelism and refrains. Chapter five will be the conclusion of the study, where the summary of the study, evaluation and recommendations will be included.

St J Page Yako's poetry of prominent people

Stengile, Msuthukazi Nontuthuzelo Unity, Yako, St. J. PageIkhwezi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter which marks the introductory chapter deals with the general introduction to the entire study, the scope of the study, statement of the aim and objectives of this study, also looks at the research methods and gives St J Page Mbalana Yako's brief biographical sketch. The second chapter provides a brief theoretical background to the study of poetry. This forms the basis upon which the entire study will rest as it provides different poetic devices and stylistics, which reveal what makes poetry. The third and fourth chapters concentrate on a critical evaluation of Yako's poems. The poetry, which is presented in these chapters, is selected from Yako's anthology entitled Ikhwezi. It represents a particular genre from a wide range of poetic forms that Yako has written. Chapter three concentrates on educators and the achievements of certain individuals. Chapter four concentrates on traditional leaders. It is in this chapter that Yako displays his expertise in the use of excellent and appropriate poetic devices and stylistics in his poetry. The fifth chapter contains general conclusions drawn from the entire study. Translations are provided for each poem and are contained in the appendix that is found at the end of this study, which is immediately followed by the bibliography. Yako's endeavour to bring light to the nation through poetry is admirable. Further research will unearth more art and craft in this author's poetry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is verdeel in vyf hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk bied In algemene inleiding tot die hele studie. Dit omskryf die omvang van die studie, die doelstelling en oogmerke, die navorsingsmetodologie, en gee In kort biografiese skets van St. J. Page Mbalana Yako. Die tweede hoofstuk gee 'n kort teoretiese agtergrond oor die studie van poësie. Dié hoofstuk dien as die basis vir die hele studie, omdat dit verskillende poëtiese middele en stylvorme uitlig wat die verskynsel van poësie verklaar. In die derde en vierde hoofstukke word gefokus op In kritiese evaluering van Yako se gedigte. Die gedigte wat in hierdie hoofstukke aangebied word, is geselekteer uit Yako se bloemlesing, getiteld Ikhwezi. Dit verteenwoordig 'n sekere genre uit In wye reeks poëtiese vorme wat deur Yako gebruik is. Hoofstuk drie se fokus is op opvoeders en die prestasies van sekere individue, en hoofstuk vier konsentreer op tradisionele leiers. In hierdie hoofstuk word Yako se kundigheid in die gebruik van uitstekende en toepaslike poëtiese middele en stylvorme uitgelig. Die vyfde hoofstuk bevat algemene afleidings gemaak uit die hele studie. Vertalings vir elke gedig word gegee in die bylae aan die einde van die studie. Yako se poëtiese bydrae is bewonderenswaardig. Verdere navorsing sal nog meer kuns en vernuf in hierdie digter se poësie na vore bring.

A century of IsiXhosa written poetry and the ideological contest in South Africa

Mona, Godfrey Vulindlela January 2015 (has links)
The central argument of this inter-disciplinary study is that IsiXhosa written poetry of 1912 – 2012 is a terrain of the struggle between the contending dominant ideologies of Segregation, Apartheid and Charterism (post-Apartheid); and the subordinate/ subaltern ideologies of Africanism, Charterism (pre-democracy), Pan- Africanism, Black Consciousness Movement and other post Apartheid ideologies. The study highlights the mutual relationship between the text and the context by focussing on the ideological contest which manifests itself in both form and structure (i.e. aesthetic ideology) and the content (i.e. authorial ideology) of the poetry of different epochs between 1912 and 2012. The study is located within the framework of Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural construction. Gramsci postulates that ideology and culture play a significant role in the process of asserting hegemony. Important concepts that constitute Gramsci’s theory of praxis are: ideology, culture, hegemony, organic intellectuals and both ideological and repressive state apparatuses. The first chapter presents the problem, the objectives, the methodology, and the scope of the study. The second chapter presents Gramsci’s theory of cultural construction and the work of scholars who developed his theory further. The tool that is employed for analysis and interpretation of textual significations of IsiXhosa written poetry is the revolutionary aesthetics, which is proposed by Udenta. The third chapter analyses and interprets literature of the epoch of 1912-1934 and exposes the contest between Segregation and Africanism ideologies. The fourth chapter contextualises and analyses the literature of 1934 – 1948, the second phase of contestation between Segregation and Africanism. The fifth chapter deals with literature of the first and second halves of the Apartheid epoch (1948 - 1973). The Apartheid ideology contested with the Africanist ideology which transformed into the Charterism ideology in 1955. In 1960 Pan-Africanism ideology and in 1969 Black Consciousness Movement ideologies entered the contest. The sixth chapter examines literature of the period 1973 – 1994 which is the second phase of the Apartheid epoch that ends with the “glasnost” period of 1990 - 1994. The seventh chapter studies literature of the democracy period of 1994 – 2012. The eighth chapter is the summary and general conclusion. The illumination of the nexus between culture and ideology during the past century (1912 - 2012) will provide insights that will assist us in addressing the challenges we face during the democracy period, and in the development on Arts and Culture in general, and literature in particular

Foregrounding in IsiXhosa modern poetry with special reference to Qangule's poetry in Intshuntshe

Duka, M. M. (Minsie Meshach), 1948- 01 1900 (has links)
This study is premised on the assumption that foregrounding is the dominant feature of poetry. Such an assumption informs this study to the extent that it examines the role of foregrounding in isiXhosa modem poetry. Foregrounding, as an unusual or deviant usage of language, manifests itself as: metaphorical language, foregrounded sound, syntactic foregrounding and the variation of rhythmico-metrical structure. These are called foregrounding techniques. However, this study deals only with the first three foregrounding techniques. Qangule's poetry furnishes this study with examples that are used to illustrate that foregrounding plays a significant role in isiXhosa modem poetry. The foregrounding techniques depict, illustrate, dramatize and suggest the meaning of a poem. They also have the ability to do that in a collaborative manner. Such a claim is evidenced by the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the poem Ukubonga (To praise). / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Imixholo yentlalo nopolitiko kwisihobe sikashasha

Sibula, Pumlani Merrington 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English and Xhosa. / Translation of title: Socio-political themes in the poetry of Shasha. / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study of socio-political issues examines Shasha's poetry. Chapter One is the introduction of this study and states the central aim of the study, the scope of the study, as well as the thematic approach followed in the entire study. Chapter Two is divided into five subheadings: • The poetry that is not politically aligned; • Pre-independence poetry; • The poetry about the warriors who fell in the struggle; • Post-independence poetry; and • Reconciliatory poetry. In the poetry that is not politically aligned, the author sometimes writes a poem, which, although not politically aligned, would have a theme dealing with politics. In the pre-independence poetry, the author emphasizes the situation that agonizes the blacks in their own indigenous land. He also stresses how the oppressors have succeeded in their work of oppression: the strategy of dividing and ruling them, and make them kill one another. In the poetry about the freedom fighters, the author portrays the gruesome ways in which they were slaughtered, examples of which are: - Steve Biko; Bathandwa Ndondo; Samora Machel and Chris Hani. Shasha praises these fallen heroes and maintains that their blood has sprinkled the arrival of the liberation. Even though they are dead the author sees them as if they are still alive because of their outstanding contribution in the struggle. In the post-independence poetry, the author highlights the disappointment of the blacks, as the situation is not what they expected, because of the unfulfilled promises by the black government in power. The author expresses disappointment because of unmeasurable corruption in the present government: nepotism is practiced, irrespective of qualifications. In the reconciliatory poetry, the author reconciles the different nations that are hostile to each other: the blacks and whites. He mentions different kinds of actions to be reconciled because he says that these actions happened were because of the apartheid regime. In Chapter Three, the author shows his knowledge about health issues, he does not only warn about different kinds of diseases, he also mentions the causes, effects and symptoms in the victims. It is evident from this chapter that the author is a qualified medical practitioner, as he shows confidence and knowledge in the issues he is writing about. In Chapter Four, the author observes problems that influence the social status of the people. The social issues he writes about stresses the fact that some of these diseases are not caused by physical aspects but also by by social problems. In Chapter Five, the author challenges people to return to the older times of customs and traditions. Studying Shasha's cultural poetry leaves the reader / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek sosio-politieke vraagstukke in die poësie van Shasha. Hoofstuk 1 is die inleiding tot die studie waarin die sentrale doelstelling en omvang van die studie uiteengesit word, asook die tematiese benadering wat in die studie gevolg word. Hoofstuk 2 word in vyf subafdelings ingedeel: • Poësie wat nie polities gerig is nie; • Voor-onafhanklikheids poësie; • Poësie oor vegters wat in die vryheidstryd gesterf het; • Na-onafhanklikheidspoësie; en • Versoeningspoësie. In die poësie wat nie polities gerig is nie, skryf die outeur nietemin soms 'n gedig wat handeloor 'n politieke tema. In die voor-afhanklikheids poësie, beklemtoon die digter die situasie wat pyn veroorsaak vir swartmense in hulle eie land. Hy wys daarop hoe die voormalige onderdrukkers daarin geslaag het om swartmense te onderdruk deur die strategie om hulle te verdeel en te regeer, wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle mekaar doodmaak. In die poësie oor die vryheidsvegters, die digter beeld die grusame wyses uit waarop hulle vermoor is, voorbeelde daarvan is Steve Biko, Bathandwa Ndanda, Samora Machel, en Chris Hani. Shasha prys hierdie gevalle helde en voer aan dat hulle bloed die aankoms van bevryding besprinkel het. Desnieteenstaande dat hulle gesterf het, sien die digter hulle asof hulle steeds leef op grond van hulle uitstaande bydrae tot die bevrydingstryd. In die na-onafhanklikheids poësie, behandel die digter die teleurstelling van swartmense, aangesien omstandighede nie is soos wat hulle verwag het nie as gevolg van onvervulde beloftes van die swart regering. Die digter spreek teleurstelling uit oor die groot mate van korrupsie in die regering van die dag. In die versoeningspoësie poog die digter om die verskillende bevolkingsgroepe wat vyandiggesind is teenoor mekaar, versoen: swartmense en witmense. Die digter noem verskillende tipes aksies wat versoen moet word, wat plaasgevind het weens apartheid. In Hoofstuk 3 toon die digter sy kennis van gesondheidsake. Hy waarsku nie slegs teen verskillende tipes siektes nie, maar verwys ook na die oorsake, effekte en simptome in die slagoffer. Dit is duidelik dat die digter 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn is, aangesien hy vertroue het en kennis wys oor die vraagstukke waar hy dig. In Hoofstuk 4 word gedigte behandel waarin die digter skryf oor sosiale status van mense. Die sosiale vraagstukke wat in die gedigte behandel word, word veroorsaak deur fisiologiese, sowel as sosiale probleme. In Hoofstuk 5 word gedigte behandel wat die tema het dat mense moet terugkeer na tradisionele gebruike. Die studie van Sasha se poësie laat geen twyfel dat hy tradisionele waardes aanhang nie.

A study of JJR Jolobe's selected children's rhymes

Mbukushe, Fundiwe Doreen. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study identifies the predominant features in JJR Jolobe's children's poetry (rhymes). Another purpose well worth considering is the impact poems can have on children's language because poetry is the highest literary form and without poetry a child will sense the loss. The language in poetry is learned in an immitative manner because it is natural to childhood thereby helping children to respond almost instictively. They hear languages as part of their early environment and take it through imitation. In Jolobe's poems children learn about:- 1. The physical background which constitute geographical location, natural scenery appropriate for narrative. 2. The spiritual background which includes the emotional climate created by religious moral, social and psychological conditions. One should note that the speaker's rhymes enable the youngsters to build upon the language facilities and attempts one has to improve so that a child can communicate in his culture in an affective and productive way. These poems help the child to keep the sense of nationality, describe their nature land lovingly and understand the essential quality of their own race. Through Jolobe's poems children do not overlook isiXhosa oral heritage at school level and let oral tradition of the other nations dominate. Furthermore critical theory reflects that Jalobe's rhymes are genuinely poetry meant for fun. Humorous and nonsensical verses often serve as outlets for laughter and fun. Jolobe's work follows briefly the history of the Xhosa nation tracing their tradition, culture and language whereby it reflects the mental behaviour of a group and reveal its love and its hatred of certain things. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word die hoofkenmerke in JJR Jolobe se kinderpoesië geïdentifiseer. Poësie het 'n groot impak op kinders se taalgebruik, dit vorm deel van hulle vroeë omgewing, en die verlies daarvan sal 'n negatiewe invloed op kinders hê. Die taal in poësie word aangeleer deur nabootsing, omdat dit natuurlik is vir kinders en hulle help om amper instinktief daarop te reageer. Jolobe se poësie leer kinders van: 1. Fisiese agtergrond, wat bestaan uit geografiese ligging en natuurtonele toepaslik tot die vertelling en 2. Spirituele agtergrond, wat die emosionele klimaat insluit wat geskep word deur godsdienstige, morele, sosiale en sielkundige toestande. Die poësie help kinders om 'n sin vir nasionalitiet te ontwikkel, dit beskryf hulle geboortelande met deernis en bevordre begrip vir die essensiële kwaliteit van hulle eie ras. Deur Jolobe se poësie herken kinders hulle mondelinge isiXhosa-erfenis op skoolvlak, en verseker dit sodoende dat hierdie erfenis nie deur die mondelinge tradisies van ander nasies gedomineer word nie. Kritiese teorie toon aan dat Jolobe se kinderpoësie ware poësie is wat pret vir die leser moet verskaf. Humoristiese en onsinnige verse dien telkens as uitlaatkleppe vir plesier en pret. Jolobe se werk beskryf die geskiedenis, tradisies, kultuur en taal van die Xhosanasie, en reflekteer sodoende die denkwyse en voor- en afkeure van die groep.

Analyzing, digitizing and technologizing the oral word: the case of Bongani Sitole

Kaschula, Russell H, Mostert, André January 2009 (has links)
This article analyzes the oral poetry, izibongo, produced by Xhosa oral poet Bongani Sitole (both in book and technological form). It will trace this poetry from the moment it was orally produced, through to the technologizing and publication of this poetry in book form and on a website. The initial part of this article looks at the life and work of the poet. A contextual analysis of selected poetry is provided. The latter part of the article concentrates on issues related to technology and its relationship to the oral and written word. The term ‘technauriture’ has been coined in order to refer to this process. The contribution of eLearning4Africa (www.elearning4africa.com) to the digitization process of Sitole’s poetry is acknowledged.

Foregrounding in IsiXhosa modern poetry with special reference to Qangule's poetry in Intshuntshe

Duka, M. M. (Minsie Meshach), 1948- 01 1900 (has links)
This study is premised on the assumption that foregrounding is the dominant feature of poetry. Such an assumption informs this study to the extent that it examines the role of foregrounding in isiXhosa modem poetry. Foregrounding, as an unusual or deviant usage of language, manifests itself as: metaphorical language, foregrounded sound, syntactic foregrounding and the variation of rhythmico-metrical structure. These are called foregrounding techniques. However, this study deals only with the first three foregrounding techniques. Qangule's poetry furnishes this study with examples that are used to illustrate that foregrounding plays a significant role in isiXhosa modem poetry. The foregrounding techniques depict, illustrate, dramatize and suggest the meaning of a poem. They also have the ability to do that in a collaborative manner. Such a claim is evidenced by the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the poem Ukubonga (To praise). / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Ideology, hegemony, and Xhosa written poetry, 1948-1990

Mona, Godfrey Vulindlela January 1994 (has links)
This interdisciplinary study locates Xhosa written poetry (1948-1990) within the framework of the socio-politico-economic scenario in South Africa. It sets out to examine the impact of the above stated factors on literature, by supporting the hypothesis that Xhosa written poetry of the Apartheid epoch is a terrain of the struggle for hegemony between the dominant ideology and the alternative ideologies.

The transitional role of the Xhosa oral poet in contemporary South African society

Kaschula, Russell H January 1991 (has links)
This thesis outlines the changing role of the Xhosa imbongi in contemporary South African society. The changing socio-economic and political scenario in South Africa, and the way in which the imbongi is adapting in order to accommodate new pressures created by these changes, form an integral part of this thesis. The effects of education and increasing literacy on the tradition are outlined. The interaction between oral and written forms is explored in chapter 2. The role of the imbongi within the religious sphere is included in chapter 3. Xhosa preachers within the independent churches often make use of the styles and techniques associated with oral poetry. Iimbongi who are not necessarily preachers also operate within this context. The relationship between the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the African National Congress and iimbongi has also been researched and forms part of chapters 4, 5, and the epilogue. The modern imbongi is drawn towards powerful organisations offering alternative leadership to many of the traditional chiefs. In the epilogue collected poetry is analysed in the context of Mandela's visit to Transkei in April 1990. Interviews have been conducted with chiefs, iimbongi attached to chiefs as well as those attached to different organisations. Poetry has been collected and analysed. In chapter 5, three case studies of modern iimbongi are included. The problems facing these iimbongi in their different contexts, as well as the power bases from which they draw, are outlined. Finally, an alternative definition of the imbongi is offered in the conclusion

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