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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie kann eine Christliche gemeinde interkultell Werden?: eine praktisch-theologische untersuchung von drei Evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland / How can a Christian Church community become intercultural?: a practical theological study of three Evangelical free churches in Germany / Hoe kan ʼn Christengemeente interkultureel word?: ʼn Praktiese teologiese ondersoek van drie Evangeliese vrye gemeentes in Duitsland / Tshitshavha tsha kereke ya Tshikhiresite tshi nga vha hani tsha mvelele dzo ṱanganelanaho? Ngudo ya vhukuma ya zwa vhufunzi ya kereke tharu dza Evangeli yo vhofholowaho ngei Germany

Marquardt, Felix Maximilian 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Southern Sotho / Text in German / Christliche Gemeinden in Deutschland finden sich zunehmend in einer interkulturell zusammengesetzten Gesellschaft wieder und viele fragen danach, wie eine Integration von Migranten in ihre bestehenden Gemeinden gelingen kann. In dieser qualitativ-empirischen Studie wurden drei evangelische Freikirchen in Deutschland dahingehend untersucht, wie sie sich von einer ehemals monokulturell-deutschen Gemeinde in eine interkulturelle Gemeinde entwickelt haben. Dabei wurden in besonderer Weise die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung, der Veränderungsprozess und besondere Merkmale der Gemeinden untersucht. Als Grundlage für die Forschung wurde ein aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengeführtes Modell aus Erkenntnissen zu interkulturellem Gemeindebau entworfen. In der Studie wird deutlich, dass interkultureller Gemeindebau sowohl bereichernd als auch herausfordernd und konfliktgeladen erlebt wird. Besonders wichtig sind dabei eine strategisch kompetente Leitung, eine missionarische Grundausrichtung, ein liebevoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander, die Einigung auf gemeinsame Leitlinien, das Feiern von Erfolgen, Beziehungsaufbau, das Einladen zur Mitarbeit auf Augenhöhe, interkulturelle Leitungsteams, die Übersetzungsarbeit, Geduld und Flexibilität sowie die Bereitschaft, voneinander zu lernen. / German society is becoming increasingly intercultural, and many Christian churches are asking how migrants can be successfully integrated into established churches. In this qualitative-empirical study, three free evangelical churches in Germany were examined to determine how they developed from a previously monocultural German church into an intercultural church. In the course of the study, the prerequisites for development, the change process and special features of the churches were specifically examined. An integrated model designed on the basis of insights of various disciplines regarding the intercultural construction of churches served as the foundation for the research. It became clear in this study that building an intercultural church not only enriches the church, but is also experienced as challenging since it has the potential to give rise to conflict. The following elements are especially important: strategic and competent leadership, a basic missionary orientation, a loving and esteeming manner in associating with one another, consensus on common guidelines, a celebration of successes, building of relationships, an invitation for others to minister on equal terms, intercultural leadership teams, translation work, patience and flexibility, and a willingness to learn from one another. / Die Duitse samelewing raak toenemend interkultureel, en talle Christengemeentes wonder hoe migrante in gevestigde gemeentes opgeneem kan word. Wyses waarop drie Evangeliese gemeentes in Duitsland ontwikkel het van eens monokulturele Duitse gemeentes in interkulturele gemeentes, is in hierdie kwalitatief empiriese studie ondersoek. In die besonder die voorvereistes vir verandering, die veranderingsproses en die unieke kenmerke van die gemeentes is in hierdie studie verken. ʼn Geïntegreerde model wat berus op die insigte van verskeie dissiplines wat hulle op die interkulturele samestelling van kerke toespits, het die basis van die navorsing gevorm. Dit blyk uit hierdie studie dat die totstandkoming van ʼn interkulturele gemeente nie slegs verrykend kan wees nie, maar dat dit moontlik ook tot onenigheid aanleiding kan gee. Die volgende is van besondere belang: strategiese en bevoegde leiers, ʼn sendingoriëntasie, liefdevolle en respekvolle omgang met mekaar, eenstemmigheid oor algemene riglyne, ʼn viering van suksesse, die bou van goeie verhoudinge, ʼn versoek dat ander op gelyke voet dien, interkulturele leierskapspanne, vertaalwerk, geduld en toegeeflikheid, en die gewilligheid om by mekaar te leer. / Tshitshavha tsha German tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha na mvelelo dzo ṱanganelanaho, nahone kereke nnzhi dza Tshikhiresite dzi khou vhudzisa uri ṱhunḓu dzi nga ṱanganyiswa hani zwavhuḓi kha kereke dzi re hone. Kha ngudo iyi ya khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshenzhelo na ndeme, kereke tharu dza evangeli yo vhofholowaho dza ngei Germany dzo lingwa u vhona uri dzo bvelela hani u bva kha u vha dza tshikale dza Germany dza mvelele nthihi u ya kha kereke ya mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho. Kha khoso iyi ya ngudo, ṱhoḓea ya u bvelela, maitele a tshanduko na zwiṱaluli zwo khetheaho zwa kerekezwo lingululwa. Tshiedziswa tsho ṱanganelanaho tsho itwaho ho sedzwa luvhonela lwa masia o fhambanaho mayelana na u fhaṱa kerekedzo ṱanganelanaho tsho shuma sa mutheo wa ṱhoḓisiso. Zwo bvela khagala kha ngudo iyi uri u fhaṱa kereke yo ṱanganelanaho a zwi pfumisi fhedzi kereke, zwi dovha zwa vha tshenzhelo ire na khaedu saizwi i na khonadzeo ya u vusa dzikhakhathi. Zwipiḓa zwi tevhelaho ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma: vhurangaphanḓa vhu re na tshiṱirathedzhi nahone ho ṱalifhaho, u pfumbudzwa ha mutheo kha zwa vhufunzi, nḓila ua lufuno na ndeme kha matshilisano, u tendelana kha nyendedzo dzi fanaho, u pembelela mvelaphanḓa, u fhaṱa vhushaka, thamba ya vhaṅwe kha u funza nga milayo i linganaho, thimu dza vhurangaphanḓa ha mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho, mushumo wa vhupinduleli, u konḓelela na u tenda u shanduka, na u ḓiimisela u guda kha vhaṅwe. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)

Intersubjectivité : modulation et ajustement. Cas des marqueurs discursifs "hein", "quoi", "n'est-ce pas" en français et "darô", "yo", "ne", "yone" en japonais / Intersubjectivity : modulation and adjustment. case of the discourse markers "hein", "quoi", "n'est-ce pas" in French and "darô", "yo", "ne", "yone" in Japanese

Noda, Hiroko 29 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à rendre compte du fonctionnement et des conditions d’emploi de quelques marqueurs discursifs, en relation avec la problématique de l’intersubjectivité. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre théorique développé par A. Culioli « la Théorie des Opérations Prédicatives et Énonciatives ». Ce travail est consacré d’abord aux descriptions des emplois de hein, quoi et n'est-ce pas en français du point de vue distributionnel, sémantique, pragmatique et prosodique. L’analyse se fonde sur un corpus oral constitué de séquences tirées de film et d’émissions de télévision. L’étude porte également sur les descriptions des emplois de darô, yo, ne et yone en japonais qui sont des marqueurs comparables à hein ; elle se termine par une analyse comparative entre hein et les marqueurs japonais étudiés dans le but de montrer dans quelle mesure leur enjeux énonciatifs se recouvrent. Il s’avère que ces deux ensembles de marqueurs jouent un rôle crucial dans l’organisation des rapports intersubjectifs entre l’énonciateur et le coénonciateur / This research aims to account for the functions and the conditions of the usage of the discourse markers in connection to the problem of intersubjectivity. It falls within the theoretical framework developed by A. Culioli “Theory of Enunciative Operations”. This work is devoted primarily to the descriptions of the usage of hein, quoi and n’est-ce pas in French with the distributional, semantic, pragmatic and prosodic point of view. The analysis is based on a corpus consisting of the clips from film and television. The study is also concerned with the descriptions of darô, yo, ne and yone in Japanese which are comparable with the marker hein. It is followed by a comparative analysis between hein and these Japanese markers which shows how their enunciative issues intersect. It proves that all these markers play a very important part in the organization of the intersubjective relations between the enunciator and coenunciator

Untersuchungen zur Nachstarprävention in vitro mittels des zyklischen RGD-Peptids cRGD D FV

Kojetinsky, Corina 24 May 2002 (has links)
Hintergrund: RGD-Peptide hemmen kompetitiv die Adhäsionsmoleküle von Linsenepithelzellen (LEC). Ziel unserer Untersuchungen war es herauszufinden, ob diese Peptide in der Lage sind, auch nach Kurzzeitinkubation eine suffiziente Inhibition der Adhäsion bzw. eine Ablösung adhärenter Zellen und damit eine ausreichende Prävention des Nachstars zu bewirken. Außerdem wurde überprüft, ob das von uns verwendete RGD-Peptid eine Toxizität für die Hornhaut aufweist. Material und Methoden: Kulturen boviner und humaner LEC, boviner Hornhautendothelzellen, humane und bovine Linsenkapselexzidate und humane explantierte Hornhäute wurden verwendet. Wir untersuchten die Inhibition der Adhäsion und die Ablösung konfluenter LEC-Layer mittels des zyklischen RGD-Peptids cRGDDFV (Inkubationszeiten von 1 Stunde bzw. 5-7 Tagen und Konzentrationen von 10-4 M, 10-3 M und 2x10-3 M wurden angewandt). Ergebnisse: Wir fanden nach nur einstündiger Inkubation in der Kulturschale eine Adhäsionsinhibition von 48% für bovine LEC und von 100% für humane LEC. Die Differenz zwischen Kontrollpeptid und cRGDDFV war statistisch signifikant (p / Purpose: RGD-peptides competitively inihibit adhesion molecules of the lens epithelial cells (LEC). The purpose of our study was to investigate whether this peptide could be able to inhibit adhesion sufficiently after short term incubation resp. to detach adherent cells and so to prevent posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Also there was proofed if there is any toxicity for the cornea. Methods: Cultures of bovine and human LEC, bovine cornea endothelial cells, humane and bovine fragments of the lens capsule and explanted humane corneas were used. The inhibition of adhesion and the detachment of confluent LEC-layer by the cyclic RGD-peptide cRGDDFV were studied (incubation time was 1 hour resp. 5-7 days and concentrations of 10-4, 10-3 M and 2x10-3 M were used). Results: After one hour incubation time in a culture dish inhibition of adhesion was 48% for bovine LEC resp. 100% for humane LEC. There was a statistically significant difference between the control-peptide-group and cRGDDFV (p

Modulation von Proliferation und Migration boviner kornealer Endothelzellen in Kultur durch humanes Kammerwasser, Transforming Groth Factor-Beta 2 und Ascorbinsäure

Ryseck, Ilona 17 July 2000 (has links)
Einleitung: Die Wundheilung kornealer Endothelzellen erfolgt hauptsächlich durch Migration benachbarter Zellen. Die Endothelzellen sind in vivo ständig in Kontakt mit Kammerwasser (KW). TGF-ß2 und Ascorbin- säure (AS) sind in hoher Konzentration im KW enthalten. Der Einfluß von humanem KW, TGF-ß2 und AS auf Proliferation und Migration boviner kornealer Endothelzellen (BCEC) in Kultur wurde untersucht. Methoden: Proliferation: BCEC der 1.Passage wurden zu 1,5x104 Zellen/Well ausgesät. Mit frischem Medium und Zusatz von humanem KW (10% und 100%), TGF-ß2 (0,1; 1 und 10 ng/ml) und AS (50, 100 und 200 µg/ml) wurden die Kulturen für 72 oder 96 h inkubiert und anschließend gezählt. Migration: Konfluente Zellkulturen der 1.Passage wurden verwendet. Mit einem modifizierten Trepan (Durchmesser 5,5 mm) wurde eine zentrale, zirkuläre "Wunde" gesetzt. Die Kulturen wurden mit frischem Medium, das humanes KW, TGF-ß2 und AS in den o. g. Konzentrationen enthielt, für 72 oder 96 h inkubiert. Zur Auswertung wurden die in den Wundbereich migrierten Zellen an 5 verschiedenen Stellen, ausgehend vom Wundrand, gezählt. Ergebnisse: Die Proliferation der BCEC wurde durch humanes KW (unverdünntes KW: nahezu 100%; 10%iges KW: 30%) und Ascorbinsäure (ca. 90% bei AS 200 µg/ml) gehemmt. TGF-ß2 stimulierte die Proliferation bis zu einem 3fachen Wert der Kontrollen. Die Migration wurde durch humanes KW (unverdünntes KW: nahezu 100%; 10%iges KW: 30%) und TGF-ß2 (ca. 50% bei allen Konzentrationen) gehemmt. AS hatte einen stimulierenden Einfluß (20-50%) auf die Migration. Schlußfolgerung: Noch ist unklar, welche Substanzen im KW für den proliferationshemmenden Einfluß auf korneale Endothelzellen verantwortlich sind. Sowohl AS als auch TGF-ß2 zeigten einen gegensätzlichen Effekt auf Proliferation und Migration kultivierter BCEC. Die Bedeutung dieser Beobachtungen für die Wundheilung humaner kornealer Endothelzellen in vivo ist Gegenstand weiterer Untersuchungen. / Purpose: Corneal endothelial cells are non-proliferating, wound healing primarily occurs by migration of adjacent cells. Endothelial cells in vivo are constantly exposed to aqueous humor (AH). Elevated concentrations of TGF-ß2 and ascorbic acid (AA) are present in aqueous humor. The influence of human AH, TGF- ß2 and AA on proliferation and migration of bovine corneal endothelial cells in vitro was investigated. Methods: Proliferation assays: BCEC at first passage were seeded at 1.5x104 cells/well. Fresh medium containing human AH (10% and 100%), TGF-ß2 (0,1;1 and 10 ng/ml) and AA (50, 100 and 200 µg/ml) was added to the cells. 72 or 96 hours later the cells were counted. Migration assays: BCEC at first passage were grown to confluency. A central, circular "wound" was made with an especially designed trephine (diameter 5.5 mm). The cultures were incubated with fresh medium containing human AH, TGF-ß2 and AA in the same concentrations for 72 or 96 hours. The cells were then counted in five randomly chosen sections from the wound edge. Results: Proliferation of BCE cells was inhibited by human AH (pure AH: nearly 100%, 10% AH: 30%) and AA (about 90% at 200 µg/ml). TGF-ß2 stimulated the proliferation up to 3 fold compared to the controls. Migration was inhibited by human AH (pure AH: nearly 100%, 10% AH: 30%) and TGF-ß2 (about 50% at all concentrations). AA had a stimulatory effect (20-50%) on migration. Conclusion: Presently, it remains unknown which substances in AH are responsible for the inhibiting effect on corneal endothelial proliferation. Both TGF-ß2 and AA showed to have a differential effect on proliferation and migration of cultured BCE cells. The significance of these observations for wound healing of human corneal endothelial cells in vivo has to be investigated.

Pharmakoepidemiologische Analyse zu okulärer Hypertension, Offenwinkelglaukom und Katarakt als unerwünschte Wirkungen von Glukokortikoiden

Garbe, Edeltraut 13 March 2000 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert methodische Aspekte und Ergebnisse eigener pharmakoepdemiologischer Untersuchungen zum Risiko von okulärer Hypertension, Glaukom und Katarakt unter verschiedenen Darreichungsformen von Glukokortikoiden. Prospektive Studien der frühen 60er Jahre haben gezeigt, daß die Verabreichung topischer Glukokortikoide am Auge bei ca. einem Drittel der Bevölkerung zu einem Augeninnendruckanstieg führt. Bei langdauernder Therapie kann sich ein Kortikosteroidglaukom entwickeln, das in seiner Symptomatik und den klinischen Befunden einem primären Offenwinkelglaukom entspricht. Für orale Glukokortikoide untersuchten wir das Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom in einer großen Fall-Kontroll-Studie, die 9.793 augenärztliche Patienten mit neu diagnostizierter okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom einschloß und 38.325 augenärztliche Kontrollpatienten ohne diese Erkrankungen. Die Einnahme oraler Glukokortikoide war mit einem Risikoanstieg von über 40% verbunden. Es zeigte sich ein deutlicher Anstieg des Risikos mit zunehmender Glukokortikoid-Tagesdosis: Für Patienten, die mehr als 80 mg Hydrokortisonäquivalent pro Tag erhalten hatten, war das Risiko über 80% erhöht. Unsere Berechnungen zeigten, daß unter solch hohen Dosen 93 zusätzliche Fälle von okulärer Hypertension oder Offenwinkelglaukom pro 10.000 Patienten und Jahr auftreten können. In derselben Fall-Kontroll-Studie analysierten wir auch das Risiko für inhalative und nasale Glukokortikoide. Zwar ist für diese Glukokortikoidformen das Risiko systemischer Glukokortikoidnebenwirkungen durch die topische Applikation deutlich reduziert, doch legen verschiedene klinisch-pharmakologische Untersuchungen nahe, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung systemische Effekte ausüben können. Verschiedene Einzelfallberichte ließen ein erhöhtes Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Glaukom für inhalative und nasale Glukokortikoide möglich erscheinen. Unsere Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigte, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide, wenn sie in hohen Tagesdosen kontinuierlich über 3 Monate verabreicht werden, das Risiko von okulärer Hypertension und Offenwinkelglaukom um über 40% erhöhen. Wir beobachteten kein erhöhtes Risiko für nasale Glukokortikoide. In einer weiteren Fall-Kontroll-Studie untersuchten wir das Kataraktrisiko für inhalative Glukokortikoide. Orale Glukokortikoide sind ein etablierter Risikofaktor für eine Katarakt. Für inhalative Glukokortikoide lagen widersprüchliche Studienergebnisse vor. Während mehrere kleine Studien an Kindern kein erhöhtes Risiko gezeigt hatten, war in einer großen populationsbasierten australischen Studie ein erhöhtes Kataraktrisiko unter inhalativen Glukokortikoiden beobachtet worden. Wir konnten das Ergebnis der australischen Studie in unserer Fall-Kontroll-Studie bestätigen, die 3.677 Fallpatienten und 21.868 Kontrollpatienten einschloß. Eine Verabreichung inhalativer Glukokortikoide über mehr als 3 Jahre führte zu einer Verdreifachung des Risikos einer Kataraktextraktion. Das Risiko war nur für hohe Dosen inhalativer Glukokortikoide statistisch signifikant erhöht, nicht jedoch für niedrige bis mittlere Tagesdosen. Zusammengefaßt zeigen die Ergebnisse unserer Studien, daß inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung trotz topischer Applikation zu systemischen Glukokortikoidkomplikationen am Auge führen können. Dies läßt es geboten erscheinen, bei Patienten, die inhalative Glukokortikoide in hoher Dosierung erhalten, augenärztliche Kontrolluntersuchungen durchführen zu lassen / This work presents methodological aspects and results of own pharmacoepidemiologic studies investigating the risk of ocular hypertension, glaucoma and cataract for different forms of glucocorticoids.. Prospective studies of the early 60ies have shown that administration of topical glucorticoids at the eye will lead to ocular hypertension in about one third of the population. If ophthalmic glucocorticoid treatment is prolonged, a corticosteroid glaucoma may develop which closely resembles primary open-angle glaucoma.. We investigated the risk of ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma for oral glucocorticoids in a large case-control-study which included 9,793 ophthalmology patients with newly diagnosed ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma and 38,325 ophthalmology patients without these diseases (controls). Intake of oral glucocorticoids led to an increase in risk by over 40%. The risk increased markedly with the daily dose of glucocorticoid. For patients who had received more than 80 mg hydrocortisone-equivalent per day, the risk was more than 80% elevated. Our calculations showed that for such high doses, 93 additional cases of ocular hypertension or glaucoma per 10,000 patients and year may be expected. In the same case-control study, we analysed the risk of ocular hypertension and open-angle glaucoma for inhaled and nasal glucocorticoids. These forms of glucocorticoids have been developed to reduce the risk of systemic glucocorticoid complications by topical administration. Some clinical pharmacology studies have shown that high doses of inhaled glucocorticoids may cause systemic effects. Some published case reports suggested an increased risk of ocular hypertension and glaucoma for inhaled and nasal glucocorticoids. Our case-control study showed that high dose, continuous administration of inhaled glucocorticoids for more than 3 months increases the risk of ocular hypertension or open angle glaucoma by more than 40%. We did not observe an increased risk for nasal glucocorticoids. In another case-control study, we investigated the risk of cataract for inhaled glucocorticoids. Oral glucocorticoids are an established risk factor for cataract. For inhaled glucocorticoids, there have been contradictory results from several studies. Whereas some small studies in children did not show an increased risk, a population-based larger study from Australia demonstrated an elevated risk. We confirmed this increase in risk in our case-control study which included 3,677 elderly cases and 21,868 elderly controls. We observed a more than 3-fold risk of cataract extraction in patients who had been treated with inhaled glucocorticoids for more than three years. The risk was significantly increased only for high daily doses of glucocorticoids, but not for low-to-medium doses. In summary, the results of our studies show that high doses of inhaled glucocorticoids despite their topical administration may lead to systemic complications of glucocorticoids at the eye. Therefore it is recommended to have patients who are prescribed high daily doses of inhaled glucocorticoids examined by an ophthalmologist.

Sob o olhar transcriativo da tradução: outras leituras de Platero y Yo / The poetic translation: the translation of the Spanish poetic prose Platero y yo, by Juan Ramón Jiménez

Pereira, Maria Cecilia 29 August 2006 (has links)
O tema deste estudo é a tradução poética, onde a complexidade em campo tradutório é maior. Para transpor a barreira lingüística e adentrar em outro âmbito cultural, é preciso um condutor que seja um \"elo\" entre culturas, o tradutor. Assim se constrói essa \"ponte necessária\", que traz e leva a voz de outros, permitindo que códigos lingüísticos se tornem compreensíveis nessa grande Babel. A busca pela palavra ideal na tradução poética passa por uma série de detalhes que dependem do texto original. Está o tradutor atado a ele, não em posição de servilismo, mas de uma fidelidade para com o essencial, o \"espírito\" da obra. Na leitura atenta do texto-fonte e na interpretação estão as soluções que não devem ser aleatórias, nem arbitrárias, dependem de fatores inerentes à própria tradução. O bom tradutor será coerente, terá bom senso, honestidade e respeito (com o texto, com o autor, consigo mesmo e com o leitor), ampla cultura geral e predisposição à pesquisa. Complementa este estudo a tradução completa da prosa poética espanhola Platero y Yo, de Juan Ramón Jiménez, Nobel 1956, e o cotejo e comentários de trechos da mesma com sua tradução ao português. A prática tradutória é baseada na \"transcriação\" ou \"recriação\", defendida pelos irmãos Campos (Haroldo e Augusto) na tradução poética. Atualmente, a tradução é ato que equivale à escrita de um texto novo, com valor de original. Atingir o outro lado da ponte é complexo, na complexíssima sim, porém fascinante arte de traduzir. / The theme of this paper is the poetic translation, which is a very difficult task in the translation field. In order to cross the linguistic obstacles and go to another cultural scope, it is necessary a linker between the two cultures. This linker is the translator. That is how this necessary link is made, which brings and takes people´s voices, allowing linguistic codes to be understood in this big \"Babel\". The search for the right word in the poetic translation goes through many details that depend on the original text. The translator is supposed to follow it, not like a \"slave\", but he is supposed to keep the essential meaning of the text. By reading the source and interpreting it the solution is found, which should not be neither aleatory nor arbitrary, but it depends on factors inherent to the translation itself. The good translator is coherent, has common sense, is honest and respects the text, the author, himself and the reader, is educated and likes searching. This paper has the whole translation of the Spanish poetic prose \"Platero y Yo\", by Juan Ramón Jiménez, the 1956 Nobel Prize winner and, as well, has remarks of some parts and its Portuguese version. The practice of translation is based on transcription or recreation, studied by the Campos brothers (Haroldo and Augusto), concerning poetic translation. Nowadays, translation has become equivalent to the writing of a brand new text, the original one. Achieving the objective in translation is very hard, once translation is an extremely difficult, but fascinating art.

Representaciones sobre la maternidad, características y posibilidades a partir del análisis de la obra “Mi madre y yo” de Christian Bendayán

Tavolara Gembs, Josephine Marie 02 September 2017 (has links)
Esta tesis analiza el lienzo Mi madre y yo que plantea una forma específica de representar la maternidad, lo cual nos ha permitido sospechar que existen múltiples formas de representarla. Esto en sí mismo, responde críticamente a aquella posición esencialista que defiende una sola representación de la maternidad. Mientras el discurso hegemónico propone una sola representación de la maternidad basándose en la naturalización de la diferencia sexual, nosotros nos hemos servido de los aportes de Foucault para observar que dicha naturalización invisibiliza otras formas de representar la maternidad, por lo cual sostenemos que la representación de la maternidad del discurso hegemónico depende más bien de prácticas y relaciones de poder que han sido invisibilizadas a través de dicha naturalización. En este lienzo, los cuerpos ocupan un lugar protagónico, y desde los aportes de Elizabeth Grosz y Lucy Lippard podemos leer al cuerpo como una categoría política que tiene todo el poder que necesita para interpelar explicaciones racionalistas, naturalistas o biológicas deterministas a favor de procesos corpopsico-y socio libidinales, que son mas culturales que naturales. Así mismo, los aportes de Norma Fuller, Elizabeth Badinter y Robert Connell, nos han permitido entender que la representación de la maternidad es una categoría relacional, por lo cual la hemos contrapuesto a la categoría de la masculinidad hegemónica. Consiguientemente, los aportes de Freud nos han permitido tomar consciencia de una angustia masculina que surge en los varones al confrontarse con su carácter bisexual. Opinamos que dicha ansiedad está ligada a la representación de la maternidad por que concibe a la diferencia sexual a partir de una oposición jerárquica entre los sexos que es característica del discurso hegemónico. Hemos analizado los elementos de la obra a partir de categorías psico analíticas, postcoloniales y estéticas a fin de esclarecer la importancia de dichos elementos en relación a la representación de la maternidad. El fondo de la obra ha sido analizado desde la categoría psico analítica freudiana de la madre de la cloaca, con el fin de evidenciar el repudio hacia lo femenino. El cuadro del florero que aparece en la representación de la maternidad de Christian Bendayán ha sido 3 interpretado como un símbolo de la pintura de bodegón que, entendido desde una perspectiva feminista y post colonial a través de los aportes de María Lugones, Oyéronké Oyewùmí y Griselda Pollock visibilizan la segregación de las mujeres en las artes entre los siglos XVI y XVIII a nivel institucional, y, por último, hemos debatido la presencia del anillo matrimonial cuestionando tanto su materialidad simbólica, como los fundamentos del contrato social y sexual desde las perspectivas de Gayle Rubin y Carol Pateman. Concluimos este análisis mostrando cómo el artista utiliza estrategias “antiestéticas” para socavar sistemas hegemónicos. Palabras claves: representación de la maternidad, masculinidad hegemónica, diferencia sexual, bisexualidad, Christian Bendayán, “Mi madre y yo”. / This thesis analyzes the painting “Mi madre y yo” (My mother and I) which is a work of art which uniquely displays motherhood. This allows us to suspect that there are multiple ways of representing motherhood which is in itself a way to respond critically to an essentialist position that considers only one-way of representing maternity. While the hegemonic discourse proposes only one representation of maternity based on the naturalization of sexual difference, we have used Foucault’s contributions to observe that this naturalization actually blinds us from conceiving other ways of representing maternity. We rather hold a view by which the hegemonic discourse’s representation of motherhood depends on practices and relations of power that have been naturalized In this painting, bodies occupy a prominent place, and from Elizabeth Grosz’s and Lucy Lippard’s contributions we can read the body as a political category which has all the power it needs to question rationalist, naturalist, or biological determinist explanations in favor of corporeal, psychological and socio libidinal processes which are more cultural than natural. As well, the contributions of Norma Fuller, Elizabeth Badinter and Robert Connell, have allowed us to oppose the category of hegemonic masculinity to the representation of maternity understanding it as a relational category. Consequently, Freud’s contributions have made us aware of a male anxiety that appears when he has to deal with its bisexual character. We believe that this anxiety is linked to the representation of motherhood because its way of conceiving sexual difference is characteristic of a hegemonic discourse that is based on a hierarchical opposition between sexes. We have analyzed the elements of the picture from psychoanalytical, post colonial and esthetic categories in order to clarify the importance of these elements in relation to the representation of motherhood. The background of the painting has been analyzed from a Freudian psychoanalytic theory called the cloaca mother to evoke a rejection towards the feminine. The painting of the flowerpot in Christian Bendayan’s representation of motherhood has been 5 approached from a feminist and postcolonial perspective through the contributions of authors like María Lugones, Oyéronké Oyewùmí and Griselda Pollock to show that the still life genre can be understood as part of an institutional segregation towards women in the arts between the xvi and xviii centuries. And finally, we have debated the presence of the matrimonial ring in its symbolic materiality and from the foundations set by Gail Rubin and Carol Pateman in relation to the matrimonial social and sexual contract. We have concluded this analysis by showing how the artist uses anti esthetic strategies to undermine hegemonic systems. Key words: Representation of motherhood, hegemonic masculinity, sexual difference, bisexuality, Christian Bendayán, “Mi mother and I”. / Tesis

Storia e memoria in Yo el Supremo di Augusto Roa Bastos

CARINI, SARA 18 February 2009 (has links)
Pubblicato nel 1974, Yo el Supremo definisce l’idea di pensiero su parola e approccio alla storia di Augusto Roa Bastos. Sintesi del binomio oralità/scrittura che converge nel bilinguismo paraguaiano, sancisce l’impossibilità di creare un discorso assoluto attraverso il testo storico e il testo letterario. La parola scritta, elemento falsificatore e manipolatore della realtà in quanto portatrice del discorso ufficiale che si identifica con il discorso storico, viene decostruita attraverso dalla contrapposizione con la parola orale, portatrice della memoria viva, che mantiene il discorso collettivo del ricordo. Costruito su una pluralità di testi e voci che si sovrappongono e mostrano la realtà da diverse prospettive Yo el Supremo mette in continuo dialogo la volontà di potere del Supremo iscritta dalla Circular perpetua, con la volontà di libertà delle voci e dei testi che si contrappongono a tale discorso assoluto distruggendolo. / Published in 1974, Yo el Supremo defines the ideas on word and history that typify the work of Augusto Roa Bastos as a writer. The synthesis of the duality between orality and writing converges in paraguaian bilinguism and Yo el Supremo sanctions the impossibility of creating an absolutist discourse. The written word falsifies and manipulates the reality that is considered as the bringer of the official discourse of history and it is deconstructed by opposition with the oral word, keeper of the collective memory. Constructed on a plurality of texts and voices that superimpose and reveal reality from different perspectives, Yo el Supremo puts in continuous dialogue the will to power of the Supreme that is described in the Circular perpetua, with the will to freedom of the voices and texts that confront this discourse, destroying it.

Entwicklung eines Biotopkartierungsverfahrens für die Türkei mit Hilfe von GIS- und Fernerkundungstechnik (Fallbeispiel Nationalpark Köprülü Kanyon) / Development of a biotop mapping methodologie for Turkey (case study nationalpark Köprülü Kanyon)

Güngöroglu, Cumhur 10 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of Stallion Sperm Membrane Integrity Using Varied Flow Cytometer-Based Methodologies

Stump, Karen Elizabeth 03 October 2013 (has links)
Artificial insemination using cooled, transported semen has become a popular practice in the equine industry. However, equine sperm are assumed to show a decline in their fertilizing ability after 24 to 48 hours of cooled storage. Two measures that are commonly used to estimate the fertility of an ejaculate are sperm motility and sperm membrane integrity (SMI). Recently, it has been suggested that SMI may have a better correlation with fertility of an inseminate than sperm motility. The effect of cooled-storage on sperm quality over an extended time period was evaluated to illustrate changes in sperm characteristics that might be related to an ejaculate’s fertility. Semen was stored at 4°C in INRA 96 extender containing 10% seminal plasma for a period of 10 days. Data were collected daily on sperm motion characteristics, SMI, mitochondrial membrane potential, and DNA quality. To measure daily changes in SMI in stallion sperm, two fluorescent vital-staining protocols used in flow cytometric analysis were compared – a combination of SNARF-1, Yo-Pro-1, and Ethidium Homodimer 1 (SYE) and a combination of lectin from Pisum sativum and propidium iodide (PSA/PI). We hypothesized that the SYE protocol adapted for use with stallion sperm could detect more subtle, and perhaps earlier, damage to the sperm plasma membrane than the PSA/PI protocol. A combination of SYBR 14, propidium iodide, and JC-1 (SYPIJC) was used to measure mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as SMI. A computer-assisted sperm motion analysis (CASA) instrument was used to evaluate sperm motion characteristics; the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) was used to measure the degree of DNA fragmentation. In this study, with the exception of sperm motility, the measures of sperm quality retained values consistent with “viability” after 10 days of cooled-storage. This suggests that the fertility of some stallions may last considerably longer than previously assumed, which could ultimately alter the time-table used for artificial insemination using cooled, transported semen.

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