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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskriminace z důvodu pohlaví a její zákaz / Discrimination on the grounds of sex and its prohibition

Novotná, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
Resume v Aj The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of gender discrimination in labor relations and its prohibition, enumerate the ways of legislation and compare legislation with the actual situation in the society. The thesis is composed of two parts divided into nine chapters, each of them dealing with diferent aspects of the issue in question. The first part is a sort of general parts, including introduction, historical development and sources of law. The second part, which could also be called special parts, then contains individual aspects of the right to equal treatment, demonstrated in specific cases, particularly judgments of the European Court of Justice. The first and second chapter deal with the history and development of anti- discrimination issues and define the basic concepts. The third and fourth chapter lists and describes the regulation of sex discrimination in international legal documents and documents of the European Union. The first part ends with the fifth chapter describing how legal constitution of the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex in the Czech Republic and then comparing it with the real situation in society. The second part consists of six to nine chapters, the first of which contains a short introduction defining the judicial authorities of...

Vývoj standardu rovného a spravedlivého zacházení v dohodách o ochraně a podpoře zahraničních investic / Development of the standard of fair and equitable treatment in treaties on protection and support of foreign investment

Forman, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
of the thesis: The thesis deals with the fair and equitable standard of treatment under international investment law. The author notably analyzes scholarly literature and case law of arbitral tribunals concerning the theoretical concept (approach) considering the connection to the minimum standard of treatment under customary international law, but also other approaches depending on the standard's formulation and the possibility of the standard's concept unification. The author firstly puts the fair and equitable standard of treatment into the context of the international investment law and public international law and defines the most important basic terms of the international investment law. Subsequently, the author presents the history of the standard, its basic characteristics and attempts at defining the standard. The author also shortly deals with the content, i. e. individual elements or aspects of the standard derived from the case law of arbitral tribunals. The author then deals in more detail with the standard's concept according to which the standard is equal to the minimum international standard of treatment under customary international law. In this part, the author also focuses on the distinction between minimum standard of treatment in traditional view and dynamic view, next the...

Aktuální otázky postpenitenciární péče / Current issues of post-penitentiary care

Prixová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current legal regulation of post-penitentiary treatment. It is divided into six thematic areas. The opening chapter defines the concept of penitentiary and post-penitentiary treatment and the concept of resocialization. The second chapter contains an analysis of the legal arrangements for penitentiary treatment, including UN and Council of Europe activities in this area. Attention is also paid to a new way of differentiating sentenced prisoners. Description of the legislation of the treatment programs, including an enumeration of their standardized forms follows. The individual activities of the treatment programs are treated with an emphasis on work and educational activities. The last subchapter deals with the description of the release from imprisonment. The focus of the work lies in the third and fourth chapter dealing with post- penitentiary care and problems of released prisoners. The first sub-chapter focuses on the development of care for the released prisoners on the Czech territory from the collapse of Austro-Hungarian Empire to the present. The second subchapter analyzes the current form of providing post-penitentiary treatment in the form of social services and assistance in material need. The structure of providers, including a detailed analysis of the...

Problematika diskriminace v pracovním procesu / The issue of discrimination in the work procedure

Volná, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is the current and debated issue of discrimination in the wok procedure. Although the Czech Republic has already implemented the applicable European legislative requirements in its national law and the concept of non-discrimination is - from the labor-law perspective - sufficient, frequent cases of differential treatment and discrimination still exist. The thesis focuses on equal treatment and discrimination in both selected Czech legislative documents and the legislation of the European Community. It focuses in more detail on gender discrimination (the most common form of discrimination) followed by the institutional security of equal treatment, difference in pay between men and women, labor market segregation, the issue of reintegration of women and men into the workplace after maternity or parental leave, representation of women in managerial positions, discrimination against elderly women and sexual harassment in the work environment. Part of the thesis also focuses on possible approaches to solve these problems such as harmonization between work and private life, the company's social responsibility, and Diversity and Age Management.

Postavení žen na trhu práce / The position of women in the labour market.

Moskalová, Natalija January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the position of women in the labour market, describes the most obstacles women encounter in the labour market and offers possible solutions. The main objective of the thesis is to analyse the position of the women in the labour market, to define each notion related to discrimination, to recognize the factors that influence it and to find out the differences in remuneration of men and women. Further on, the thesis would like to approach the question if women are still more discriminated on the ground of the sex or whether the society manages to eliminate the discrimination of women thanks to the measures adopted. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part of the thesis the legislative adaptation is being introduced, and it presents the effort of the state to eliminate the unequal approach towards women. The thesis analyzes the existing legal regulations of the discrimination law abroad as well as in Czech legislation. Some of the basic concepts linked to the given topic are explained, e.g. equality, positive measures and equal treatment. Another section of the theoretical part deals with discrimination, its forms and variations, discrimination on the reasons of sex and the ways of how to protect oneself from discrimination. In the theoretical part the method of analysis of information sources is used based on research literature. In the practical part of the thesis two ways of questioning are used. The first research method is a structured questionnaire in a form of a standard written questionnaire. A selected group of people is questioned to say their opinion on the given issue. The second investigation is done in a maneuvered interview with the respondents of the first questioning form, based on the prepared set of questions. The last part of the thesis elaborates the results of the research and draws the conclusions from these. Each question has a graph showing the results of the analysis followed by an exact description and explanation. The conclusion of the thesis provides a compact resume of the forms of protection which the discriminated person can use to avoid discrimination or for defense.

Uplatňování zákazu diskriminace v pracovněprávních vztazích / Applying the prohibition of discrimination in employment relations

Michalíček, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Applying the prohibition of discrimination in employment relations. Abstract This thesis is about discrimination in employment relations. The objective of the text is to concentrate on applying the prohibition of discrimination in fields, where disparate treatment is most common, on the legal means of protection against employment discrimination and on the activities of public institutions, which have been entrusted with supervision over compliance with the principle of equal treatment. The thesis is divided into introduction, five separate sections, which are further divided into chapters, and conclusion. The first two sections are rather theoretical, containing definitions of basic terms, important for overall understanding of the thesis (such as equality, discrimination, harassment and others) and introduction of the EU and Czech Republic anti- discrimination law in employment relations. In the third section I focus more closely to employment relations, where the problem of discrimination is widespread, or where it is highly undesirable. In individual chapters of this section applying for a job (including advertisements), remuneration or termination of employment are examined. The next section concerns the discrimination victim's right to claim before the court that the discrimination be refrained from,...

Rovné zacházení a zákaz diskriminace zaměstnanců / Equal treatment and prohibited discrimination against employees

Linhartová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis entitled Equal treatment and prohibited discrimination against employees is to provide a complete view of international, European and Czech legislation on this topic and inform about how to protect oneself against discrimination. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is general. It deals with basic concepts relevant to this area, such as equality, equal treatment, discrimination and its types and others. The second chapter focuses on the most important international treaties regulating equal treatment and discrimination in labour-management relations. It has three parts and each part consists of conventions adopted by one international organization - The United Nations, International Labour Organization and Council of Europe. The third chapter concentrates on the legislation of European Union, both primary and secondary legislation and also deals with judgements of European Court of Justice. The fourth chapter is concentrated on Czech legislation which deals with the principles of equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination of employees, at first place on Anti - discrimination Act. This chapter also treats with various means of protection available to victims of discrimination.

Postpenitenciární zacházení a prevence recidivy / Post-penitentiary treatment and prevention of recidivism

Kodlová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
Post-penitentiary treatment and prevention of recidivism The submitted thesis deals with the problems of prevention of recidivism and post- penitentiary treatment in the Czech legal regulation, and its structure is divided into three main spheres, which are successively analyzed. The first chapter, in its part consisting of four opening subchapters, defines the term recidivism as it is understood in different branches of science dealing with criminal activity. The following subchapter briefly summarizes the main possible reasons of recidivism. Focus point of the thesis lies in the second and the third chapter, where is the main issue of the thesis specified. The second chapter deals with the prevention of recidivism, and the possibilities provided by the Czech criminal law to educative impingement on the offender of the criminal activity. The most expansive part of this chapter focuses on the problems of penitentiary treatment in the Czech Republic within the scope of imprisonment, and accent is placed on the manner of enforcement and serving the imprisonment, as programs of treatment providing educative influence on the sentenced. In the following subchapters, the possibilities of alternative penalties, alternatives of punishments, and the different ways of execution of the criminal cases are...

Postpenitenciární zacházení a prevence recidivy / Post-penitentiary treatment and prevention of recidivism

Guth, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Post-penitentiary treatment and prevention of recidivism The subject of the submitted thesis is the issue of post-penitentiary treatment and prevention of recidivism and its definition within the Czech legal framework. The thesis is divided into four main chapters which are further divided into subchapters. The first chapter analyses the key concept of the subject of the thesis - that is criminal recidivism, its possible concepts and types. Additionally, this chapter describes the reflection of criminal recidivism in the current Czech legislation, particularly in relation to the determination of the type and severity of penalties of recidivistic offenders. This chapter also deals with the causes of recidivism as an essential prerequisite for the application of appropriate treatment and care within the scope of the penitentiary and post-penitentiary treatment. The second chapter deals with the possible ways of preventing recidivism and is further divided into four subchapters. The first two subchapter describe the system and the purpose of the penalties in the prevention of recidivism, the issue of imposing these penalties on recidivist offenders and the issue of an unconditional prison sentence and the related negative consequences with this type of penalty. The third subchapter discusses the...

Zákaz diskriminace v pracovněprávních vztazích / The prohibition of discrimination in labor relations

Peták, Petr January 2014 (has links)
My thesis is focused on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations. This topic is very large and in future its content will continue to expand. Discrimination occurs in all areas of human life, dangerous a frequently occurring is in the area of labor relations. The aim of this thesis is to analyze legislation of anti-discrimination law in area of labor relations. I will also deal with analyzes of important judgments of the Court of justice of the EU and of the Czech courts. The first chapter defines the basic concepts, which related to the topic of thesis. The second chapter deals with issue of discrimination in labor relations in international law. International legislation is divided on the basis of international organizations that issued these rules. It's mainly United Nations, the Council of Europe and from the area of international organizations which related with labor law, it is International Labour Organization. The third chapter presents anti-discrimination law and case law in the European Union and its impact on the law of the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter deals with the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations in the framework of the legislation in the Czech Republic. There is also described the development of the prohibition of discrimination in Czech legislation. I will...

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