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Arbitrage Theory Under Portfolio Constraints

In this dissertation, we adopt the viability approach to mathematical finance developed in the book of Karatzas and Kardaras (2020), and extend it to settings where portfolio choice is constrained.

We introduce in Chapter 2 the notions of supermartingale numeraire, supermartingale deflator, and viability.

After that, we characterize all supermartingale deflators under conic constraints on portfolio choice. Most importantly, we prove a fundamental theorem for equity market structure and arbitrage theory under such conic constraints, to the effect that the existence of the supermartingale numeraire is equivalent to market viability. Further, and always under the assumption of viability, we establish some additional optimality properties of the supermartingale numeraire. In the end of Chapter 2, we pose and solve a problem of robust maximization of asymptotic growth, under some realistic assumptions.

In Chapter 3, we state and prove the Optional Decomposition Theorem under conic constraints. Using this version of the Optional Decomposition Theorem, we deal with the problem, of superhedging contingent claims.

In Chapter 4, we consider yet another portfolio optimization problem. Under simultaneous conic constraints on portfolio choice, and drawdown constraints on their generated wealth, we try to maximize the long-term growth rate from investment. Application of the Azema-Yor transform allows us to show that the optimal portfolio for this optimization problem is a simple path transformation of a supermartingale numeraire portfolio. Some asymptotic properties of this portfolio are also discussed in Chapter 4.
Date January 2020
CreatorsLi, Zhi
Source SetsColumbia University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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