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How Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Behavior Works on Performance and Job Satisfaction / 銷售人員競爭資訊行為與績效及工作滿意度之關聯性研究

碩士 / 國立臺北大學 / 企業管理學系碩士在職專班 / 104 / Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Behavior (SCIB), including Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Collection (SCIC), Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Utilization (SCIU) and Adaptive Selling Behavior (ASB), has currently become a hot topic for research due to its important impact on performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore how SCIB impact on performance and job satisfaction and the relationship between the potential antecedents and SCIB. The potential antecedents identified in this study are organizational identification, role conflict and customer orientation. At the meantime, we also involved the moderating effects of manager’s behavior i.e. recognition and autonomy in this study.
Our questionnaires were sent out via Google online survey system. In total 507 feedbacks were received. 18 out of the 507 feedbacks were considered as un-qualified data. 489 feedbacks were identified as qualified data and went for final analysis. Cronbach alpha and Composite Reliability (CR) was used to test the reliability of each variable and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was adapted to exam the validity i.e. factor loading (λ) of each measurement. Correlation analysis and Post hoc ANOVA and Scheffe test were executed to dig out more findings.
Both organizational identification and customer orientation increase salesperson’s competitive intelligence collection and adaptive selling behavior while role conflict reduced both salesperson’s competitive intelligence collection and adaptive selling behavior. SCI collection increases the utilization of SCI and SCI utilization enhances adaptive selling behavior. Both SCI utilization and adaptive selling behavior increase performance and job satisfaction. Performance and job satisfaction have positive effects on each other. Managerial recognition doesn’t significantly strengthen/weaken the relationship between all the antecedents and SCI collection. However it significantly weakens the effects of role conflict and customer orientation on adaptive selling behavior. High level of autonomy strengthens the positive relationship between SCI collection and SCI utilization but weakens positive relationship between SCI utilization and adaptive selling behavior.
Keywords: Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Behavior (SCIB), Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Collection (SCIC), Salesperson’s Competitive Intelligence Utilization (SCIU), Adaptive Selling Behavior (ASB), Organizational Identification, Role Conflict, Customer Orientation, Performance, Job Satisfaction, Managerial Recognition, Autonomy
Date January 2016
CreatorsWu, Chi-Hsien, 吳啟賢
ContributorsChang, Hui-Chen, 張惠真
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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