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Koncept kreativnog grada u razvoju turizma Novog Sada / The Creative City Concept in Tourism Development of Novi Sad

<p>U ovoj disertaciji primenjen je novi pristup koji za razvojni potencijal grada i urbanog turizma&nbsp;uzima kreativnost. Važno je razumeti i shvatiti da život gradu daju njegovi stanovnici i &scaron;to je&nbsp;bolji kvalitet života u gradu, bolji će biti njegovi građani, a i sam grad će oživeti. Mnogi&nbsp;gradovi gube bitku sa destruktivnim silama, jer su se pomirili sa mi&scaron;lju da su problemi toliko&nbsp;veliki i da se sa njima ne može izaći na kraj, pogotovo ako svi planski instrumenti i finansije&nbsp;nisu u najboljem redu. A to nije tačno, jer se uvek može uraditi jo&scaron; ne&scaron;to, malo, skriveno&nbsp;možda, ali vrlo značajno. Budućnost predstavlja posvećenost sa konstantnim inoviranjem. Ovo&nbsp;zahteva fleksibilnost&nbsp; i prilagođavanje,&nbsp; a nikako&nbsp; potrebu za sigurno&scaron;ću&nbsp; u starim načinima&nbsp;re&scaron;avanja problema i suočavanja sa izazovima. A tome služi kreativnost. Kreativnost se postiže&nbsp;kada se vidi &scaron;ta se može postići na održivosti grada sa vrlo malo sredstava. Tu leži ključ&nbsp;urbane akupunkture, jednostavne, brze metode, kojom se oslobađa velika energija i izaziva&nbsp;trenutno socijalno zadovoljstvo. Iskustva iz sveta govore da svaki grad, pa i milionski, može&nbsp;popraviti kvalitet života za svoje građane u periodu od 3 do 4 godine.</p> / <p>In this dissertation is applied creativity as a new approach to the urban tourism development. It is important to understand and realize that the life of the city depends of its citizens. If the city provides better quality of life to them, the citizens will be more satisfied and inspired by the&nbsp; city and the city will revive. Many cities are losing the battle with the destructive forces, as they assume that the problems are so big and that it is not possible to cope with them, especially if urban planning instruments and finances are not right. However, some&nbsp; urban experiences from the world show a proof that it is not true. It is always possible to something else, something little, maybe hidden, but significant for sustainability of the city. The future demands full dedication with constant innovation.&nbsp; That&nbsp; requires&nbsp; flexibility, risk and disallowance of a need&nbsp; for security that is found&nbsp; in&nbsp; old ways&nbsp; of solving problems&nbsp; and dealing&nbsp;with&nbsp; challenges.&nbsp; There&nbsp; the creativity is needed. Creativity is achieved when we see what can be done for urban sustainability with very few resources. Here lies the key&nbsp; of&nbsp; urban acupuncture, simple, fast methods, which releases energy and causes a large&nbsp; immediate&nbsp; social satisfaction. Some examples&nbsp; from the world show that every city,&nbsp; can improve the quality of life for its citizens, in a few years even the one of more then million inhabitants.</p>
Date15 May 2014
CreatorsKliček Tamara
ContributorsPivac Tatjana, Plavša Jovan, Besermenji Snežana, Bogdanović Ružica, Vučković Željko
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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