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A Critical Assessment For Reuse Of Traditional Dwellings As Boutique Hotels In Urgup

Traditional dwellings have been exposed to environmental factors due to the
increasing concentration in urban areas or reusing the dwellings for a different
function that brings more profit. Tourism is one of the most important reasons for
this transformation.
Cappadocia is one of the regions where the transformation of historical structures
into tourism facilities is common. In the last 5-10 years the concept of tourism
and hotel management has changed and dwellings themselves were transformed
to hotels and were called Boutique Hotels. And this transformation is mostly
seen in &Uuml / rg&uuml / p. However, some problems are encountered in the transformation of
traditional dwellings into Boutique Hotels. These problems are concerned with
the difficulties experienced in interventions to the dwellings, positive and
negative affects on environment and the legal problems pertaining the project,
implementation and certification procedures.
This thesis aims to question the harmony between the transformation in &Uuml / rg&uuml / p
and the functional, physical, social and cultural aspects of the traditionaldwellings in &Uuml / rg&uuml / p, to assess the the implementations and their relations with
environment relationships. In addition to this, taking the example of &Uuml / rg&uuml / p as a
starting point, this thesis aims to discuss the relations between cultural identity
and tourism, the positive and negative effects of tourism on traditional structure,
and the balance between conservation and tourism. Taking into consideration the
deficiencies in the legal definition and management criteria of Boutique Hotels,
which are gradually becoming common, the discussion of the definition of
Boutique Hotel is one of the important aims of this thesis.
Date01 May 2007
CreatorsCan, Sukran Gunes
ContributorsOzgonul, Nimet
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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