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From e-government to cloud-government: challenges of Jordanian citizens’ acceptance for public services

Yes / On the inception of the third millennium, there is much evidence that cloud technologies have become the strategic trend for many governments, not only for developed countries (e.g. the UK, Japan and the USA), but also developing countries (e.g. Malaysia and countries in the Middle East region). These countries have launched cloud computing movements for enhanced standardization of IT resources, cost reduction and more efficient public services. Cloud-based e-government services are considered to be one of the high priorities for government agencies in Jordan. Although experiencing phenomenal evolution, government cloud-services are still suffering from the adoption challenges of e-government initiatives (e.g. technological, human, social and financial aspects) which need to be considered carefully by governments contemplating their implementation. While e-government adoption from the citizens’ perspective has been extensively investigated using different theoretical models, these models have not paid adequate attention to security issues. This paper presents a pilot study to investigate citizens’ perceptions of the extent to which these challenges inhibit the acceptance and use of cloud computing in the Jordanian public sector and examine the effect of these challenges on the security perceptions of citizens. Based on the analysis of data collected from online surveys, some important challenges were identified. The results can help to guide successful acceptance of cloud-based e-government services in Jordan.
Date10 May 2018
CreatorsAlkhwaldi, Abeer F.A.H., Kamala, Mumtaz A., Qahwaji, Rami S.R.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeConference paper, Accepted Manuscript
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