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Effect of the law of fiscal responsibility on the public charges of the cities of the state of the Piauà / Efeitos da lei de responsabilidade fiscal sobre as despesas pÃblicas dos municÃpios do estado do PiauÃ

nÃo hà / O final dos anos 90 foi marcado por uma profunda transformaÃÃo no cenÃrio econÃmico e polÃtico do Brasil, com a implementaÃÃo de condutas que buscavam a adequaÃÃo do nosso paÃs Ãs novas exigÃncias do cenÃrio internacional. Para que o paÃs incorporasse as noÃÃes de competitividade e desenvolvimento, era necessÃrio que o setor pÃblico desse tambÃm sua quota nesta busca, e que as atividades financeiras dos administradores pÃblicos se adequassem ao novo modelo de Estado, com o controle mais racional e probo do OrÃamento PÃblico.Neste contexto, entrou em vigor em 04.05.2000, a Lei Complementar n 101 â a chamada Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Surge com o intuito de limitar o endividamento da UniÃo, dos Estados e MunicÃpios, ao passo que define os princÃpios bÃsicos de responsabilidade, derivados da noÃÃo de prudÃncia na gestÃo de recursos pÃblicos. O Problema deste trabalho Ã: qual o efeito da LRF e dos limites constitucionais de gasto com educaÃÃo e saÃde sobre as despesas pÃblicas dos municÃpios do PiauÃ? O Objetivo geral à analisar o efeito da LRF e dos limites constitucionais da educaÃÃo e saÃde sobre as despesas pÃblicas dos municÃpios do Estado. Especificamente, verificar quais os municÃpios que estÃo cumprindo a LRF, considerando o limite de 60% da Receita Corrente LÃquida; os municÃpios que estÃo sofrendo sanÃÃes ou vedaÃÃes por estarem entre o limite prudencial e o limite legal; os que estÃo abaixo do limite prudencial; analisar o efeito da Lei sobre os municÃpios atravÃs do modelo logit e; verificar o cumprimento dos limites constitucionais da educaÃÃo e saÃde atravÃs do modelo
probit. A metodologia consistiu essencialmente na verificaÃÃo dos municÃpios que estÃo cumprindo a LRF, atravÃs do cÃlculo da participaÃÃo dos gastos com pessoal no total da
receita corrente lÃquida de cada municÃpio e a aplicaÃÃo do modelo logit para verificar especificamente o efeito da referida Lei considerando o limite de gasto com pessoal de 54%
do poder Executivo municipal, considerando as variÃveis de controle populaÃÃo e PIB. AlÃm disso, foi utilizado o modelo probit para verificar o efeito do cumprimento dos limites
constitucionais da educaÃÃo e saÃde. Os resultados apontam um efeito positivo da Lei para a maioria dos municÃpios do Piauà com uma queda de 2000 para 2002 da participaÃÃo de
municÃpios que descumpriram a Lei. AlÃm disso, os resultados do logit apontam, em geral, uma probabilidade dos municÃpios reduzirem os dÃficts primÃrios com variaÃÃo positivas, na
mÃdia dos municÃpios, nos Ãndices da Lei, levando a conclusÃo do efeito positivo da citada Lei na contenÃÃo dos gastos pÃblicos nos municÃpios do PiauÃ. Os resultados do probit mostram um efeito positivo, para os municÃpios do PiauÃ, no cumprimento dos limites constitucionais da educaÃÃo e saÃde, pois aumento no Ãndice dos gastos com educaÃÃo e com saÃde aumenta a probabilidade de ampliaÃÃo de dÃficits, e como os municÃpios cumprem a lei aumentando seus gastos com educaÃÃo e saÃde cresce a possibilidade do cumprimento dos limites constitucionais. / The end of the nineties was marked by a deep transformation in the economical and political scenery of Brazil, with the implementaÃÃo of conducts that looked for the adaptation of our country to the new demands of the international scenery. So that the country incorporated the
notions of competitiveness and development, it was necessary that the public section of that
also your share in this search, and that the public administrators' financial activities if they
adapted to the new model of State, with the most rational control and probo of the Budget PÃblico.Neste context, he went into effect in 04.05.2000, the Law Complemental no. 101 - the call Law of Fiscal Responsibility (LRF). it Appears with the intention of limiting the
endividamento of the Union, of States and Municipal districts, while it defines the basic beginnings of responsibility, derived of the prudence notion in the administration of public resources. The Problem of this work is: which the effect of LRF and of the constitutional
limits of expense with education and health on the public expenses of the municipal districts of PiauÃ? The general Objective is to analyze the effect of LRF and of the constitutional limits of the education and health on the public expenses of the municipal districts of the State.
Specifically, to verify which the municipal districts that are accomplishing LRF, considering the limit of 60% of the Liquid Average Revenue; the municipal districts that are suffering sanctions or vedaÃÃes for they be between the limit prudencial and the legal limit; the ones
that are below the limit prudencial; to analyze the effect of the Law on the municipal districts through the model logit and; to verify the execution of the constitutional limits of the education and health through the model probit. The methodology consisted essentially of the
verification of the municipal districts that you/they are accomplishing LRF, through the calculation of the participation of the expenses with personnel in the total of the liquid average revenue of each municipal district and the application of the model logit to verify the
effect of the referred Law specifically considering the expense limit with personnel of 54% of the municipal Executive power, considering the variables of control population and GDP. Besides, the model probit was used to verify the effect of the execution of the constitutional
limits of the education and health. The results point a positive effect of the Law for most of the municipal districts of Piauà with a fall of 2000 for 2002 of the participation of municipal districts that descumpriram the Law. Besides, the results of the logit appear, in general, a
probability of the municipal districts reduce the primary dÃficts with positive variation, in the average of the municipal districts, in the indexes of the Law, taking the conclusion of the positive effect of the mentioned Law in the contention of the public expenses in the municipal
districts of PiauÃ. The results of the probit show a positive effect, for the municipal districts of
PiauÃ, in the execution of the constitutional limits of the education and health, because I increase in the index of the expenses with education and with health it increases the
probability of amplification of deficits, and as the municipal districts they accomplish the law
increasing your expenses with education and health increases the possibility of the execution
of the constitutional limits.
Date03 May 2007
CreatorsPaulino Fortes Carvalho
ContributorsRonaldo de Albuquerque e Arraes, Emerson LuÃs Lemos Marinho, Paulo de Melo Jorge Neto
PublisherUniversidade Federal do CearÃ, Programa de PÃs-GraduaÃÃo em Economia - CAEN, UFC, BR
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFC, instname:Universidade Federal do Ceará, instacron:UFC

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