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Mӧssbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetic Studies of EuPdGe3, Al13Fe4, and FeNiSn.

In this thesis the result x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements of EuPdGe3, Al13Fe4, and FeNiSn are reported.
The compound EuPdGe3 crystallizes in the BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure (space group I4mm) with the lattice constants a = 4.4457(1) Å and c = 10.1703(2) Å. The results are consistent with EuPdGe3 being an antiferromagnet with the Néel temperature TN = 12.16(1) K and with the Eu spins S = 7/2 in the ab plane. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility above TN follows the modified Curie-Weiss law with the effective magnetic moment of 7.82(1) 𝜇𝐵 per Eu atom and the paramagnetic Curie temperature of −5.3(1) K indicative of dominant antiferromagnetic interactions. The M(H) isotherms for temperatures approaching TN from above are indicative of dynamical short-range antiferromagnetic ordering in the sample. The temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field follows a S = 7/2 Brillouin function. The principal component of the electric field gradient tensor is shown to increase with decreasing temperature and is well described by a 𝑇32⁄ power-law relation. The Debye temperature of EuPdGe3 determined from the Mössbauer data is 199(2) K.
The compound Al13Fe4 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/m, in which Fe atoms are located at five inequivalent crystallographic sites, with the lattice parameters a = 15.503(2) Å, b = 8.063(2) Å, c = 12.464(2) Å, and β = 107.71(2)°. It is demonstrated that zero-field Mössbauer spectra can be decomposed into three quadrupole doublets. With the aid of the calculated electric field gradient (EFG) parameters we show that the first doublet results from one Fe site, the second doublet is due to two other Fe sites, and the third doublet originates from the last two Fe sites. We find that the shape of the Mössbauer spectrum of Al13Fe4 measured in an external magnetic field of 90 kOe can be accounted for with five component subspectra generated using the calculated
EFG parameters at five inequivalent Fe sites. The quadrupole splittings corresponding to three component doublets are shown to increase with decreasing temperature and are well described by a 𝑇32⁄ power-law relation. The Debye temperature of Al13Fe4 is found to be 383(3) K. We find a pseudogap in the density of states (DOS), with a width of ∼ 0.2 eV, that is centered 0.1 eV above the Fermi energy. The finite DOS at the Fermi energy confirms good metallicity of Al13Fe4. The 1/T-like dependence of the magnetic susceptibility shows that Al13Fe4 is a paramagnet.
The compound FeNiSn crystallizes in the ZrBeSi-type crystal structure (space group P63/mmc) with the lattice constants a = 4.1329(1) Å and c = 5.1912(2) Å. It is a ferromagnet with the Curie temperature TC = 1024(10) K. Evidence is provided for a possible phase separation in the studied compound, into a majority magnetic phase and a minority, nanoscale, disordered phase with the corresponding iron magnetic moments at 4.6 K of 2.39(1) and 1.17(1) 𝜇𝐵. It is demonstrated that FeNiSn decomposes at a temperature significantly below TC when it is annealed in vacuum for about 30 hours. The Debye temperature of FeNiSn is found to be 445(6) K.
Date January 2015
CreatorsAlbedah, Mohammed
ContributorsZbigniew, Stadnik
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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