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Complex Realities: Black South African Women, HIV/AIDS, and Pentecostalism

This study employs qualitative methods to describe black South African womens experiences of HIV/AIDS in two Pentecostal church communities. It analyzes beliefs and practices, connecting gender roles and divine healing to the HIV/AIDS pandemic while grounding ethical claims in these communities shared norms of faithfulness to God and Scripture and living the abundant life. The study concludes by analyzing the global AIDS initiatives of leading U.S. evangelicals (most notably those of Rick and Kay Warren of Saddleback Church) according to their effectiveness at preventing the spread of HIV to wives who remain faithful to husbands who participate in extramarital sexual relationships. Regarding A-B-C prevention strategies, South African and U.S. Evangelicals tend to teach congregants to abstain and be faithful, but they are ambivalent towards condoms. This dissertation argues for an A-B-C-D approach, not only emphasizing condom use but also permitting divorce for women whose husbands are unfaithful.
Date21 September 2009
CreatorsAttanasi, Katherine
ContributorsVictor Anderson, C. Melissa Snarr, Ted Smith, Brooke Ackerly
Source SetsVanderbilt University Theses
Detected LanguageEnglish
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