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Depression-Era Coloma: A World-Systems Study of Mining and Daily Life Experiences in a Reoccupied Montana Ghost Town.

Anthropologically based studies are underdeveloped on the subject of people living in Montana during the Great Depression. During the summer of 2006, archaeological materials were retrieved from a Depression-Era trash dump at Coloma, Montana. From these artifacts and the available historical records about the area, this thesis postulates on the possible daily experiences of the people responsible for the creation of this dump. The data is then used as the foundation for a World-Systems perspective on the site, which, in turn, connects this mining camp to the world at large during the 1930s.
Date03 June 2009
CreatorsWoody, Benjamin
ContributorsDr. Kelly Dixon, Dr. Richard Sattler, Maria Craig
PublisherThe University of Montana
Source SetsUniversity of Montana Missoula
Detected LanguageEnglish
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