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The Effect Of Instruction With Concrete Models On Eighth Grade Students

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of concrete models on eighth grade students&rsquo / geometry achievement and attitudes toward geometry.

The study was conducted on 106 eighth grade students in one of the private school in Ankara. The subjects of the study received instruction with concrete models, and by the traditional method. Cooperative learning method and discovery learning method were also used to provide better classroom environment and to create exciting classroom atmosphere for the use of concrete models.

The following measuring instruments were used to collect data: The Geometry Attitude Scale (GAS), Geometry Achievement Test (GAT) and open ended questions. The present study was a matching-only pre-test- post-test control group design.

The data of the present study were analyzed by Analysis of Co-Variance and by two-way Analysis of Variance. The results of the study indicated that: (1) There was a statistically significant mean difference between students received instruction with concrete models and those received instruction with traditional method in terms of the GAch / (2) there was no statistically significant mean difference between girls and boys in terms of GAch / (3) there was no statistically significant interaction between treatment and gender on GAch / (4) there was no statistically significant mean difference between students received instruction with concrete models and those received instruction with traditional method in terms of ATG / (5) there was no statistically significant mean difference between girls and boys in terms of ATG / and (6) there was no statistically significant interaction between treatment and gender on ATG.
Date01 November 2004
CreatorsBayram, Sibel
ContributorsBulut, Safure
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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