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Landslide Susceptibility Zonation GIS for the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake affected region.

The October 8, 2005 Kashmir earthquake triggered several thousand landslides throughout the Himalaya of northern Pakistan and India. A spatial database, which included 2252 landslides, was developed and analyzed using ASTER satellite imagery and geographical information system (GIS) technology. A multi-criterion evaluation was applied to determine the significance of event-controlling parameters in triggering the landslides. The parameters included lithology, faults, slope gradient, slope aspect, elevation, land cover, rivers and roads. The results were broken down into four classes of landslide susceptibility. The results indicated that lithology had the strongest influence on landsliding, particularly when the rock is highly fractured, such as in the shale, slate, clastic sediments, and limestone and dolomite. Moreover, the proximity of the landslides to faults, rivers, and roads was also an important factor in helping to initiate failures. In addition, landslides occurred particularly in moderate elevations on south facing slopes. Shrub land, grassland, and also agricultural land were highly susceptible to failures, while forested slopes had few landslides. One-third of the study area was highly or very highly susceptible to future landsliding and requires immediate mitigation action. The rest of the region had a low or moderate susceptibility to landsliding and remains relatively stable. This study supports the view that earthquake-triggered landslides are concentrated in specific zones associated with event-controlling parameters. It also concludes that western Himalaya deforestation and road construction are susceptible to landsliding during and shortly after earthquakes.
Date07 August 2008
CreatorsGrowley, Benjamin
ContributorsDr. Ulrich Kamp, Dr. Sarah Halvorson, Dr. Rebecca Bendick
PublisherThe University of Montana
Source SetsUniversity of Montana Missoula
Detected LanguageEnglish
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