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Investigation of the dynamics of physical systems by supersymmetric quantum mechanics

Relations between propagators and Green
functions of Hamiltonians which are SUSY partners have been obtained. New exact propagators for the family of multi-well, time-dependent and non-hermitian potentials have been calculated.
Non-conservative SUSY transformation has been studied in
the case of multichannel Schrodinger equation with different thresholds. Spectrum (bound/virtual states and resonances) of the
non-conservative SUSY partner of zero potential has been founded.
Exactly solvable model of the magnetic induced Feshbach resonance
has been constructed. This model was tested in the case of Rb$^{85}$.
Conservative SUSY transformations of the first and the second order have been studied in the case of multichannel Schrodinger equation with equal thresholds. Transformations which introduce non-trivial coupling between scattering channels have been founded.
The first order SUSY transformation which preserves $S$-matrix eigen-phase shifts and
modifies mixing parameter has been founded in the case of two channel scattering with partial waves of different parities. In the case of coinciding parities we have found the second order SUSY transformation which preserves $S$-matrix eigen-phase shifts and modifies mixing parameter.
Phenomenological two channel $^3S_1-^3D_1$
neutron-proton potential has been obtained by using single channel, phase equivalent and coupling SUSY transformations applied to zero potential.
Date03 June 2010
CreatorsPupasov, Andrey
ContributorsStancu, Ica, Sparenberg, Jean-Marc, Samsonov, Boris, Baye, Daniel, Descouvemont, Pierre, Dubus, Alain
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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