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Modeli rizika za procenu nivoa vibracija tehničkih sistema / Models of risk for assessment of vibration levels of technical systems

<p style="text-align: justify;">Istraživanje modela rizika predstavlja stalnu&nbsp;proveru parametara vibracija sistema, na osnovu&nbsp;kojih se može prognozirati vreme zamene&nbsp;komponenata pre nego &scaron;to dođe do njihovih&nbsp;otkaza. Model se zasniva na stalnom praćenju&nbsp;parametara stanja u cilju eliminacije slabih mesta&nbsp;na tehničkom sistemu. Na taj način će biti&nbsp;ustanovljeni modeli za predviđanje i sprečavanje&nbsp;otkaza u radu tehničkog sistema. Karakteristika&nbsp;ovog modela je u neprekidnom praćenju stanja&nbsp;tehničkog sistema u procesu eksploatacije i&nbsp;iznalaženje uporednog modela za procenu rizika,&nbsp;prema ISO standardima. Istraživanje je imalo za<br />cilj da se izvr&scaron;i: procena dinamičkog stanja,&nbsp;osetljivosti i sklonosti rotirajućih elemenata<br />hidro-elektrane (HE) ka debalansu, kao i procenu&nbsp;sigurnosti funkcionisanja vratila i rotora<br />turbinskog dela uređaja HE sa aspekta&nbsp;minimalnog rizika od pojave zastoja.</p> / <p>Research into risk models is a constant check of&nbsp;the system&#39;s vibration parameters, based on&nbsp;which the time of replacing components can be&nbsp;predicted before their failure occurs. The model&nbsp;is based on continuous monitoring of state&nbsp;parameters in order to eliminate weak spots in the&nbsp;technical system. In this way, models will be&nbsp;established for predicting and preventing failure&nbsp;in the work, technical system. The characteristic<br />of this model is the continuous monitoring of the&nbsp;state of the technical system in the exploitation&nbsp;process and the finding of a comparative risk&nbsp;assessment model, according to ISO standards.&nbsp;The aim of the research was to evaluate the&nbsp;dynamic state, sensitivity and tendency of the&nbsp;rotating elements of the hydroelectric power<br />plant (HE), to the imbalance, as well as to assess&nbsp;the safety of the functioning of the shaft and rotor&nbsp;turbine part of the HE unit from the aspect of&nbsp;minimal risk of occurrence of delays.</p>
Date11 September 2018
CreatorsJurić Slobodan
ContributorsPrvulović Slavica, Radovanović Ljiljana, Škorić Branko, Milanović Dragan, Desnica Eleonora
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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