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3-d Grasping During Serpentine Motion With A Snake-like Robot

In this thesis, we introduce our lasso-type grasping scheme. This 3-D lasso-type grasping scheme, different from the previously performed grasping schemes which are either planar or fixed base, is the novelty of our approach where the snake robot grasps an object with any of its body links which are at close proximity to the object while undergoing its serpentine motion with the remaining links and dragging the grasped object. Since our snake robot has the pitch motion for every link, we can ensure that the links do not run into each other as they wrap around the object. A lasso-type power grasp is then possible for our 15-link snake robot as seen in the simulation results of this thesis.

Furthermore we develop the kinematic and control models for lasso-type grasping and for dragging the grasped object to a desired state. This control model includes an adaptively changing feedback gain which prevents excessively large inputs to corrupt the serpentine locomotion control. According to our lasso-type grasping model, while the snake robot can grasp the object beginning with the any body link at close proximity of the object, the contact points can be controlled to generate the curvilinear grasping curve by using our lasso-type grasping procedure. For dragging the grasped object, we define a scheme which can determine the appropriate desired state to drag the grasped object to a desired position.

The stability of the grasped object is important to resist the disturbance forces as well as the force closure grasping is important to counteract the disturbance force. To analyze the stability of the lasso-type grasping, we introduce a stability model of lasso-type grasping based on contact stiffness matrices that faces the snake to regrasp when gone unstable.
Date01 December 2005
CreatorsAtakan, Baris
ContributorsErkmen, Ismet
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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