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A Look Into Human Brain Activity with EEG DataSurface Reconstruction

EEG has been used to explore the electrical activity of the brain for manydecades. During that time, different components of the EEG signal have been iso-lated, characterized, and associated with a variety of brain activities. However, nowidely accepted model characterizing the spatio-temporal structure of the full-brainEEG signal exists to date.Modeling the spatio-temporal nature of the EEG signal is a daunting task. Thespatial component of EEG is defined by the locations of recording electrodes (rang-ing between 2 to 256 in number) placed on the scalp, while its temporal componentis defined by the electrical potentials the electrodes detect. The EEG signal is gen-erated by the composite electrical activity of large neuron assemblies in the brain.These neuronal units often perform independent tasks, giving the EEG signal ahighly dynamic and non-linear character. These characteristics make the raw EEGsignal challenging to work with. Thus, most research focuses on extracting andisolating targeted spatial and temporal components of interest. While componentisolation strategies like independent component analysis are useful, their effective-ness is limited by noise contamination and poor reproducibility. These drawbacks tofeature extraction could be improved significantly if they were informed by a globalspatio-temporal model of EEG data.The aim of this thesis is to introduce a novel data-surface reconstruction (DSR)technique for EEG which can model the integrated spatio-temporal structure of EEGdata. To produce physically intuitive results, we utilize a hyper-coordinate transfor-mation which integrates both spatial and temporal information of the EEG signalinto a unified coordinate system. We then apply a non-uniform rational B spline(NURBS) fitting technique which minimizes the point distance from the computedsurface to each element of the transformed data. To validate the effectiveness of thisproposed method, we conduct an evaluation using a 5-state classification problem;with 1 baseline and 4 meditation states comparing the classification accuracy usingthe raw EEG data versus the surface reconstructed data in the broadband rangeand the alpha, beta, delta, gamma and higher gamma frequencies. Results demon-strate that the fitted data consistently outperforms the raw data in the broadbandspectrum and all frequency spectrums.
Date23 April 2018
CreatorsPothayath, Naveen
ContributorsXiangnan Kong, Reader, Fatemeh Emdad, Advisor, , Elke A. Rundensteiner
PublisherDigital WPI
Source SetsWorcester Polytechnic Institute
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceMasters Theses (All Theses, All Years)

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