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Multitask Deep Learning models for real-time deployment in embedded systems / Deep Learning-modeller för multitaskproblem, anpassade för inbyggda system i realtidsapplikationer

Multitask Learning (MTL) was conceived as an approach to improve thegeneralization ability of machine learning models. When applied to neu-ral networks, multitask models take advantage of sharing resources forreducing the total inference time, memory footprint and model size. Wepropose MTL as a way to speed up deep learning models for applicationsin which multiple tasks need to be solved simultaneously, which is par-ticularly useful in embedded, real-time systems such as the ones foundin autonomous cars or UAVs.In order to study this approach, we apply MTL to a Computer Vi-sion problem in which both Object Detection and Semantic Segmenta-tion tasks are solved based on the Single Shot Multibox Detector andFully Convolutional Networks with skip connections respectively, usinga ResNet-50 as the base network. We train multitask models for twodifferent datasets, Pascal VOC, which is used to validate the decisionsmade, and a combination of datasets with aerial view images capturedfrom UAVs.Finally, we analyse the challenges that appear during the process of train-ing multitask networks and try to overcome them. However, these hinderthe capacity of our multitask models to reach the performance of the bestsingle-task models trained without the limitations imposed by applyingMTL. Nevertheless, multitask networks benefit from sharing resourcesand are 1.6x faster, lighter and use less memory compared to deployingthe single-task models in parallel, which turns essential when runningthem on a Jetson TX1 SoC as the parallel approach does not fit intomemory. We conclude that MTL has the potential to give superior per-formance as far as the object detection and semantic segmentation tasksare concerned in exchange of a more complex training process that re-quires overcoming challenges not present in the training of single-taskmodels.
Date January 2017
CreatorsMartí Rabadán, Miquel
PublisherKTH, Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationEES Examensarbete / Master Thesis, EES Examensarbete / Master Thesis

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