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Neural representations of environmental features in retrosplenial cortex and 3-dimensional reconstruction of animal pose

The behavior of animals is often complex and requires them to interact with their surroundings. Within the brain, there are specialized neural systems in place to create and store representations of space. In order to effectively utilize these spatial mappings, there must be coordination between sub-cortical systems, which are responsible for allocentric spatial processing, and cortical regions, which handle sensory processing in egocentric coordinates. The retrosplenial cortex is a candidate for the role in facilitating the transformation between different coordinates, as it is anatomically located between the hippocampus and sensory cortical areas and exhibits both egocentric and allocentric spatial responses.
The first experiment explored the firing properties of neurons in the retrosplenial cortex in response to boundaries defined in egocentric coordinates. Based on previous research conducted in our lab, which showed that cells in the striatum respond to such boundaries, rats were implanted with electrodes to record the activity of neurons in the retrosplenial cortex while they roamed freely in an open field. The response properties of these neurons were analyzed as the arena was expanded, its shape altered, and boundaries were added and removed. A subgroup of neurons, referred to as Egocentric Boundary Cells, showed increased or decreased firing when the rat was at a specific distance and direction from any of the arena's boundaries. These cells showed no preference for any particular boundary, and their firing was not biased by the animal's angular velocity or turning behavior, suggesting that they respond to boundaries in a general manner, regardless of the features of the boundary or the animal's behavior.
Building on experiment one, the second experiment examined the behavior of retrosplenial neurons in rats during open field exploration when alterations were made to the environment. In three separate sessions, a subset of neurons recorded showed either an increase or decrease in their mean firing rate throughout the entire session in which the environment was altered, then returned to prior levels when the environment was returned to a familiar configuration. These alterations included the introduction of an object, rotation of boundaries, expansion of boundaries, changes in the arena's geometry, and removal of boundaries. Similar proportions of neurons exhibited increases or decreases in firing rate for all experimental manipulations. Furthermore, the majority of retrosplenial neurons showed strong speed sensitivity. Some neurons showed an increase in firing rate as speed increased, others showed a decrease in firing rate as speed increased, and some had a specific speed at which their firing rate was the highest. These results support the idea that the RSC is involved in contextual and memory processing, scene processing, as well as transmitting information about self-movement to downstream regions.
The third experiment analyzed the different poses of rats as they moved through open field arenas, using simultaneous high-resolution thermal, depth, and RGB cameras. This was organized into a new open-source dataset called Rodent3D. The three-dimensional posture of the animal was reconstructed from the two-dimensional videos using a model called OptiPose. We investigated aspects of the environment where the animals spent the most time looking, such as boundaries and objects, and the frequency and duration of behaviors such as rearing and changes in heading. Finally, we discuss the significance of our model and the potential uses of our unique dataset for the fields of neuroscience and computer vision, as well as future research plans.
These experiments demonstrated that the retrosplenial cortex is a vital region for spatial processing, particularly emphasizing egocentric responses. We show that aspects of the environment, such as boundaries, the presence of objects, and changes to the local features induce multiple changes in spatial firing properties of neurons. We also provide a novel open-source model and dataset that provides an innovative tool for more rigorous behavioral analysis that can be used in many disciplines. Altogether, these results suggest that the retrosplenial cortex plays a crucial role as a hub for egocentric spatial processing and coordinating of spatial reference frames to support spatial memory and navigation.
Date10 February 2024
CreatorsCarstensen, Lucas
ContributorsHasselmo, Michael E, Ramirez, Steve
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsAttribution 4.0 International,

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